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Swiss National Emblem

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A coat of arms with red ground and white cross national flag
The Swiss National Emblem is a coat of arms with the red ground and white cross national flag pattern, which has the same meaning as the national flag.
Chinese name
Swiss National Emblem
Foreign name
National emblem of Switzerland Schweizer Abzeichen
national emblem
Red background white cross


The Swiss national emblem, like the Swiss national flag, is a red ground and white cross, but its outline is in the shape of a shield.

historical background

The origin of the national emblem and national flag of Switzerland is the flag that the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II gave to the people of Schwitz as a symbol of freedom. In 1240, the people of Schweiz State bravely rose up against the despotic rule of the Habsburg royal family and took this as the banner of war. In later years, this flag has been used in the battlefield for many times. It flutters in the smoke of gunfire, inspiring the people's fighting spirit. According to the chronicles, in 1339, when the Swiss rebels against the aristocratic alliance marched, they decided to use a red and white cross flag as their military flag. This is because the insurgents believed that national freedom and liberation was a sacred cause, like a sacred cross, and the red background symbolized that God came in a red light and stood with the people. During the subsequent European Crusade, the red ground and white cross flag became the symbol of Switzerland. In the 14th century, a Swiss farmers' federation organized the farmers' uprising and won the victory, which was also marked by this divine flag. In 1848, according to the new federal constitution, Switzerland officially stipulated that the national flag was square, and the red ground and white cross flag were the national flag and national emblem of Switzerland.