Miss Jenny

Theodore Dreiser's Novels
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Miss Jenny is an American writer Theodore Dreiser A long novel written. The book tells the story of Jeanne, the eldest daughter of Gerhardt, a German poor, who is a servant and falls in love with Senator Brad. Soon, Brad died unexpectedly, leaving a posthumous daughter. After that, Lester, a wealthy son, fell in love with Jenny and cohabited with her, but could not make up his mind on marriage. Later, he was distressed by the obstruction and opposition of his brothers and sisters, broke up with Jenny under the pressure of the family, returned to the upper class, and finally married Lottie Bess. The two love each other deeply, but they split up. Jenny spent her middle age alone. Lester died in her arms painfully after he confided to her before he died.
Taking Jeanne's tragic experience as the main clue, the novel depicts the increasingly serious unemployment and poverty in American big cities bourgeois class The extravagant and dissolute life of the upper class society shows that the gap between the rich and the poor cannot be exceeded. On the one hand, it praises the working people's excellent qualities of diligence, integrity and self sacrifice; On the other hand, it scourges all kinds of evil realities in a society where material desires are rampant and money is omnipotent. The whole novel is novel and ingenious, and the plot arrangement is natural, reasonable and compact, without any suspicion of artificial carving. The characterization tends to be typical. Jenny is a beautiful incarnation of poverty, kindness, hard-working and self dedication. She is full of love for the world, but can't get any return. It is fully reflected in her capitalist system It is the deep root of the tragedy of working people's life.
Miss Jenny
Foreign name
Jennie gerhardt
Theodore Dreiser
literary genre
First edition time
Number of words
two hundred and seven thousand

content validity

Jenny was born in a poor but strict German immigrant family. She is simple, beautiful, gentle and kind. Senator Brad helped Jenny's family financially, especially when Jenny's brother was jailed for stealing coal, he tried his best to help and shared the anxiety for Jenny who was panicked. Brad won the girl's trust and even good will, and had a crush on Jenny, and promised to marry Jenny. However, his sudden death broke Jenny's hope. What's more, he humiliated Jenny to give birth to an illegitimate daughter. Later, Jenny met Lester, the son of a rich family. Although Lester also fell in love with Jenny, his commitment to marriage eventually became illusory under the pressure of society, economy and family. Jeanne, who has been courageously pursuing happiness, in the eyes of many people at that time, was unorthodox, the environment could not accept her, and she did not finally get a happy life in the traditional sense. However, the family affection from her family and children and Lester's confession before her death really soothed Jenny's heart, making her move from ignorance to emotional maturity, understanding and thinking about life and love in sadness. [1]
In his novel, Dreiser takes the unfortunate fate of the worker's daughter Jenny as a clue to describe the tragic life of ordinary people at the bottom of American society, and tears it away bourgeois class The hypocritical veil of "Jeanne" has shaped the image of a working woman who is industrious, pure, straightforward and full of self sacrifice spirit, so she is considered as the United States Realistic Literature An important novel in. [13]

Creation background


background of times

Jenny Girl was set in the late 19th century, when the economy and production of the United States developed rapidly, and the United States began to shift from a production centered society to a consumption centered society. The United States began to emphasize mass consumption. On the other hand, American social life has also undergone tremendous changes. Consumerism culture emphasizes the satisfaction of the senses. Under these influences, individuals began to pursue material consumption, and consumption can bring happiness to women.
Jennie Girl was created in the 1880s industrialization And Urbanization The American society is undergoing the social transformation of production oriented consumption oriented. Some capitalists monopolized a large part of the wealth of American society, accelerating the polarization of wealth and poverty. The process of urbanization has brought many negative effects, for example, Materialism , the worship of money and hedonism People began to compare their lives, which caused dissatisfaction with reality. [2]

Personal background

Miss Jenny Theodore Dreiser A sister wrote it for the prototype. On Christmas Day in 1900, Dreiser's father Paul died at the age of 79. He's been living with Mary and Brennan Rochester He spent his last time peacefully, helping Brennan's family look after the garden and attending morning mass every day. His father and Mary -- this was caused by the comparison with Colonel Sears in Dreehort Sex scandal Thus, he humiliated the daughter of old Paul. The fact that he lived together made Theodore have the impulse to write Miss Jenny. A father who came from the old world with no words or smiles broke off the relationship with his daughter when she was young, but spent the last time under her care. Theodore began to write Miss Jenny on January 6, 1901, less than two weeks after his father died. Soon he finished forty chapters. Since then, the author has been hampered for many times due to publishing problems, and has been asked to add moral preaching. Dreiser was once depressed for this reason and didn't want to write Miss Jenny again. Of course, the real reason why Dreiser can't write is that he can't keep a distance from the materials. The life of Mary, the prototype of the novel, stubbornly refuses to listen to his imagination. No matter how hard he tried, the materials still looked dull and lifeless. The more anxious he was, the more uninspired he was. Although the publishing house provided assistance to him in financial distress, in such a mental state, the more this favor Dreiser received, the heavier the ideological burden.


The girl Jenny in the novel is an idealized character that the author tries to portray. She is beautiful, virtuous, docile and kind-hearted, which conforms to the aesthetic standards of patriarchal culture. First of all, her appearance conforms to the standard of "a fair lady, a gentleman's good match" advocated by the patriarchal society: she has an "extremely attractive face, containing infinite youth and vitality", so that the two male characters in the novel were deeply fascinated when they first saw her; Secondly, she is the embodiment of love and kindness - love parents, love brothers and sisters, and work hard for them. The author said: "Since she was very young, every act and thought of her has been shaped by kindness and kindness." At the same time, she loves nature. "The beautiful lines and shadows of nature fascinate her, and she thinks this is a song." Jenny's beauty and quality are in perfect harmony with nature. As a girl, she was an angel untouched by the earth. In addition, Jenny has a very hidden nature, which is the desire and love for survival. The author said that for Jenny, life is "a mysterious land" and "a piece of infinite beauty". Jenny's love and longing for life almost irresistibly attracted readers and left a good impression on them.
The author portrays Jenny as a tragic character with positive moral values. Jenny's value does not lie in herself, but in the moral values she symbolizes, which mainly refers to the self sacrifice spirit of women prevailing in the 19th century America. Jennie, who just came of age, devoted herself to how to get her family out of poverty. She has cohabited with Brandt and Leicester unmarried successively in order to save the family in distress. When her father kicked her out of the house, Jenny "didn't defend herself or complain", and blamed everything on her own mistakes. She naturally agreed with the expectations and control of women in the male dominated society, and accepted the life orientation arranged for women in the male dominated society. [3]
Brad is a member of Congress, and his political achievements are not remarkable. He is 52 years old. He realizes that "life and reputation are fickle", and political activities are "exhausting". Therefore, he cannot deny his friends' inquiries during his tenure. He can't get rid of some officials who have been approved by the Congress. Whenever his conscience stimulates him too sharply, he uses the phrase "My life is just this bad deed" From my comfort. However, in his case, his conscience did not die in any way. As for his compassion, it was stronger every day. The novel shows that the development of his relationship with Jenny is triggered by compassion. The first sight of Jenny made him unforgettable: Jenny's plump cheeks, round body, full of youth and health, very moving. Every time Jenny came to ask about the clothes he washed, he was moved by the way the girl in front of him envied him for his comfortable life, so he always kept her for a while, and soon found that there was a kind of shame deeply embedded in her gentle women who would not complain to others, so he almost felt that all the comforts and luxuries around him were shameful. Seeing Jenny's ragged clothes and worn shoes, I wish I could think of a way to help her without offending her. The employer employer relationship enabled Brad to help Jenny and her family many times and win the favor of Jenny's family. When Brad talks with Jenny, she is often moved by Jenny's innocence and innocence. She always thinks that she is still young, so she suspects that Jenny "may be able to perceive and appreciate his young side". Natural chatting and cordial communication led to love, and he kissed Jenny on the cheek. Since then, Brandt has proposed to her many times, saying "I'm serious". Due to the great difference in identity and age, their exchanges attracted many comments. Brad invited Jenny to take a walk in the evening, so that Gerhardt, who was faithful to religious doctrines, strongly disliked them and prohibited their exchanges. Brad's love for Jenny is sincere and frank. The pursuit of their own personal happiness is unswerving, and their love for Jenny is fearless and upright. Because of Gerhardt's stubbornness, he had to avoid more intense conflicts and temporarily terminate Jenny's exchanges. Bath was detained and fined for stealing coal and scuffling with the detective. Jenny had to go to Brad's house to ask for help. Brad got through all kinds of joints through his relationship. Bath was soon released. Jenny was very grateful to Brad. Jeanne's beauty and irresistible temptation made Brad re-examine their relationship, recognize Jeanne and their difficulties, and finally need and satisfaction overcame reason. He picked the flower, and Jeanne dedicated her chastity to him. [4]
Lester is Jenny's second lover, born in the letter Catholicism Our family doesn't believe in inspiration; Born into a rich family but without the concept of family status; The choice of spouse does not stress conditional marriage. Influenced by fashion, thinking and action advocate all freedom. He is a new man with the characteristics of the times, and an avant-garde person. One of his qualities is that he pretends to know the proper way of life. Do not seek trouble, do not make unrealistic fantasies, do not feel sad about yourself, work hard to improve yourself, and maintain your individuality. Second, they are addicted to alcohol and lust. He pursues enjoyment. As for the marriage facts, it is believed that temporary partnership is beneficial, free from the constraints of social laws and regulations, and that one should not interfere with everything in my life. It is believed that only after having fun, can one establish a certain traditional relationship without complaining. He reasoned about marriage. "If he wants to get married, the ideal woman should look for her from his own class. If he wants to be happy for the time being, he can meet her anywhere..." He has a wide range of friends and sharp eyes, and his thoughts will immediately become actions, He "once knew all kinds of women, rich, poor, noble women of his own class, and proletariat But I have never seen an ideal woman with four characteristics: sympathy, tenderness, youth and beauty Once such an ideal woman appears, he will get her ". As soon as he came into contact with Jenny, he soon felt that Jenny was a sentimental woman. She was unselfish, unselfish, unguarded and did not set traps to hunt men. He thought Jenny was as lovely and delicious as a flower, so he pursued her relentlessly. [4]
Mr Gerhardt is pious Lutheran Tu, he has absolute authority at home, and his wife and children cannot disobey his words. In Gerhardt's eyes, children are his private property, and everything they do must obey his arrangement and command. Jenny's tragic fate cannot be said to be without the responsibility of her father Gerhardt. [5]

Appreciation of works



In the novel, Jenny's father Gerhardt, Senator Brad, Lester, the son of a wealthy family, Lester's father, Mr. Gan, and some less prominent characters, such as Jenny's brothers and sisters, Lester's family, all do not love from their own interests or hurt others with a selfish love. The relationship between family members is not full of love, but has become a cold interest relationship. Jenny's father Gerhardt strictly abides by religious dogmas, and strives to be honest and upright, to please God. Because he was afraid that his children would be punished forever after death for making mistakes, he closely watched his children's every move, suppressed their normal desire and enjoyment, and would stop them if they showed a little passion and weakness. He doesn't allow Jenny to have someone she likes unless he approves. It is not difficult to find that Gerhardt really loves his family and hopes that they will not commit crimes and enter heaven after death. But this kind of fatherly love is by no means true love, but selfish love that does not conform to human nature.
When he found out that Jenny was dating Brad, he thought Brad was too old to ask Jenny's feelings, so he objected to their relationship. Later, when he found out that Jenny was pregnant before marriage, he was very angry and immediately drove Jenny out of the house. From these practices, we can see that Gerhardt is arbitrary, inhuman, and has no fatherly love and kindness. Jenny's brothers and sisters are unwilling to support their families after they can earn money. They think that the family is a burden. They leave the family one after another after they grow up to escape the responsibility of supporting the elderly. After Gerhardt's death, no one except Jenny and the eldest son Bath attended Gerhardt's funeral. Coincidentally, Lester's extended family seems to live in harmony on the surface, but in fact, Lester and his brother Roberto disagree on business and fight openly and secretly. Lester's sister Louise found that her brother and Jenny lived together, and did not hesitate to slander Jenny. Lester's father, Old Man Gan, appeared as an authoritative figure who was arbitrary and did not understand his children. On the surface, Mr. Gan is smart and capable, loves his children, and loves Lester most. However, when he found that Lester did not find a woman in the upper society to start a family and start a business according to his wishes, but lived with a civilian woman Jenny, he could not understand, and then hated Lester for damaging the reputation of his family. So he used the method of canceling inheritance to control Lester and force him to break up with Jenny. The whole family was afraid that Lester's transgression would harm their reputation in society, and they all opposed Lester's being with Jenny. Lester could not get understanding and sympathy at home, and he could only get love and comfort from Jenny. [6]
In the era of materialized consumption, many people are unwilling to pay love or "love" others with a selfish love for their own interests. Miss Jenny is brave and optimistic about life. She never loses her good qualities, loves her family and lovers without return, sacrifices herself for her family and lovers, and finally fails to get a happy marriage. This power of love influenced his father Gerhardt and made his lover Lester repent to her before he died. In this sense, Jenny is a great woman. [6]
Dreiser's Realism His works are a turning point in the history of American literature Victorian Period "Elegant literature" and "new women" with self-awareness have stepped onto the stage of history, but the requirements for female morality and patriarchal culture in the Victorian era are still deeply rooted and playing a role. The beautiful, gentle, kind-hearted and self sacrificing image of Miss Jenny has left a deep impression on every reader. However, the tragic fate has aroused readers' deep thinking. Her life is closely related to three men - her father Gerhardt, Senator Brandt and the rich son Lester, who are all typical representatives of patriarchal culture. Gerhardt used harsh religious doctrines to restrain Jenny and practice her father's absolute authority over her children. Brad put on the veil of benefactor, and as a superior, his wish to possess Jenny was realized. Although Lester, the son of a rich family, and Jenny later needed each other and could not live without each other, they finally abandoned Jenny due to class differences and social pressure. From this point of view, we have to say that a large part of Jenny's tragedy is caused by the era in which she lived - the era in which patriarchal culture dominated. [7]

artistic characteristics

In the novel Miss Jenny, the author gives a panoramic description of the society. The author has decades of rough experiences in the bottom of the American society. These painful experiences have made him have a more thorough understanding of the society, and the rich social experience has given him unique creative materials. In his hard life, he saw that too many young men and women were corroded and swallowed up by the old forces in this society for various reasons, and the prototype of the protagonist in this novel is the author's sister. In his creation, the author sublimates the subject of the work and brings the whole social working class into the fate of the characters in the work. It depicts the personalities of various characters in a line drawing style that is highly faithful to life, and exposes the image of society from appearance to essence through artistic means, which is fully displayed in the works. [8]

Influence of works

Jenny and《 Sister Carrie 》(All of them are works of Dreiser) was also among the "100 Best English Novels of the 20th Century" selected by the American Modern Library. [9]

Work evaluation

American critic Mencken "Don't worry about Miss Jenny. It is a masterpiece and the best novel in the United States so far." "Rereading Miss Jenny makes me more and more like it. Besides Huckleberry Finn, it is the best American novel I have ever read." In addition, Mencken also mentioned many times that Miss Jenny greatly surpasses Sister Carrie in writing skills. Mencken's comments on this novel set a boundary for critical debate. Most of the criticisms that followed agreed that Dreiser was a great writer. Of course, there are also critics of this novel. For example, although the poet Markham described the poverty and desolation in his love letters, he accused Jenny of becoming his mistress because Lester said he wanted to help her family. "Is it true that a woman, in order to help her relatives or even prevent them from starving, will tarnish her own women and her own virtue? Anyone who has a deep understanding of life will firmly say 'no'. A wise person will realize that there is something more tragic and unfortunate than starving." [10]

About the author

Theodore Dreiser (Theodore Dreiser, 1871-1945), American novelist. Born Indiana Terre Haute Town. His father was a poor German immigrant. He received early education in public schools and later Indiana University study. I spent most of my life in journalism. Go around Chicago Pittsburgh , New York and other big cities, widely and deeply observe and understand the society, accumulating rich materials for future literary creation.
The first novel is《 Sister Carrie 》(1900), through the story of Carrie, a rural girl, who came to Chicago to earn a living and became a famous actress, revealed the struggle for survival under the cloak of prosperity of capitalist society, and made a profound description of the American society where the rich and the poor are opposed. This novel has been banned for a long time because of being accused of being "destructive", but some of the free copies distributed have attracted the attention of many important writers. In 1911, Miss Jenny came out, and then published《 trilogy of desire 》The first two parts of《 financier 》(1912) and《 giant 》(1914), which established Dreiser's position in American literature. genius 》(1915) is Dreiser's most satisfactory novel. It accuses the capitalist society of destroying art through the degeneration of a young painter. Themed on real criminal cases《 American Tragedy 》(1925) is Dreiser's representative work. His artistic characteristics - broad social pictures, rich and tortuous plots, in-depth and detailed psychological description, contrast techniques of different scenes and unique language - are all embodied in this masterpiece. [12]
In 1944, Dreiser was awarded an honorary award by the American Academy of Arts and Literature. fortress 》(1946) and《 Stoga 》(1947) Two novels were published after the writer died. Both books reflect Dreiser's interest in religious philosophy in his later years. In 1945, he joined American Communist Party He died on December 28 of the same year. [11]