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Watner Ice Field

An iceland in Iceland
People usually call Iceland It is "the land of ice and fire". Vatnajokull is the largest ice field in this country ice cap This huge ice land covers an area of 8420 square kilometers, equivalent to one twelfth of the country's area. What makes people feel strange is the things under the ice. Sometimes there are lava flows, craters and hot lakes distributed in the ice.
Chinese name
Watner Ice Field
Foreign name
8420 km²
Usually called
Land of Ice and Fire
Iceland is still developing and changing. It sits on the Mid Atlantic Ridge. This is a volcanic mountain range mostly above the sea. The Mid Atlantic Ridge fills a long gap in the Earth's surface caused by the splitting of tectonic plates. Iceland is on the edge of the Arctic Circle, which is why Iceland has such a cold climate.
Watner Ice Field
There is a huge crater on the Watner Ice Field, called Grim Crater. The hot lake in the crater is 488 meters deep. The lake was covered with ice 200 meters thick, but the heat from below melted some of the ice. Ice takes up more space when it becomes water. At Grim Crater, the increasing amount of water will eventually break through the ice. This violent eruption makes the current take away everything in its path, including ice blocks up to 20 meters high. Another area in the Watner Ice Field is Ereifa ice sheet The rugged remains of the volcano. In 1362, a huge volcanic eruption buried or destroyed everything within several kilometers around. A farmer was the only survivor. He heard the first two of the three big explosions caused by volcanic eruptions, and he survived by hiding in a cave.