zero Useful+1

Electronic bidding

Powerful tool for cost savings of purchasers
E-bidding is the most direct and effective powerful tool for cost savings of purchasers. E-bidding relies on network technology to achieve enterprise competitiveness by increasing the competitiveness among suppliers Reduce the purchase cost To control costs to improve their market competitiveness.
Chinese name
Electronic bidding
Foreign name
Electronic bidding
Applicable fields
Procurement, competition, economy
Psychology economics
Online bidding online Competitive bidding

Basic Introduction

Electronic bidding
E-bidding is a new procurement method that requires suppliers to realize multiple competitive quotations within a specified time, compete with other competitors under anonymous conditions, and finally be authorized by the purchaser to suppliers with the best qualifications, technical capabilities and quotations.
As a new type of bidding transaction mode realized on the network platform, electronic bidding transaction is operated by means of remote, time limited, continuous and competitive quotation. It is a major innovation and progress in the field of property rights transaction and a new type of property rights transaction bidding mode advocated by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. At present, more and more companies have realized the incomparable advantages of electronic bidding, and the wide application of electronic bidding in China will become an inevitable development trend in the coming years.
At present, Youmidea Electric Group and other enterprises, which are at the forefront of the application of electronic bidding, have started to use the electronic bidding system developed by Guangzhou Tongwang Technology Development Co., Ltd. since 2009. The implementation of electronic bidding has solved the problems of fair and fair transactions between the supply and demand sides and transparent processes, and has achieved results in cost control and supplier management, Improve the production efficiency and management standardization of suppliers, improve the product market competitiveness of both supply and demand sides, promote the management level of enterprises, and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises.

Features and values

Change the buying and selling game mode
The traditional bidding is a face-to-face negotiation between the buyer and the seller. The electronic bidding is to let suppliers compete with each other, and the bid inviter becomes the maker of the rules of the game and the arbiter of the results.
Change price negotiation to "price discovery"
Electronic bidding is no longer a one shot deal in envelope bidding, but a series of quotations, providing equal competition opportunities for suppliers, deepening the degree of bidding, and enabling buyers to obtain the best market price.
Change on-site bidding to remote bidding
By relying on the Internet platform for bidding, suppliers do not have to travel to the bidding site to bid, which saves costs for both the buyer and the seller, and increases the convenience and confidentiality of bidding.
Change the situation that the negotiation cycle is too long
The supplier must submit the price within the specified time for competition. When suppliers lose competitiveness, the negotiation process will naturally end. It can also conduct electronic bidding for multiple projects at the same time.

Achieve goals

Customized category management
Flexible definition of production materials, spare parts, office, labor protection supplies, waste products, market materials, and logistics services.
Quick Start Bidding Event
Multiple template references, supporting event references
Flexible and diverse game rules
More than 60 game rule combinations
Stock Quote Process Presentation
Record price changes at each time point

Business Flow Chart

Basic information management ->Bidding project management ->Bidding site management ->Real time bidding monitoring and decision-making
Intuitive graphic representation


With the rapid development of the Internet, all kinds of enterprise electronic information applications have entered the popularization stage, and electronic bidding systems will also emerge as the times require.