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Disease name
Basic overview The medical definition of phlegm refers to the lung and a bronchial tube The mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract below the nasal cavity and used to expel foreign bodies from the body, especially after cough Spitting secretion. If there is too much phlegm, we should pay attention to it and take corresponding measures. In person respiratory tract A lot of small ciliated wheat waves face the direction of the mouth, slowly push out the dirty things, when pushed to the throat, people will cough and spit. Each person's sputum density is different, and any kind of bacteria in it may be carried. If you spit randomly and the sputum becomes dry, Phlegm Thousands of bacteria will float into the air
Chinese name
Weak constitution, lack of medium qi
Respiratory inflammation
Red sputum, white sputum, yellow sputum, etc


There are many reasons for phlegm: first, weak physique, Insufficient middle air , due to Spleen asthenia If not, it can make water stay wet and condense into phlegm. Second, the spleen and stomach are weak and stay, which damages the spleen and stomach; Or eat raw food, melons and fruits, Zhongyang Injured; Or cause fever Drinking too much water, spleen can not transport and so on can make the water stay wet and gather into phlegm. And eating fat and sweet Turbid gas Steaming, humidifying and heating can also be transformed into phlegm turbidity Third, the external infection is out of treatment, or the body is weak and suffers from external infection repeatedly, and the lung qi is injured, so the fluid can not be transported everywhere, Open channel Lower the bladder to make the water stay. It can also become sputum. The sputum is stored in the lung. The lung qi is not good. The sputum will flow into the airway and will cause Cough with phlegm Fourth, with rhinitis , under the effect of inflammation nasal mucosa It secretes a lot of pus and Viscosity Very high secretion Nasal cilia Ship to nasopharynx And adhered to the nasopharynx, causing Pharyngeal foreign body sensation , and then through cough Cough up.


Treatment of cough with phlegm
Cough with phlegm , Yes Respiratory inflammation The common symptoms are mostly seen in the elderly. But cough is also a defensive reaction of the human body.
Phlegm is the mucus secreted from the respiratory tract. It can be discharged through coughing to keep the respiratory tract clean and unobstructed. suffer from Chronic tracheitis When there is too much sputum, you must cough it up in time, otherwise it will induce Airway obstruction Caused by pneumonia But if you cough for a long time and have too much phlegm, it will become a habitual disease. If you don't treat it early, it will also cause asthma And tracheitis. The author also had respiratory tract inflammation three years ago, and there was a lot of sputum, so he could spit it out with great effort. For this reason, my wife would not go to the street with me because I spit too loudly. Later, I cured it in three ways.
1. Use anticatarrhals And expectorants to treat both symptoms and root causes. Never abuse antitussive drugs. It can only treat symptoms but not root causes. It will aggravate the disease if it is not handled properly.
two Self massage Method: Massage the nose and throat. Nasal massage: massage 44 times on both sides and up and down with the bent thumb along the nasal bone. Then put your palms on the throat bone and massage your hands up and down for 66 times. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
3. After getting up in the morning, drink a cup before massage plain boiled water The above methods must be adhered to throughout the year to see the effect. I have been using the above method for more than three years, and my respiratory tract is unblocked. I have no cough and less sputum all the year round.
4. Cultivate in the morning and evening Nasal lavage Good hygiene habits and dredging Nasal meatus , reduce the number of viruses in the nasal cavity, reduce nasal inflammation, and ultimately eliminate nasal sputum.
TCM treatment
TCM divides phlegm into Cold phlegm Wind phlegm Hot phlegm Wet phlegm and Dry phlegm Etc.
Cold phlegm: The pathogenic cold invades the lungs, causing body fluid in the lungs to condense into phlegm. The sputum is white. The patient is afraid of cold and likes hot drink , thin white or greasy tongue coating, Xiaoqinglong Soup Add or subtract: 6g cassia twigs, 10g Pinellia ternata, Dried ginger 6 g, 3 g asarum, Almond 10 g, White mustard 6 grams. With asthma, add 6-9 grams of roasted ephedra.
Wind phlegm: When wind evil invades the lung catch cold The patient is afraid of wind, and the tongue coating turns white at the beginning, Retroversion Thin yellow, Xingsu Drink Addition and subtraction: 10g almonds, Perilla leaf 6 g, Herba schizonepetae 6 g, Peucedanum 10g, platycodon grandiflorum, and white front 10g. Phlegm turns yellow, plus Gall star 6g, 10g forsythia suspensa, 12g honeysuckle.
Hot phlegm from Pathogenic heat Invasion to the lung or wind or cold pathogen first High fever After a few days, the body fluid is cauterized and turned into yellow sticky phlegm. The patient is afraid of heat and likes cold drinks, Lingual redness The moss is yellow and greasy, Cathartic powder Chemical cutting: Mulberry white 10 g, Exocarp 10g, 5g liquorice, Gypsum 30g, 10g scutellaria baicalensis, 10g almonds, 6g gall star.
Wet phlegm The pathogenic dampness invades the human body (such as living in a humid environment), making the lungs and spleen Dysfunction or Poor diet It is caused by the imbalance of transportation and chemistry. The sputum is white and watery, and the patient is heavy, tired or Loose stool Etiology, thin white or white greasy tongue coating, Erchen Decoction flavor: 10g Pinellia ternata, 10g Juhong, 10g Poria cocos, Fried liquorice 5g, 10g almonds, 15g Yiren, 10g Atractylodes macrocephala each.
Dry phlegm Due to the drought Dryness evil Lung invasion, thick sputum, difficult to cough up or Hemoptysis , the patient felt dry mouth, nose and pharynx, and the tongue coating was thin and yellow, Qingzaojiufei Decoction Access: 15g North Ginseng, 10g Tianophiopogon, 30g Gypsum Gypsum, Roasted leaf 10g, 10g almonds, 15g raw ground, zhebeinine 10 g, Polygonatum odoratum 15 g.

clinical diagnosis

Several diseases with excessive phlegm
normal person Sputum volume very seldom. When the smoker or the respiratory tract has pathological changes, the amount of sputum increases.
1、 chronic bronchitis It is easy to cough, wheeze, and phlegm after cold. If it does not heal for a long time, it can form emphysema and pulmonary heart disease When combined with bacterial infection, the sputum is yellow and sticky fever
2、 pneumonia Lobar pneumonia Sometimes there is rusty sputum, accompanied by cold and fever.
3、 pulmonary tuberculosis Fever night sweat , forming Pulmonary cavity There is a lot of sputum, which can be found by laboratory Tuberculosis bacteria , can be accompanied by Blood sputum
4、 bronchiectasia The amount of sputum is large, which can be divided into three layers: thin, viscous, and extra viscous Hemoptysis
5. Lung abscess is characterized by excessive and smelly sputum and fever.
6、 Pseudomonas aeruginosa The infected sputum is green or yellowish green, sticky, and accompanied by fever.
7、 lung cancer Expectoration It is thin or thick, sometimes with blood, and sputum in late stage is also smelly.
In order to find out the cause of phlegm, we should go to the hospital for detailed inspection and active treatment
Identify diseases according to sputum color
1、 White phlegm - indicates not too serious
Wind cold cough is a cold cough. This kind of cough is heavy, with clear and thin sputum. Fever is often accompanied by cold fear, no sweating, red throat and other symptoms. Doctors generally believe that white sputum often represents a relatively "simple" stimulus, not too serious.
2、 Yellow phlegm - related to "heat"
Means infected, Wind heat Cough like symptoms are often accompanied by fever and sweating, Pharyngalgia , vomit yellow thick sputum, and the nose is yellow Turbid mucus The tongue is reddish coated. If the body is accompanied by fever while spitting yellow sputum, it is definitely an infection Viruses Sex or bacteria should be further confirmed according to the duration of the disease, severity of the disease and relevant laboratory results.
3、 Red sputum - emergency treatment for bleeding
The red sputum is undoubtedly Phlegm With blood stains. The doctor reminds that any bleeding cough is a symptom that needs urgent treatment. Even if you cough hard and violently, it will make the back of your throat capillary Bleeding caused by rupture is not very serious, but in case of hemorrhagic cough, it is better to ask a professional doctor for diagnosis.
4、 Pink sputum with bubbles pulmonary edema
When coughing, bubbles with pink color sputum will be coughed up, and shortness of breath will occur at the same time. It feels like drowning, probably pulmonary edema Symptoms When heart failure Lung edema occurs when the lungs are filled with fluid.
5、 Rust color jelly Phlegm - should be pneumonia
According to experts, if the expectorated sputum is reddish brown or rusty coffee , and jelly like, the cause should be Pneumococcus Pneumonia is often accompanied by Chest pain and have a fever [1]

processing method

Infantile phlegmatic processing method
Available on Infantile sputum It can be used in case of cough to help expectoration. The specific operation is: let the child lie on his side or hold him up on his side when he coughs. The parents bend their fingers slightly, hold them into empty fists, and gently pat the children's back. Lie on the left side, alternating on both sides. The force of slapping should not be too large. It should be carried out from top to bottom, from outside to inside, and in turn. Each side shall be photographed for at least 3-5 minutes, 2-3 times a day. Patching on the back can not only promote children's lungs and a bronchial tube The sputum inside is loose Tracheal drainage And expel, and can promote the blood circulation It is conducive to the absorption of bronchitis, so that the disease can be cured early.
Drinking water method
Let the child Drink more Water, especially the cold boiled water at about 23 ℃, has a good wetting and physiotherapeutic effect on the throat and is conducive to the elimination of local inflammation. Children with cough often have dehydration of different degrees, which can be aggravated Respiratory inflammation And the consistency of secretion, making it difficult to cough up. Drinking more cold boiled water can dilute the viscous secretion, which is easy to be coughed up, and is conducive to relieving cough and eliminating phlegm. At the same time, cold boiled water can also improve the blood circulation, so that the waste or toxin generated by the metabolism of the body can be quickly discharged from the urine, thus reducing its impact on respiratory tract The stimulation of.
Steam method
Pour boiling water into a large pot or teacup, pick up the child, and make his mouth and nose face the raised steam By suction and drainage, the sputum can be diluted to facilitate coughing, and the congestion and edema of the tracheal and bronchial mucosa can be reduced to reduce coughing. But be careful Scald To avoid accidents.
Drug law
Don't take it casually cough mixture In order to avoid inhibiting the cough center is not conducive to sputum excretion. If the sputum is small, thick and difficult to cough up, it can be used under the guidance of a doctor ammonium chloride , Platycodon grandiflorum, Polygala tenuifolia, etc Expectorants ; If the sputum is too much and mucous membrane is difficult to cough up, use Bicopin Phlegm is easy to clean Alpha Chymotrypsin Etc; It is suitable for those with white and sticky phlegm Pinellia tuber dew Almond cough syrup Apply when conditions permit Ultrasonic atomization Inhalation. traditional Chinese medicine Sichuan fritillary Stewed Sydney is also conducive to resolving phlegm and relieving cough. Take one pear, cut off the head as a cover, dig out the core, put 10g rock sugar, 6g Sichuan shellfish powder, cover the head of pear, and put it in a bowl Catch fire Steamed, eat pears and drink juice.