Electronic scale

[diàn zǐ chèng]
Tools for determining the mass of objects
zero Useful+1
synonym Electronic balance (Electronic scale) generally refers to electronic scale
Electronic balance weighing apparatus One of. Weighing apparatus is used Hooke's law Or force Leverage balance The tools for measuring the mass of objects according to the principle of structure can be divided into mechanical scale , electronic scales and electromechanical scales.
The electronic scale is mainly composed of load bearing system (such as scale , scale body), force transmission conversion system (such as lever force transmission system, sensor) and Indication System (e.g Dial , Electronic Display instrument )3 parts.
Chinese name
Electronic scale
Foreign name
electronic balance
Mechanical scale, electronic scale, electromechanical scale
Hooke's law Lever balance principle of or force

Principle composition



Electronic scale
Workflow explain:
When an object is placed on the scale, pressure is applied to the sensor, and the sensor Elastic deformation So as to change the impedance Excitation voltage Change, output a changed analog signal The signal is amplified and output to analog digital through amplification circuit converter Convert to easy to handle digital signal Output to CPU Operational control. The CPU outputs this result to the display according to keyboard commands and programs. Until this result is displayed.

Using Features

Modern electronic scale sensor Technology, electronics and computer technology Integrated Electronic balance The measuring device can meet and solve the requirements of "fast, accurate, continuous and automatic" weighing proposed in real life, and effectively eliminate human errors to make it more consistent with Legal metrology Management and industry Production process control Application requirements.


In the late 19th century, with Industrial technology With the development of, a large number of automatic weighing for bulk materials have appeared. In the 1960s, the United States, Western Europe An electronic scale with a weighing accuracy of 0.1% appears. With the development of the electronic scale industry, more and more brands are gradually entering the Chinese market. More and more people use electronic scales, and more and more electronic scale brands are familiar to people.

Metrological verification

Electronic scale is national Compulsory verification Of Measuring instruments , his Qualified products Yes Calibration scale value The standards of e and subdivision value D are determined by the national Metrology Protected products.
As per《 Law of the People's Republic of China on Metrology 》And the requirements of the Catalogue of Compulsory Verified Working Measuring Instruments of the People's Republic of China Public measurement standards The electronic scale used by departments, enterprises and institutions is the highest Measurement standard Electronic scale for Trade settlement safety protection medical and health work The electronic scale for environmental monitoring shall be Metrological verification Only qualified can be used. Those who fail to apply for metrological verification in accordance with the provisions or fail to pass the verification shall not be used.


1. According to principle: electronic scale mechanical scale Electromechanical combination scale
3. By use: industrial scale Commercial scale Special scale
4. Classification by placement location:
Tabletop scale It refers to the electronic scale with the full weight less than 30kg
Platform scale It refers to the electronic scale with a full weight of 30-300kg
Weighbridge It refers to the electronic scale with a full weight of more than 300kg
5. Press accuracy Classification:
Class I: special balance Precision ≥ 1/100000 reference scale
Class II: high-precision balance 1/10000 ≤ precision<1/100000 precision weighing instrument
Class III: medium precision balance 1/1000 ≤ precision<1/10000 industrial and commercial scales
Class IV: ordinary scale 1/100 ≤ precision<1/1000 coarse scale
6. By data transmission mode Classification:
Divided into RS-232 / RS-485 RF( RF 2.4G) analog signal (Analog) Bluetooth USB interface Ethernet


Electronic scale
With the development of electronic scales and the needs of special applications, jzc-swc emerge as the times require. Waterproof, as the name implies, can be waterproof. Due to different waterproof levels, waterproof performance of waterproof scales also has certain differences. Some waterproof weighing scales have the highest waterproof level IP68 Grade, can also be weighed in water.
The waterproof scale adopts full Sealing structure Prevent corrosive liquid, vapor, etc. from affecting the sensor elastomer Corrosion, greatly improving the life of the sensor. The purpose of the waterproof scale is to prevent water and moisture, so as to deal with those wet Salt fog And other harsh environments. Waterproof scales are generally divided into waterproof pricing scales, waterproof weight counting scales, waterproof electronic platform scales, etc.

Waterproof pricing scale

Waterproof design is carried out on the basis of the original pricing scale, and the internal scale structure is redesigned according to the waterproof level. External scale, power cord The interfaces and switches were redesigned.

Energy scale

Energy scale is a traditional electronic scale Body scale It is an innovation that does not need batteries and does not rely on solar energy. It uses mechanical energy It is converted into electric energy to provide power for weighing.

Waterproof weighing scale

Waterproof weigher has obtained waterproof certification, omnidirectional three-dimensional waterproof, large window, super anti slip and anti fall, and is designed for cold storage strict and harsh Environment. Suitable for aquatic processing, seafood processing, fishery production, etc.


1. Implementation Remote operation
2. Implementation Automatic control
three digital display Intuitive and reduce human error;
4. High accuracy and strong resolution;
5. Wide weighing range;
6. Special functions: weight deduction, weight withholding, zeroing, accumulation, warning, etc;
7. Simple maintenance;
8. Small size;
9. Simple installation and calibration;
ten Special industry , can be connected to printer or computer drive;
11. Intelligent electronic scale, fast response and high efficiency;
Electronic scale
1. Maximum weighing: an electronic scale has the maximum weighing capacity (full load value) without tare, that is, the maximum load that can be weighed;
2. Minimum weighing: a relative error when an electronic scale is lower than this value;
3. Safe load: 120% of normal weighing range;
four Rated load : Normal weighing range;
five Allowable error : Maximum allowable deviation during grade verification;
six Sensibility : The minimum scale that can be displayed by an electronic scale; It is usually expressed as "d";
7. Minimum scale: takeoff value, for example: 60Kg × 5g, 5g is the minimum scale, that is, the minimum sensitivity;
8. Scale interval: sensitivity=(e), indicating each Skip a meeting How much weight is added, for example: 300g × 0.001 g, 0.001 g is the sensing capacity;
9. Scale interval: if the scale jumps from 10g, every 10g is a scale until maximum capacity The total number of divisions,
For example, 100kg × 10g, (100 × 1000) ÷ 10=1000010000 is the number of scale intervals;
10. Precision: the ratio of sensitivity to full weight. Example: Weighing 6000g Minimum scale (sensitivity) 0.5g. That is, 05/6000=1/12000 1/12000 is the precision of this scale;
11. Electromagnetic interference: radio waves The interference generated is generally referred to as, for example: mobile phone Radio waves from mobile phones.
12. Analytical capacity: a set of electronic scale with counting function, the minimum scale that can be distinguished;
thirteen Resolution : An electronic scale with counting function, and a parameter with resolution capability inside;
14. Internal resolution: internal precision. If 5 COUNT 1 jumps, 5 COUNT is internal resolution,
For example: 100g (weighing) × 0.01g (sensing), 5 COUNT 1 jump, 0.01g ÷ 100g=1/10000 (precision),
1/10000 ÷ 5=1/50000 (internal resolution), internal resolution is mainly used for CPU operation.
The internal resolution is mainly used for counting scales, which can be counted and analyzed by the Counting Scale minimum value
15. Preheating time: the time taken for a scale to reach various indicators;
16. OFFSET value: take a value from COUNT as the starting zero value, mainly to keep the scale in normal operation, so as to avoid improper situations. (count: refers to the internal analytical value) In general, when setting the scale, the software operator will define the - OFF SET value for the scale of this model, that is, the zero point value, which can be used as the judgment and basis for adjustment.
17. SPAN value: put the load on the value displayed by the scale, which is SPAN, so that the scale will display the weight as much as it puts, so that the scale will not have too much error.
Electronic scale
18. Creep CREEP: After a load test for a time, record the results to see if there is any change. The size of CREEP will depend on the stability of the scale.
19. Hysteresis: take the equal proportion weights and put them on the scale and record the displayed weight, then take down the equal proportion weights on the scale to see if there is any error,
It is a little similar to Q15 linear test to test whether its recoverability is good.
20. Applicable temperature: - 10 ℃~+40 ℃. (By OIML The applicable temperature is not indicated.
21. Humidity: relative humidity of moisture in air percentage If the humidity is too high, the linearity and stability of the scale will be affected. If the humidity is too low or too dry Electrostatic interference
22. The ambient temperature of the electronic scale is: - 10 ℃ to 40 ℃
23. Table size of platform scale: 25cm × 30cm 30cm × 40cm 40cm × 50cm 42cm × 52cm 45cm × 60cm
Two common faults of electronic scale resolvent
The electronic scale cannot be charged or the charging indicator does not light up or does not respond
1. Please make sure that the 110V/220V voltage switch of the scale is adjusted to the same voltage as the power supply, and that the charging line is firmly inserted into the charging stand on the scale.
2. Check whether the charging line is open circuited due to external force.
3. Inspection Fuse Whether it is defective.
4. The battery is poor.
5. Reason for item 4 Or not For the above factors, it is recommended to send them back to the distribution station for treatment.
No action after the electronic scale is turned on?
1. If the dry (storage) battery is used, please first confirm whether the voltage of the dry (storage) battery is sufficient. If the voltage is insufficient, please replace it dry battery (Please charge the battery).
2. If ADAPTOR is used, pull out the ADAPTOR output terminal connected to the electronic scale, and then install the dry battery. If it can be started, that is, ADAPTOR is damaged, please replace it.
3. Check whether the fuse of electronic scale is poor.
4. The switch or key may be damaged.
5. Possible electronic component failure.
6. It is recommended to send it back to the distribution station for handling for the reasons listed in items 4 and 5 or for reasons other than the above.

The weighing sensor

Electronic weighing scale
The weighing sensor According to the conversion method, it can be divided into 8 types: photoelectric type, hydraulic type, electromagnetic force type, capacitive type, magnetic pole changing type, vibration type, gyro ceremony type, resistance strain type, among which resistance strain type is the most widely used.

Weighing display

Electronic platform scale
one LCD (LCD display): Plug in free, power saving, with backlight;
two LED : Plug in free, power consuming, very bright;
3. Lamp tube: plugged in, high power consumption;
4VFDK/B (key) type: 1 Film key : contact type; 2. Mechanical keys: many separate keys are combined;
Electronic scale inspection
Household electronic scale
1. First, overall inspection: whether there is wear and damage;
2. Whether it can be started: whether it can be displayed from 0 to 9, whether the number is fuzzy, and whether it can be reset to zero after starting;
3. Whether there is backlight;
4. Use weights to test whether weighing is possible;
5. Whether the charger is in good condition and can be used;
6. Whether the accessories are complete;

High precision counter scale

Household electronic scale
1. Kg/Ib unit conversion function;
2. Zero point display range and adjustment function (not available for GLH series);
3. Sampling speed adjustment function;
4. There are 10 groups of single weight memory function ;
5. Weight, quantity and accumulation functions can be performed at the same time (GLH only has quantity accumulation);
6. The warning function of weight and quantity limit can be set;
7. Automatic zero tracking and temperature linearity correction;
8. Weight deduction and withholding function;
9. Standby function;
10. There is zero display range and zero tracking range;
11. Battery voltage control and restriction function;

Operating procedures


Zero key

effect : Ensure zero position indicator light On.
If there is a non weighed weight greater than d/4 on the scale, even if Display window Zero is displayed, and the zero indicator light will not be on, only press Zero setting After the key is pressed, the zero position indicator light is on.


1、 Peeling function, that is, when the packaging bag is placed on the scale, press the peeling key, the peeling light will be on, and the display will show zero. At this time, remove the packaging bag, the peeling light will be on, the zero position light will also be on, and the display will show negative leather weight;
2、 Change tare , that is, as long as the new packaging bag is placed on the scale and the tare key is pressed, the tare weight will be automatically changed;
3、 The tare removal function: at this time, the weight on the scale must be removed, and then press the tare removal key, the tare will be automatically removed. Note that when another special scale is used, it cannot be placed on the original scale and used for a long time in the "tare removal" state, because this will make the zero position automatic tracking Introduced due to loss of function Zero drift , which affects the scale Accuracy Instead, replace the original scale with a new special scale and then turn on the power to make the zero indicator light on.

Number keys

effect : Purchase unit price.
Press the number key directly to place the unit price. When the new unit price is placed, the original unit price will be automatically cleared.


When the goods are placed on the scale and the unit price is placed, the weight, unit price, and amount display windows will display the corresponding numbers. When the weight exceeds the full scale for more than 2 days, the overweight symbol OF will appear. When the amount exceeds six digits, the amount display window will turn off automatically.

Accumulated amount

(Cumulative key)
When the goods are placed on the scale and the unit price is placed, the amount will be displayed. When cumulative amount is required, press the cumulative key to display it in the unit price window and amount window Cumulative times And accumulated amount, while the weight window is off. The cumulative number of times can reach 99, and the cumulative amount is 9999.99 yuan. In case of excess, there is Alarm signal If you press the Clear key at this time, the cumulative total amount can be cleared.

Applicable maintenance

Electronic balance And its classification
Household electronic scale
People use electromagnetic Force balance The balance called object gravity is called electronic balance. It is characterized by accurate and reliable weighing, fast and clear display and Automatic detection system Simple automatic calibration device and overload protection device.
According to the accuracy of electronic balance, it can be divided into the following categories:
1、 Ultramicro electronic balance The maximum weight of the ultra micro balance is 2 to 5g Ruler Graduation value Less than the (maximum) weighing 10 to the power of - 6.
2、 Microbalance The weight of the microbalance is generally 3 to 50g, and its division value is less than the (maximum) 10 to the fifth power.
3. Semi microbalance The weighing of semi microbalance is generally 20 to 100g, and its division value is less than the (maximum) weighing 10 to the fifth power.
4. Constant electronic balance The maximum weight of this kind of balance is generally 100 to 200g, and its division value is less than the (maximum) 10 to the fifth power.
5、 Analytical balance In fact, the electronic analytical balance is the general name of the constant balance, semi micro balance, micro balance and ultra micro balance.
6、 Precision electronic balance This kind of electronic balance is the general name of electronic balance with accuracy class II.
Precautions for purchase and use
Four elements of using electronic balance
Portable electronic scale
First, preheat in advance The electronic balance usually needs to be preheated before use Warm up time Often different. Generally speaking, the balance Accuracy class The higher it is, the longer the preheating time is required an instruction manual Preheating is required in, and the preheating time can be extended if necessary (usually ambient temperature The lower the, the longer the warm-up time). In fact, many users use the balance immediately, which cannot guarantee the metering performance of the balance. Therefore, the preheating of the electronic balance is the key point related to the accuracy.
Second environment condition Environmental conditions are also an important factor affecting the metering performance of electronic balance. Electronic balance Operating Instructions If no special temperature limit is specified in, the balance shall work normally under the temperature of - 10 ℃~40 ℃; If special temperature limits are specified, the balance shall work under the specified temperature conditions; The electronic balance also has requirements for the humidity of the environment, such as the requirements for Class I balance relative humidity Not more than 80%.
Third, horizontal state General high-precision electronic balance is equipped with Leveling device and level During use, check the level of the balance frequently. In fact, some users often neglect to check the horizontal state of the balance (the four corners of the electronic balance are often uneven or not level due to movement or other reasons). This is also the main reason for inaccurate balance data.
Portable electronic scale
Fourth, calibrate at any time Some people think that the electronic balance Periodic verification Later, it is accurate within the validity period, and often ignores the importance of calibration, or even does not calibrate. However, due to the change of environmental conditions, human factors and other factors, the measurement performance of electronic balance often changes slightly, which requires us to calibrate it in daily use. So, how should we calibrate? The electronic balance shall be calibrated every day or before each use, and the calibration frequency can be increased if necessary. In theory, the higher the grade, the better the weight used for calibration. Generally, the weight error should not be greater than the balance Maximum allowable error 1/3 of, and should be delivered regularly Quality supervision department Regular inspection: if the error is found to exceed the standard, it should be sent to the quality supervision department for inspection in time to avoid loss and entrapment of consumers.
1. (1) How to select electronic balance The absolute accuracy (division value e) of the electronic balance shall be taken into account when selecting the electronic balance to determine whether it meets the accuracy requirements of weighing. If you choose a balance with 0.1mg accuracy or a balance with 0.01mg accuracy, you must not say that you want a balance with an accuracy of one ten thousandth or one hundred thousandth in general, because some foreign manufacturers use Relative precision To measure the balance, otherwise the purchased balance cannot meet the needs of users. For example, in case of such a situation in actual work, use a Actual scale division value D is 1mg, Calibration scale division value E is 10mg, and the maximum weighing is 200g Mettler electronic balance, which is used to weigh 7mg objects. In this way, accurate results can not be obtained: according to JJG98-90 Trial Verification Regulation of Non automatic Balance, the maximum allowable error and the calibration scale graduation value "e" are the same Order of magnitude The maximum allowable error of this balance is 1e, obviously it cannot weigh 7mg objects; This kind of balance is not the best choice for weighing 15mg objects, because its test results are relative error It will be very large, and a higher level balance should be selected. Some manufacturers have specified the minimum weighing value when leaving the factory. Therefore, we must consider when purchasing and using electronic balance Accuracy class
(2) In addition to its accuracy, the electronic balance shall be selected according to the requirements of the symmetrical measurement range. Usually Maximum load A little more safety factor can be added, that is, the common load can be relaxed a little more, not the bigger the better.
2. Calibration of electronic balance (Be sure to read the instructions carefully before use) In the verification (test time interval There is no calibration within, and it is considered that the balance can be directly weighed when it shows zero position. (It should be pointed out that the electronic balance shows zero point when it is turned on, which does not indicate the weighing of the balance Data accuracy If it meets the test standard, it only means that the balance zero stability is qualified. Because to measure whether a balance is qualified or not, other factors should be considered comprehensively Technical indicators Of Compliance )。 The storage time is long and the position is moved, environmental change Or to obtain accurate measurement, the balance should generally be calibrated before use. There are two calibration methods: internal calibration and external calibration. The electronic balance produced by some manufacturers has a calibration device. If you do not read the instructions carefully before use, it is easy to ignore the "calibration" operation, resulting in large weighing errors. The following takes an electronic balance as an example to illustrate how to calibrate the balance externally. Method: Gently press the CAL key, when the display shows CAL -, that is, release your hand, the display will show CAL-100, where "100" is a flashing weight, indicating that 100g standard weight is required for calibration weight. At this time, put the prepared "100g" calibration weight on the weighing pan, and the display will appear "----" waiting state. After a long time, the display will appear 100.000g, and take it for calibration Weights The display should show 0.000g. If it is not zero, clear it again and repeat the above calibration operation. (Note: In order to obtain accurate calibration results, it is better to repeat the above calibration)
Some people believe that the heavier the object weighed within the range of the electronic balance, the greater the damage to the balance. This understanding is not completely correct. commonly Maximum safe load of weighing instrument It is able to bear without causing its measurement performance Permanent Maximum change Static load Because the electronic balance adopts Electromagnetic force Automatic compensation Circuit principle: when the scale is loaded (be careful not to exceed the weighing range), the electromagnetic force will push the scale back to the original Balance position , so that the electromagnetic force and the gravity of the weighed object phase equilibrium As long as the influence of weighing size on the balance is small within the allowable range, the accuracy of the electronic balance will not be affected due to long-term weighing.
Maintenance of electronic balance
1. Place the balance on a stable workbench to avoid vibration, airflow and sunlight.
2. Adjust before use level Bubble to the middle position.
3. The electronic balance shall be preheated according to the instructions.
4. When weighing volatile and corrosive articles, they should be placed in closed containers to avoid corrosion and damage to the electronic balance.
5. The electronic balance shall be subject to self calibration or regular external calibration to ensure that it is in the best condition.
6. If the electronic balance fails, it shall be repaired in time, and it is not allowed to work with "disease".
7. Do not overload the operating balance to avoid damage to the balance.
8. If the electronic balance is not used for a long time, it should be stored temporarily.
How to use ordinary household electronic scales
1、 Technical indicators:
Specification (example): 7000g * 1g, 5000g * 1g, 1000g * 0.2g, 500g * 0.1g; each Platform scale There is only one measuring range and precision, for example, 5000g * 1g means the maximum weighing is 5000g (measuring range is 5000g), and the division value is 1g.
2、 Key function:
The key shapes of household electronic scales may vary widely, but the three basic functions are as follows:
Wireless electronic hanging scale
1. ON/OFF: power switch. If the machine is turned on without weighing, it will automatically shut down after about 100 seconds. Many electronic scales will use a circle plus a vertical symbol to indicate the key.
2. TARE or the separate letter "T" means: reset, tare key; Press the reset and tare button to reset the scale. For example, put a vessel on the scale, press this key, the scale will return to zero, and then add liquid to the vessel, and the scale will only show the weight of the liquid.
3. MODE, "UNIT" or "U": unit conversion key; Press the "MODE" key once to switch between "g" and "oz". ounce (oz) Foreign CUoM For example, the gold dollar quotation is usually in one ounce. G is g, 1 kg=1000 g=2 jin.
3、 Precautions:
1. No display after startup: check whether the battery is correctly installed, whether the power is sufficient, and whether the insulating plastic sheet is taken out.
2. After the electronic scale is placed stably, the object to be weighed is gently taken and placed on the scale. When the weight of the object exceeds the range, take it down quickly and try to cherish the electronic scale.
3. If the scale is not used for a long time, please take out the battery to prevent the battery Leakage Damage your scale.
Calibration method of household electronic scale:
1. In the shutdown state, press and hold the "MODE" key before pressing "ON/OFF", and wait until a group of Internal code After the value is set, loosen the two keys, for example, "- 7484" will be displayed, and press the "ON/OFF" key again, you will be prompted to put the weight of the corresponding gram, for example, 2000 grams for 5000 grams calibration, and the display screen will prompt "2000". After putting the weight of the corresponding weight, press the "ON/OFF" key again, and the display screen will quickly display "PASS", indicating that the calibration is completed. After restarting, it can be used normally.
2. If there is no weight, it is enough to weigh the object with corresponding weight on the electronic balance, such as a glass cup, add or subtract water properly, fine tune for many times, or adjust a standard weight.
Industrial scale
Industrial electronic scales are widely used in control, batching and metering, and the system accuracy of electronic scales is often required. One of the main reasons affecting the system accuracy is the nonlinear problem of electronic scales. This article focuses on the production of Nonlinear error The main reasons and solutions.
(1) How to use the display
1. Power on and preheat. Plug the power supply into the power supply Socket , the display is powered on Warm-up period When preheating, the display will display "". When preheating is over, execute the following functions:
(1) weighing apparatus be in Quiescent state When the load is less than 2% Max, the scale enters the "empty scale state", the empty scale cursor lights up, and the displayed value is "0", then the scale can be weighed.
(2) If the weighing instrument is in an unstable state or the load is greater than 2% Max, it will display Actual weight Value.
2. Functions
(1) Empty scale tracking. When the scale is in a static and stable empty scale state, the display automatically corrects the small empty scale change caused by the change of external conditions at a speed of 0.5d/s. When loading, or the scale is affected by external conditions, the empty scale changes more than the empty scale tracking threshold This function will automatically Stop functioning , the corresponding cursor turns off. The maximum value of this function Scope of action Yes: take the scale as the "0" point when starting up, not more than 2% of the maximum weight.
(2) Zero the empty scale. 1 When the weighing instrument is in the empty scale state or the load does not exceed a certain range, the empty scale key is displayed as "0". The scope of this function is the same as the empty scale tracking function; 2 Press the auxiliary key and then press this key, the display can remember the current empty scale status.
(2) Peeling
Peel the object and place the container on the scale Carrier Press the tare button to enter the tare status, which is displayed as "0". Then add heavy objects to the container to display the weight of heavy objects( Net weight )。 When the weight of the weight on the weighing instrument carrier is less than the weight of the original container, a negative That is, the difference between the current weight and the container weight. To exit from the tare removal status, press the gross weight key or press the tare removal key in the empty scale status.
(3) Cumulative
Press the accumulation key to accumulate the current weighing value in the preset accumulation mode. If you press the auxiliary key first and then the cumulative key, you can subtract the current weighing value from the cumulative total, and you can only subtract it once.
(4) Display sum or skin Multiple value
Press the summation key to display the accumulated summation. The summation value is 8 digits. The upper 4 digits are displayed first, followed by the "H" symbol. Then press the key to display the lower 4 digits, followed by the "L" symbol. Continue to press the key to return to the weighing state. If you press the auxiliary key first, then the sum key, the skin value will be displayed, and then press the sum key to return to the weighing state.
1、 Check first when opening the package Product specification , understand Product Functions
2、 Set Hanging scale It is hung on the crane hook to ensure stability and safety.
3、 Press and hold the power on key to power on automatic detection Numbers can be used only after they are reset to zero from 9 to 1.
4、 Hook the weighing object onto the scale and read the weighing figure after it is stable. Wireless hanging scale Press the print key to print out the data.
5、 Accumulate. If you need to accumulate several weighing data, you can press the Accumulate key once after the last weighing, or you can use the Remote control switch Operate.
6、 After weighing, press the power off button to turn off and save power. Some products are equipped with Power saving mode , when it is still, it can automatically enter standby power saving. It depends on the product function.

For loader


brief introduction

What is? Loader electronic scale Loader The electronic scale is a loader Weighing equipment , which is integrated with the mechanical control part of the loader to realize weighing while the loader is moving. It passes through a Proximity switch Monitoring of pre-determined weighing positions, converting hydraulic pressure to a scraper bucket The weight of internal load. It has Target Mode And accumulation mode. According to the operator's choice, the load can be automatically accumulated, or the load can be automatically accumulated at and from the target Set value Middle deduction.

Management requirements

Loader scale Unit of measurement It should be gram (g), kilogram (kg) ton (t). The accuracy level of the loader electronic scale shall meet the requirements of Y (b) scale according to the statement of the manufacturer. Loader scale Nameplate , front version or Header Such obvious parts shall be marked with metrological signs and Measuring instruments The marks, numbers and descriptions must be clear, firm and reliable. The electronic scale of the loader is not allowed to be adjusted by the user.

Principle and structure characteristics

The loader electronic scales are respectively installed on the loader boom according to the Cylinder Oil inlet and Oil return 2 on the oil circuit Pressure sensor Measure the pressure change of the oil cylinder during the lifting of the loader boom, and adjust the speed a central processor Automatic calculation to obtain weight data, and Screen display The resulting weight.
In the process of tipping bucket lifting of loading locomotive, the pressure sensor transmits the signal to the computer for data conversion processing; When the locomotive shovels the goods, the boom will immediately retract to the starting point, and the electronic scale of the loader will immediately display the weight of the goods; When the locomotive dumps to unload, the screen displays the accumulated weight; When the tipper drops to the starting point, the screen displays the total cumulative weight of the goods.