Sweet potato

[gān shǔ]
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synonym Sweet potato (Dioscorea plants) generally refers to sweet potatoes (Dioscorea plants of Dioscoreaceae)
Sweet potato( Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill) is a perennial twining vine of Dioscoreaceae and Dioscorea, with many branches at the top of the tuber, left-handed stems, spines at the base, and attached with T-shaped pilose hairs; The leaf blade is heart shaped, with T-shaped villus, especially on the back, and the petiole has thorns; Perianth is shallow cup-shaped, attached pilose; The fruit is less mature and triangular Flowering in early summer. [2]
It is distributed in Ledong, Hainan, Guangdong, China, and cultivated in Hepu and Bobai, Guangxi. Southeast Asia, both cultivated and wild. [1]
Sweet potato likes temperature, light, drought and shade. The breeding method of sweet potato is generally cutting and layering.
Sweet potato is a food crop with high yield and strong adaptability, which is closely related to industrial and agricultural production and people's life. In addition to being the main grain, root, stem and leaf are also important raw materials for food processing, starch and alcohol manufacturing industries.
Chinese name
Sweet potato
Latin name
Dioscorea esculenta
Sweet potato [1]
Magnolia [3]
Sweet potato
Named by and date
(Lour.) Burkill (1917)

History of botany

Sweet potato has a long history of cultivation the Philippines Vietnam? Myanmar India And other places were introduced into China; After extensive planting in China in the 17th and 18th centuries, the area has been expanding; By the 1960s, the planting area of the country had reached 10 million hectares, becoming one of the four major crops for grain production of wheat, rice, corn and sweet potato in China. With the continuous increase of grain production in China, the grain problem has been gradually solved, and the planting area of sweet potato has gradually decreased, which has been transferred from the main grain crops to cash crops. At present, China is still the world's largest sweet potato producer, with an average annual planting area of about 6 million hectares, accounting for more than 70% of the world's sweet potato planting area. [5]

morphological character

Winding grass vines. The top of the underground tuber usually has more than 4-10 branches, and the end of each branch expands into an ovoid tuber with a yellowish and smooth outer skin. The stem is sinistral, spiny at the base, and is T-shaped pilose. simple leaf Alternating, broad heart-shaped, the largest leaf blade is 15 cm long and 17 cm wide, and the general length and width are not more than 10 cm, the top is sharp, the base is heart-shaped, the base has veins 9-13, and is T-shaped villous, especially on the back; The petiole is 5-8 cm long, with thorns at the base. The male inflorescences are spikes, Singleton , about 15 cm long, male flowers sessile or with very short stems, usually solitary, rarely 2-4 clusters, arranged on the inflorescence axis; Bracts ovate, apically acuminate; Perianth shallowly cup-shaped, pubescent, outer perianth segments broadly lanceolate, 1-8 mm long, inner ones slightly shorter; Developing stamens 6, inserted at the perianth tube mouth, slightly shorter than the lobes. The female spike is solitary in the upper leaf axil, 40 cm long, pendulous, inflorescence The shaft is slightly ribbed. Capsule less mature, triangular, slightly concave at the top, truncate at the base, each wing shaped, about 3 cm long and 1.2 cm wide; Seeds round, winged. Flowering in early summer. [1]


It is distributed in Ledong, Hainan, Guangdong, China, and cultivated in Hepu and Bobai, Guangxi. Southeast Asia, both cultivated and wild. [1]

Cultivation technology

Mechanical ridging: Sweet potato ridge planting, ridge height 200-250 mm, ridge spacing 750-900 mm, 25 horsepower power for sandy soil, 35 horsepower power for clay soil four-wheel tractor. [4]
Potato seedling transplanting: Spring potatoes will be planted in the middle and late April, and summer potatoes will be planted in the middle of May. When the height of seedlings reaches 30cm, the seedlings can be cut, and the cutting mouth should be 20-30mm away from the bed soil. To cut seedlings, select potato seedlings with thick stems, thick leaves, more juice and no diseases and pests, and cut 5-6 nodes. 3000-3600 spring potatoes/667 square meters; 3600-4000 summer potatoes/667 square meters. Potato seedlings shall be transplanted in a single row with a distance of 250-300mm. [4]
Chemical weeding : Before transplanting sweet potato seedlings, spray 30-40kg water every 667m2 with Yi'a mixture or 200ml of 40% atrazine gum suspension plus 150-200ml of 50% acetochlor emulsifiable concentrate, and close the sweet potato field to weed when the soil is wet before transplanting sweet potato seedlings. For the transplanted sweet potato seedling plot, before the ridge sealing of sweet potato, i.e. 2-5 leaf stage, 60-100ml of 5% Quinolafop-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-. Acetochlor, 2,4-dibutyl ester, butachlor and herbicides containing the above three ingredients are prohibited for soil sealing treatment. [4]
chemical control During the closing ridge period of sweet potato, 0.02-0.025% paclobutrazol 50kg/667m2 shall be sprayed when the leaf area index exceeds 4 according to the growth trend of the field. The vigorous fields shall be sprayed once every 7-10 days for 2-3 times in total. [4]
Mechanical rattan cutting : Sweet potatoes can be harvested when they reach commercial maturity. Mechanical rattan cutting shall be carried out 1-2 days before the harvest of potato blocks. For rattan cutting and crushing operation, use a 25-35 horsepower four-wheel tractor. [4]
Mechanical potato digging: The potato digger should be a 4KW-1600 tuber excavator, a 25 horsepower four-wheel tractor with 35 horsepower power should be used in sandy soil and clay soil. After digging potatoes, harvest them manually. The seed potatoes will be collected and dug before the frost falls in mid October. When harvesting, it is required to dig, clean, load and unload the potatoes lightly to minimize the damage to the potatoes. Sweet potatoes are generally stored in pits, and they are directly stored in pits after being collected and dug. When seed potatoes enter the cellar until late November, the cellar door, window and vent hole should be opened to cool and drain moisture. From the first ten days of December to the middle ten days of February of the next year, seal the cellar door, window and vent hole to keep the cellar temperature at 11-15 ℃. From the middle of February to the time before leaving the cellar, pay attention to adjusting the temperature of the cellar. Both ventilation and moisture drainage should be carried out, and the temperature in the cellar should be maintained. Timely remove rotten potatoes during storage. [4]
matters needing attention : Power, track width and planting ridge distance shall be reasonably matched. Regionalize and unify planting specifications. Adopt monoculture. [4]

Key values

Rich nutrition and health care function: Because sweet potato is pollution-free, pollution-free and nutritious in the process of production and storage, relevant experts evaluate it as "the most ideal food in the 21st century". Sweet potato is rich in nutrients needed by the human body. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, sweet potato is an alkaline food, containing protein, fat, sugar, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, carotene b, vitamin Bl, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin c, as well as lycopene, malic acid, etc. Moreover, sweet potato has a good medical and health care effect. It contains lysine, an essential amino acid for the human body, which can supply a large amount of mucus protein to the human body and has a special protective effect on the human body. It can also maintain the elasticity of the cardiovascular wall, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce subcutaneous fat, and avoid obesity; It can also prevent the atrophy of connective tissue in liver and kidney, and prevent the occurrence of collagen disease; At the same time, it can keep the alimentary canal, respiratory tract, joint cavity and serosal cavity smooth. Sweet potato is high in starch and cellulose. It can prevent constipation and intestinal diseases, help prevent the formation of cholesterol in the blood, and "has the effect of tonifying the middle and blood, supplementing qi and promoting fluid production, broadening the intestines and stomach, and relieving constipation". Li Shizhen wrote in the Compendium of Materia Medica that sweet potatoes "nourish deficiency and fatigue, strengthen qi, strengthen spleen and stomach, and strengthen kidney yin", and long eating "makes people live longer and have fewer diseases".
Sweet potato
Wide processing applications: As sweet potato is a pure natural crop, it has great development space in the field of food processing. The sweet potato can not only produce the starch, vermicelli, and powder skin that people like to eat every day, but also produce delicious sweet potato preserves, sweet potato preserves, sweet potato sauce, canned sweet potatoes, fried sweet potatoes and other green foods. Sweet potato, sweet potato vine and leaf are also cheap raw materials for processing pollution-free high-quality feed for livestock and poultry. It is no doubt that economic benefits will be very good to use this feed to develop pollution-free livestock and poultry breeding industry. In addition, sweet potato is also a cheap raw material for processing some industrial products, and an ideal raw material for manufacturing biodegradable agricultural films, pollution-free food packaging bags and pollution-free new energy. [5]