Physiological psychology

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physiology Psychology is an important part of psychological research, which explores Psychological activities The physiological basis of mechanism Its research includes the evolution of brain and behavior; Anatomy and development of brain and its relationship with behavior; Cognitive, motor control, motivational behavior, emotional and mental disorders, etc psychological phenomenon And behavioral nerve Process and neural mechanism. The research on the physiological basis of psychological activities has a long history. It has been more than 100 years, from anatomical and physiological studies to the functional orientation of the brain, to biochemical studies of changes in brain matter of psychological activities, to the application of brain waves and brain imaging technology, but it has developed rapidly in recent decades.
Chinese name
Physiological psychology
Applicable fields
Psychological research
The branch of psychology that studies the physiological process of psychological phenomena and behavior


physiology Psychology It is a psychology that studies the physiological process of psychological phenomenon and behavior branch It attempts to explain psychological phenomena by physiological events in the brain, also known as biopsychology, psychology biology Or behavioral neuroscience. [1]
First, physiological psychology subject The name should belong to《 Outline of Physiological Psychology 》Author of Experimental Psychology Founder of Vont This book is the first monograph on physiological psychology, which can be said to be the outline of a new scientific field envisaged by the author. It means that psychology can be studied by objective and physiological methods. But from nerve The experimental work of exploring psychological phenomena and behaviors in terms of physiology and brain function has long been started by neuroscientists and physiologists.

research contents

Physiological psychology is Psychological Science Importance in the system Basic discipline In addition to using people as research objects, it also uses various experiment Animals are object , studying the physiology of psychological and behavioral activities mechanism With the development of psychological science, biology, neuroscience and new technology, physiological psychology has surpassed the traditional physiological psychology view And methods, more and more obviously showing their own characteristics and trends of interdisciplinary development. Scientists extend It has given many names to this field, such as biopsychology, behavioral neuroscience, behavioral brain sciences, etc. These names also reflect the basic goal of revealing the brain mechanism of behavior. The development of this discipline has promoted the level The research methods of the research methods of neurobiology have penetrated into the micro field of neurobiology, and at the same time, the research methods of neurobiology have penetrated into the field of psychology. The study of psychological behavior phenomenon is carried out from multiple disciplines, aspects, angles and levels. Chinese society It is in a period of rapid transformation, and various psychological diseases (such as depression , suicide, social adaptation disorder, behavioral problems) and Psychosomatic disease (such as coronary heart disease and cancer), which has become the most concerned mental health in China in the 21st century topic The research of physiological psychology in China is also paying close attention to the basic research in the field of psychosomatic health. In this phase coordination This album includes 19 articles about stress Mental illness depressed , addiction, cognitive neuroscience, and learning memory This paper summarizes the research progress of physiology and psychology at home and abroad from different aspects.
Physiological psychology is the physiological and Biological Basis Science. It is closely related to psychology, physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, endocrinology, neurology psychiatry genetics zoology And philosophy.
Motivation and emotion , sleep and awakening, learning and memory, language and thinking Psychological process , feel and Perceptual process , as well as the physiological mechanism of psychological barriers.

Research process


Early research

France As early as 1824, the neuroscientist Florent began to study the relationship between the structure of various parts of the brain and Psychological ability The conclusion is that the brain is synthesized by multiple organs, and the functions of each organ are different, thalamus It is the core organ for generating consciousness, brain It's an intellectual organ, and the cerebellum is Coordinated movement The medulla is a vital organ. The nature of thalamus and brain is unified, which together form multiple Functional system Consciousness, will and all intelligence are in these two organs, and they are inseparable from each other.
Germany His doctor and physiologist Zixi And Fridge, who first published the results obtained by stimulating different areas of the dog's cerebral cortex with electric current in 1870 result It is found that individual limb movements can be produced when certain parts of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex are stimulated, which is the initial experimental basis of the theory of functional localization of the cerebral cortex. 1876 annual fee Lille Applying electrical stimulation to jackal , cats, guinea pigs, pigeons, fish, frogs and other animals. Results The brain location of sensory and motor functions was determined principle After that, German physiological physicist Helmholtz measured Nerve impulse conduction The principle of color vision and hearing is discussed.
Early 20th century britain biologist Sherington Start to study sensory psychology. Found muscular Innervation The interaction mode of excitation and inhibition, and the excitation and inhibition of neurons Space and time The summation of; He emphasized the unique nature of human consciousness and believed that psychology could not be simplified into brain function, so his psychology was considered dualistic. Almost the same age as Sherington, but the opposite view is Soviet Union Pavlov, a physiologist of Classical conditioning Experimental work; We have studied many aspects of the formation and development of conditioned reflex law , such as strengthening, fading natural The diffusion and concentration of recovery, generalization, differentiation or excitement; It is believed that the secretion of conditioned reflex of gastric juice or saliva is the secretion of psychological nature, and conditioned reflex is a kind of Advanced nervous activity , it is proposed that Higher nerve activity law The theory of.
Pavlov believes that animals have two types of reflex activities: unconditional reflex, which is equal to species' Instinctive behavior Conditional reflex, that is, learning behavior, both belong to First signal system Humans and the second signal system That is, human language system. The working principles of the two signal systems are consistent, and they are subject to all the laws of conditional reflection. He pointed out that human psychosis occurs in the barrier of the second signal system. Animals below humans can only suffer from neuropathy, not psychosis. Pavlov is a complete reflexologist. His experimental method of conditioned reflex and the concept of conditioned reflex are very important to the later Behaviorist psychology Great impact.

modern research

At the beginning of the 20th century, Watson, the founder of behaviorist psychology, began to use surgery to deprive rats of all kinds of feelings to study how rats learn Labyrinthine And point out the rat's own Kinesthetic sense It is the main feeling signal.
After Watson, Lashley The method of removing part of the cerebral cortex was used to study the relationship between the damaged part and scope of the cerebral cortex and the loss of learning and memory ability in rats. It was found that the degree of the loss of learning and memory ability in rats was not related to the damaged part of the cerebral cortex
Test chart
Contemporary Principle Psychology Founder of Xie Jianqing It is believed that, thalamus It is the core organ for generating consciousness, which is distributed by the thalamus Qiu Jue Generate awareness. cerebral cortex The function of equivalent brain is exchange Produce samples, and Qiu Jue lights up the samples grant Of.
With the continuous development of research field, physiology Psychological research The methods and technologies of the company are increasingly refined and diversified. In the method Comparative Psychology Home applied maze, discrimination box Skinner box , as well as observation of classical conditioning and measurement Emotional response Open field box, etc.
Physiological psychology applies the new technology of electronics in technology, which can not only record EEG on the scalp, but also record the activities of single neurons in the brain. Autoradiography, X-ray tomography, positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance are also gradually used to explore the changes of substance metabolism activities in various parts of the brain when people are engaged in certain work and observe the local pathological changes in the brain related to certain dysfunction.
Psychological phenomenon is the product of the whole brain activity, and it is the reflection of the brain on the realistic stimulus and past experiences. Therefore, physiological psychology focuses on the neural activities as the basis of psychological phenomena from a holistic perspective.
Physiological psychology studies the function of the structure of various parts of the brain, focusing on understanding how these parts participate in the overall work of the brain. The purpose of studying the response of a single neuron to a special stimulus is also to track the neural circuits and tissues that realize certain behavioral responses or behavioral changes, rather than the interest in the physiology of the neuron itself. This is the purpose of physiological psychology, which is different from Neurophysiology Place.

Modern development

First of all, W. Wundt, the author of the Outline of Physiological Psychology (1874) and the founder of experimental psychology, proposed the name of physiological psychology. However, the experimental work of exploring psychological phenomena and behaviors from the aspects of neurophysiology and brain function has long been started by neuroscientists and physiologists.
French neuroscientist M- J. As early as 1824, Florent began to study the relationship between the structure of each part of the brain and mental ability by removing part of the brain area. He concluded that the brain is composed of multiple organs, and the functions of each organ are different. The brain is an intellectual organ, the cerebellum is an organ that coordinates movement, and the medulla is an organ that maintains life. The nature of the brain itself is unified. Perception, will and all intelligence are in this organ, and they are inseparable from each other.
In 1870, German doctors and physiologists E. Hizich and G. Frisch first published the results obtained by stimulating different areas of the dog's cerebral cortex with electric current. In 1876, D. Ferrier applied electric stimulation to animals such as jackals, cats, guinea pigs, pigeons, fish and frogs. Results The brain localization principle of sensory and motor function was determined. Later, German physiological physicist H.von Helmholtz measured the rate of nerve impulse conduction and explored the principles of color vision and hearing.
At the beginning of the 20th century, British biologist C S. Sherington began to study sensory psychology, published the research results of color vision, flash vision, touch and muscle movement, and proposed terms such as internal receptor, external receptor and proprioception; He elaborated the concept of the integration of neurons, synapses and the nervous system, and studied the reflex mechanism of the spinal cord. He emphasized the unique nature of human consciousness and believed that psychology could not be simplified into brain function, so his psychology was considered dualistic. Almost the same age as Sherington, but the opposite view is that of the Soviet physiologist И. Π. Pavlov; He believes that animals have two types of reflex activities: ① unconditional reflex, which is equivalent to the instinctive behavior of species; ② Conditional reflex is the behavior of learning. Both belong to the first signal system. Human beings also have a second signal system, that is, human language system. The working principles of the two signal systems are consistent, and they are subject to all the laws of conditional reflection. He pointed out that human psychosis occurs in the barrier of the second signal system. Animals below humans can only suffer from neuropathy, not psychosis. Pavlov is a complete reflexologist.
At the beginning of the 20th century (1907), J B. Watson began to use surgery to deprive rats of various senses to study the sensory signals that rats rely on in learning maze, and pointed out that rats' own sense of motion was the most important sensory signal. After Watson, K.S. Lashley used the method of removing part of the cerebral cortex, which was significantly related to the extent of damage. Therefore, he proposed the theory of equipotential function of the cerebral cortex and the principle of overall activity. Their work can be called the beginning of psychologists directly engaged in physiological and psychological experimental research.

Scope of study

The researchers of contemporary physiological psychology, regardless of their philosophical background, have admitted that it is necessary to explore the psychosomatic relationship from the perspective of brain activity. The research field has not been limited to exploring the neural basis related to learning and memory or sensation and perception, but has developed to the research on the comprehensive biological basis of psychological phenomena and behavior, including the research on the neural process of sensory perception information processing from the perspective of information theory; The neural mechanism of motor response and feedback information in controlling body movements and acrobatic movements; Motivational factors of behavior, or physiological mechanisms of basic behavior regulation such as feeding, drinking, sleeping and reproduction, including mechanisms of nerve and endocrine gland activities related to emotional experience controlled by central nervous system and endocrine system, and neurophysiological problems of mental disorders; Neuroanatomy, physiological and biochemical basis of memory; Advanced mental functions, such as the brain mechanism of language and consciousness activities; The functional specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain, as well as the regional differentiation and integration of the functions of the cerebral cortex, are also involved in the evolution and ontogeny of species behavior.
With the continuous development of research fields, research methods and technologies are increasingly refined and diversified. In terms of methods, the maze, discrimination box, Skinner box used by comparative psychologists to train animals to learn and measure animal responses, and the open field box used to observe classical conditioning and measure emotional responses were used. The new technology of electronics can not only record EEG on the scalp, but also record the activity of individual neurons in the brain (see color picture). Autoradiography, X-ray tomography, positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance are also gradually used to explore the changes of substance metabolism activities in various parts of the brain when people are engaged in certain work and observe the local pathological changes in the brain related to certain dysfunction.
There are two main types of experimental methods that can be used in the experimental research of physiological psychology:
① Interfering with the whole or local brain activity by special means (such as surgery, electrical stimulation, chemical stimulation or damage, etc.) to observe the change of behavior or the loss of ability;
② Intervention behavior (such as forcing animals to learn certain skills, restricting certain activities of animals, depriving animals of certain sensory afferent, social isolation, etc.) to observe changes in brain substances and neuronal activities.
These two methods are used to study the relationship between behavioral changes and biological events in the brain. However, a certain behavior may have a direct causal relationship with a certain brain event, or a complex indirect relationship, or even a parallel relationship, Without a comprehensive analysis of other data, it is difficult to draw a conclusion of causality.



Neuroanatomical techniques

(1) Histological method: steps: 1), fixation 2), sectioning 3), staining
(2) Neural pathway Tracking method:
1) Study on Collapsed Axons
Principle: after the cell body of the neuron is destroyed or the axon is cut off, the axon at the far end of the neuron quickly dies and degenerates.
Method: Use the locator to accurately electrode Insert what is to be destroyed in the experiment Nucleus nervi First, destroy the neuronal cell body with direct current (or use a knife to cut off the fiber bundle somewhere). A few days after the operation, the axons of the damaged neurons began to degenerate. Only those degenerated axons absorbed silver and were stained black on the slices, so that the whereabouts of the axons from the damaged nerve nuclei could be tracked from the continuous brain slices.
2) Amino acid autoradiation Photography
Method and principle: Neurons will carry nuclide amino acid It is synthesized into protein, which is transported to the terminal of axon along the axon. Use autoradiography to understand the orientation and connection of neuronal axons.
3) Horseradish oxidase tracing method
Method and principle: use the metabolism of neurons Histochemistry Know the orientation and connection of neuron axons.

Brain injury method

Use natural or experimental methods to cause brain injury in animals, and then study the dysfunction of brain injured animals to infer the brain
The relationship between structure and brain function. Common methods include: 1) transverse injury; 2) aspiration injury; 3) electrolytic injury; 4) neurochemical injury (using neurochemical toxins); 5) freezing injury; 6) spreading inhibition (using electricity, heat Chemistry The local activity of the cerebral cortex is inhibited by the method of.

Stimulatory method

It can understand the functional changes of the brain when stimulated, and then infer the relationship between brain structure and brain function.
(1) Electrical stimulation: Stimulate specific parts of the brain with harmless current. Observe the changes of psychological behavior to determine the function of this brain part; or record the evoked potentials of other brain parts to speculate whether there is direct or indirect connection between two or more brain regions.
(2) Chemical stimulation: injection of neurotransmitters and other agonists into local areas of the brain to observe their impact on psychological behavior, which can also be used for identification Neurotransmitter receptor Category and activity level.


The brain is composed of many neurons. The basic form of neuronal activity is the discharge of neurons, which is usually pulsed. After amplifying the weak current accompanying biological cell activity, input Cathode-ray oscilloscope Or various recorders can record Cerebral neuron The bioelectric activity of.


Physiological psychology is important in the scientific system of psychology Basic theory One of the disciplines, which takes the mind body relationship as its basic proposition and tries to clarify various Psychological activities Physiological mechanism.
Brain morphology is neuroanatomy Nervous tissue Science, neurohistochemistry, neurocytology and ultramicrostructure.

Classification of nervous system

Neuroanatomy divides the nervous system into two parts: central nervous system And peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain in the cranial cavity and the spinal cord in the spinal canal. The brain in the cranial cavity can be divided into brain cerebellum Diencephalon midbrain , pons and medulla. Intraspinal spinal cord It is divided into 31 sections.
The peripheral nervous system is the central administration The fibers emitted are composed of 12 pairs of brain nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which transmit sensory and motor information of the trunk, head and face respectively. In the brain spinal nerve All of them have fibers that control visceral movement, which are distributed in viscera, cardiovascular and glands, and are called autonomic nerves.
According to the central location and morphological characteristics of autonomic nerves, they can be divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which antagonize each other in function and jointly regulate and dominate visceral activities.


Neurohistology divides the brain and spinal cord into gray matter, white matter, nerve nucleus and fiber bundles according to the cell aggregation and fiber arrangement in the brain and spinal cord. Gray matter and nerve nucleus are composed of nerve cell Somatic and nerve cell dendrites. White matter and fiber bundles are composed of axons (nerve fibers) of nerve cells.
In the brain, gray matter is distributed on the surface, called Cerebral cortex The white matter is deep, called medulla. The opposite is true in the spinal cord, with gray matter inside and white matter outside. According to the different levels of cerebral cortex cells, the cortex can be divided into ancient cortex, old cortex and neocortex, which accounts for about 90% of the cerebral cortex.
According to the anatomical position, the cerebral cortex can be divided into frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe. The temporal lobe mainly has auditory function. Occipital lobe mainly has visual function. The parietal lobe is the senior center of somatic sensation. The frontal lobe mainly has the function of body movement.

Limbic system

Marginal lobe: including the inferior corpus callosum, cingulate gyrus, hippocampal gyrus and the hippocampal formation deep in the hippocampal gyrus.
Limbic system: limbic lobe and some subcortical brain structures, such as thalamus Papillary body , midbrain tegmentum, etc., together form the limbic system, which is called visceral brain, and is the visceral function and mechanism Internal environment It is also the center of emotion and emotion regulation.
There are some nerve nuclei deep in the medulla (white matter) of the brain, called the basal ganglia, including the caudate nucleus, lenticular nucleus, amygdala and screen nucleus. The caudate nucleus and lenticular nucleus constitute the striatum, which can regulate the motor function of the body.


The diencephalon is located between the brain and the midbrain, and is covered by the two hemispheres of the brain Suprathalamus hypothalamus And four parts of hypothalamus
Test chart
Sub composition. The thalamus is an important integration center of all senses except olfaction under the cortex. It selects and integrates the incoming information, and then projects it to specific parts of the cerebral cortex. The hypothalamus is involved in the regulation of olfaction and certain hormones. The hypothalamus is Neuroendocrine And regulating center of visceral function. The hypothalamus is part of the extrapyramidal system, which regulates muscle tension and enables normal motor function. The midbrain, pons and medulla are collectively called brainstem. Its ventral side is composed of up and down fibers between the spinal cord and the brain, which transmit neural information. The largest bundle is the descending fiber corticospinal tract, also known as pyramidal tract. It mainly controls the Random exercise There are 12 pairs of brain nerve nuclei arranged on the dorsal side of the brain stem. There are four projections on the dorsal side of the midbrain, called the tetrads, which are composed of a pair of superior colliculus and a pair of inferior colliculus. They process visual and auditory information respectively. Between the back and abdomen of the brain stem is called the tegmentum, which is composed of crisscross nerve fibers and many nerve cells of different sizes and shapes scattered in the fibers, namely Reticular formation of brainstem , its up and down fiber diffuse projection regulates the excitability level of brain structure.


The cerebellum is located on the dorsal side of the pons and medulla, and its structure is similar to that of the brain. The outer layer is gray matter, the inner layer is white matter, and there are four pairs of nuclei in the deep part of white matter, called the central nucleus. The main function is to adjust the muscle tension, so as to maintain posture and balance, and successfully complete random movement.

nerve cell

At the cytological and ultrastructural levels, nerve tissue consists of two types of cells, namely neurons (nerve cells) and Glial cell The number of the two is roughly equal. Glial cells constitute the framework of the nervous system and play the role of tissue nutrition for neurons, not directly involved in the transmission of neural information.
Neurons are composed of cell bodies, axons and dendrites. The fine structure of the relationship between neurons is called synapse. The synapse consists of presynaptic nerve endings, terminal buckle, postsynaptic membrane, and Synaptic space Consists of. The presynaptic excited nerve impulse cannot jump across the synaptic gap and directly transmit to the postsynaptic component. In most cases, it needs to pass through chemistry transmit Mechanism to complete information During transmission, synapses can be divided into excitatory and inhibitory synapses according to their functions.

New developments

Test chart
Physiological psychology In the past 40 years, with the continuous development of research fields, research methods and technologies have become increasingly refined and diversified. At the same time, the maze, discrimination box, Skinner box and observation used by other behavioral psychologists to train animals to learn and measure animal reactions are also used Classical conditioning And an open box for measuring emotional response. The new technology of electronics can not only record EEG on the scalp, but also record the activities of individual neurons in the brain. Autoradiography, X-ray tomography, positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging are also gradually used to explore the changes of substance metabolism activities in various parts of the brain when people are engaged in certain work and observe the local pathological changes in the brain related to certain dysfunction.
Physiological psychology It is a comprehensive discipline, which is related to physiology and neuroanatomy. Neurophysiology, biochemistry, psychological (or behavioral) pharmacology, neurology Neuropsychology Endocrinology and behavioral genetics are closely related. Physiological psychology Synthesize the research results of various neighboring disciplines to explore the mystery of brain organization and work on which psychological phenomena depend.
1. In terms of methods, the maze, discrimination box, Skinner box used by comparative psychologists to train animals to learn and measure animal responses, and the open field box used to observe classical conditioning and measure emotional responses were used.
2. Technically, the new technology of electronics can record EEG on the scalp and the activity of individual neurons in the brain. Autoradiography, positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance are also gradually used to explore the changes of substance metabolism activities in various parts of the brain when people are engaged in certain work and observe the local lesions in the brain related to certain dysfunction.

Sub discipline

Psychological overview, comparative psychology Instigation psychology , dynamic psychology Structural psychology Functional Psychology Theoretical psychology General Psychology cognitive psychology Behavioral Psychology, Motivational Psychology Psychostatistics developmental psychology , lifelong developmental psychology Child Psychology Youth Psychology Adult Psychology , geriatric psychology Gestalt Psychology (Gestalt Psychology) Industrial Psychology Management psychology, labor psychology Engineering Psychology , personnel psychology, consumer psychology, medical psychology Abnormal psychology , neuropsychology, physiological psychology Counseling Psychology Health Psychology Physiological and Psychological Medicine educational psychology social psychology Applied Social Psychology, Mathematical Psychology Topological Psychology , sports psychology Music Psychology , psycholinguistics Religious Psychology , legal psychology, environmental psychology, ethnic psychology Group Psychology , aesthetic psychology Literary Psychology , Experimental Psychology Psychiatry Evolutionary Psychology


·(US) Carlson, N.R., translated by Su Yanjie, etc Physiological Psychology, 6th edition, China Light Industry Press, 2007
·Shen Zheng, Lin Shuzhi. Physiological Psychology. Peking University Press, second edition, 2007
·Shao Jiao. Physiological Psychology. People's Education Press, 1987
·Kuang Peizi, Physiological Psychology, Science Press, 1998
·K. W. Walsh, Neuropsychology, Science Press, 1987
·Robert Soraso. Psychological Science and Brain Science in the 21st Century. Peking University Press, 2002
·Shen Deli. Theory and Practice of Brain Function Development. Educational Science Press, 2002
·Fu Xiaoli, Zhang Li Brain and Mind, China Youth Press, 2002

Book information


Version 1

essential information
Title: Physiological Psychology
Book number: 1627830
Press: Peking University
Price: 12.0
Author: Shen Zheng
Publication date: November 1, 1993
Version: 1
Format: 24
This book not only draws on the latest research results from the monographs of physiological psychology at home and abroad, but also from many fields related to neighboring disciplines, such as cognitive psychology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, molecular neurobiology, information science, and so on, to discuss feeling, perception, attention, learning, memory, speech thinking, instinctive motivation, emotion, personality The physiological mechanism of mental activities, such as sports and will behavior, and the new theory of the pathological mechanism, such as agnosia, aphasia, amnesia, children's attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, affective psychosis, intellectual disorder, and personality disorder, are linked. The book also covers cognitive theories, artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks related to perception, attention, learning, memory and speech thinking. In the introduction, the author discusses the history and contemporary development trend of physiological psychology, and generally introduces the necessary basic knowledge. At the end of the book, the latest bibliography in Chinese and foreign languages available at home is listed.
This book can be used as a textbook for college students majoring in psychology, pedagogy, medicine, neurobiology, etc. It can also be used as a reference book for theoretical researchers in these fields to update their basic knowledge.
Chapter I Introduction
Section I Historical Development View of Physiological Psychology
1、 The Disciplinary Nature of Physiological Psychology
2、 A historical review of brain research
3、 When low mainstream and development trend
Section 2 Basic knowledge required for learning physiological psychology
1、 The basic concept of psychological activity and the system of this book
2、 Basic knowledge of psychiatry and psychiatry
3、 Neurology and Neurology
4、 Basic concepts of brain morphology
5、 Basic knowledge of neurophysiology
6、 Basic concepts of molecular neurobiology
Chapter II Feeling
Section I Visual Physiology Psychology
1、 Generation of visual information
2、 Transmission of visual information
3、 Visual Information Processing and Coding
Section II Physiological and Psychological Problems of Hearing
1、 Physical and psychophysical parameters of sound stimulation
2、 Ear and auditory pathway
3、 Neural coding of auditory information
4、 Neural code of voice
5、 Neural coding for spatial localization of sound source
Section 3 Taste and smell
1、 Gustatory sense
2、 Sense of smell
Section IV Somatic sensation
1、 Somatosensory patterns and general rules of their coding
2、 Superficial sensation and its ascending pathway
3、 Deep sense and its conduction pathway
4、 Visceral sensation and pain
Chapter III Physiological Psychology of Perception
Section 1 Neural basis of perception
1、 Agnosia and the brain structure of perception
2、 Cellular Physiological Basis of Perception
Section II Perception Theory and Physiological Research
1、 The Combination of Two Processing Processes and Perceptual Features
2、 Brain event related position and perception process
3、 Regional glucose metabolic rate and perceptual process
Section 3 Visual perception mechanism
1、 Occipital pre pathway of spatial perception
2、 Occipitotemporal pathway of object perception
3、 Cognition and recognition of faces
Chapter 4 Physiological and Psychological Theory of Attention
Chapter V Learning and Its Neurobiological Basis
Chapter VI Physiological and Psychological Basis of Memory
Chapter 7 Brain Mechanism of Speech and Thinking
Chapter VIII Physiological and Psychological Basis of Instinct and Motivation
Chapter 9 Physiological Psychology of Emotion and Emotion
Chapter X Movement and Will Behavior
Chapter XI Physiological and Psychological Problems of Personality
reference material

Version 2

essential information
Pinyin title
sheng li xin li xue
Other titles
parallel title
Responsible person
Edited by Xu Bin
People's Health Publishing House
Place of publication
Publication time
two thousand and seven
note appended
National level planning textbooks for general higher education during the "11th Five Year Plan" period Textbooks for the "11th Five Year Plan" period of the Ministry of Health Planning Textbooks for the National Association for the Construction of Higher Medical Textbooks
This book is divided into 15 chapters. The first to fourth chapters introduce the basic knowledge of physiological psychology; Chapters 5 to 7 deal with sensory perception and movement; Chapters 8-11 introduce sleeping, sex and eating behaviors; Chapter 12-15 is about emotion and stress, attention, memory, language and advanced cognitive function.
Chapter Contents:
Chapter I Introduction to Physiological Psychology
Section I Basic Viewpoints
1、 Dualism
2、 Monism
3、 Reductionism
4、 Integration theory
Section II Research Objects and Problems of Physiological Psychology
1、 Physiological psychology research object
2、 The Nature and Problems of Physiological Psychology
Section III Research Methods and Techniques of Physiological Psychology
1、 Techniques of neuroanatomy
2、 Brain injury method
3、 Stimulatory method
4、 Electrography
5、 Biochemical analysis method
6、 Brain imaging technology
7、 Behavioral research
Section IV Several hypotheses about the relationship between brain structure and function
1、 The Unity of Positioning Theory and Holistic Theory
2、 Functional system theory
3、 Module theory
Section 5 Nature and Acquirement of Behavior
1、 The influence of genes on behavior
2、 Evolution and Behavior
Thinking question
Chapter II Electric Activity and Information Exchange of Neurons
Section I Neurons and synapses
1、 Neurons and glial cells
[Column 2-1] Functions of glial cells
2、 Synapse
Section II Electric activity of neurons
1、 Neuron bioelectricity recording technology
[Column 2-2] Patch clamp record
2、 Resting potential and action potential
[Column 2-3] Main ion currents of neurons
3、 Generation and transmission of neural electrical signals
Section 3 Information exchange of neurons
1、 Transmission of nerve electrical signals
[Column 2-4] Vesicular circulation mechanism of neurotransmitter release
2、 Neurotransmitters and modulators
3、 Receptors and signal transduction
4、 Modulation of transmission of neural electrical signals
Thinking question
Chapter III Neuroanatomical Basis of Physiology and Psychology
Section 1 Basic composition of nervous system
1、 Forebrain
2、 Midbrain
3、 Hindbrain
4、 Spinal cord
5、 Autonomic nervous system
Section II Functional structure of brain
1、 Stratification and division of cerebral cortex
2、 Structural functional unit of cerebral cortex module
3、 Functional system of cerebral cortex
4、 Main divisions of cerebral cortex
[Column 3-1] Brain hemispheres and consciousness
[Column 3-2] plrb column ring system
Thinking question
Chapter 4 Brain Development and Plasticity
Section I Brain development
1、 Growth and differentiation of vertebrate brain
[Column 4-1] Proliferation and migration of cortical neurons
2、 How axons find pathways
3、 Fine tuning of life experience on nervous system development
4、 Proportional development of brain regions
5、 Vulnerability of the developing brain
Section II Plasticity after brain injury
1、 Cause and prevention of brain injury
2、 Mechanism of recovery after brain injury
[Column 4-2] Animal experiment of stimulating drugs to promote recovery
[Column 4-3] Demonstration of denervation hypersensitivity with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda)
[Column 4-4] Research on the influence of life experience on the reorganization of sensory representative areas
[Column 4-5] "Phantom sensation" and reorganization of cortical representative areas
3、 Treatment
[Column 4-6] Experimental treatment of brain injury in animals
[Special Column 4-7] Sensory pathway helps wake-up
Thinking question [2]