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Odysseus' wife
Penelope, yes Odysseus Faithful wife , from《 Odyssey 》One book. Her husband's expedition TROY After his disappearance, he refused all the suitors and waited for his husband to return.
Chinese name
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Odysseus A faithful wife
true to the core


brief introduction

stay Homer Epic of《 Odyssey 》Middle, Penelope—— Odysseus A beautiful wife Helen Her cousin, who appeared as a model of loyalty to her husband, has become a textbook for women in all ages. After Helen was abducted, Odysseus set foot TROY The journey is 20 years. During this period, Penelope coped with all kinds of rumors alone, and managed the government affairs of the Itaka Kingdom while raising a stubborn son. At the same time, she had to resist the entanglement of more than 100 suitors. When Odysseus finally returned to his hometown after going through thousands of risks, defeating various demons, drilling out the sleeping tents of many goddesses, he killed all the suitors, and at the same time, he did not spare his wife's twelve maids. [1]
Margaret Atwood He skillfully adapted this old story, handed the narrative right to Penelope and her twelve hanged maids, and asked: "What force pushed the maids to the gallows? What role did Penelope play in the event?" In Atwood's dazzling and skillful retelling, the story became full of wisdom and compassion, It is lively, interesting and thought-provoking.
This is a work interwoven with talent and passion. Atwood, with her well-known gift of narrative and poetry writing, has given Penelope a new life and true sense of reality, and has also answered an old mystery.
Odysseus gave his beautiful wife Penelope a piece when he left Troy Ruby If you keep it, you will have eternal memory and love in your heart. after Troy War For more than ten years, there has always been bad news ahead. After the war, other heroes returned home one after another. However, Odysseus did not return. Someone rumoured that he had died. Her beauty, elegance and huge wealth attracted many suitors. Then she has been loyal to love and will never change. The ruby gave her confidence. Its red color reminded her of Odysseus' superhuman strength and courage, as if she were the blood of a lover. She herself was not decadent because of years of waiting, and her gentle and graceful jade like characteristics were still moving. She thought Odysseus would come back. As expected, Odysseus finally came back and brought a lot of wealth.


After the Trojan War, those Greek heroes who survived on the battlefield and on the way home returned home successively. However, only the son of Laertes, King Odysseus of Itache, did not return, and the goddess of destiny arranged a strange encounter for him. After a long time of wandering, he came to the island of Ochkia. This is an isolated island Rocky rocks , full of towering trees. Titan Giant Atlas 's daughter, fairy Calypso , snatched him into the cave and was willing to commit to him as his wife. The fairy promised to let him live with heaven and earth, and keep his youth forever. Odysseus remained loyal to his wife Penelope.
Odysseus' loyalty was touched Olympus Holy Mountain God on the sea, except the sea god Poseidon No one has any sympathy for him. The god of the sea has a feud with him, and he is unwilling to reconcile with him, but he does not dare to destroy him, but only let him go through hardships on the way back. It is for this reason that he drifted to this remote island.
After discussion, the gods decided that Calypso must release Odysseus. therefore, Athena The messenger of sending gods Hermes Come to the ground and convey Zeus's order to the beautiful fairy. Hermes stressed that Zeus's decision was inviolable. Athena also descended from Olympus and came to Ithaca Island. She hides the body of a god and turns into a hand Spear Mentes, king of the Taphos, entered Odysseus' palace.
Odysseus's palace was filled with grief and confusion. Beautiful Penelope and her young son Telemachus He can no longer be the master of the palace. Penelope, the daughter of Icarius, announced that he would marry her to the winner of the competition. Odysseus won the competition and got the smart and beautiful girl Penelope. When Odysseus took her away from La Xitimon and returned to Itache, Icarius begged his daughter not to leave him. Odysseus asked her to decide for herself. Penelope silently put the bride's veil over her face and expressed her willingness to go back with him. Since then, she has been loyal to love, and has not changed.


When the news of the fall of Troy reached Itache, she saw other heroes returning to their hometown, but Odysseus did not return. For a long time, someone rumored that he was dead. Later, more and more people believed him. Therefore, Penelope suddenly became a young widow. Her beauty and huge wealth attracted many suitors. Twelve princes came from Itacae alone, twenty-four from the neighboring Samo Island, twenty from Chatos Island, and fifty-two from Duriqiweng. In addition, the suitor also brought a messenger, a singer, two cooks and a large group of attendants. All the princes came to propose to Penelope and forced them to live in the palace, eating, drinking, and enjoying Odysseus' wealth. This has been the case for three years.
Athena went into the palace in the form of Mentes, and saw the suitors drinking and having fun in the palace. They sat on the cowhide taken from Odysseus' warehouse. The messengers and servants poured wine, divided food and wiped the table for them back and forth. Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, sat sadly among the suitors, thinking of his father, hoping that he would come back as soon as possible and drive away these scoundrels. Suddenly, Telemachus saw a strange king come into the palace, went up to shake hands with him and warmly welcomed him. The two went into the palace together. Athena put her spear on the rack beside the pillar, where Odysseus' weapons were still. Telemachus invited the guests to take their seats. The seats are covered with cushions with beautiful patterns. He also pulled a small stool to let the guests rest their feet, and then sat beside him. A girl asked him to wash her hands with hot water in a gold box, and then sent him bread, meat and wine. After a while, the suitor also ran to sit at the table, eating and drinking with relish. The servants were busy, pouring wine and delivering water. After being fed and drunk, the suitor asked to play music. The messenger took the exquisite harp Give it to the singer Fermios, who tunes the strings and sings.
Now Athena has aroused Penelope's enthusiasm and appeared in front of the suitors, so that each of them is full of lovesickness, and in front of her husband, who of course knows nothing about Odysseus's presence, and her son Teremax, she shows her dignity and loyalty with her elegant behavior.
Athena first made Odysseus's wife sleep quietly for a while, giving her a kind of extraordinary beauty. She put it on her face Aphrodite And Goddess of beauty Often used after dancing Ointment She makes her skin shine like ivory. Then the goddess disappeared.
When Penelope's two maids walked into the room, she woke up from her deep sleep, wiped her eyes and said, "Well, how sweet I sleep! May the gods make me die so sweetly, so that I don't have to grieve for my husband and bear the pain of the family any more!" With these words, she stood up from her chair and walked from the inner room to the suitor. She stood quietly at the door of the arched hall, covered with gauze, charming, gorgeous and graceful. When the suitor saw her, his heart was pounding, and everyone was eager to marry her. But the Queen turned to her son and said, "Telemachus, I don't know you anymore. Really, you showed more when you were a child than you do now show common How can you let this happen in the hall now? How can you tolerate such an insult to a poor stranger who seeks peace in our home? This shames us in front of everyone! "
"Good mother, your excitement is right," Telemachus replied. They all hung their heads down just now, like the poor guy sitting outside! "
Telemachus said this in a low voice, so that the suitor could not hear. At this time, Eurymachus was fascinated by the Queen's natural beauty, and he shouted: "I hope you are the daughter of Icarius Greece All the Akeyans can see you! Indeed, tomorrow more suitors will come here, because no one can match your beauty and wisdom! " "Oh, Eurymachus," replied Penelope, "my beauty has withered since my husband and the Greeks went to Troy. If he could come back and protect me, I would be young again, but now I feel sad. When Odysseus left the coast here and took my hand for the last time, he said, 'Dear wife, the Greeks will not return home in full health. Trojans are brave and good at fighting. They are all excellent long spear throwers, archers and charioteers. I don't know whether I can return or die in a foreign country. You are good at managing your home and taking care of your parents. When my son grows up and I don't come back, you can get married and leave the family. ' That's what he said, and now it's all true. Sadly, the terrible wedding is coming, how painful I am to face this day! These suitors here have a completely different custom from the usual suitors. If other people want to marry the daughter of a noble family, they will bring their own cattle and sheep and send gifts to their fiancee instead of wasting others' property without compensation! "
Odysseus was very happy when he heard these clever words. On behalf of the suitors, Antinos replied, "Dear Queen, each of us is willing to offer you precious gifts and ask you not to refuse. But we will not return to our hometown until you choose a groom from us." All the suitors agreed with his speech.
The servant was sent to fetch gifts. What Antinoos sent was a gorgeous dress with twelve gold pins and finely bent gold hooks. Eurymachus presented a beautiful gold necklace. Eurydamas presented a pair of earrings inlaid with gems. Each of the other suitors presented a special gift. The maids took all these gifts, and Penelope returned to the harem with them.