Bai Shouyi

Chinese modern historians
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Bai Shouyi (February 19, 1909 [4] - March 21, 2000 [4] ), known as Zhaolun, also known as Zhemalundin, [1] Hui, Henan Kaifeng People. Historian, educator, thinker, social activist and outstanding national theorist. [6]
Bai Shouyi was born into a merchant family. He was admitted to Shanghai Wenzhi University in the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925) and to Shanghai Wenzhi University in the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929) Yenching University Institute of Chinese Studies, studying the history of Chinese philosophy. He was appointed after the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938) National Central University Professor. Ever since 1949 Beijing Normal University He served as a professor of the Department of History and served as the head of the Department of History for a long time. [6] He has successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Alliance Committee of the Chinese Democratic League and the Deputy Director of the Chinese Hui Cultural Association, Islamic Association of China Deputy Director the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council Member, member of the State Council's Leading Group for Ancient Books Arrangement and Planning, deputy director of the National Steering Committee for Ancient Books Arrangement and Research in Universities of the State Education Commission Chinese Historical Society Director China Education Society President of the History Branch China Folklore Society President, Deputy Director of the Editorial Committee of the Five Series of Chinese Ethnic Minorities Encyclopedia of China Consultant of the Ethnic Editorial Committee, director of the Institute of History of Beijing Normal University, director of the Institute of Ancient Books and other social positions. [2] On March 21, 2000, Bai Shouyi died in Beijing at the age of 91. [4]
Bai Shouyi's contributions to China's transportation history, China's Islamic history, Hui history, China's ethnic relations history, China's ideological history, China's historical history, China's general history and Historiography theory All have made outstanding contributions. In particular, he has made important pioneering achievements in the fields of general history of China, history of Chinese historiography and national religion. In terms of national history, he proposed Hui nationality It is the theory of nationality formed in China. In the general history of China feudal society The issue of staging, territory Land ownership Problems, distribution problems and class relations have unique views and discussions. [6]
Full Name
Bai Shouyi
Jemal Rudin [7 ] Jema Lundin [1]
Modern times
Ethnic groups
Hui nationality
one's native heath
Henan Kaifeng
date of birth
February 19, 1909 [4]
Date of death
March 21, 2000 [4]
Place of death
Beijing [4]
Key achievements
Compendium of General History of China
University one is graduated from
Yanjing University Institute of Chinese Studies [7 ]

Character's Life


Study experience

Photo of Bai Shouyi's youth [28]
clear Xuantong On February 19, 1909, Bai Shouyi was born in Kaifeng, Henan Province. His father, Bai Jifu, was with a friend Kaifeng and Zhengzhou The joint establishment of electric light companies and shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, etc. by the two places was a cause of emerging bourgeoisie nature at that time. Mother Qian Xiangyun can recite《 the Koran 》Be respected by Muslims. The professor living in such a family, who learned Arabic and the Koran with his aunt since childhood, received the traditional education of the nation. [16] At the age of 12, he joined Kaifeng Church School San Andre Middle School.
In the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925), it happened in Shanghai May 30th Massacre Bai Shouyi was deeply shocked and indignant by the barbaric acts of imperialism that oppressed the Chinese people. He, together with his friends Zhang Zhuqian and Sai Chengti, launched the Henan Hui People's Shanghai Case Support Association to support the Shanghai people's struggle against imperialism. Since then, Bai Shouyi did not want to continue studying in a school run by foreigners. Considering it a shame, he went to Shanghai to study in Shanghai and Wenzhi University with the idea of seeking progress. He was only 17 years old. One year later, he returned to Henan zhongzhou university (Today's Henan University) Continue to study. [16]
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Bai Shouyi was in Shanghai《 republic daily 》On April 23, "The Necessity of Sorting out the National Heritage and Introducing Europeanization and the Direction to Take" was published on the "Consciousness" edition, which was Bai Shouyi's first paper published publicly. At that time, the debate on sorting out the national heritage and overall westernization was very active. Bai Shouyi put forward his own view in his article, advocating that China and the West should learn from each other and use their strengths. Later, he continued to reflect this view in many of his articles. [1]
Bai Shouyi (second from the left in the front row) and students
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Bai Shouyi published the Collection of Songs in Kaifeng. After the publication of the collection, he also wrote articles such as the Worship of the Dragon, the Wind, the Tortoise and the Lin in Ancient China, Superstition about Virgins, the View of the Five Element Family's Ballads, the Legend, Records and the Clan Gods of the Yin Zhou Dynasty, Folklore and History. In the same year, it was founded in Kaifeng《 morning star 》It is a semimonthly magazine, which was later moved to Beijing and changed into a monthly magazine. This is a literature and history publication focusing on literature and art. The editorial department of Henan Daily Chen Zhice He initiated the establishment and served as editor in chief. Bai Shouyi served as editor in chief for some time. At that time, Bai Shouyi had written Three Masters of the Pre Qin Ideological Circle, discussing the philosophical and political thoughts of Confucius, Lao and Mo, and he published some of them in Morning Star. [1] In September of the same year, Bai Shouyi was admitted Yenching University Institute of Chinese Studies. In the following three years Huangzi Tong Under the guidance, he studied the philosophy of the Song Dynasty and published a report on Zhu Xi , [11] Later, he edited Zhu Xi's Identification of Fake Calligraphy. Bai Shouyi's comments on Zhu Xi have been published by Zhu Xi in Politics and Lectures, Zhu Xi's Contribution to the Study of the Book of Changes, Textual Research on the Original Meaning of the Book of Changes, Textual Research on the General Interpretation of the Book of Rites, Zhu Xi's Inheritance, etc. He also compiled 148 volumes of the Collection of Zhu Zi's Quotations and published the Preface. Zhu Xi's Identification of Fake Words was published by Beijing Pushe in 1933. [1]

Early scholarship

At the beginning of the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), Bai Shouyi went to Yunnan to investigate and wrote "Southern Yunnan Conghua", which recorded a number of important Hui folk legends and folklore materials. [2]
In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), Bai Shouyi received a master's degree in philosophy history from the Institute of Chinese Studies of Yanjing University, and was immediately employed as the Institute of History of the Peiping Research Institute Yugong Society Edit. In the autumn of the same year, I returned to my hometown, Kaifeng, with the original intention of seeking a teaching position in the "National Henan University" not far from home. [17]
In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), Bai Shouyi founded the semimonthly Islamic, Dahe Magazine and New Children. Bai Shouyi published the Collection of Historical Materials of Islam in China in the fourth issue of the semimonthly Islamic, which is the first article of Bai Shouyi on the importance of the study of the history of Islam and the steps that should be taken to collect historical materials. [1] Under the political conditions at that time, Bai Shouyi studied the history of the Hui nationality and the history of Islam together, which is called "the history of Islam". [11]
In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Bai Shouyi published the rumor and legend of the Muslim uprising in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia during the Tongzhi period in the semimonthly "Yugong", which has been an important historical material for studying the Hui uprising in northwest China. In the same year, Bai Shouyi published "From Battle of Talas Speaking of the earliest Chinese record of Islam in China. This is the first article on the history of Islam written by Bai Shouyi. [1]
In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Bai Shouyi set up two special Muslim issues for the semimonthly magazine Yugong, including an article titled "Spice Trade of Muslims in the Song Dynasty" written by Bai Shouyi, and several translated articles. generation Gu Jiegang For Tianjin《 The Dagong Daily 》He wrote a weekly paper: The Cultural Movement of Islam and the History of Chinese Traffic were published. In July, he participated in the Northwest Investigation Mission to Suiyuan, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and other provinces to investigate ethnic, religious and water conservancy. Published the article "Cultural Movement of Islam" in Beijing, Shanghai, Ningxia, etc Muslim Concentrated areas have a great impact. The History of Chinese Transportation is Bai Shouyi's first monograph published, and also the first work on the history of Chinese transportation. [1]
In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), Bai Shouyi received funding from the board of directors of the Ying Geng Fund Yunnan University He studied the history of Islam in Yunnan and presided over the semimonthly issue of Frontier of Yunnan Muslim Duo Daily and Yishi Daily. At this time, Bai Shouyi started a systematic collection of materials on the history of Islam in Yunnan, and began to focus on key figures in Yunnan Saidianchi Aisiding Du Wenxiu , Ma Fuchu, etc. Among the materials received, the original materials and copied materials are quite abundant, providing conditions for the research work of the history of the Hui nationality. [1]
Most of the Hui folk literature materials recorded in the 1930s have sources, including the narrator, the recorder, the spread area and the identity of the narrator. Some of them keep some oral habits even though they are recorded in semi classical Chinese. As for the editing of "Records of Shaanxi Gansu Disaster", many languages completely maintain the appearance of the northwest people's oral stories and legends, and enhance the authenticity and appeal of the legends. Bai Shouyi attached great importance to his own folk literature and always put it in a higher position to affirm and apply it. This phenomenon is rare in the history of Hui culture.


After the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Bai Shouyi served successively Yunnan University Chongqing Central University Nanjing University Professor of History Department, etc. During this period, he founded Islam, edited Yuehua, Yunnan Mosque Duobao and other magazines, and at the same time, he went deep into the countryside to understand the customs and customs of the Hui people, and discussed and studied the development history of the Hui people.
In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), Bai Shouyi offered courses on Chinese ancient history, Chinese and foreign transportation history, and Chinese history. These courses are new to Bai Shouyi. He can succeed in both learning and teaching. [1] In the same year, Bai Shouyi Chongqing Central University The History Department gives lectures and offers courses such as the history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and Islamic culture. Published《 A Brief History of Chinese Islam 》And "Records of Changes in Xiantong and Yunnan". A Brief History of Chinese Islam is the first book written by Bai Shouyi and published publicly. It is a small book, but it reflects China Islam The whole process of development is also a pioneering work. [1]
In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), Bai Shouyi was in Kunming Wuhua Academy Speech "Evolution of Chinese Historical Genres". Outline of Chinese Islamic History 》It is improved on the basis of A Brief History of Chinese Islam. It is not only a history of Islam, but also a history of the Hui nationality in China from the main contents of the book. The book takes the form of textbooks, reflecting Bai Shouyi's emphasis on history education and his idea of giving history knowledge to more people. This book has a French translation. Bai Shouyi's speech at Wuhua Academy broke the genre and custom of historical books and created new ideas. It was Bai Shouyi's first public opinion on the history of history. For the speech, see the new No. 10 in 1946 of Wenxun Monthly. [1]
In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Bai Shouyi assisted in Suzhou Gu Jiegang Presided over the compilation of Wentong Bookstore Compilation Office. Wenxun, a monthly magazine that had been closed for a long time, was re published in January 1946. Wentong Bookstore compiles all the tentative publishing plans, including world literary classics, literary series, medical series, and children's library. The plan was not fully realized for various reasons, but some good books were published. [1]
In the 37th year of the Republic of China (1948), Bai Shouyi National Central University Teach the general history of China. Central University has moved back from Chongqing to Nanjing. In the same year, Bai Shouyi edited《 Reference Materials for the Outline of Chinese Islamic History 》And proofread《 Essentials of Tianfang Ceremony 》Publication. Bai Shouyi published "Pure Meaning Evidence" in "Yuehua". Central University offers five classes for Chinese general history. Originally used by Bai Shouyi Miao Fenglin "A Brief Introduction to Chinese History" as the teaching material, and later changed to use the lecture notes prepared by myself. "Yi Zheng" is《 the Koran 》A title of. Bai Shouyi commented on various Chinese translations of this scripture, and advocated that the scripture should be translated and interpreted in accordance with the scripture, without speculation. [1]
In July 1949, Bai Shouyitong Guo Moruo historian He founded the New China History Society. [1]

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Bai Shouyi
In September 1949, Bai Shouyi attended the Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall Held Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference On October 1, 1949, The People's Republic of China was founded Bai Shouyi was lucky to join the party and state leaders The Tiananmen gate Attended Founding Ceremony [6] Bai Shouyi arrives Beijing Normal University Lecture in the Department of History and also in the Department of Geography Leaf worm I wrote a history textbook for junior high school. The text is brief and explained in detail. The teaching effect is very good. [1] Bai Shouyi was employed as Chinese Academy of Sciences Special products, Chinese Historical Society He was elected as a member of the Standing Committee Hou Wailu Professors and others jointly established two institutes of historical research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and are also researchers.
In 1951, he《 Guangming Daily 》Founded《 History teaching 》Semimonthly. And Liu Danian And so on《 Historical Studies 》Magazine. [6] In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Bai Shouyi participated in the Chinese Historical Society Editor in chief《 Series of Modern Chinese History Materials 》And edited 4 series《 Hui Uprising 》(Four volumes in total, written by Shanghai in 1952 Shenzhou Guoguang Society It is an indispensable large-scale reference book for Hui historiography researchers. Bai Shouyi published "The Revival of the Hui Nationality". This book explains the history before and after liberation Hui nationality Significant changes in political status. In the same year, they published "Patriotism and History Teaching", "Carrying out Patriotic Ideological Education in History Teaching", and "On Propaganda and Learning about the History and Social Situation of Ethnic Minorities". The publication of "On the Treatment of the Land Problems of the Motherland in History" was a new issue raised by Bai Shouyi and had a great impact on the historical circles at that time. [1]
In 1952, Bai Shouyi and Guo Moruo He participated in the preparation for the establishment of the Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a researcher. In the same year, in order to meet the needs of the curriculum reform after the adjustment of the college, Bai Shouyi organized young teachers to set up a teaching group of Chinese history, compile textbooks collectively, and give lectures separately to each department, which solved the common task of history teaching in six departments and helped the growth of young teachers in the department. In the same year, the Hui Uprising was published. There are 4 volumes in total, 2 volumes in Yunnan and 2 volumes in Northwest China. The Yunnan part is the enrichment of the "Records of the Changes in Xiantong and Yunnan". The northwest part was searched again. [1]
In 1956, Bai Shouyi attended the National Scientific Planning Conference and participated in the drafting of the history discipline. [16]
In 1958, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region On the eve of its establishment, Bai Shouyi presided over the preparation of《 History and current situation of the Hui nationality 》It is the first book that comprehensively introduces the history and situation of the Hui nationality after the founding of New China.
In 1960, Bai Shouyi published the article "Several Issues on the History of the Hui People", which talked about four issues in the history of the Hui people and the work of the history of the Hui people. When talking about the origin of the Hui nationality, Bai Shouyi believes that there are many different foreign ethnic origins of the Hui nationality, but the formation of the nationality is in China. This is a new statement, which is more in line with historical reality. In the same year, Bai Shouyi also published Ma Duanlin's Historical Thoughts. [1]
In 1961, the Liberal Arts Teaching Materials Conference of the Ministry of Higher Education decided to prepare Colleges and universities The task of teaching the history of Chinese history is entrusted to Beijing Normal University and East China Normal University , by Bai Shouyi and Wu Ze Undertake. Bai Shouyi began to consider the plan of compiling the history of Chinese historiography, and began to compile and print the special publication Historical Materials of Historiography. "Historical Materials" was originally an internal publication, and later changed to "Research on Historical History" for public publication. [1]

Rise to the challenge

Since 1971 Mao Zedong Chairman and Premier Zhou Under the care of Bai Shouyi《 Twenty Four Histories 》Check the work. [3]
In 1972, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed the task of writing a general history of China. The relevant departments organized a writing team twice, but they failed. At this time, Bai Shouyi's belief in writing the general history of China was still firm: "We are such a big country, with such a long and rich history, we can not meet the simple few books, which is not commensurate with our great country." [10]
In 1975, when the objective situation slightly improved, Bai Shouyi immediately began to implement the long-awaited plan of compiling general history of China. He first organized forces to write a medium-sized draft of general history of China with more than 2 million words. Because "the title has no characteristics and the article has no new ideas", there is no basis for unified draft, so we have to give up. [10]
In 1977, Bai Shouyi turned to organize capable forces to compile a small general history of China. In 1979, he delivered the 300000 word Outline of China's General History to the publishing house. Once published, the book was welcomed by the academic community, with a total number of more than one million copies. It was published in English, Japan, Spain, Germany, France, Romania, Arabic, Italy, Esperanto and other languages. It has a large number of readers in the world, and some American states even use it as a school textbook. [10]

Late years

In 1979, Bai Shouyi once said that he didn't start learning until he was 70 years old. In fact, Bai Shouyi has accumulated decades of academic hard work, and since he was 70 years old, he has made numerous achievements and has constantly explored new fields. In the same year, Bai Shouyi initiated the reform of the history curriculum system in the Department of History of Beijing Normal University. [1]
In 1980, Bai Shouyi founded the Institute of History of Beijing Normal University. [1] After the publication of the Outline of General Chinese History, Bai Shouyi began to compile large-scale general Chinese history. [10]
In September 1982, Bai Shouyi participated in the seventh teaching, the twelfth scientific symposium and the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the birth of Henan University, and made two important academic reports, "Several Issues on Current Historiography" and "Creating a New Situation in Historiography". [15]
In March 1999, Bai Shouyi's 12 volume 22 volume 14 million word General History of China was published. On April 26, Beijing Normal University held a grand academic seminar. Before the meeting, Jiang Zemin And other central leaders wrote congratulatory letters, [1] The congratulatory letter spoke highly of the significance and value of this "General History of China", and also spoke highly of his academic character and pursuit of "being an old hero with great ambition". [10]
He died at 23:35 on March 21, 2000 in Beijing at the age of 91. [13]
Group photo of the discussion on the proofreading of Twenty Four Histories in 1978

Main impacts


General History of China

Bai Shouyi's General History of China
In 1999, Bai Shouyi edited《 General History of China 》(The first edition) was published by Shanghai People's Publishing House. It has been twenty years since then. The General History of China has 12 volumes and 22 volumes, about 14 million words, with 22 sub volume editors in chief and nearly 500 people participating in the compilation. It is the largest and most involved general history of China so far. General History of China with Marxism historical materialism As a guide, it recorded the history of China from ancient times to 1949 General History It is a great work combining summation and creativity in compilation. The book has a distinctive theoretical system, creatively puts forward important theoretical knowledge about the development of Chinese history, and shows a profound understanding of Chinese history. The book General History of China is rich in content and clear in context. It not only outlines the development track of each historical period before 1949, but also reflects the development and changes in politics, economy, culture and other aspects of each historical period. For the first time, it truly incorporated the history of ethnic minorities into the framework of the general history of China, and fully affirmed the historical achievements of multi nationalities in creating Chinese civilization together. In terms of compilation style, it has borrowed and absorbed various forms of ancient Chinese history books, and integrated the style of traditional history books such as biographies in the form of chapters, creating a new style of general history compilation - new complex. In addition to the first volume of Introduction and the second volume of Ancient Times, each volume is divided into four parts: "preface", "overview", "canon" and "biography", involving literature, research status, canon systems, major events, historical figures, etc., which contains extremely rich historical content, enlivens the form of historical compilation, and has distinctive Chinese characteristics and Chinese style, So that people have a comprehensive, three-dimensional and dynamic understanding of Chinese history. In terms of content, we attach importance to the internal links between various social phenomena, the development law of linking the ancient and modern times, and try to comprehensively, stereoscopically and systematically show the panorama of China's various historical periods from the primitive period to modern times, so as to truly achieve "linking the ancient and modern times". The publication of General History of China fulfilled the dream of several generations of historians. Bai Shouyi once said, "We have finally written our own general history and can finally announce that we have a history book of New China." [18]

History of Hui and Islam

In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), Bai Shouyi founded the semimonthly issue of Islam. In the fourth issue of the journal, he published an article entitled "Collection of Historical Materials of Chinese Islam", calling for attention to the collection, collation and research of historical materials of Hui and Islamic history. Under the political conditions at that time, Bai Shouyi studied the history of the Hui nationality and the history of Islam together, which is called "the history of Islam". Bai Shouyi wrote papers on the two issues of "Islam" special issue of Yugong magazine edited by Bai Shouyi, and also published many important achievements in academic research on the history of Hui and Islam. During the Anti Japanese War, he took refuge in the rear area and began to conduct systematic research on the history of Hui and Islam, collate and collate Hui literature, and collect the history of Yunnan Hui, especially du wenxiu rebellion He has published《 A Brief History of Chinese Islam 》"Records of the Changes in Yunnan in Xiantong" has made outstanding contributions to the study of Hui history. [11]
In the 32nd year of the Republic of China (1943), Bai Shouyi edited Du Wenxiu's Revolutionary Historical Materials, a book about the Hui people's uprising in Yunnan. In 1951, he wrote a brief history of the Hui people and titled it "The Revival of the Hui People". After the founding of New China, Bai Shouyi used Marxist national theory Re examine the formation of the Hui nationality. In the chapter "The formation of the Hui nationality" published in 1951 and "The rebirth of the Hui nationality" published in the same year, he used Marxist theory of national formation to conduct in-depth and detailed research on the formation of the Hui nationality from the common language, living area, economic life and psychological state. As for the time of the formation of the Hui nationality, Bai Shouyi advocated that the Hui nationality was formed in the Yuan Dynasty in the early 1950s, but with the deepening of research, Bai Shouyi's views changed. In his article "The Formation and Preliminary Development of the Hui Nationality" published in 1957, he thoroughly analyzed the changes of the economic life, regional conditions and common psychological state of the Hui nationality in the 200 years since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, and pointed out that "from the middle of the 14th century to the middle of the 16th century, the economic conditions, regional conditions and psychological conditions of the Hui nationality have reached the level that can form a nation. At the same time, the Hui people gradually became accustomed to using Chinese as the common language of their nation. " "Chinese has become the common language used by the Hui people, which is an important symbol of the formation of the Hui people." The change from the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty reflects the result of Bai Shouyi's constant reexamination of the formation of the Hui people using Marxist theory, which is a new understanding. Bai Shouyi's academic viewpoint is accepted by many mathematicians in the academic circle. [11]

Chinese traffic history

Chinese traffic history 》As a special history and a general history at the same time, this book reflects Bai Shouyi's overall concept of history, reflects that Bai Shouyi is good at grasping the characteristics of the times, is good at refining academic propositions, has a strong sense of problems, and is able to look at reality from history. Specifically, this book has the following characteristics. [27 ]
First, national consciousness. Bai Shouyi's "History of Chinese Communications" shows the national feelings of a generation of historians. As a Hui people, Bai Shouyi's works are characterized not only by starting from his own nation, but also by standing in the position of "the Chinese nation is one", which highlights his national consciousness and feelings. Bai Shouyi said in this "History of Chinese Communications": "Although we dare not say that Xia Hou's traffic can find real materials to rely on, the ancient legends can provide some light footprints for searchers. Therefore, when we talk about traffic in the pre-qin period, we can actually talk about Chinese traffic, which can be seen from Xiahou Period start " [19] From here, we can see that Bai Shouyi's recognition of the long history of the nation is the same as today's recognition of the ancient times of Xia, Shang and Zhou, and fully affirms the long history of the Chinese nation. From the perspective of traffic history, he also has such a sense of pride in civilization and culture. It is precisely because of such a sense of pride in civilization and culture that Bai Shouyi is able to turn this sense of pride into a driving force for writing history, and write the upper limit of his "History of Chinese Communications" to Xia Hou. In a sense, this is the high unity of Bai Shouyi's national identity and national identity. It can be seen from this that Bai Shouyi's sense of national identity and national identity had been formed before the founding of New China. Therefore, in his later years, in important research fields such as the General History of China, history of history, and national history, he had an extraordinary understanding of the Chinese nation beyond ordinary Han scholars and other minority scholars. [27 ]
Bai Shouyi in his later years [29]
Second, the consciousness of comparison and development. The development of China's traffic history is developing step by step with the times, which conforms to the objective law of social development and human progress. Bai Shouyi gives a good view of this feature. The metropolis of each era is often the transportation center of this era. Bai Shouyi has a special chapter in almost every chapter. Bai Shouyi wrote: "The metropolis of the Pre Qin Dynasty, or the transportation center, was not very significant in the later Xia and Shang dynasties." [20] The establishment of such a transportation center in the pre Qin period was often closely related to the establishment of the capital. Bai Shouyi pointed out that:“ Duke Zhou build Luoyang It also means that, like King Wu, he wanted to establish a political center in the transportation center at that time. Once the political center was successfully built, the original transportation center would be stronger. " [21] Bai Shouyi has made his own experience summary on the "History of Chinese Communications", and believes that there is too little explanation on politics, economy, ideology, etc. Bai Shouyi has actually noticed the relationship between transportation and politics. In his actual writing, Bai Shouyi has noticed the connection between transportation and other aspects, which is particularly reflected in the various relationships during the pre Qin period. The comparative consciousness of Bai Shouyi's "History of Chinese Communications" is mainly reflected in two aspects: horizontal comparison and vertical comparison. In horizontal comparison, Bai Shouyi pointed out when discussing the important transportation center in the Spring and Autumn Period: "Except Luoyang, the status of Zheng and Xu was also very important in the Spring and Autumn Period." [22] He further pointed out: "Xu, near the present Sixian County in Anhui Province, borders Wu in the south, Qilu in the north, and Chu in the west. Xu, when Wu was not strong enough, was not important. Since Wu accepted Witch minister Xu became the center of communication between Wu and the north, and also became the place where Wu and Chu fought. " [22] This has already involved the close relationship between transportation and military affairs. Bai Shouyi can connect the important transportation centers of this period in a certain period of time, and make horizontal comparison in the same time and space period, so as to point out the main role that these transportation centers can play at that time. With the advance of the times, the transportation center is also changing with the times. Bai Shouyi pointed out: "In addition to Luoyang, there were Handan Liang and Linzi in the capital cities during the Warring States Period." [23] After pointing out the three important transportation centers mentioned above and giving some analysis, Bai Shouyi also pointed out that "the capitals of other countries, such as Qin and Chu, are naturally their own metropolises, but as far as all the transportation regions of China at that time are concerned, they are not as important as the three places mentioned above." [24] Such an overall awareness can be seen at any time in the system of Bai Shouyi's historiography. Bai Shouyi has such a holistic view of history and overall awareness. This is an important feature of Bai Shouyi's historiography. He is good at investigating the specific history from a long period of time, and can compare vertically and horizontally in a long period of time, highlighting Bai Shouyi's problem consciousness in the comparison. The history of Chinese traffic always shows different characteristics in different times. Bai Shouyi reflects the characteristics of these different times through his own exposition, and looks at the progress of Chinese traffic history step by step from a development perspective. [27 ]
Third, the consciousness of system. The development of traffic history will inevitably develop with the formation of the country and the development of various national needs. In this regard, it is also necessary to have a guarantee for the traffic system. Bai Shouyi has more or less involved in the traffic regulations of different systems in different times. It is not difficult to see the institutional consciousness of Bai Shouyi in the traffic history. The Chinese ancestors had such a consciousness in the pre Qin period. Bai Shouyi quoted《 Mandarin · Zhou Language 》According to the record in, the conclusion is: "As for the road, there are three things. First, the road should be repaired at a certain time, Ze Liao should go to the barrier at a certain time, and the bridge should be built at a certain time in Sichuan. Second, trees should be planted beside the road to mark the road; houses should be set up in the suburbs to store food as a place to guard the road. Third, set up the Sikong to manage the road administration. " [25] Bai Shouyi carefully interpreted the road management, road maintenance, road administrative system and other aspects of the pre-qin period from historical materials, reflecting his ability to comb materials in the history of transportation. [27 ]
When discussing the transportation in the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, Bai Shouyi set up a special chapter, "The Posthouse and Transportation Laws in the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties", to discuss the system problems in the transportation history at that time. Later, in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern China's transportation history, he also gave appropriate space arrangements for the systems in different periods. With a few quotations from a discussion in the Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, we can further observe Bai Shouyi's institutional consciousness: "All the above are about the laws of Guanjin within the country. To sum up, people must rely on official documents to pass the customs, not be selfish, not overstep the customs, not ask people to pass the customs under false names, not follow people and soldiers, and not give up forbidden goods. In terms of legal proceedings, they should not give money to those who have given money to others, those who have left pedestrians behind without reason, and those who have allowed pedestrians to follow others and soldiers through the customs without reason, all of them have their own deserved crimes. " [26] Therefore, the system consciousness is an important consciousness that runs through the "History of China's Transportation". Bai Shouyi took this important consciousness as the starting point to better outline China's transportation history. It is precisely because of the relatively continuous and long-term system guarantee that China's transportation has played an important role in the continuous development of China's civilization for thousands of years. Bai Shouyi wrote this "History of Chinese Communications", which is a conscious work of sorting out the national heritage, and is an affirmation of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation by a minority historian. In this book on the history of China's transportation, Bai Shouyi not only embodies the excellent historical style of a historian, but also integrates the observation of the times and the current situation into the thinking of history. [27 ]


Bai Shouyi has successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Alliance Committee of the Chinese Democratic League, the deputy director of the Chinese Hui Cultural Association, the deputy director of the Chinese Islamic Association, a member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, a member of the State Council's Leading Group for the Arrangement and Planning of Ancient Books, the deputy director of the National Steering Committee for the Arrangement and Research of Ancient Books in Universities of the State Education Commission, a director of the Chinese History Association, and the president of the History Branch of the Chinese Education Society President of the Chinese Folklore Society, Deputy Director of the Editorial Committee of the Five Series of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, Consultant of the National Editorial Committee of the Encyclopedia of China, Director of the Institute of History of Beijing Normal University, Director of the Institute of Ancient Books, and other social positions.
Bai Shouyi is one of the ten representatives of the Communist Party of China and a non voting representative at the Thirteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Since 1956, he has been successively elected as the third, fourth, fifth and sixth national People's Congress Deputies, members of the Standing Committee of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth National People's Congress, vice chairmen of the Ethnic Affairs Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress, members of the Legislative Affairs Committee, and members of the Ethnic Affairs Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress. After the reform and opening up, Bai Shouyi successively served as the director of the academic committee of Beijing Normal University, adviser to the school affairs committee department of history Professor《 Journal of Beijing Normal University 》He founded the Institute of History and the Institute of Ancient Books of Beijing Normal University. [3]
Bai Shouyi and He Ziquan

Historical evaluation

  • Jiang Zemin : At the age of 80, he still keeps writing and studying, which can be said to be an old hero who has no ambition. [14]
  • Liu Xueying (once served as the academic secretary of Bai Shouyi for a long time): Professors have a strict style of study. He dares to put forward his own argument, and also dares to stick to the argument that he believes is correct and has been proved by facts. He adhered to the Marxist direction, respected different academic opinions, and neither catered to fashion nor was it less than innovation. [16]
  • Wang Dongping Bai Shouyi has been striving for innovation all his life. He believes that "the innovative spirit of historical workers in history is an ideological condition to promote the development of history." Bai Shouyi encourages innovation in the field of Chinese national history. He believes that despite the achievements in the study of national history, there are still many theoretical issues to be further studied and developed. For example, he once put forward: "We believe that history has its own laws of development, and the history of all ethnic groups has its own laws of development. But does the history of all ethnic groups have a common law of development? If so, what specific laws does this common law show for different ethnic groups? What role do these laws play in the overall history of China?" The question raised by Bai Shouyi is of great significance because it relates to the development of Chinese history and the development of the Chinese nation. Just as Bai Shouyi pointed out that the study of national history cannot be separated from the guidance of Marxism, Bai Shouyi advocated theoretical innovation under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism. He said: "To put forward new ideas in theory is not to break away from Marxism, nor copy Marxism, but to put forward new ideas under the guidance of Marxism. If this new idea is a correct one based on sufficient historical facts, it is the enrichment and development of Marxist theory." Bai Shouyi's idea of innovation under the guidance of Marxist theory points out the direction of efforts for Chinese national historians. [11]

interpersonal relationship

full name
brief introduction
Bai Jifu [16]
Qian Xiangyun [16]
Bai Zhide
Born in the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), he is a senior engineer of the Business Development Department of the People's Daily. [12 ]

Main works

Bai Shouyi's main works in his life
particular year
Publications and books published
republic daily 》The Necessity and Direction of Europeanization by Sorting out the National Heritage
Kaifeng Ballads Collection, Ancient Chinese Worship of Dragon Wind and Tortoise Lin, Superstition about Virgo, Five Element Family's View of Ballads, Legend, Records and Clan Gods of Yin and Zhou Dynasties, Folklore and History, Three Masters of Pre Qin Ideological Circle, Zhu Xi's Identification of Fake Calligraphy, Zhu Xi's Political Work and Lectures, Zhu Xi's Contribution to the Study of Changes, and Zhou Yi's Original Meaning Textual Research on the General Interpretation of the Yili Classic, Zhu Xidi's Inheritance, Zhu Xi's Discrimination of Fake Calligraphy
Collection of Historical Materials of Chinese Islam
From the Talos Campaign to the earliest Chinese record of Islam in China
Islamic Spice Trade in Song Dynasty, Muslim Cultural Movement, Chinese Traffic History
A Brief History of Chinese Islam, A Record of the Changes in Xiantong and Yunnan
Outline of Chinese Islamic History, Evolution of Chinese Historical Genres
Reference Materials for the Outline of Chinese Islamic History, Selected Interpretation of the Celestial Rituals, and Pure Textual Evidence
Some Real Feelings about University History Curriculum and History Teaching
"The rebirth of the Hui nationality", "On the combination of patriotism ideological education and ethnic minorities", "Patriotism and history teaching", "Patriotism ideological education in history teaching", "On the propaganda and learning of the history and social situation of ethnic minorities", "On the handling of the land problems of the ancestors in history"
On the Relationship between Official Handicraft and Feudalism from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the End of the Ming Dynasty (co authored by Wang Yuquan)
Development of Mining Industry in Ming Dynasty
The Past and the Present in History Teaching, Liu Zhiji's Progressive Historical Thoughts, and On the General and Specialized Problems of Young Teachers' Learning
Several Issues on the History of Hui Nationality, Ma Duanlin's Historical Thoughts
Three Issues on History Learning, Asserting in Preface, Several Issues Related to Basic Training of History Discipline, On Historical Heritage
Learner's Steps
Textbook of Chinese History of Historiography, Discussion on the Research Task of Chinese History of Historiography
Academic Tradition of Chinese Muslims
On Qin Shihuang
The Fiction of the History of the Struggle between Confucianism and Legalism
Several Issues on Historical Work
Outline of General History of China 》(Editor in Chief)
New Comments on Historical Records, Answers to Guests on Historical Heritage, 4 articles, Several Issues on the History of Chinese Ethnic Relations
"The Development of Chinese Historiography in the Past 60 Years", "On the Role of Historiography in Education and the Arrangement of Historiography Heritage", "On Historical Philology"《 Quanzhou Islamic Stone Carvings 》Order
Introduction to History, Historical Education and Historical Heritage《 Manuscript of Islamic History in China 》Shuo Liu Tong, Collection of Ancient Books and Compilation of General History, Shuo Cheng Yi Yan, To Play the Role of Historical Education
Saying of a Family, Two Major Issues in the History of Chinese Historiography, Giving More People Historical Knowledge, Two Major Issues in the History of Chinese Historiography
Records of Hui People Vol. 1 (Yuan Dynasty), Some Opinions on Historical Work, About Building Marxist Historiography with Chinese National Characteristics, Speech at the Second Meeting of the National Steering Committee for the Arrangement and Research of Ancient Books in Colleges and Universities
History of Chinese Historiography, Speech at the International Symposium on the History of the Qing Dynasty
Continuation of Outline of Chinese General History
Records of Hui People Volume 2 (Ming Dynasty), Speech at the Seminar of Teaching Assistants in History of History, Speech at the Third National Hui Brief History Seminar (Lanzhou Conference), National Relations in the New Socialist Period, Speech at the Chinese Society of National History of Nationalities
The 12 volume General History of China, Volume 1, Introduction, was published, Comrade Wailu's Academic Achievements, Talking about "Being a Teacher", Forty Years of Historical History Work, More Research on the Characteristics of Chinese History, More Articles for More People to Read.
Records of Hui People Volume 3 (Qing Dynasty), Shuohao Family, Painting Preface, Opinions on Compiling New Hui History, General History of China Volume 2 Ancient Times
General History of China, Volume 3, Ancient Times, Pre Qin Period (Volume I and II)
General History of China, Volume 4, Middle Ages, Qin and Han Dynasties (Volume I and Volume II), Collection of Bai Shouyi Ethnic Religion
"Reading History is Good", "Literary and Historical Yinghua", "Records of Hui People", Volume 4 (Modern Times), "General History of China, Volume 5, Middle Ages, Three Kingdoms, Jin Dynasty, Southern and Northern Dynasties" (Volume I and II)
Collection of Bai Shouyi's Historiography (Volume I and II)
General History of China, Collection of History of Chinese Historiography
Textbook of History of Chinese History
[Source: [1]

Commemoration for future generations

In 2009, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bai Shouyi's birth, the "Seminar on Bai Shouyi's Academic Thoughts and the 100th Anniversary of Bai Shouyi's Birth", sponsored by Beijing Normal University and organized by the School of History of Beijing Normal University, was held at the Yingdong Academic Hall of Beijing Normal University. Liu Chuansheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, Han Zhen, Vice President, and leaders from the Ministry of Education, the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, the China Islamic Association and other units, as well as famous historians He Ziquan, Lin Ganquan, Qi Shirong, Zhang Guizhi, Zhang Haipeng, Cai Meibiao, Zhang Zhongpei, Chen Zuwu, Gong Shuduo, Liu Jiahe, from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University More than 200 experts and scholars from Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Capital Normal University and other institutions, as well as teachers and students from the History School of Beijing Normal University, attended the academic event. [30]