
[bō lì wéi yà]
Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
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Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Spanish: Estado Plurinacial de Bolivia) bolivia , is located at South America Midland Landlocked country , surrounding and Brazil Peru Chile Argentina Paraguay The five countries are adjacent, with a land area of 1.098 million square kilometers. The legal capital is Sucre , the actual government residence is La Paz Bolivia has a population of 12.039 million. Bolivia is rich in natural resources, so it is called "the donkey sitting on the gold mine". In addition to famous mineral deposits Inca Empire Ruins. In addition, the country also has Venezuela Is the second largest in South America gas field [1]
It was part of the Inca Empire in the 13th century. In 1538, it became Spain Colony, known as Peru in history. Declared independence on August 6, 1825, in memory of the liberators Bolivar It was named the Bolivarian Republic and later changed to the Republic of Bolivia. In 1835, it merged with Peru to form the Peruvian Bolivian Federation, which collapsed in 1839. In 1879, the Pacific War with Chile resulted in the loss of coastal territory and the country became a landlocked country. From 1932 to 1935, the Chaco War with Paraguay took place, and a large area of territory was lost after the defeat. In April 1952, the People's Armed Uprising broke out, and the leader of the nationalist revolutionary movement, Pat Estensoro, became president. Since then, military coups have been frequent and the political situation has been turbulent for a long time. Democracy was restored in October 1983. In 2009, the name of the country was changed to "Plurinational Bolivia". [1]
Bo is South America One of the poorest countries. 2022 gross domestic product US $43 billion, up 4.86% year on year, unemployment rate 4.5%, all year round Inflation rate 3.28%. World Bank It is predicted that the economic growth of Bolivia will be 2.9% in 2023. [1]
Chinese name
Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia [1]
Foreign name
Plurinational State of Bolivia [1]
Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia [1]
La Paz Sucre [1]
major city
Santa Cruz Cochabamba Aururo Potosi etc.
National Day
August 6, 1825
National anthem
Bolivians, good fortune
Country code
official language
Spanish Quechua 36 kinds Native American languages [1]
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Luis Alberto Artakola President
population size
12.039 million
Population density
10.8 persons/km2 [1] [8]
Major ethnic groups
Indian Indo European white race [1]
Major religions
Catholicism [1]
land area
1098000 km² [1] (2020)
Water area rate
Total GDP
US $43 billion [1] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $3549 (2018, international exchange rate)
International telephone area code
five hundred and ninety-one
Abbreviation of international domain name
.bo [2-3]
Road access
Drive on the right
Major universities
San Andres University

Historical evolution

A.D thirteenth century by Inca Empire Part of.
Inca Empire
Bolivia was Spain Conquered and became a Spanish colony in 1538. It was called Peru in history and belonged to the Governor's District of La Plata in Spain.
Bolivia's Latin American War of Independence In the middle, was taken from Venezuela Of Caracas Coming national hero —— Simon Bolivar He was saved and independent, so the country was named after him. On August 6, 1825, it declared its independence from Spain and was named the Bolivarian Republic, which later changed its current name.
Same as in 1836 Peru Formed a federation in 1839 due to Chile Collapse due to invasion.
In 1863, abundant Saltpeter Mineral deposits. In 1879, Chile sent troops to occupy the mining area, Bolivia and Peru united, and Chile“ Pacific War ”。 Bolivia lost the war in 1883 and ceded the Pacific coastal area rich in nitrate to Chile in 1904. Bolivia lost its only coastal province, including important ports Antofagasta Since then, it has become a landlocked country. But Bo has always claimed this place and claimed that the 1904 treaty was invalid.
In 1932, Bolivia and Paraguay Outbreak for fighting for oil resources in North Chaco chaco war Bolivia was defeated and lost a large area of territory.
The People's Armed Uprising broke out in April 1952, and the leader of the nationalist revolutionary movement Victor Paz Estensoro Incumbent President. Since then, military coups have been frequent and the political situation has been turbulent for a long time. In October 1983, the modern bourgeois democracy with South American characteristics was restored.
On December 18, 2005, the presidential election was held. Aymara Indian , Leader of the Bolivian Movement for Socialism Evo Morales He won the election with 53.75% of the votes and took office on January 22, 2006. He became the first Native American President of the country and the first Bolivian left wing president. The Bolivian state construction with gradual community socialism (i.e. Indian socialism) as the basic value concept began.
On January 25, 2009, the 16th Constitution in the history of the Republic of Bolivia and the first constitution in the referendum was adopted with 61.8% affirmative votes.
On March 26, 2009, Morales signed the Supreme Decree and announced that the original name of the country "Rep ú blica de Bolivia" was changed to "El Estado Plurinacial de Bolivia". [1]
On December 7, 2023, at the 63rd Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) announced that Bolivia had become a full member of MERCOSUR. [11]
On July 8, 2024 local time, Bolivia officially submitted to the Southern Common Market the legal text of the protocol to join the "MERCOSUR", which was ratified by Bolivia. Bolivia has completed all legal procedures for its accession to MERCOSUR. [14]

geographical environment


Regional location

Bolivia is located in the middle of South America, between 69 ° 38 ′ and 57 ° 26 ′ west longitude and 9 ° 38 ′ and 22 ° 53 ′ south latitude, and is one of the two landlocked countries in Latin America. It borders Brazil in the north and east, Argentina and Paraguay in the south, and Peru and Chile in the west and southwest. With a land area of 1098600 square kilometers, it ranks fifth in South America and eighth in the Americas. [9]
geographical position

topographic features

The east and northeast are mostly Amazon Alluvial plain, accounting for about 60% of the national area; The middle part is the valley area, belonging to Andes At the east foot, agriculture is developed, and many important cities are concentrated here; To the west Bolivian Plateau The average altitude is more than 1000 meters.

Climatic characteristics

Bolivia's climate is characterized by diversity. There are three climatic zones in the country: tropical plain area (average temperature 25 ℃), valley area (average temperature 18 ℃) and plateau area (average temperature 10 ℃). Bolivia's winter is cold and dry. Frost often falls in winter in mountainous areas, and the temperature is low. The daily temperature can reach as low as 1 ℃, and it is below zero at night; The winter in inland areas is relatively mild. The daily temperature in cities is generally below 15 ℃, and at night it is maintained at about zero. [9]

Water system distribution

The main rivers are Beni River Mamore River and San Miguel River There are Lake Titicaca With an altitude of 3812m, it is the largest lake in South America and the highest large-scale lake in the world Freshwater lake It can be navigable all the year round, and is the main traffic artery between the two countries and the birthplace of ancient South American culture.
Lake Titicaca

natural resources

mineral products
Eastern Bolivia Precambrian The area accounts for 30% of the land area, and the western plateau and mountainous areas belong to the mountain rock stratigraphic belt. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the regions with the most abundant mineral reserves in the world. The main mineral resources include gold, silver, copper, iron, manganese, tin, aluminum, zinc, antimony, tungsten, bismuth, magnesium, lithium, uranium, niobium, tantalum, sulfur, gypsum, asbestos, phosphorus, boron, cadmium, barium, indium, germanium, mercury, cobalt, arsenic, mica, marble, crystal, bicolor crystal, calcite, multicolor onyx, sodalite, oil, natural gas, etc. Although Bolivia is a traditional producer of mineral products, the distribution and reserves of national mineral resources have not been systematically surveyed so far due to the restrictions of capital, technology and other factors. Therefore, it is difficult to investigate the exact reserves of various mineral resources. The main mineral resource reserves are introduced as follows:
1. Gold. Gold deposits are distributed throughout Bolivia. Proved reserves are: mineral content 4187148780 cubic meters, average grade 0.276%, pure gold 1156 tons; Prospective reserves: 2415000000 cubic meters of minerals, 0.28% grade, 676 tons of pure gold. From the 1960s to the 1990s, American Southern Company went to mine gold in Guanai and Teobant, La Paz Province, and produced up to 1.5 tons of gold. Many private cooperatives often encounter 50 grams or more of natural gold bullion when they select gold on rivers and beaches.
2. Copper. Copper ores are mainly distributed in the areas bordering Peru, Chile and Argentina Andes 160000 square kilometers of copper ore belt. The proven reserves are 26657 tons and the prospective reserves are 247934 tons.
3. Tin. Tin ore often consists of complex ore with silver, lead and zinc. The proven reserves are 62064879 tons of minerals, with an average grade of 1.8%, equivalent to 671831 tons of refined tin. The prospective reserves are 60712802 tons, with an average grade of 0.73%, equivalent to 441684 tons of refined tin. The reserves of tin glass account for 25% of the world's total reserves.
4. Silver. The proven reserves are 14764893 tons of minerals with an average grade of 4.32DM, equivalent to 6381 tons of refined silver. The prospective reserves are 38167790 tons of minerals with an average grade of 4.01DM, equivalent to 15314 tons of refined silver.
5. Lead. Proved reserves include 18321711 tons of minerals, with an average grade of 3.02%, equivalent to 553746 tons of refined lead. Prospective reserves, including 33621976 tons of minerals, with an average grade of 3.19%, equivalent to 1073666 tons of refined lead.
6. Zinc. The proven reserves are 40604533 tons of minerals with an average grade of 9.65%, equivalent to 3919714 tons of refined zinc. Prospective reserves, mineral content 43876000 tons, average grade 12.27%, equivalent to 5383600 tons of refined zinc.
7. Antimony. Bolivia's antimony reserves account for 14% of the world's total reserves, ranking second in the world. Proved reserves include 1121123 tons of minerals with an average grade of 8.63%, equivalent to 96781 tons of refined antimony.
8. Tungsten. The proven reserves are 3939662 tons of minerals, Tungsten trioxide The average grade is 0.61%, and the reserves of tungsten trioxide are 24010 tons. Prospective reserves: 9808642 tons of minerals with an average grade of 0.64% and reserves of 63138 tons.
9. Bismuth. The proven reserves are 306772 tons of minerals with an average grade of 1.5%, equivalent to 4606 tons of refined bismuth. Prospective reserves, containing 6.5 million tons of minerals, with an average grade of 1.04%, equivalent to 67700 tons of refined bismuth.
10. Iron. The reserve is 45 billion tons, second only to Brazil in Latin America. The largest iron ore deposit is located in the Mutun Mine on the border with Brazil. The average grade is 50%. The proved reserves account for about 50% of the unproved reserves.
11. Manganese. Manganese ores are distributed in the east and west of Bolivia, but they are not mined. Among them, Mudun Mine in the east is the most famous. It contains 20 million tons of minerals with an average grade of 50%, which is equivalent to 10 million tons of metallic manganese.
12. Magnesium carbonate. It is mainly distributed in the central Chabari area. The proven reserves contain 1.5 million tons of minerals with an average grade of 70%, equivalent to 1.05 million tons of magnesium carbonate. The prospective reserves are 20.22 million tons, with an average grade of 64.66%, equivalent to 13.076 million tons of magnesium carbonate.
13. Lithium. It is mainly distributed in the salt lake of Potosi Province, with a reserve of 8.9 million tons.
14. Asbestos. The asbestos mine with commercial development value is located in the Chabari area of Cochabamba province. The proven reserves are 2 million tons, with an average grade of 1:15, equivalent to 133333 tons of asbestos. Prospective reserves, containing 200 million tons of minerals, equivalent to 10 million tons of asbestos.
15. Natural gas. As of 2002, the proven reserves are 273.6 billion cubic feet, the prospective reserves are 243.9 billion cubic feet, and the potential reserves are 248.7 billion cubic feet. Total 771.6 billion cubic feet.
16. Petroleum. As of 2002, the proven reserves were 447 million barrels, the prospective reserves were 452.1 million barrels, and the potential reserves were 473.9 million barrels. A total of 1.373 billion barrels.
Rich mineral resources, mainly including tin, antimony, tungsten, silver, zinc, lead, copper, nickel, iron gold Etc. Rich mineral reserves, with tin reserves of 1.15 million tons, ranking second in the world; Iron reserves are 45 billion tons, second only to Brazil in Latin America; Lithium reserves are 100 million tons, ranking first in the world. [4]
Oil and gas
Bolivia is rich in oil and natural gas resources. The proven oil reserves are 929 million barrels, and the proven natural gas reserves as of 2013 are 52.3 trillion cubic feet.
It is rich in resources, with a forest coverage of 530000 square kilometers (53 million hectares). The main types of wood are: Mahogany Red cypress , American oak, sandbox Lapacho , Yibei and Longfengzhi.
Bolivia covers an area of 109 million hectares (1.09 million square kilometers), of which 53 million hectares are covered by forests, accounting for 48% of the national territory. It is mainly located in Santa Cruz, Beni, La Paz, Pando and other provinces, and the forest land area of the above four provinces accounts for 76% of the country; Another 18% is located in Chuji Saga Province and Taliha Province; The remaining 6% is located in Cochabamba Province. Of the 53 million hectares, 8.48 million hectares of forest land have been included in sustainable development. As of December 2006, the certified forest area of Bolivia has reached 2.209 million hectares, the certified tropical natural forest area ranks first in the world, and the certified forest land has been included in the sustainable development system.
Bolivarian forest land accounts for about 1.28% of the total forest coverage in the world, ranking fifth among American countries, only second to Canada Brazil U.S.A and Peru from Tropical rain forest In terms of coverage, Bolivia ranks sixth, followed by Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Peru and India. Bolivia ranks tenth in the world in terms of forest coverage.
Native species - Bolivian tigress
Bolivia is a landlocked country, with only 14197 square kilometers of water surface and 24201 square kilometers of pond area. The fishery resources are relatively poor, only producing freshwater fish, mainly including: River trout Silver herring Etc. [4]
Other resources
Bolivia is rich in hydropower resources, and the country's potential hydropower can be developed Installed capacity It is 39850 MW. As of 2013, the developed installed capacity is 480 MW, with a development degree of only 1.2%. The hydropower development potential is huge. Bolivia is also rich in wind and solar energy resources, La Paz The maximum wind speed is 16m7s. [4]

natural disaster

On September 7, 2024 local time, the Bolivian government announced that the country had entered a state of emergency due to the forest fire, in order to speed up internal coordination and international support to put out Fire. [15]

administrative division


Main division

Bolivia is divided into nine provinces (Departamento), 112 regions (Provincia), 337 cities (Municipio) and 1397 natural villages (Cant ó n). The names and capitals of the nine provinces are: La Paz( La Paz )、 Pando Province Keweiha )、 Beni Province Trinidad )、 Chukisaka Sucre ), Cochabamba Province( Cochabamba )Oruro( Aururo )、 Potosi Potosi )、 Santa Cruz Province( Santa Cruz )、 Taliha Province (Tarim)
Departments of Bolivia

major city

The seat of the government and parliament, the country's largest city and political, economic and cultural center, with a population of 940000. The altitude is 3627m, and the annual average temperature is 14 ℃. It is the highest seat of government in the world. La Paz was built in 1548, which means "City of Peace" in Spanish. [1]
 La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz La Paz
La Paz
The legal capital, the seat of the Supreme Court, has a population of 360000 and an altitude of 2790 meters. Founded in 1538, formerly known as Chukisaka In 1809, the first uprising in South America against Spanish rule broke out in this city. In 1825, Bolivia declared independence here. In 1826, it was designated as the capital. In 1839, it was renamed Sucre in memory of General Antonio Jos é Sucre, the second president of Bolivia. In 1898, the central government, the presidential palace and the parliament hall were moved to La Paz, and the Supreme Court remained in Sucre. Sucre is now UNESCO Listed in the list of human cultural heritage. [1]
Founded in 1561, with a population of 2.7762 million, it is a new industrial and commercial city, the second largest economic and cultural center in China, and the capital of Santa Cruz Province. It is located in the eastern plain, 437m above sea level, and the annual average temperature is 23.8.
The third largest city in China, the capital of Cochabamba Province. Located in the valley of central Bolivia, it is an important transportation hub. The current population is 1938400, 2558 meters above sea level. [4]

National symbol


Country name

The Plurinational States of Bolivia (English: Simon Bolivar Name.

national flag

Flag of Bolivia It was launched on October 31, 1851. The national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal rectangles, red, yellow and green, from top to bottom, with a national emblem painted in the middle. It turns out that red symbolizes sacrifice for the country, yellow symbolizes hope, and green symbolizes sacred land. Now they represent animals, minerals and plants respectively. The national flag with the national emblem shall be used in formal occasions, and the national flag without the national emblem shall be used in general occasions.
Flag of Bolivia

national emblem

National Emblem of Bolivia Oval in the middle, with sunlight peak breadfruit tree Alpaca , grain, etc. There are ten five pointed stars in the lower half of the circle, representing the nine provinces that make up Bolivia and the coastal provinces captured by Chile; The upper part is written "Bolivia" in Spanish. Three national flags are hung on both sides of the oval; Crossed at the back are corbels and weapons, symbolizing authority; There is a "cap of freedom" at the top of the beam on the left. At the top of the oval is an eagle condor , symbolizing power and freedom. The eagle is decorated with laurel sticks and Olive branch On behalf of the people's pride in national freedom and their desire to live in harmony with the people of other countries.
Bolivia National Emblem [16]

national anthem

Lyrics: Bolivians, our wish has finally come to a good fate. Freedom has come to our motherland, and we have ended our slavery. Yesterday was a turbulent atmosphere of war and a terrible forest of bullets, but today is a beautiful melody of peace, singing in unity. In order to maintain the honor of the motherland, we issued a new solemn oath, "Free people would rather die than surrender!"

national flower

National language

Unity is strength (in Spanish, La Unión es la Fuerza

Population and nationality



As of September 2022, Bolivia has a national population of 11.832 million, of which, Santa Cruz The largest population is 3.22 million; The second is La Paz Province, with 2.88 million people; The population of Cochabamba Province is 1.97 million, ranking third. The number of Chinese in Bolivia is about 9000, mainly in Santa Cruz Province. [9]


Bolivia is a multi-ethnic country, mainly composed of indigenous peoples, including various ethnic groups Indian Mestizo That is, the descendants of European and African immigrants and indigenous people (about 30% of the Bolivian population) and European and African immigrants (about 15% of the total population). According to statistics, there are 37 indigenous groups in Bolivia, Quechua And Aymara have the largest population, 1.558 million and 1.279 million respectively, Guarani 78000. [4]
Bolivians in the bazaar




According to the Constitution, Bolivia is Democratic Republic country. Legislative, executive and judicial power Separation of powers , Implementation Presidential system
The President is the head of state and government, and also the armed forces Commander in Chief , elected directly and cannot be re elected. Parliament is the legislative body of the country. The Cabinet is the executive body of the government, under the direct leadership of the President. Restore the establishment of Vice President; The provincial mayor was elected directly; It guarantees personal security, freedom of belief, association, labor, thought and education, and the State is responsible for respecting human rights. [4]
Former President Evo Morales of Bolivia


Promulgated in 1826. According to the Constitution, the state system is a republic, and the President and Vice President are elected directly. The President's term of office is five years and cannot be re elected, but he can be elected once every other term; The Vice President shall not be elected President or Vice President in the next term.
On January 25, 2009, Bolivia held a referendum on the new constitution and restricted large real estate. The new Constitution was passed with a high support rate of 61.47%, and most voters support the limit of land area owned by individuals to be 5000 hectares. The new constitution has made hundreds of amendments to the original constitution, mainly including: (1) emphasizing the nature of a multi-ethnic country, giving citizens more rights, and the government should assume more obligations. (2) To establish a political system of separation of four powers, Indians have received more attention than before, and proposed to establish a multi-ethnic electoral body as the fourth kind of state authority in addition to the executive, legislative and judicial authorities. (3) The President and Vice President can be re elected once. (4) Change the current system of administrative divisions and implement an autonomous system in line with the Constitution. (5) The state power plays an important role in the economy, adopts a compound economic model, and restricts large real estate and double land deeds. (6) With regard to subsequent legislation and future constitutional amendments, if the entire constitution is amended or the fundamental content is involved, it needs to be carried out by the indigenous plenipotentiary constitutional assembly. [1]


The multi-ethnic Legislative Assembly is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The election is held every five years at the same time as the presidential election. The House of Representatives has 130 seats and the Senate has 36 seats. The President of the Legislative Assembly is concurrently the Vice President. The current President of the Legislative Assembly is David CHOQUEHUANCA, the Vice President. The current Senate President Andr ó nico Rodriguez and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Israel HUAYTARI. [1]


The presidential cabinet system. The President is the Head of State, Head of Government and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Cabinet members are as follows: Celinda SOSA Lunda, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Maria Nela PRADA Tejada, Minister of the Presidential Palace; Carlos Eduardo Del Castillo, Minister of the Interior Edmundo NOVILLO Aguilar, Minister of Defense, Sergio Armando CUSICANQUI Loayza, Minister of Economy and Finance, Marcelo Alejandro MONTENEGRO Rub é n Alejandro M é NDEZ Estrada, Minister of Environment and Water Resources, Edgar MONTA ≮ O, Minister of Public Works and Housing, Ivan Manolo LIMA, Minister of Justice and Legal Transparency Santos Condori Nina, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Franklin Molina Ortiz, Minister of Oil, Gas and Energy, Alejandro Santos Laura, Minister of Mines and Metallurgy, Nestor Huanca, Minister of Production Development and Diversified Economy Humberto LISPERGUER Rosales, Minister of Environment and Water Resources; Mar í a Ren é e CASTRO Cusicanqui, Minister of Health and Sports; Esperanza GUEVARA, Minister of Culture Minister of Education Omar V é LIZ Ramos. [1]


In November 2015, a new judiciary judge was elected directly. It is composed of 56 people, including the Lord Chancellor, the judges of the Agricultural Environment Court, the judges of the Constitutional Court and the members of the Judges Committee, with indigenous judges accounting for the majority. At present, Ricardo Torres Ecuador is the President of the Supreme Court, and Paul Enrique Franco Zamora is the President of the Constitutional Court. The Procurator General is elected by the multi-ethnic Legislative Assembly for a term of six years and may not be re elected. The current Attorney General, C é sar Adalid SILES Baz á n, took office in September 2023. [1]


The main political parties in the country are:
(1) Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS): established in July 1997. The left-wing political party is a national democratic force with extensive participation. Oppose neo liberal economy and economic globalization. The largest political force in the Bolivian Parliament. The party chairman is former President Evo Morales.
(2) "Comunidad Ciudadana": the largest opposition party coalition in the parliament, which was formed in June 2014 by the merger of the "Unidad Nacional" and the "Movimiento Dem ó crata Social", advocating to safeguard the interests of the middle class and the business community. The leader of the party is Carlos Mesa, the former President of Bolivia.
(3) "Creemos": the second largest opposition party coalition in the parliament, established in January 2020, advocates the neo liberal economic model, and the party leader is Luis Fernando Camacho, Governor of Santa Cruz Province.
(4) Partido Dem ó crata Cristiano: established in February 1954. It advocates reforming the existing economic model, maintaining social stability and promoting production development. The leader of the party is Jorge Quiroga, the former president.
(5) Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario: Founded in 1941, it is mainly composed of intellectuals, workers, farmers and the petty bourgeoisie. It advocates "revolutionary nationalism" and "class unity", and realizes true democracy through social change.
Other major political parties include: Bolivia dice No, Nueva Fuerza Republicana, Frente de Unidad Nacional, Movimiento Bolivia Libre, Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria, Alianza Social The Communist Party (Partido Comunista), etc.


Luis Alberto Artakola : President. Born on September 28, 1963 in La Paz, Bolivia, member of MAS Party. He received a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of San Andreas and a master's degree in economics from the University of Warwick. He worked in the Central Bank of Bolivia from 1987 to 2006, served as the Minister of Economy and Finance of Bolivia from 2006 to 2017, and left his post due to illness from 2017 to 2018. In January 2019, he returned to the post of Minister of Economy and Finance after recovering from illness. He used to be a visiting professor at San Andreas University and other universities. In January 2020, former President Morales announced that Afghanistan, as the partner of the presidential candidate of the MAS Party, and former Foreign Minister Choke Wanka, won the 2020 general election.




Bolivia is a world famous exporter of mineral products, rich in lithium, tin, antimony, gold, silver, copper, iron, manganese, tungsten, zinc and other minerals. Since taking office, the Morales government has abandoned the neo liberal economic policy, strengthened the state's intervention in the economy, promoted the nationalization of pillar industries such as oil, natural gas, mining, telecommunications and power, focused on promoting energy and mineral production and infrastructure construction, increased investment in natural gas development, and promoted land reform. Relevant measures have achieved positive results, with steady growth in fiscal revenue and stable macroeconomic operation. In 2023, the gross domestic product of Bolivia will be 45.66 billion US dollars, up 3.1% year on year, and the annual inflation rate will be 2.12%. The World Bank predicts that Bolivia's economic growth will be 1.4% in 2024. The Bolivian government estimates that the GDP will grow by 3.71% and the annual inflation rate will be 3.6% in 2024. [1]
The fiscal budget of Bolivia in 2020 predicts that the economic growth rate of Bolivia in 2020 will be 4.24%, the inflation rate will be 3.98%, and the fiscal deficit rate will be 6.79%. According to the fiscal budget of Bolivia in 2021, it is predicted that the economic growth rate of Bolivia in 2021 will be 4.80%, the inflation rate will be 3.10%, and the fiscal deficit rate will be 9.74%. [9]


Bolivia's industry is dominated by food, textile, leather, wine making, cigarette and other processing industries. It has certain nonferrous metal smelting capacity and has the world's third largest Vinto smelter. In 2010, the output value of processing industry accounted for 18.89% of GDP, the output value of energy and mining industry accounted for 13.48% of GDP, and the construction industry accounted for 3.71%. [4]


Bolivia has 34000 square kilometers of arable land, accounting for about 3% of the country's land area. In 2010, the national land planting area was 2.96 million hectares. Food production can only meet 34% of domestic demand, and the rest depends on imports. In 2010, there were 7.99 million cattle, 2.14 million sheep and 2.57 million pigs in China. In 2010, the output value of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery was 2.31 billion US dollars, accounting for 12% of GDP. main cash crop yes cotton Coffee tobacco Sugar cane Sunflower and coca Etc. The main agricultural and livestock products are plateau millet, corn, wheat, potato products and soybeans. Quinoa It has begun to become an emerging crop and has been supported by international funds. [4]
Distribution map of coffee trees in Bolivia


Tourism infrastructure Gradually improve. Bo has 836 hotels of all levels with reception capacity and more than 30000 beds. In 2010, it received 671200 foreign tourists and earned 314 million dollars in foreign exchange. Most of the tourists came from Peru, Argentina, the United States, Brazil and Western European countries. During the same period, there were 520000 domestic tourists, and the tourism revenue was about 947 million dollars. Since 2010, we have attached importance to the development of tourism Peru Argentina U.S.A Brazil and Western European countries Of tourists. [4]

foreign trade

All previous governments of Bolivia have attached importance to the development of foreign trade, especially encouraging exports to stimulate economic growth. Bolivia actively participates in the process of regional integration and has signed economic complementarity agreements with most Latin American countries. In recent years, Bolivia has vigorously developed the natural gas export market and formulated a strategy aimed at becoming an energy supply place of the Southern Common Market. At present, it maintains trade relations with more than 80 countries and regions in the world. In 2023, the total foreign trade volume of Bolivia will be 22.294 billion US dollars, including 10.798 billion US dollars in exports and 11.496 billion US dollars in imports. The main trade destinations are Brazil, China, Argentina, India, Chile and the United States. From January to March 2024, the total foreign trade volume of Bolivia will be 4.28 billion US dollars, down 21.3% year on year. [1]




Although Bolivia's new constitution has been abolished Catholicism It stipulates that all religions are equal. But in Bolivia, about 81% of the residents believe in Catholicism, and about 10% believe in Catholicism protestantism Or evangelism. Churches of different sizes can be seen in major towns. Every religious festival, local residents can be seen carrying Virgin Mary or Jesus Like praying along the street. [4]


Bolivian Indians look and dress like Chinese Tibetans, with dark skin. Both men and women like to wear felt hats, and women like to wear thick multi-layer gowns and skirts. Due to historical reasons, most Indians lived in relatively high altitude land ridges, engaged in grazing or working for miners. Most people in Bolivia eat meat, mainly beef, pig, chicken and mutton. Common dishes on the table are tomatoes, potatoes, onions and lettuce.
The busier festival in Bolivia is the carnival between February and March every year. Among them Aururo The carnival in Chengdu is the most spectacular. People in major cities, even in neighboring countries, wear colorful holiday costumes, wear different masks, sing and dance, attracting many tourists. [4]


After the end of the War of Independence in 1825, Upper Peru gained independence and established the Republic of Bolivia. Bolivian literature began with romanticism As the mainstream, the representative writers are Manuel Jose Cortez (1815-1865) and Ricardo Jose Bustamante (1821-1888). The Romantic poem of the latter "Mamore Overture" is full of rich local flavor. In terms of drama, Felix Reyes Ortiz (1828-1884) and Jose Rosendo Gutierrez (1840-1883) are represented. In terms of novels, there are Manuel Garcia Cavallero (1819~1866), a writer who is good at writing sentimental novels, Mariano Ricardo Trasas (1841~1878), a historical novelist with the colonial period as the main background, and Juan Manuela Goriti (1818~1892), a short story novelist who is devoted to describing Indian life.
In the second half of the 19th century, the political attempts of the liberal democrats in Bolivia failed completely and were replaced by brutal ones caudillo (feudal warlords). In terms of foreign relations, it suffered a disastrous defeat in the war with Chile on territorial disputes. Writers generally show strong concern and worry about the future of the nation, and begin to pay attention to reflect the reality. The works of Natanell Aguirre (1843-1888) increasingly touch the reality of society, which shows that Bolivia Romantic Literature The end is near. The discontent and protest among the people are gradually revealed in the literary works describing the life of rural Indians and exposing the urban bourgeoisie. The Indian folklore collected by Thomas Okonor Darlach (1845-1924) marked the beginning of Bolivian Indian literature; Alcides Agdas (1879-1946), in "Watta Vara" and Race of Bronze The strong call for justice for Indians in the two works indicates that this literature has reached its climax.
Twentieth Century, naturalism It has become the main school of novel creation. The writers include: Heimei Mendoza (1874-1939), who wrote many works depicting life in the mining area; Armando Chilvechez (1883-1926), early Modernism He was a poet, and later wrote the novels "Sky Blue", "House of Nobles", "Tropical Flowers" and "Rojas Campaign"; Alfredo Gillian Pinto (1895-1950), whose novels "Indian Tears", "Utama", "Mine", etc. reveal the oppression and humiliation suffered by Indians and the proletarians in rural and mining areas; Rigovierto Villaroel Crawley (1890~), the author of the novel "Extremely Important Meaning, Also known as the Biography of Jorge Estfan" with the theme of education. In addition, there are also distinctive writers such as Luis Toro Ramallo (1898-1946) and Carlos Medinaselli (1899-1949). The former described the highland scenery of Bolivia and the life of Indians in two novels, Cutimonku and Inca Gold, while the latter skillfully inserted the local customs of Bolivia's other provinces into the love story of the novel La Chascaniavi.
At the same time, modernism gradually occupied a dominant position in poetry. Ricardo Hemis Freire (1868-1933), Frans Tamayo (1879-1956) and Gregorio Reynolds (1882-1948) are all important modernist poets. Freire's poem The Source of Wilderness is regarded as a model of modernist poetry. He has made a successful attempt to find loud syllables. Tamayo is also a poet who pays attention to rhetoric. His poetic plays "Scopus" and "Prometheus and the goddess of the sea" have many wonderful lines. Claudio Peniaranda (1884-1924), Jose Eduardo Galla (1893-1943) and Rafael Balivian (1898-1898) began to explore from modernism to a new school. After the rise of avant-garde, there was no strong reaction in Bolivia. The main representatives of avant-garde poets are Octavio Campelo Achasu (1900~) and Oscar Seruto (1907~).
In Bolivia, the writers who worked hard to establish national culture included Fernando Dies de Medina (1908~), Enrique Finot, Guillermo Francovic and Gustavo Adolfo Otero.
The war between Bolivia and Paraguay from 1932 to 1935 was reflected in many writers' works. The poet Oscar Seruto wrote the novel Fire Collapse, and Augusto Cespedes (1904~) wrote the collection of short stories The Blood of the Mestizos. Augusto Gusman (1903~) described the war in the form of a soldier's memoir in Prisoner of War.
The writers who focus on contemporary social life are Raul Botelio Gosalves (1917~), whose works include The Intoxication of Green Leaves, Cokaye, Plateau, Valuable Short Drama Between Acts and The Waste Land. Marcelo Giroga Santa Cruz's novel No Man's Land is considered one of the best literary works in Bolivia.
In the 1950s, a large number of poets emerged, known as the "epic era of barbarians". Representative poets include Julio Della Vega, Oskar Alfaro, and Arsila Cardona Torrico.
The popular Indian themed works in the 1950s are gradually fading away and replaced by the pursuit of world trends. Representative writers include Jorge Suarez (1932 ~), Felix Rospigliosi Nieto (1930 ~), Erwin Rojas, Hersus Urzagati, Edgar Avila Achasu, Edmundo Camargo Ferreira, etc. [4]


Independence Day( National Day ): August 6



military strength

Bolivia implements compulsory military service. All male citizens who have reached the age of 18 must perform military service for one year. Since 1995, the term of service of officers has been extended to 35 years. The army, navy and air force have a total force of 50000, and the police force has a total force of 37000, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior. [1] The equipment of all services is relatively old and backward. The President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and the Commander in Chief of the armed forces is General Edwin Drafuente.
Bolivian Army

Military expenditure

The defense budget of Bolivia in 2013 was 426 million dollars.




Bolivia is dominated by road transportation, accounting for more than 85% of the transportation. However, the road coverage rate is only 0.068 km/km2, the lowest in South America.
The highway is divided into three levels. Basic transportation network : The mileage is about 15919 kilometers, connecting major cities across the country. The National Highway Administration is responsible for maintenance. Provincial transportation network : Connect important domestic production and consumption centers with the basic transportation network. The provincial highway administrations are responsible for maintenance. Town traffic network : Connect villages and towns and important commercial areas. The local government is responsible for maintenance.
The main trunk roads form the main skeleton of the trunk lines, radiating and connecting the national highway network, with the capital La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Sucre, Santa Cruz and other important cities as the nodes. Spanning the eastern part of Bolivia, with a total length of 1543 kilometers, the trans ocean highway connecting Brazil, Bolivia and Chile has been completed and put into use. The road starts from Santa Cruz in the east Port Suarez , crossing Cochabamba And La Paz Province, and Oruro Province in the west. Once the highway is completed, it will connect the transportation lines from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from Brazil to Chile. Argentina will also build roads to the Bolivian border and connect to the Santa Cruz Highway, so that its goods can be directly transported to the port of Santos in Brazil or the port of Chile.
By 2010, the total length of various roads was 80887 km, of which asphalt roads and gravel roads accounted for 7.9% and 37.3% respectively, and earth roads accounted for 54.8%; 449000 motor vehicles. In 2012, Bolivia's highway passenger traffic volume reached 2.78 million person times, an increase of 17.2% over 2011. The domestic passenger volume increased by 11% to 1.48 million person times, and the foreign passenger volume increased by 18.5% to 1.3 million person times. [4]
 The world's most dangerous highway - North Yonggas Road near La Paz The world's most dangerous highway - North Yonggas Road near La Paz The world's most dangerous highway - North Yonggas Road near La Paz
The world's most dangerous highway - North Yonggas Road near La Paz


The railways in Bolivia adopt 1m wide narrow gauge. The national railway system is divided into two parts according to the region, with a total length of 3679km. The two parts have not been connected yet.
Andean railway network With a total length of 2274 kilometers, it passes through four provinces and regions, namely La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba and Portosi, and is connected with the railway network of Argentina, Chile, Peru and other neighboring countries. It can reach the important seaports of Peru, Chile, Chile, Argentina, Argentina and other neighboring countries.
Eastern Railway Network With a total length of 1424km, it passes through three provinces and regions of Santa Cruz, Chukisaka and Taliha, leading to neighboring countries Argentina and Buenos Aires Etc.
In 2012, the railway passenger volume in Bolivia reached 35700 person times, an increase of 8.6% over 2011. Including 23400 domestic passengers and 12300 foreign passengers. [4]

air transport

As of 2013, there are 38 public airports and 500 private runways in Bolivia, all of which are managed by the Bolivian Airport and Air Transport Auxiliary Services Authority. The three major cities of Bolivia, La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, have international airports, La Paz Airport With an altitude of 4085m, it is one of the highest civil airports in the world. [4]

water transport

Bolivia's water transport consists of river transport and lake transport. In Bolivia, river transportation consists of two systems: Amazon and La Plata River , lake transportation mainly refers to Lake Titicaca Transportation. River transportation is intermodal transportation. Amazon river transportation includes road transportation plus river transportation, and La Plata river transportation includes railway transportation plus river transportation. The total mileage of Bolivia's inland river shipping is about 14000 kilometers.
In 2012, Bolivia completed 5742 passenger and freight traffic by water. [4]




In 2016, the illiteracy rate dropped to 2.9%. The number of public schools is 138000. The state implements compulsory education for children aged 6 to 12, but the infrastructure is weak and funds are scarce. Famous universities include San Francisco Havel University and San Andreas University. [1]


The main newspapers in Bolivia are: Daily , circulation 50000 copies; Responsibility Report , with a circulation of 40000 copies; Rationale , with a circulation of about 30000; Times , circulation is about 25000; The News, with a circulation of 40000; The Change Daily has a circulation of 12000 copies.
There are 135 television stations, including 22 in the capital, La Paz. The national television station was founded in 1964 and has relay stations in seven provinces, including La Paz. There are also 9 private TV stations and 3 cable TV and satellite TV stations. [1]

public security

Bolivia has no anti-government armed groups and no terrorist attacks. Local laws do not allow residents to hold guns. Among the large cities, the capital, La Paz, has the best social security situation, and the crime rate in Alto and Cochabamba is rising sharply; Robbery and theft are frequent in the eastern region Santa Cruz City and other areas are the most serious. [4]
On August 26, 2016, the Minister of the Interior of Bolivia Carlos ROMERO (Carlos Romero) confirmed that Rodolfo Illanes, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, had been "shamefully and brutally killed" by his captors after being illegally imprisoned by the miners who blocked the road for several days.

People's livelihood

The Bolivian government has listed education and culture, health and nutrition, health facilities, urban construction and housing, employment, etc. as the problems that need to be urgently solved in social development policies. The minimum wage set by the government in 2010 was 679 Boliviano (US $96). Although the economy has maintained growth in recent years, the gap between rich and poor is still wide. 64% of the people live below the poverty line, of which 37% are in extreme poverty. In recent years, about 1 million Bolivians have emigrated abroad, most of whom are engaged in domestic work. The country is divided into 42 health care areas, with a total of 11920 medical personnel, 2587 hospitals and clinics; There are 1.3 beds per thousand people and 1.5 doctors per thousand people. In 2010, the population growth rate was 26.31 ‰, the mortality rate was 7.29 ‰, and the life expectancy per capita was 66.34 years; Public investment in the health sector was 651 million bolivianos. In 2010, there were 72 landlines for every 100 people. [4]

Epidemic prevention and control

On March 17, 2020, the office of Bolivian Interim President Jenna Agnez issued a statement saying that Bolivia would close the border due to the spread of COVID-19. According to reports, the statement pointed out that only Bolivian citizens and residents could enter the country from the 19th. If a traveler wants to enter the country, he must abide by the agreement between the Ministry of Health and WHO. The statement also said that international and domestic flights in Bolivia will be suspended from the 20th, but goods will be allowed to enter the country. In addition to closing the border, Bolivia's working days will also be shortened, and the market will be opened at a limited time. These measures will be implemented until March 31. [5]

International Relations


foreign policy

Bolivia pursues a foreign policy of anti imperialism, anti colonialism, anti hegemonism, independence, peace and non alignment, upholds national independence and sovereignty, and adheres to the principles of equality of all countries, self-determination of the people, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and peaceful settlement of international disputes. Focusing on poverty eradication, climate change and regional integration, we should pay attention to regional diplomacy, pragmatic diplomacy and pluralistic diplomacy, advocate that diplomacy serve economic construction, and strive to improve Bolivia's international status.
Bolivia is a member of the United Nations, the Non Aligned Movement, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 77, the Organization of American States, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Bolivarian Union of the Americas, the Association of South American Nations, the Andean Community, the La Plata River Basin Organization, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, the Southern Common Market and other member countries. It has maintained diplomatic relations with more than 130 countries.
On March 5, 2024 local time, the General Administration of Customs of Bolivia held a press conference to announce that the country and Chile had reached an agreement that the border ports of Pisiga and Tambokmado would be open 24 hours without restrictions from May 15. [13]

external relations

Relations with China
On July 9, 1985, The People's Republic of China Establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of Bolivia. In September of the same year, China set up an embassy in Bolivia; In August of the next year, Bo set up an embassy in China. China in Bolivia in May 1992 Santa Cruz The city set up a consulate general (downgraded to consulate In December 2013).
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have developed smoothly. Political relations have been strengthened, economic and trade relations have gradually developed, exchanges and cooperation in culture, science and technology, military and other fields have been deepened, and positions on some major international and regional issues are the same or similar, and mutual understanding and support have been achieved. On December 19, 2013, President Xi Jinping stay Beijing Great Hall of the People Concurrent appointment Presidente de Bolivia Morales Hold talks. Prior to the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcome ceremony for Morales in the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People. [7] The two heads of state reached consensus on bilateral cooperation: first, maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen exchanges between governments, legislative bodies and political parties, exchange experience in governance, and continue to support each other on major issues involving each other's core interests. Second, we should promote balanced growth of bilateral trade, coordinate cooperation in energy, minerals, agriculture, infrastructure construction, high-tech, finance, aerospace and other fields, and do a good job in key projects. Bolivia welcomes the investment of Chinese enterprises and is willing to create a good environment for this. Third, strengthen exchanges in culture, education, tourism and other fields, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and facilitate personnel exchanges between the two sides. Fourth, close cooperation in multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the "Group of 77+China", strengthen cooperation on sustainable development, climate change, food security and other issues, and better safeguard the interests of developing countries. And jointly promote the early establishment of the China Latin America Cooperation Forum and promote the overall cooperation between China and Latin America. [6] In January 2021, President Xi Jinping held a telephone conversation with President Al Said at request.
In November 2008, the 10th meeting of the China Bolivia Mixed Economic and Trade Commission was successfully held in Beijing.
At 0:42 on December 21, 2013, China Xichang Satellite Launch Center use Long March 3B , successfully launched the Bolivian communication satellite, and the satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit. Bolivia Communication Satellite is the first satellite owned by the country. [4]
In recent years, bilateral trade volume has grown rapidly, economic and trade cooperation has developed rapidly, and cooperation in energy, mining, infrastructure, high-tech and other fields has yielded fruitful results. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Bolivia will reach US $2.596 billion, including US $1.134 billion in China's exports and US $1.462 billion in imports, up 34.5%, 7.1% and 67.7% year on year respectively. From January to May 2024, the bilateral trade volume will be 975 million US dollars, including 379 million US dollars of China's exports and 596 million US dollars of imports, with year-on-year growth of - 3.5%, - 19.4% and 10.3% respectively. China remains the world's second largest trading partner, the largest import source country and the seventh largest export destination country. China mainly exports automobiles, motorcycles, tires, high-tech products, etc., and mainly imports mineral sand, leather, logs and sawn timber.
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, cultural exchanges between the two countries have developed rapidly. China and Bolivia have signed agreements on culture and education and on scientific and technological cooperation. The Chinese cultural delegation has visited Bolivia several times and held many Chinese cultural exhibitions in Bolivia. In August 1995, Bolivian State Secretary Bailey visited China, and the two sides signed the first cultural exchange implementation plan. In October 1999, Luo Cha, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture of Bolivia, visited China. In November 2000, Yangzhou Puppet Troupe visited Bolivia. In 2002, the Bosnian National Folk Dance Troupe visited China. In October 2009, the shadow puppet troupe of Shaanxi Folk Art Theater visited Bolivia. In October 2011, the delegation from the National Palace Museum of China visited Bolivia. In May 2013, Latin American missions in China, including Bolivia, attended the opening concert of the first "Latin American Art Season". In 2014, China attended the Santa Cruz International Book Festival as a guest country.
As of 2019, China has received 283 Bolivian scholarship students to study in China. In September 2011, the Confucius Institute at the University of Saint Simon, established by the Chinese side in Bocochabamba, was inaugurated. The Chinese partner institution is Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Languages. [12]
Bolivian President Morales Visits China [6]
Relations with the United States
The diplomatic relationship was established on June 8, 1825. Traditionally, Bolivia and the United States have close relations, and relations with the United States are the focus of Bolivia's diplomacy. Bolivia is one of the Latin American countries receiving the most US aid.
After President Morales came to power, he opposed US interference in internal affairs, and the discord between Bolivia and the US increased. In September 2008, Bolivia expelled the US ambassador on the ground of interference in internal affairs. Immediately, the United States announced to cancel the tariff preference for Bolivia under the Andean Trade Promotion and Anti Drug Act (ATPDEA) and remove Bolivia from the list of partners with the United States. Obama After the President took office, the two countries signed a bilateral relations framework agreement, which eased the bilateral relations for a time. However, the Andean trade preferences and preferential tariff treatment of the drug eradication law granted by the United States to countries in the Andean region were still excluded. On November 7, 2011, the two sides signed a bilateral framework agreement based on the principle of mutual respect for sovereignty and agreed to reassign ambassadors. In 2013, the US International Development Program officials and“ Prismatic gate ”The incident deteriorated again. [1]
Relations with Latin American countries
Attach importance to cooperation with Latin American countries, especially Andean Community As well as the traditional friendly relations between Brazil, Argentina and other neighboring countries, high-level exchanges are frequent. Bolivia has signed economic complementarities and investment protection agreements with most Latin American countries, actively participates in the process of regional integration, and seeks to become a channel connecting the two oceans and a source of energy supply for the Southern Common Market. In November 1997, Bolivia signed an agreement on complementarity and integration with Chile and Argentina. After President Morales took office, Bolivia and Cuba Venezuela Formed the "anti neoliberalism camp" and the "axis of justice" in Latin America, and Bolivia joined the "Bolivarian Choice of the Americas" (renamed in June 2009“ Inter American Bolivarian Union ”, ALBA). Actively participate in regional integration and strive to strengthen mutual trust and cooperation with neighboring countries. Served since July 2010 SADC The rotating presidency lasts until July 2011. [1]
On July 8, 2024 local time, Bolivia officially Southern Common Market Submit the legal text of the protocol of accession to MERCOSUR ratified domestically. So far, Bolivia has completed all legal procedures for joining MERCOSUR. Bolivian President Alce said the same day that he would increase economic and cultural exchanges with all parties and strengthen regional integration as a member of MERCOSUR.
Relations with Chile
From 1879 to 1883, Chile Pacific War China defeated the coalition forces of Bolivia and Peru, and cut off a large area of Bolivian coastal territory. Bolivia has since become a landlocked country. Bolivia has repeatedly failed to ask the Chilean government for access to the Pacific Ocean. In 1978, the two sides broke off diplomatic ties due to the breakdown of negotiations on the issue of the sea port. So far, only consular relations have been maintained. Since Morales took office in January 2006, Bolivia Chile relations have tended to ease. In December 2007, the Presidents of Brazil and Chile visited Bolivia, and the three countries jointly announced the completion of the project from the west to Chile in 2009 Ikik Port, east to Brazil Santos The Liangyang land corridor of Hong Kong. In June 2008, Chile said that it was ready to use Ikik Port as a port for free passage of Bolivia. In December 2010, the presidents of the two countries said that they would establish a high-level committee to discuss the requirements for Bolivia's access to the sea and other issues, and continue to promote the 13 point agenda for the development of bilateral relations.
In January 2011, the two countries announced the establishment of a bilateral high-level committee. In March, the first High level Committee was held in La Paz. Since then, due to Zhiqiang's insistence that the issue of the sea port should not be negotiated, the 13 point issue process came to a standstill, and Bolivia announced that it planned to submit the issue of the sea port to International Court of Justice in The Hague Judges and the wise side strongly oppose the two countries' relations, and the relationship between the two countries is at a low ebb. In September, Bolivia formally proposed to Chile that Arika The proposal that the port should be under the jurisdiction of Bolivia.
In April 2013, Bolivia took Chile to the International Court of Justice and asked Chile to negotiate in good faith with Bolivia to reach a substantive agreement as soon as possible, so that Bolivia can have a permanent access to the Pacific Ocean. In July, Chile raised an objection on whether the International Court of Justice in The Hague has the right to hear the case. [1]
Relations with European countries
Bolivia attaches importance to developing relations with EU countries. President Morales has visited Europe many times. Relevant EU countries have successively made debt relief commitments to Bolivia.
In July 2013, President Morales went to Russia to attend Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries On the way back from the summit“ Prismatic gate ”The incident affected that the special plane was blocked in transit through Europe, which had a serious impact on bilateral relations. The Bolivian government recalled its ambassadors to relevant countries, promoted Latin American regional organizations to adopt condemnation resolutions, held the first "Anti imperialism and Anti colonialism Summit", and jointly denounced US and European practices. After France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other relevant countries apologized to Bolivia, Mo said he accepted the apology and hoped to continue to develop mutually beneficial and friendly relations with European countries. [1]
Relations with Japan
In 1956, the two countries signed an immigration agreement. Japan It is one of the major providers of Bolivia loans and aid. In 1996, President Sanchez paid an official visit to Japan. In 2000, Japan agreed to cancel the debts owed by Bolivia to Japan totalling about $200 million. April 2005 Mesa The President visited Japan. In March 2007, President Morales paid an official visit to Japan, and the Emperor and Prime Minister of Japan met respectively.
In December 2010, President Morales visited Japan and attended Emperor Akihito Lunch, same as Naoto Kan The Prime Minister held talks. Japan agreed to invest 250 million US dollars in Bolivia to build a thermal power plant, and expressed its willingness to cooperate with Bolivia in Lithium ore Strengthen cooperation in the field of development.
In February 2011, Japan announced that it would provide $35 billion of machinery and equipment to Bolivia to help it withstand floods. In March, the Bolivian government expressed condolences on Japan's strong earthquake disaster.
Relations with Israel
On January 14, 2009, Presidente de Bolivia Morales announced the interruption of diplomatic relations with Israel to protest Israel's Gaza The zone launches an attack. Morales severely criticized Israel's military action against Gaza“ genocide ", seriously threatening world peace and trampling International law Basic principles of.
On October 31, 2023 local time, the Bolivian government announced that, in view of the "crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip", Bolivia decided to sever diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. [10]
Relations with other countries
On February 20-23, 2013, President Morales went to Equatorial Guinea capital Malabo Attended the third summit of the Forum of South American and African Countries and met with President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea and other African heads of state. In August, President Morales congratulated newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and made positive comments on the development of Bolivia Iran relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 2007. In May 2014, President Morales visited Algeria, which was the first visit by a head of state to Algeria since the founding of Bolivia in 1825. In November 2013, Bodang elected 2014 Group of 77 President, and held the 50th Anniversary Summit of the Group of 77 in Bolivia in June 2014. [1]


The main tourist attractions include Lake Kaka Inca Empire ancient city Tiavanako , Illimani Snow Mountain, Colonial Relics, Jesus Mission District and Amazon Watershed area, etc.
 tourism tourism tourism tourism tourism tourism tourism
Skull Blessing Day
November 8th is Bolivia's“ Skull Blessing Day ”(the Day of Skulls) On this day, local residents brought their relatives' skulls to the church to pray for good luck. Residents in some parts of Bolivia still maintain a mysterious tradition of keeping the skulls of their dead relatives at home as amulets.
Salar de Uyuni
bolivia Salar de Uyuni It is the largest salt marsh in the world. Driving on the salt marsh, we seem to disappear into a nihility. The reflection of the huge salt marsh to the sunlight makes the sky and itself perfectly integrated. In the picture, it seems that the conical salt piles from another planet are piled up by workers, waiting to be collected and processed. All these things make people deepen such an impression that this is really a unique place. Uyuni Salt Marsh The salt content is up to about 10 billion tons, and only about 25000 tons are mined every year.
Uyuni Salt Marsh
The origin of Uyuni Salt Lake was formed after the huge lake dried up about 40000 years ago. Only in the rainy season, the surface of the crusty salt lake would form a smooth mirror. This Uyuni salt marsh not only has beautiful scenery, but also has many rare animals and plants, including enchanting millennium cactus, rare hummingbird and pink Red Crane , watching leisurely animals walk on it, becoming the most vivid scenery in the sky mirror.
The beautiful scenery of the "mirror of the sky" can be seen only when the weather is favorable and the place and the people are harmonious. In addition to choosing the right time, we can see the mirror like scenery of the salt lake when we visit in the rainy season from February to March. In addition, we also need to meet sunny weather and no strong wind to reflect the purest sky in this large calm mirror. In the daytime, salt grains that glitter like diamonds can be seen everywhere in the salt lake. At night, the salt lake is not calm. Under the sky of this plateau, when the temperature drops to freezing point, you can see the stars shining all over the sky, which is more romantic. [4]