technological process

[gōng yì liú chéng]
The whole process of product processing
zero Useful+1
synonym production process (The process in which raw materials are processed by equipment during production) generally refers to the process flow
Process flow is also called "processing flow" or "production flow". Refers to a certain Production equipment Or pipeline, the whole process of continuous processing from raw material input to finished product output. The process flow is produced by industrial enterprises technical conditions And products Production technology It is determined by the characteristics.
A complete process flow usually includes several processes. Inset Tiling In stone works, it is generally necessary to mix mortar, immerse bricks in water Priming Tiling Flat seam , surface cleaning, etc Process It can be seen that the basic content of the process flow is that workers use labor tools to change Object of labor Shape, size, location component , performance, etc. to make it the expected product. [1]
Chinese name
technological process
Foreign name
work process
Processing flow and production flow
Basic elements
Input resources, activities, interaction of activities (i.e. structure), output results, customers, value


The production process refers to Production process Medium, used by workers tool of production The method and process of continuously processing various raw materials and semi-finished products through certain equipment in a certain order to finally make them into finished products. The principle is: advanced technology and reasonable economy. Due to different plant equipment throughput , precision, worker proficiency and other factors are very different, so for the same product, different factories may develop different processes; Even the same factory may have different processes at different times.

Basic elements

Production process flow is the combination of elements in the production process of products from raw materials to finished products. Include Inputs resources activity , Active Interaction (i.e. structure), output results, customers and value. Take the beer production process as an example, input resources include raw materials( malt Rice), activities and interactions between activities include various reactions and changes generated by the auxiliary support of personnel and equipment, which can finally output results (beer) and point to certain customers, and the product production finally has corresponding value.
Schematic diagram of beer production process

process design

The process design shall be completed by professional process personnel, and the design process shall consider rationality Economy , operability, controllability and other aspects, Production process The content of process design mainly includes:
Organization and analysis
It refers to the change and flow direction of materials and energy in the production process, and the application Biological reaction or chemical process And equipment to determine the production process and sequence of products. This section job content It is often called process design. The organization of the process includes the following basic requirements:
1. It can meet the product quality and Quantitative indicators
2. Economical
3. Reasonable
4. Meet environmental requirements
5. Process operable
6. Process can be controlled
The process flow design in China pays more and more attention to the following aspects:
1. Try to use mature and advanced technology and equipment;
2. Minimize three wastes Emissions , with perfect Three wastes treatment Measures shall be taken to reduce or eliminate environmental pollution, and the recovery and comprehensive utilization of the three wastes shall be well done;
3. Ensure Safe production To ensure the safety of personnel and equipment;
4. Try to use mechanization and automation to achieve stable and high yield.
production Process Flow Diagram It is divided into different levels. Different levels have different audiences, different focus and different requirements. Extension consultation It is believed that the foundation flow chart It is required to indicate the history of main materials and describe the processing links and equipment from raw materials to finished products; For more detailed flow chart, symbols shall be used to indicate the critical control point , even product specific process parameters Such flow charts are the basis for construction and the guide for operation, operation and maintenance.

Process management

1. Production process optimization mechanism
The production process is not stable. With the continuous change of technology, the dynamic performance of personnel will give more reasonable suggestions for process improvement. Every detail change may have a good effect on the optimization of the entire process. Enterprises should establish corresponding production process optimization mechanism.
2. Coordination of all links in the production process
It mainly includes the arrangement and coordination among various departments related to the production process. The process of product realization involves a wide range of departments and links. Managers of relevant departments need to know what responsibilities the department bears in the process of product realization, and also master the necessary methods and tools to ensure the smoothness and efficiency of the entire production process.
3. Production process control
Is the equipment aging? Is personnel safety guaranteed? critical control point What is the status? The control of production process involves the whole Process Many aspects of. Enterprises must form a standardized management and control mechanism to reduce risks.

Specific examples

Sheet metal process
1 Picking - 2 Picking - 3 punching -4 Bend -5 Welding - 6 grinding - 7 detection - 8 plastic spraying - 9 semi-finished product detection - 10 warehousing. Spray process: spray primer → Topcoat Gloss finish → Baking (180-250 ℃) → quality inspection
Machining Process flow: blank warehousing - blank processing - finishing - half Finished product inspection -Installation - finished product inspection - packaging - logistics
Aluminum products technological process
Aluminum extrusion Hardware stamping Brushing, grinding and sandblasting anodic oxidation Silk screen grooving extrusion mould design Manufacturing mold nitriding
The process flow of electroplating is: ① cleaning metal objects; ② Dilute hydrochloric acid Soaking; ③ Flushing; ④ Immersion in plating solution; ⑤ Adjust the current for electroplating; ⑥ Take out from the plating solution; ⑦ Flushing; ⑧ Deionization Boiling ;⑨ dry.
Stamping parts processing includes Blanking Bending, drawing, forming, finishing and other processes. Stamping materials are mainly hot rolled or cold rolled (mainly cold rolled) metal sheet and strip materials, such as carbon steel plate Alloy steel Spring plate Galvanized sheet Tinplate Stainless steel plate , copper and copper alloy Plate Aluminum and aluminum alloy Plate, etc.
stamping technological process: Coil Material mobilization - uncoiling - shearing and blanking - blanking/blanking of shapes (skip those without shapes) - drawing/pressing/bending (usually in the first step of the stamping process) - trimming (usually in the subsequent stamping process)/ punching /Shaping/flanging/ Flanging /Punch over hole/cut off/cut/ Washout /Necking/flaring/semi punching (knocking off holes/punching bosses, sometimes seen in non precision punching)/hemming/inner and outer edge trimming/leveling --- the above is the process that usually occurs in stamping --- the following is the later stage surface treatment : electroplating, blueing, shot blasting, polishing, spraying and some heat treatment, etc
Machining process flow: blank warehousing - blank processing - finishing - semi-finished product inspection - installation - finished product inspection - packaging - logistics
coordination with foreign countries or with other units Processing flow: raw material purchase=>qualified warehousing=>system issuing=>outsourcing factory picking, confirmed quantity=>processed parts=>delivery=>qualified warehousing=>raw material quantity deduction
Mold production process
(1) ESI (Early Supplier Evolution): This stage is mainly about the relationship between customers and suppliers product design The main purpose of the technical discussion with mold development is to make the supplier clearly understand the design intent and precision requirements of the product designer, and also make the product designer better understand the mold production capacity Process performance So as to make a more reasonable design.
(2) Quotation: including the price, service life and date of delivery
(3) Purchase Order: customer order Deposit And acceptance of supplier's order.
(4) Mold Production plan Production Planning and Schedule Arrangement: At this stage, we need to reply to the customer according to the specific date of mold delivery.
(5) Mold design: possible design software includes Pro/Engineer UG 、Solidworks、 AutoCAD etc.
(6) Purchasing materials
(7) Die processing Machining ): The processes involved include turning, gong (milling), heat treatment, grinding Cnc CNC )、 electric spark EDM )、 Wire cutting WEDM, JIG GRINDING, laser engraving, polishing, etc.
(8) Mold assembly
(9) Trial Run
(10) Sample Evaluation Report (SER)
(11) Sample evaluation report Approval (SER Approval)
Mold processing flow
Open frame: front mold frame, rear mold frame;
Rough opening: front mold cavity rough opening, rear mold cavity rough opening Parting line Rough opening;
Copper male : front die copper male, rear die copper male, parting line corner cleaning copper male;
Wire cutting: insert parting line, copper pin, inclined top sleeper;
Computer gong: fine gong parting line, fine gong back mold Mold core
Electric spark: front die thick, copper male Common module Line angle cleaning and rear mold Bone position Occipital position;
Drilling pinhole Thimble
Row position, row position voltage pole;
Inclined roof
Double thimble, with thimble;
Others: ① nozzle, die pit Garbage nail (Limit nail); ② Flying model ;③ Water outlet Stay head Spring, water transportation;
Save mold, polish, front mold, back mold bone position;
fine Water structure Pull rod screw hook, spring
Quenching and line surface nitriding;
Mold repair Lettering.
Mold manufacturing process
Drawing review - Material preparation - Processing - mold base processing - mold core processing - electrode processing - mold parts processing - inspection - assembly - flying mold - mold testing - production
A: Mold base processing: 1 dozen numbers, 2 A/B plates, 3 panels, 4 ejector pin fixing plates, 5 bottom plates
B: Mold core processing: 1 Flash ,2 Rough grinding ,3 Milling machine Processing, 4 bench workers processing, 5 CNC Rough machining , 6 heat treatment, 7 finish grinding, 8 CNC finish machining, 9 EDM , 10 economizers
C: Die parts processing: 1 slider processing, 2 compression block processing, 3 split cone gate sleeve processing, 4 insert processing
Formwork processing details
1. The numbering shall be uniform, and the mold core shall also be numbered, which shall be consistent with the numbering on the mold base and in the same direction. Alignment during assembly can avoid errors.
2. A/B plate processing (i.e. moving and fixed mold frame processing), a: A/B plate processing should ensure that the mold frame Parallelism and verticality 0.02mm, b: milling machine processing: screw hole, water delivery hole, thimble hole, nozzle hole, Chamfer c: Bench worker processing: tapping, repairing Burr
3. Panel processing: milling machine processes boring machine nozzle hole or material nozzle hole.
4. Processing of thimble fixed plate: milling machine processing: for thimble plate and B plate Retuned needle Connection, B plate face up, from top to top RIH IN For the thimble hole, the thimble countersink needs to turn the thimble plate upside down and correct it. First, rough machining with a drill, and then finish machining with a milling cutter in place and chamfering.
5. Bottom plate processing: milling machine processing: scribing, correction, Boring , chamfer.
(Note: For some molds that require forced jacking, a forced jacking mechanism should be added, such as drilling screw holes on the ejector plate)
Core processing details
(1) Rough machining of flying hexagon: machining on milling machine to ensure perpendicularity and parallelism, with grinding allowance of 1.2mm
(2) Rough grinding: for large water grinding, first grind the large surface, and then clamp the small surface with a batch driver to ensure that the perpendicularity and parallelism are 0.05mm, with allowance of 0.6-0.8mm on both sides
(3) Milling machine processing: first correct the milling machine head, Guaranteed on Within 0.02mm, correct and press the workpiece, first process the screw hole, thimble hole, threading hole, Inset needle The countersunk head is roughened, the machine nozzle or material nozzle hole, the diversion cone hole is chamfered, and then the water conveying hole is made, and the R angle is milled.
(4) Bench worker processing: tapping, typing code
(5) CNC rough machining
(6) External heat treatment HRC 48-52
(7) Fine grinding; Large water grinding shall be carried out to be less than 0.04mm of the mold frame, and the parallelism and perpendicularity shall be within 0.02mm
(8) CNC finishing
(9) EDM
(10) Model saving and guarantee Finish , control the cavity size.
(11) Processing Gate , exhaust, kirsite Generally, gate opening is 0.3-0.5mm, exhaust opening is 0.06-0.1mm, aluminium alloy Gate opening 0.5-1.2mm Open 0.1-0.2 for exhaust, 0.01-0.02 for plastic exhaust, and try to be wider and thinner.
Electrogalvanizing technological process
Acid zinc plating
Degreasing → Rust removal → │→ Purification → Drying
L Alkaline zinc plating
Blackening technological process
│ Drying
Degreasing → derusting → room temperature blackening → │ soaking Soapy liquid ——→ Immersion Spindle oil Or oil
L immersion Sealer
Phosphating process
Degreasing → Derusting → Meter adjustment → Phosphating → Painting
Plastic electroplating technological process
Degreasing → hydrophilic → pre roughening( PC ≥ 50%) → roughening → neutralization → Whole face → Activation → Degumming → Chemical nickel deposition → Coke copper plating → Acid copper plating → Semi bright nickel plating → high sulfur nickel plating → bright nickel plating → sealing plating → chromium plating
PCB electroplating process
Degreasing → roughening → Prepreg → Activation → Degumming → Electroless copper deposition → Copper plating → Acid degreasing → Micro etching → Low stress nickel plating → Bright nickel plating → Gold plating → dry
Multilayer electroplating technological process
Degreasing → derusting → plating Copper cyanide → Acid copper plating → Semi bright nickel plating → High sulfur nickel plating → Bright nickel plating → Nickel sealing → Chromium plating
1. Grinding parts → wax removal → Hot dip Degreasing → Electrolytic degreasing → Acid etching → Other electroplating
2. Non abrasive parts → hot dip degreasing → electrolytic degreasing → acid etching → other electroplating
Pre plating process
Wax removal → hot dip oil removal → electrolytic oil removal → acid etching → alkaline copper plating → acid copper plating or Copper pyrophosphate → Other electroplating
Alloy process
Wax removal → hot dip oil removal → electrolytic oil removal → acid corrosion and scale removal → chemical zinc deposition → Pickling → Secondary precipitation → Alkali copper or nickel plating → Other electroplating and wax removal → Hot dip degreasing → Electrolytic degreasing → Acid corrosion and scale removal → Aluminum chromization → Drying → Spray or Dusting → Drying or roughening → Wax removal of finished products → Hot dip degreasing → Electrolytic degreasing → Acid corrosion and scale removal → Anodizing → Dyeing → Sealing → Drying → Finished products
Iron process:
Wax removal → hot dip degreasing → cathode → anode → electrolytic degreasing → weak acid Etching → Preplating Alkali copper → acid Bright copper (Optional) → bright nickel → chromium plating or other wax removal → hot dip degreasing → cathode → anode → electrolytic degreasing → weak acid etching → semi bright nickel → high sulfur nickel → bright nickel → nickel sealing (optional) → chromium plating
Zinc alloy process
Wax removal → hot dip degreasing → cathodic electrolytic degreasing → acid leaching → alkaline bright copper → Copper pyrophosphate (Selective) → Acid bright copper (selective) → Bright nickel → Chromium plating (12) Electrorack and dyeing process
Pretreatment Or electroplating → pure water washing (2-3 times) → prepreg → electric rack → recovery → pure water washing (2-3 times) → drying → finished product
Metallization process
drill hole → Deburring of grinding plate → loading plate → whole hole cleaning treatment → double water washing → chemical roughening of micro etching → double water washing → prepreg treatment → colloidal palladium activation treatment → double water washing → degumming treatment (acceleration) → double water washing → copper precipitation → double water washing → lower plate → upper plate → acid leaching → primary copper → water washing → lower plate → drying
electroforming technological process
Metal Core mold Degrease → Weak Etching → Preparation of separation layer (for the core mold used for many times) → plating coating → plating coating → electroforming → machining → reinforcement → Demoulding heat treatment (for internal stress Dahe needs to improve the plasticity of electroforming layer).
Non metal core mold: apply Waterproof layer (for materials easy to absorb water) → degrease → plating conductive layer → electroforming of coating layer → machining → reinforcement → demoulding → heat treatment (for electroforming layer with high internal stress and need to improve plasticity).
Electrophoretic paint technological process
pickling washing Pre degreasing Degrease → Water washing → Water washing → Phosphating → Water washing → Water washing → ultrasonic cleaning → Pure water washing → electrophoresis → Spray washing → Water washing → Pure water washing → Air drying → Baking