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Theoretical knowledge

Knowledge system with strong generality and high abstraction
Theoretical knowledge Means generalization Strong and abstract knowledge system. Theoretical knowledge is not scattered and sporadic knowledge, not individual and specific knowledge, but system Of general significance knowledge Theoretical knowledge often includes general knowledge and professional knowledge
Chinese name
Theoretical knowledge
Foreign name
General Strong abstract High degree
knowledge system


Theoretical knowledge and practical activities are interdependent and interactive. First of all, theoretical knowledge comes from practical activities, which is the summary and distillation of practical activities. It also reacts with practice. For the distillation and understanding of practical activities, theory is higher than practice, and it can guide the orderly progress of practical activities. Theoretical knowledge is human's understanding of practical activities, and naturally it can be divided into right and wrong.

Interpretation in academic literature

1. Theoretical knowledge refers to the position and Post group Theory and knowledge required, including foundation sex knowledge , professional and relevant professional knowledge socioeconomic Legal knowledge, etc.
2. The so-called theoretical knowledge mainly refers to having Marxism The basic theoretical knowledge of professional knowledge In addition, we should especially learn and master in the new situation market economy Knowledge of.
3. Theoretical knowledge refers to clarifying to students in class Thin layer chromatography The concept, principle and function of the method, especially the principle of this method must be understood by students. Students are required to memorize the basic theoretical knowledge for the next hands-on experiment Be fully prepared
4. The so-called theoretical knowledge refers to the basic structure and principle of knowledge Chinese subject Comprehensive It is impossible to create a clear and rigorous logic based on laws and theorems as in science textbooks knowledge structure System.
5. "Theoretical knowledge" refers to the laws relative to those skills sex knowledge It is not only the knowledge about the phenomenon itself, but also the essential knowledge about the interconnection between phenomena.