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Bai Changhong

Dean of Business School of Nankai University
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Bai Changhong was born in 1965. Professor Doctoral supervisor Academic Committee of Nankai University Member, now Business School of Nankai University dean Concurrent College of Distance and Continuing Education President. [1] Former post School of Tourism and Service, Nankai University President, School of Continuing Education, Nankai University Secretary and Dean of Modern Distance Education College of Nankai University《 nankai business review 》Associate Editor. The main research fields include tourism marketing, brand management and service marketing, and digital education. He used to be the vice chairman of All China Federation of Students and the assistant mayor of Lijiang Municipal Government (temporary), Business School of Nankai University Vice Dean, Dean of Tourism and Service College. [1]
Chinese name
Bai Changhong
date of birth
1965 [1]
University one is graduated from
Nankai University [1]


1983-1987 Nankai University undergraduate majoring in economic management Vice President of Student Union (1984), Chairman (1985), Executive Chairman of Tianjin Student Union (1985), Vice Chairman of All China Student Union (1986)
Bai Changhong
From August 1987 to November 1997, he served as assistant teacher and lecturer (1992) in the Department of Management (Department of International Business Management) of Nankai University, secretary of the General Youth League Branch (1987-1992), master of philosophy (1987-1992) in Nankai University, and doctoral candidate in business management (1996-2001) in Nankai University
From November 1997 to December 2006, he was the deputy director, associate professor (1998) and professor (2002) of the Institute of Modern Management of International Business School
From January 2000 to January 2001, visiting researcher of the School of Business, City University of Hong Kong
From October 2005 to February 2007, he worked in Yunnan Province lijiang Mayor's assistant (temporary cadre)
From December 2006 to April 2007 Business School of Nankai University Vice President
From April 2007 to January 2010, served as Nankai University College of Distance and Continuing Education Secretary of the Party Committee, President
From January 2010 to November 2017 School of Tourism and Service, Nankai University dean [2]
From November 2017 to now, Dean of Business School of Nankai University [3]

Academic part-time job

Including international Management AOM and Asia Management AAOM members;
Founding member of IACMR;
Tianjin Management Council members;
Executive director of Tianjin Science of Science Research Association;
Deputy Director of the Institute of Modern Management;
Deputy Director of the Institute of Modern Management;
Nankai University Management Doctor;
Social part-time jobs include members of China Corporate Image Planning Expert Committee;
CCTV Planning consultant of "Business Masters";
Director of Corporate Culture Magazine;
Motorola University training consultant;
Baosteel Chuling, etc Enterprise management consultant [4]
nankai business review 》Associate Editor
Professor of Nankai University

Areas of expertise

Research on customer value and its management system, evaluation of service competitiveness based on customer value and management evaluation of organizational excellence, media marketing, brand and marketing communication. After sales service, key account management, customer relationship marketing, customer relationship management, marketing planning, brand planning, service strategy, customer service. [4]

Professional background

1. He is currently a professor of International Business School of Nankai University, deputy director of the Institute of Modern Management, deputy editor in chief of Nankai Management Review, a core academic journal of business administration in China International Management Institute (AOM) and the Asian Association of Management (AAOM). In recent years, he has mainly engaged in the research of customer value and its management system, the evaluation of service competitiveness based on customer value and the evaluation of organizational excellence performance management, media marketing, brand and marketing communication.
2. He was a director of Tianjin Guoshang, the first listed company in Tianjin Li Ning Company , Baosteel Chuling and other enterprises as perennial management consultants.
3. On December 27, 2021, he served as the vice chairman of the National Tourism Management Postgraduate Education Steering Committee. [8]

educational background

Overseas graduate students or domestic masters or above;
September 83~June 87, Bachelor of Economics, Nankai University;
September 1987~July 1992, Master of Philosophy, Nankai University;
From September 1996 to June 2001, he received a doctor's degree in management from Nankai University.


The paper "P&G: Market Research in the Process of New Product Development and Marketization" won the 1995~96 annual paper award of the Deli Award of International Business School
The textbook of Marketing Science won the third National University Press Excellent Double Effect Book Award in 1998, Tianjin Excellent Constant Sale Best Seller Award, and the textbook recommended by the National Education Commission
Won the Outstanding Teacher Award of Nankai University in 1998
Won the second prize of excellent teacher of Nankai University in 1999
Won the MBA Teaching Excellence Award of International Business School in 2002
Won the Outstanding Teacher Award of International Business School in 2002
In 2002, he won the third prize of International Business School for outstanding scientific research
Won the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Nankai University in 2002
In recent years, the papers have been published in English journals and academic conferences such as Total Quality Management and QUIS, as well as Management World, Nankai Management Review, Journal of Management《 Foreign economy and management 》, China Marketing Science Annual Meeting and other Chinese journals and academic conferences.
On November 12, 2017, it won the honor of "2017 China's Outstanding Leisure Figures 20". [5]

publish one’s thesis

Review of research on brand internalization: based on the main viewpoints of employees and organizations, Bai Changhong, Qiu Wei, Management World, November 2008
Excellent service: from standard to lean, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, Tourism and Service Research, January 2013
Research on internalization of tourism brand based on grounded theory -- Taking a five-star hotel as an example Qiu Wei and Bai Changhong, Tourism Journal, October 2012
Service brand internalization process and empirical research based on employee perspective, Qiu Wei, Bai Changhong, Nankai Management Review, June 2012
Will consumers pay voluntarily? Internal driving factors of PWYW's willingness to pay, Zhang Hui, Bai Changhong, Journal of Marketing Science, March 2012
occident Lean Services Theoretical Research and Development Review, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, Wang Xiao, Foreign Economy and Management, August 2010
Review of Western Research Viewpoints on Electronic Services, Liu Chi, Bai Changhong, Economic Review, March 2009
Lean service: from operation orientation to customer perspective, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, Wang Xiao, Modern Management Science, August 2010
Service quality and management system of large department store retail enterprises, Bai Changhong, Zhao Wei, Business Economics Research 98-12
Management consultant: an important resource to achieve management upgrading and change, Liu Xizhen, Bai Changhong, Nankai Management Review, 99-2
Thinking about the change of China's retail format, Zhao Wei, Bai Changhong, China Soft Science, February 2000
Greenization: from manufacturing to service industry, Bai Changhong, Wu Yonghong, Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology 2001-12:40-42
Western customer value research and its practical enlightenment, Nankai Management Review, 4 (2), 2001:51-55
Research on Customer Satisfaction Based on Customer Value, Bai Changhong, Liao Wei, Nankai Journal, June 14, 2001; Photocopies of newspapers and periodicals of the People's Congress Industrial Enterprise Management 2002-1:126-132
An empirical assessment and application of SERVQUAL in a Mainland Chinese Department Store, Xiande Zhao, Changhong Bai & Y.V. Hui, Total Quality Management,VOL.13,No. 2,2002:,241-254
Value innovation based on customer relationship, Bai Changhong, Wu Yonghong, Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology, 2002-12:86-90
Research on Customer Loyalty and Its Determinants of Service Enterprises, Bai Changhong, Liu Chi, Nankai Management Review 5 (6), 2002:64-69
Service based on customer perceived value Corporate brand Management Research, Bai Changhong, Fan Xiucheng, Gan Yuan, Foreign Economy and Management, 2002-2:7-13; Photocopies of newspapers and periodicals of the People's Congress Industrial Enterprise Management 2002-4:101-107
The Study on the Value Innovation in Service Interaction Process(in Korean), Business Management Research,2003.8
Strategic integration to win (top bottom), Xie Sijun, Bai Changhong, Zhang Jincheng, Enterprise Research, 2003.9:23-26; 11:17-23
New trends in strategic management: interaction and integration of knowledge strategy and service strategy, Xie Sijun, Bai Changhong, Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology, June 2003, 78-83
Bank of China Research on Enterprise Internal Service Quality, Bai Changhong, Zhang Jincheng, Cui Xun, Yang Heng, Journal of Marketing Science, 2005-6, Vol. 1, 48-57
Construction and analysis of a public service quality evaluation model: evidence from China's public service industry, Bai Changhong, Chen Ye, Nankai Management Review, April 11, 2005
An empirical assessment and application of SERVQUAL in Chinese mainland mobile communications industry, Fujun Lai, Joe Hutchinson, Dahui Li, Changhong Bai, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management; Volume: 24, Issue: 3; 2007,pp.244-262
Conceptualizing the Perceived Service Quality of Public Utility Services: A Multi-level Multi-Dimensional Model, Changhong Bai,Fujun Lai,Ye Chen,Joe Hutchinson, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,2008
Research on the Conceptual Model of the Impact Mechanism of Employee e-learning Learning Effectiveness, Bai Changhong, Liu Chi, China Continuing Education Conference, 2009;
Empirical Research on Customer Value Driving Factors of High Contact Service, Chen Ye, Bai Changhong, Proceedings of the 2007 JMS Annual Conference of China Marketing Science, 2007.10931;
Service Brand Internalization:A Concept Model and its Marketing Implications, Changhong Bai, Ye Chen, 2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (IEEE SSSM'06),2006.10;
Cross case Study on New Operation Mode of Iron and Steel Logistics Enterprises, Bian Xiaoqing, Bai Changhong, Proceedings of 2006 JMS China Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2006.10,26;
Customer perspective City brand Conceptual Model, Hao Shengyu, Bai Changhong, Proceedings of the 2006 JMS China Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2006.10, 75;
Service brand internalization: the proposal of a conceptual model, Chen Ye, Bai Changhong, Proceedings of the 2006 JMS China Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2006.10, 75;
media Brand influence Measurement index construction: discussion based on expert opinion method, Qiu Wei, Bai Changhong, Proceedings of the 2006 JMS China Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2006.10, 85;
Constructing a public service quality evaluation model: Evidence from Chinese public service industry, Changhong Bai, Ye Chen, 2005 International Conference on Service Systems and Services management,2005.5,508-513;
Research on Challenges and Countermeasures of Senior Manager Incentive in the New Competitive Era, Bai Changhong, Wang Yonggui, Corporate Governance Theory and Practice Frontier, China Finance and Economics Press ,2003.03;
Improving the quality of management education with modern quality management methods, Comparative Research on Management across the Taiwan Straits, 2003.10;
Value Innovation Based on Service Interaction Process, Bai Changhong, Gan Yuan, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business Management in South Korea and China, Qiming Nankai, April 2002;
Customer Relationship and Customer Perceived Value of Service Enterprises, Bai Changhong, Huang Jing, Wu Yonghong, Proceedings of the 6th National Youth Management Science and System Science Academic Conference, Dalian University of Technology Press ,2001.08;
from Japan Glory Company The Ethical Issues of Transnational Business, Bai Changhong, Liu Wu, Qiu Zhaoliang, The 1996 International Commerce on BUSINESS ETHICS, Beijing Business, April 1996;
Several issues on modern management of group enterprises, Bai Changhong, Zhang Yuli, Wang Yingjun, Research on Development Strategy and Management Modernization of Chinese Enterprise Groups, Tianjin People's Publishing House ,1996;
Interactive Development of TV Media and Urban Advertisers - Customer Analysis, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, Advertising Research, 2010.01;
Deconstruction of TV media brand value from the perspective of customers - based on the research of CCTV, Advertising Grand View, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, November 2007;
Enterprise University and University EDP, Bai Changhong, Chen Ye, Liu Yaogong, Peking University Business Review, No. 7, 2007, 44-50;
Clean screen media first, Bai Changhong, Li Zhong, Advertising Grand View, 2006.10, 46-47;
Green operation and evaluation of TV media, Bai Changhong, Chen Yang, Tong Xianda, Advertising Grand View, April 4, 2006, 4-8;
Chinese agricultural products: upgrading from trademark to brand, Bai Changhong, Qiu Wei, Chinese famous brand, first issue of 2006;
Horizontal marketing: from product center to value innovation, Bai Changhong, Qiu Wei, Peking University Business Review, October 2005, 46-48;
retailer Private brand : Risk and Strategy, Bai Changhong, Wang Xitao, Chinese Famous Brand, August 2005, 24-26;
Market driven: leading brand stronger, Bai Changhong, Chinese famous brand, 2005.06, 28-30;
Internal management of service brand and Brand trust Bai Changhong, Zhu Dongmei, Chinese famous brand, 2005.05, 34-36;
Brand management, from the enterprise perspective to the customer perspective, Bai Changhong, Yang Heng, Chinese famous brands, August 10, 2005;
Market orientation rather than self orientation, Bai Changhong, Qiu Wei, Chief Marketing Officer, Issue 3, 2005, 72-74;
Let relationships create value, Bai Changhong, Peking University Business Review, 2004.08134-136;
Service brand: strategy, loyalty and assets, Bai Changhong, Peking University Business Review, February 2004;
Marketing Strategy Expert Comments of the Disadvantaged, Successful Marketing, August 2003;
Model and Evaluation of Service Competitiveness of Commercial Banks, China Financier, March 2003;
CI Strategy Design and Implementation, Bai Changhong, Chen Xiaodong, Corporate Culture, May 1998;

Publishing books

  • Author name Bai Changhong
    Work time 2013-1
    Research on Tourism and Service is a book published by Nankai University Press in 2013.
  • Author name Bai Changhong
    Work time 2007-10-1
    This book is divided into six parts, namely introduction, market opportunity analysis, marketing strategic planning, marketing strategy, marketing management and control, and new marketing theory. The introduction mainly introduces the related concepts of marketing, marketing concepts, market types and demand patterns; The market opportunity analysis part analyzes the marketing environment, consumer market and organizational market, marketing information system, and the theory and method of market research one by one; The marketing strategic plan describes the marketing war

Translation of monographs

(including teaching materials)
Brand operation and enterprise profit 》, Bai Changhong, Beijing: China Machine Press ,2007.1;
Marketing (Third Edition), edited by Bai Changhong and Fan Xiucheng, Nankai University Press 2007.9;
Development of China's Retail Industry (1981-2005), (Li Fei, et al.), Social Sciences Academic Press ,2006.11;
Brand Equity and Enterprise Profit, translated by China Machine Press, 2006;
Brand Equity (translated), chief translator, Beijing: China Machine Press, 2004;
Frontier Management Theories and Methods, with reference to 305-319, China Economic Publishing House , 2004;
Service Marketing (Third Edition) (translated), Beijing: China Machine Press, 2004;
Market driven organization 》Beijing: China Machine Press, 2003;
Customer Value Theory: Market oriented Management Model of Service Enterprises, Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2002;
MARKETING and CONSUMER BEHAVIOR in EAST and SOUTH -EAST ASIA,Co-author, McGrall-Hill Companies,Inc.1998;
Research on the Development Strategy and Management Modernization of Chinese Enterprise Groups, Zhu Weiwei and Bai Changhong, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1996;
Foreign Economy and Reform and Opening up Series (IV), co editor, Nankai University Press, 1993;
Management Public Relations, compiled by Li Jingtai, Bai Changhong, etc., Nankai University Press, 1990;

Scientific research topic


Fund projects

In 2009, presided over the key project of the National Social Science Fund "Research on the Development Strategy of China's Modern Service Industry" (under research)
In 2007, presided over National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Service Brand Internalization: Concept, Evaluation and Management"
In 2005, presided over the 985 project of Nankai University "Exploratory Research on the Dynamic Process Mode of Customer Perceived Value of Service Enterprises"
In 2004, he participated in the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Service Enterprise Productivity and Its Determinants"
In 2003, he presided over the project of Social Science Innovation Fund of Nankai University "Research on Enterprise Internal Service Quality Based on Employee Perception"
In 2003, he participated in the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Customer based Brand Equity"
In 2002, he participated in the National Social Science Fund project "Research on Service Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Customer Perceived Value"
In 2001, he presided over the cooperation project between mainland China and Hong Kong "Research on the Relationship between Service Enterprise Productivity, Service Quality and Enterprise Performance"
In 2001, he participated in the "Research on Service Enterprise Performance and Its Determinants" funded by the Ministry of Education for Outstanding Young Teachers
In 2000, presided over the youth key project of Tianjin Social Science Fund "Research on Modern Manager Incentive System of State owned Enterprises"

Enterprise project

Corporate Culture and Brand Development Plan of Bohai Bank, 2010
Shenzhen Development Bank Research on lean service system, 2009
Research on Cultural Development and Brand Strategy of Tianjin Coastal Leisure Area, 2008
Tianjin Binhai New Area Convention and Exhibition Industry Development Strategy and Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center Development Strategy Research, 2007
Research on the Business Model of Yunnan Ethnic Villages, 2007
Management optimization and upgrading of Tianjin Taida Jinlian Water Supply Company, 2007
Baochuling Operation Mode and Corporate Culture Research, 2006
Research on Brand Internalization and Evaluation of China Life Insurance, 2005
Design of service marketing management system of Hangzhou Junlian Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 2005
Tianjin Taida Investment Holding Co., Ltd "Star++" service engineering design of public utilities, 2004
China Merchants Bank Service Competitiveness Evaluation, 2003
Employee Satisfaction and Internal Service Quality Evaluation of China Netcom Group Tianjin Company, 2003
Overall Planning Guide of Binhai Rapid Transit Co., Ltd. (Tianjin Light Rail), 2003
Corporate Culture and Image System of Dagang Oilfield, 2003
Research on the Development Strategy of China Reserve (Marketing and Service Strategy), 2002
Research on Business Model and Development Strategy of Tianjin Development Zone Pharmaceutical Company, 2002
Shenzhen Commercial Bank Service competitiveness evaluation report, 2002
Research on CI Strategy and Talent Website Positioning of North Talent Port Co., Ltd., 2002
Investigation and Analysis on Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality and Competitiveness of ICBC, 2001
Investigation and Analysis on Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality and Competitiveness of Bank of China, 2001
Design of incentive management system for senior managers of Leader Real Estate Company, 1999
Modern Marketing Management System of Tianjin Heping Bay Power Group, 1998
Service Quality Management Diagnosis of Tianjin Lida International Mall Co., Ltd., 1997
Government and social organization projects:
CCTV advertising business and provincial and municipal brand linkage project, 2010
CCTV advertising business and Brand internationalization Project, 2009
Tianjin Hexi District Commercial Convention and Exhibition Cultural Tourism Development Plan, 2009
Tianjin Five Avenue and Xiaobailou World class Urban Style Functional Area Development Plan, 2008
Research on Cultural Tourism Development Strategy of Jingyu County, Jilin Province, 2008
Research on CCTV Advertising Lean Service System, 2007
Study on the Culture and Tourism Development Strategy of Yijinhoro Genghis Khan Mausoleum in Inner Mongolia, 2007
Research on City Brand Construction of Lijiang, Yunnan, 2006
CCTV green brand strategy and market driven advertising business model innovation research, 2006
Cultural Development Plan of Tianjin Development Zone and Free Trade Zone, 2005

Social services

to serve as National Natural Science Foundation of China National Social Science Fund and National Scholarship Fund
In recent years, he has been invited to attend the Global Chinese Enterprise Summit (Taipei), the 21st Century Boao Real Estate Forum, the Chinese Corporate Citizenship Forum, the Chairman of the Urban Development Forum of the 2007 China Economic Conference China Brand Value Management Forum China Financial Brand Forum China Economic Summit Forum etc.
It has provided training for more than 200 enterprise managers, including Motorola, LG Electronics, Bank of China, China Life, China Mobile and other Fortune 500 enterprises, and more than a dozen listed companies such as COSCO Group, Yunnan Baiyao, Goldwind Technology
It has accepted the entrustment of more than 60 institutions to carry out application research and consulting services, including China Life Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Bohai Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, Seagull Watch Group, China Netcom, CCTV, China Olympic Sports Company, Shenzhen Vanke, Tianjin Binhai New Area Management Committee, Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center, TEDA Tap Water Company, TEDA Holdings Binhai Express (light rail), Jingyu County of Jilin Province, Ejin Horo Banner of Inner Mongolia, Heping District of Tianjin, Hexi District of Tianjin, etc [6]


1. Won the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Nankai University in 2002
2. Won the third prize of International Business School for outstanding scientific research in 2002
3. Won the Outstanding Teacher Award of International Business School in 2002
4. Won the MBA Teaching Excellence Award of International Business School in 2002
5. Won the second prize of excellent teacher of Nankai University in 1999
6. Won the Outstanding Teacher Award of Nankai University in 1998
7. The textbook of Marketing Science won the third National University Press Excellent Double Effect Book Award in 1998, Tianjin Excellent Constant Sale Best Seller Award, and the textbook recommended by the National Education Commission
8. Thesis P&G: Market research in the process of new product development and marketization won the "International Business School Deli Award" 95~96 Annual Thesis Award [4]

Main course

MBA: Marketing Management, Service Marketing and Management
Graduate student of enterprise management: strategic marketing topic, frontier of management theory

Participation in projects

In the past five years, it has undertaken more than 20 scientific research projects, including Tianjin Social Science Fund, the Ministry of Education Outstanding Young Teachers Fund, the National Social Science Fund, the National Natural Science Fund, cooperation between mainland China and Hong Kong, and enterprise entrustment, of which 15 were presided over and 8 participated.

Topics presided over include

Tianjin Social Science Fund Youth Key Project“ state-owned enterprise Research on Modern Manager Incentive System "; The cooperation project between Mainland China and Hong Kong "Research on the relationship between service enterprise productivity, service quality and enterprise performance"; The enterprise entrusts "corporate culture and image system design", "brand strategy and marketing management system design", "organization and incentive system design", "bank service competitiveness evaluation", marketing strategy and service system design "," business model and development strategy research ", etc;

Topics involved include

National Social Science Fund Project "Research on the Competitiveness of Service Enterprises Based on Customer Perceived Value", National Natural Science Fund Project "Research on Customer based Brand Equity", "Comparative Research on Chinese and Japanese Corporate Governance"; Outstanding Young Teachers Funding Project of the Ministry of Education "Research on Service Enterprise Performance and Its Determinants"; Cooperation between Mainland China and Hong Kong "Research on Performance Model of Service Enterprises"; The New Technology Park entrusted "Research on Excellent Performance Management Evaluation", the enterprise entrusted "Dingming Company Excellent Performance Management Evaluation", "Design of Strategic Performance Management System", etc. [4]

Main works

(1) Market driven Organization, translated by, chief translator, Beijing: China Machine Press, January 2003;
(2) Customer Value Theory: Market oriented Management Model of Service Enterprises, Beijing: China Machine Press, 2002-1;
(3) Service Marketing, translated by Zhang Jincheng and Bai Changhong, Beijing: China Machine Press, December 2001;
(4) MARKETING and CONSUMER BEHAVIOR in EAST and SOUTH -EAST ASIA, Co-author, McGrall-Hill Companies,Inc.1998
(5) Research on the Development Strategy and Management Modernization of Chinese Enterprise Groups, Zhu Weiwei and Bai Changhong, Tianjin People's Publishing House, August 1996;
(6) Marketing (textbook), edited by Li Jingtai and Bai Changhong, Nankai University Press, 1996-03 edition;
(7) Foreign Economy and Reform and Opening up Series (IV), co editor, Nankai University Press, 1993
(8) Management Public Relations, compiled by Li Jingtai, Bai Changhong, etc., Nankai University Press, 1990
(Modern Manager Incentive System - Leader Model and Application, co authored by 7 people including Bai Changhong, to be published) [4]