
Republic of Nauru
zero Useful+1
synonym Nauru Island (Nauru Island) generally refers to Nauru
The Republic of Nauru, referred to as Nauru for short. Located in the Central Pacific Ocean, about 42 kilometers south of the equator, it is composed of an independent coral reef island and surrounding waters. There is no capital, and the administrative center is in Aaron District. The land area is 21.1 square kilometers, and the marine exclusive economic zone covers 320000 square kilometers. The whole island is 6 kilometers long, 4 kilometers wide, and the coastline is about 30 kilometers long. It has a tropical rainforest climate. As of January 2024, the total population is about 13000, mostly Micronesians, and English is the official language. [1]
Nauru people live on the island for generations. In 1798, the British ship "Hunter" arrived in Nauru for the first time. In 1888, it was incorporated into the Marshall Islands Protected Area in Germany. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British were allowed to mine phosphate here. In 1920, the League of Nations put Nauru under the joint management of Britain, Australia and New Zealand, and Australia exercised its powers on behalf of the three countries. From 1942 to 1945, Nauru was occupied by the Japanese army. In 1947, Nauru became the trusteeship of the United Nations and was still under the joint management of Australia, New Zealand and Britain. On January 31, 1968, the Republic of Nauru became independent. [1]
Nauru has a single economic structure, mainly relying on phosphate exports, issuance of fishing licenses and export of tropical fruits. Due to the sharp decline of phosphate export income, the financial situation is very difficult, and it is heavily dependent on foreign aid and debt. In 2022, Nauru's GDP will be 150 million US dollars and per capita GDP will be 12121 US dollars. [1]
  • Latest news
On September 26 local time, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) approved Nauru's application to join the AIIB at the ninth annual meeting of the Board of Directors, and the total number of AIIB members has increased to 110. ... Details
Content from
Chinese name
Nauru [1]
Foreign name
The Republic of Nauru [1] (English)
Ripublik Naoero (Nauru)
No capital, administrative center in Aaron [1]
major city
National Day
January 31, 1968
National anthem
Nauru, Our Home
Country code
official language
English [1]
Australian Dollar [1]
Time zone
National leaders
David Adeang [1]
population size
About 13000 (As of January 2024)
Population density
619 persons/km2 [3] (As of January 2024)
Major ethnic groups
Nauru [1]
Major religions
Protestantism [1] Catholicism [1]
land area
21.1 km² [1]
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $150 million (2022)
GDP per capita
US $12121 (2022)
International telephone area code
six hundred and seventy-four
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the left
National Motto
"The will of the Lord is supreme"
international organization
Main lakes
Lake Buada
Major universities
University of the South Pacific Branch schools

Historical evolution

Nauru is a coral island It is the smallest island country in the world. Nauru people have lived on this island for thousands of years. Although Nauru is small, it has been occupied by other countries for many times.
In 1798, the "Hunter" (the American whaling ship Hunter) under the command of British captain John Finn discovered Nauru Island, which was named Happy Island
In 1888, the island was annexed by Germany and became German Empire The colony, formerly known as Nauru, was incorporated into the Marshall Islands protectorate in Germany. In the 1890s, it was found that there were abundant phosphate In 1901, the British were allowed to mine phosphate here.
In November 1914, the First World War period, Britisher The Australian Expeditionary Force was hired to occupy the island, ending German rule.
In 1919, League of Nations Put Nauru under Australia britain and New Zealand The joint trusteeship is exercised by Australia on behalf of the three countries, and phosphate Mining is controlled by the British Phosphate Council.
In 1942, the Second World War During this period, Nauru was Japan Occupation: In 1945, Australia occupied Nauru, ending Japanese rule.
In 1947, Nauru became the trusteeship place of the United Nations. Nauru was once again entrusted to the joint trusteeship of Australia, Britain and Singapore, and managed by Australia on behalf of the three countries.
In 1964, Nauru began its struggle for independence and phosphate control. the United Nations The proposal to move Nauru people to settle on Curtis Island in the north of Australia was strongly opposed by Nauru people.
On January 29, 1968, Nauru adopted its Constitution. On January 31, the Republic of Nauru was approved by the United Nations to declare independence, and Hammer de Robert became the first president. In November of the same year, Nauru became Commonwealth Special Member States (not entitled to attend Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings).
In 1970, Nauru redeemed the assets of the British Phosphate Company and obtained control of phosphate.
In 1995, to protest France Recovery in the South Pacific nuclear test The Nauru government announced that it would suspend diplomatic relations with France as of September 6.
On September 15, 1999, Nauru was admitted as a member of the United Nations, becoming the least populous Member States of the United Nations
In June 2000, Group of Seven Nauru was included in the money laundering blacklist by the Financial Working Group of the Anti money Laundering Agency.
On December 20, 2002, the Bush administration announced that it had begun to prevent terrorists from using its banking system to launder money Ukraine Take punitive measures with Nauru. Many banks opened outside Nauru were forced to close in 2003 for money laundering.
On September 26, 2024 local time, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank approved Nauru's application to join the AIIB at the ninth annual meeting of the Board of Directors. So far, the AIIB has a total number of members To 110. [14]

geographical environment


Regional location

Nauru is located in the pacific ocean Central, Northing equator About 41km away from the east Hawaii 4160km, separated from the southwest Solomon Islands distance Australia Sydney 4000km, east Kiribati 306 km. It is an ellipse coral island The whole island is 6 kilometers long, 4 kilometers wide, and the coastline is about 30 kilometers long. The land area is 21.1 square kilometers, and the marine exclusive economic zone covers 320000 square kilometers. [1] Nauru It is the smallest island country, republic and the third smallest country in the world. [7]

topographic features

Nauru is flat with the highest elevation of 61 meters. [1]
Nauru topographic map


Nauru Tropical rainforest climate The forest accounts for 40%, the temperature is 24~38 ℃, and the annual average precipitation is 1500 mm. [1]


There is no river on Nauru Island, the only lake Lake Buada Same salt water lake Although there is a lot of precipitation, the surface of the island is highly permeable. Therefore, there is almost no fresh water on the island, and all drinking water needs to be imported. [1]

natural resources

For thousands of years, countless seabirds have come to this island to live, leaving a large amount of bird droppings on the island. Over the years, bird droppings have undergone chemical changes, becoming a layer of high-quality fertilizer up to 10 meters thick, which is called "phosphate mine". Three fifths of the island is covered by phosphate, and only a narrow strip of flat land is along the coast.
Phosphate resources are abundant, and the main source of income is the export of phosphate to Australia and New Zealand. In the 1970s and 1980s, its annual output and export volume were about 1 million to 1.5 million tons. Since the 1990s, the output has declined year by year. Due to overexploitation, the resource is gradually exhausted.
In 1989, Nauru sued Australia to the International Court of Justice for compensation for the ecological damage caused by phosphate mining before Nauru's independence. In 1993, Nauru Australia reached an out of court settlement, and Australia agreed to compensate Nauru 107 million Australian dollars. A $57 million of which was paid in cash to establish a trust fund; Another 50 million Australian dollars will be allocated year by year over 20 years (an average of 2.5 million Australian dollars per year) for the project agreed by both parties. [1]

administrative division

Nauru is divided into 14 districts. They are Aiwo District, Anabar District, Anetan District, Anibare District, Baiti District, Boad District, Denigomodu District, Ewa District Ijuw District, Yaren District, Meneng District, Nibok District and Uaboe District.
Districts of Nauru
Nauru has no capital and its administrative center is in Yaren District.

National symbol


national flag

Nauru flag It is a horizontal rectangle, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. The flag ground is blue, with a yellow stripe running across the flag in the center and a white 12 pointed star at the lower left. Yellow bar symbol equator The blue in the upper part represents the blue sky, the blue in the lower part represents the sea, and the 12 pointed stars represent the original 12 tribes in Nauru.

national emblem

Nauru National Emblem The central design is a coat of arms. The upper half of the shield is composed of small squares, in which the cross connected triangle pattern is the symbol of the phosphate miner. The left side of the lower half of the shield is Warship bird On the right is a "Tomano" green branch and flower. At the top of the coat of arms is a white star with 12 points. On the ribbon above the star is written "Nauru", and on both sides are green coconut leaves and blue banana leaves. On the ribbon at the lower end is written in English: "The will of God is supreme".

national anthem


Nauru has a population of about 13000, mostly Micronesian race Others Pacific Island Countries People of Chinese, Filipino and European descent. Another 2000 Nauru live in Australia. English is the official language and is widely used Nauru Most residents believe Protestant Christianity , few letters Catholicism [1]




The Constitution was adopted on January 29, 1968 and came into force on May 17. According to the Constitution, Nauru has a republican presidential system.
President of Nauru As the head of state Head of Government , elected by Parliament from among its members.


Implemented by Nauru Parliament Unicameral system , composed of 19 members, with a three-year term. The Speaker is elected by the members of Parliament, and the President is elected by Parliament. The current parliament was formed in September 2022, and the current speaker is Marcus Stephen. [1]


Nauru has a presidential system. The President is both the head of state and the head of government, elected by the Parliament. The Government is composed of the President and his appointed ministers and is accountable to Parliament. Lionel Aingimea, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Minister of Police, Justice and Border Management, Port Management and Shipping, Jesse Jeremiah, Minister of Infrastructure Development, Environmental Governance, Agriculture and Sports, Charmaine Scotty, Minister of Interior, Health and Tourism, Education, Climate Change Asterio Appi, Minister of Land Management, Reagan Aliklik, Minister of Transport and Fisheries, and Shadlog Bernick, Minister of Information and Communication Technology. [12]
Nauru Government Building [5]


According to the 1968 Constitution, the Supreme Court was established, and Nauru has district courts and family courts. In most cases, the High Court of Australia is the Court of Final Appeal. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body, presided over by the Chief Justice, and has jurisdiction of first instance and appeal. The District Court is presided over by a resident magistrate. Both the Supreme Court and the District Court are litigation courts. The Family Court is composed of three judges. The Chief Justice is also the Chairman of the Public Service and Police Appeals Board. The current Chief Justice Daniel Vafo'ou Fatiaki will take office in 2021. [1]


Nauru has no official political party. In 1987, former President Kennan Adeng founded Nauru's first and only political party, the Nauru Democratic Party. [1]


David Adeang was elected president in October 2023. [4]




Nauru, with a single economy, was once the richest Pacific island country. Its main source of income was the export of phosphate to Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural products are very limited, mainly coconuts (in 1992, the output of coconuts was 2000 tons, and 3000 pigs were raised). Almost all food and drinking water are imported. Fishery resources are rich and to be developed. As the phosphate mine is about to dry up (another two to three years at most), Nauru has made a lot of real estate investment abroad using the income from export of phosphate, but most of the projects are poorly managed and have poor benefits. In 1989, the Nau government began to run a fiscal deficit.
In 1995, the Nauru Bank collapsed, and the Nauru government fell into a serious financial crisis. In the 1995/1996 fiscal year, the Nauru government received $23.4 million in revenue and spent $64.8 million. In order to solve the financial problem, the government of Nauru has taken measures such as selling five planes and three ships of its airline company, as well as the passports of Nauru, limiting the outflow of currency, and has begun to implement a comprehensive reform plan with the support of the Asian Development Bank. In 1994, Nau sued the British Phosphate Commission (Australia, Britain and Singapore were members) to the International Court of Justice for destroying farmland and environment during phosphate excavation from 1920 to 1968, and received Australian compensation of 107 million Australian dollars, which was paid year by year within 20 years.
Nauru mainly relies on mining and export phosphate To maintain the high income of residents, the annual average income was up to US $8500. The per capita GDP ranks first in South Pacific. In order to improve the situation of relying solely on the income of phosphate rock Phosphate rock After drying up, Nauru has a large amount of real estate investment abroad. The financial revenue mainly comes from the huge income of phosphate mine and long-term investment in foreign real estate.
The economic structure is single, mainly relying on phosphate exports, issuance of fishing permits, etc. Due to the sharp decline of phosphate export income, the financial situation is very difficult, and it is heavily dependent on foreign aid and debt. The main economic data in 2023 are as follows:
GDP: 150 million US dollars.
GDP per capita: 12040 US dollars.
GDP growth rate: 0.6%.
Currency: no local currency, Australian dollar.
(Source: International Monetary Fund) [1] [12]

Agriculture and fishery

Nauru has no large-scale agriculture, and almost all food and drinking water are imported. The fishery resources are rich, including tuna, but the fishing capacity is limited. The fishery income mainly comes from the fishing license fee of foreign fishing vessels, which is about AUD6-8 million per year. [1] [12]

foreign trade

Nauru's main trading partners include Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Japan, the United States and other countries and regions. It mainly exports phosphate and imports food, household appliances, daily necessities, hardware and building materials.
China Nauru Trade
In 2022, the trade volume between China and Nauclea will be 13.193 million US dollars, up 15.89% year on year. Among them, China's export volume was 13.087 million US dollars, up 16% year on year; The import volume was 107000, down 0.39% year on year. In 2023, the trade volume between China and Nauclea will reach US $6 million, a year-on-year decrease of 50.1%. Among them, China's export was 5.996 million US dollars, down 49.7% year on year; Imports were US $3773, down 96.5% year on year. Chinese exports mainly include machine parts, semiconductor devices, plastic tableware, etc., while imports mainly include equipment accessories, characteristic clothing, etc. [6] [13]




English is the official language and is widely used Nauru Nauru is the national language of Nauru, which is a special language Pacific Island Countries Language, about 96% of Nauru people use it at home. Since Nauru is only used in China English It is widely used, especially in government and business.


The main religious beliefs of Nauru people are Christianity (2/3 Yes protestantism , 1/3 Yes Catholicism ), accounting for the highest proportion in the world, and 9% of people believe in Buddhism And 2.2% are Muslim The Constitution clearly states that the people enjoy religious freedom. However, in some cases, the government will restrict this right, such as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Activities and Jehovah's Witness Members, mainly foreign workers, are employed by the government's Nauru Phosphate Company.


New Year: January 1
Independence date: January 31
Easter: March 29 April 1
Constitution Day: May 17
Angam Day (Homecoming Day): October 26
Christmas: December 25-26


Nauru is an island country with rich seafood, including sea urchins, sea cucumbers, octopus, yellowfin tuna and other seafood. For Nauru people, in addition to eating from the sea, they also retain the traditional cooking method of "pit barbecue". The barbecue ingredients are locally sourced, which is a folk "state banquet" for Nauru people to entertain friends. The local people wrapped the meat with tin foil, put it into the mud pit, add bananas, coconuts, plantain leaves, cover it with blankets, and bake food with charcoal fire on the blankets. [10]


Nauru has no army and its defense is assisted by Australia; There are about 100 policemen. [1]




Nauru has an asphalt road around the island, which is 24 kilometers long, and other roads are 6 kilometers long. [8]


The total length of Nauru railway is 3.9 kilometers, which is used to connect the phosphate mining area in the middle of the island and the processing plant on the southwest bank. [8]

water transport

Nauru has cargo ships, which regularly travel between Australia and Nauru. Nau Fisheries Bureau has 2 fishing boats; There are two wharves in Nau, one of which is a freight wharf, which can be used to transport and load goods through barges, and the other is used for fishing boats. [8]

air transport

Nauru Airport
Nauru Airways relies on an old aircraft leased from Norfolk Airways, Australia Boeing 737-300 The Type A airliner remained in operation and was renamed OUR Airlines. Round trip once a week along the Brisbane Nauru Kiribati Tarawa Fiji Nadi route. [1]




Nauru provides free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 16. A small number of students receive higher education in Fiji, the government provides scholarships, and Australia, Thailand Pacific Island Countries Forum Scholarship provided by, etc. University of the South Pacific There is a branch school in Nauru. Before that, students must go to Australia, New Zealand and other places to study at universities.


In 1996, Nauru sent three weightlifters to participate in the Atlanta Olympic Games for the first time. On subsequent Sydney Olympic Games Nauru's first female Olympic athlete also appeared on the weightlifting platform. Nauru participated in the three Summer Olympics from 1996 to 2004. The athletes they sent were all concentrated on the weightlifting events. Among them, 3 in 1996, 2 in 2000 and 3 in 2004.


Nauru government implements Free medical care There is one hospital and three doctors. have other Cuba 11 doctors were assisted in Nauru. Non communicable diseases such as diabetes and cancer occur frequently. [1]
In November 2010, world health organization (WHO) released the ranking of "the countries with the highest obesity rate in 2010". Nauru has 95% of the population Height and body mass index It is higher than the world average and becomes the world's "fattest country". [2] Nauru is also the most afflicted in the world Type 2 diabetes About 40% of people are affected, and American Samoa 47%, Tokelau 44%. Other related important diseases, such as heart disease and kidney disease. In 2009, the average life expectancy in Nauru was 60.6 years for men and 68 years for women.


The Nauru government publishes the Gazette irregularly for free. Nauru Radio and Nauru TV are official agencies, broadcasting parliamentary meetings, Nauru news, etc. Radio Nauru broadcasts Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) programs, and TV Nauru broadcasts ABC, STAR-SPORTS and other foreign television programs. [1]


Nauru has free domestic and international telephone services, including Internet services. In 2004, there were about 400 telephones. However, telecommunications facilities are backward and services are often interrupted.

public security

The security situation in Nauru is generally OK, but theft occurs from time to time. Nauru often has stray dogs that bark at passers-by. When walking, you can carry sticks for emergencies. [8]

International Relations


foreign policy

Nauru pursues a non aligned policy and advocates friendly coexistence with other countries. It is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the International Exhibition Bureau, the Asian Development Bank, the Pacific Island Countries Forum, the Pacific Community and other organizations, and has established diplomatic relations with more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Russia, Thailand, China and other Pacific island countries. Australia is the largest donor country to Nauru, and has set up a refugee screening center in Nauru, providing about 27 million Australian dollars of assistance to Nauru every year. In September 2018, Nauru hosted the 49th Pacific Island Countries Forum Leaders' Meeting. [1]

external relations

Relations with Australia
Australia has close relations with Nauru and is Nauru's largest partner in trade, investment, security and development assistance. The Australian government upgraded its consulate general in Nauru to the Office of the High Commissioner in August 2009. Nau has a Consulate General in Brisbane, Australia, and a High Commissioner's Office will be established in Australia in March 2022.
In September 2017, Nauru and Australia signed a memorandum of understanding on security cooperation, confirming Australia's status as Nauru's main security partner. In October 2021, Australia and Nauru signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Sustainable Regional Processing Capacity of the Republic of Nauru. Nauru also participates in Australia's Pacific Labour Mobility Programme (PALM).
Relations with China
In May 1980, Nauru "established diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. On July 21, 2002, China and Nauru established diplomatic relations. On May 14, 2005, Nauru "resumed diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities, and the Chinese government immediately announced the suspension of diplomatic relations with Nauru.
On January 24, 2024, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Nauru Angmin Signed in Beijing《 Joint Communiqu é of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Nauru on the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations 》The two countries officially resumed diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. [6]
Relations with the United States
Nauru established diplomatic relations with the United States in 1976. The United States has no consular or diplomatic office in Nauru. Nauru is a party to the United States Pacific Islands Multilateral Tuna Fisheries Treaty, which stipulates that American fishing vessels can fish in Nauru, and American related enterprises pay licensing fees.


Nauru, the Pacific island country, is located about 42 kilometers south of the equator. It is an oval coral island, known as the "Paradise Island". It has various natural scenery such as sea water, beach, coral reef, coconut tree waterfall, coral reef, etc. [9] It also has a long history and culture, such as stone stairs and well preserved traditional buildings. It is a tourist attraction in the Pacific Ocean. [11]
Nauru is one of the smallest countries in the world. You can drive around the island for one week in less than one hour. There are no large shopping malls, no prosperous business districts, and even few supermarkets and hotels. Meinen Hotel is one of the largest and oldest hotels in Nauru, with more than 100 rooms. [11]
Main attractions
Aaron: Although not the capital, Aaron is the political center of Nauru, famous for its white beaches and beautiful seascape. Tourists can experience deep-sea fishing, snorkeling and other activities here.
Anibajaya Bay: Located in the east of Nauru Island, it is considered to be one of the best beaches on the island. Tourists can enjoy water activities, such as surfing and snorkeling, or enjoy the beach style in the moonlight.
Buada Lake: This is an inland lake with slight salinity. It is the salt water lake on Nauru Island and the largest lake. The environment around the lake is quiet, surrounded by coconut trees. The houses are reflected on the water surface, and the lake water is clear, which is suitable for swimming and observation of aquatic life.
Command Ridge: The highest point of Nauru, once a Japanese controlled site, still has weapons and communication bunkers during World War II. [11]