present progressive

The Present Continuous Tense
zero Useful+1
Now progressive is English One of tense , indicating the current action or existing state. The present progressive tense indicates that the time when the action occurs is "now", and the status of the action is "in progress". In English tense, "shi" refers to action Occurring time , "state" refers to action a look and state
Chinese name
present progressive
Foreign name
The Present Continuous Tense
Related disciplines
Action in progress or state of existence




one Indicates the action in progress.
two Indicates the action being carried out or engaged in at the current stage.

Change rules

present progressive
Prototype - ing form
General verb
Verbs ending in the silent letter e
Remove e and add+ing
From back to front, the letters are consonant, vowel and consonant (except play)
Double write the last consonant and add+ing
Verbs ending in ie
Change ie to y and add+ing
Ending with c verb
Change c to ck and add+ing
Traffic → traveling (exception: arc moves in an arc, arcing)
Verbs ending in l
If the original form of the verb ends with an unstressed syllable, the letter l at the end can be written with or without double writing. What is not double written is American spelling.
Some verbs ending in - p also follow Article 6, and such words are mostly composed of "prefix+noun".
If the original form of the verb ends with an unstressed syllable, the letter p at the end can be double written or not. What is not double written is American spelling.

adverbial of time

Can be used to express the present continuous tense adverbial of time , commonly used: now, this weekend, right now, at the moment, at present, etc; Or tell you an accurate present time, or use look, listen, and smart (often used at the beginning of a sentence to remind the listener of what is happening). For example:
◇They are playing basketball now.
Now, they are playing basketball.
◇Listen, she is singing an English song.
Listen, she is singing an English song.
◇Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.
Look at this picture. The children are flying kites in the park.
◇We are making model planes these days.
We are making model planes these days.
◇It's 6:30 now. I am getting up.
It's 6:30 now. I'm getting up.

Sentence pattern analysis

1、 General question Move the be verb in front of the subject, add a question mark at the end of the sentence, and read the rising tone.
Be+subject+doing sth
◇Are they putting up the scaffolding? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
◇Is he showing a foreign guest round the city? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
2、 Negative sentence The form is added after the be verb not
Subject+be+not+doing sth
◇I am not working.
◇He isn't running on the track.
◇The students aren't playing football.

Application occasions

1. When the words indicating time appear in the sentence are now, at the moment,; and so on, it means that the sentence is about to explain what is happening now, and the verb should use the present continuous tense.
◇Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.
Now Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom.
◇We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment?
Now, we are far away from home. What are our parents doing now?
2. When the adverbial of time in the sentence is these days, this week, this month, this term, etc., if the meaning of the sentence is what is happening at this stage, the verb should use the present continuous tense.
◇These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.
These days we help farmers on the farm.
◇They're having a test this week.
This week, they were having an exam.
◇Mr Cheng is visiting our village this month.
This month, Mr. Cheng visited our village.
3. Look appears in the sentence, Listen,Can't you see? When waiting for a hint word, explain the following Predicate verb The action of is taking place. This verb is used in the present continuous tense.
◇Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.
Look! Maria and Tom are dancing under the tree.
◇Listen! Our English teacher is singing the popular English song.
Listen! Our English teacher is singing that popular English song.
◇Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see?
Many children are swimming in the river. Can't you see them?
4. Basis for attention context It is suggested that the predicate verb of the sentence may be used in the present continuous tense.
◇— Where is Mr Wang?
Where is Mr. Wang?
◇— Oh, he is reading a newspaper in the office.
Oh, he is reading a newspaper in his office.
(When asking where Mr. Wang is, the question should explain where he is now, so the answer should explain what he is doing now, using the present continuous tense.)
◇—Is that boy Jack?
Is that boy Jack?
◇— No, Jack is doing his homework in the classroom.
No, Jack is doing his homework in the classroom.
(Jack does his homework in the present tense.)
5、 Now go to the tense table in the future , mainly used to indicate the action to be taken according to the plan or arrangement. It often means "intention" and "decision"
◇They’re getting married next month.
They will get married next month.
1. In English, not all verbs should use the ongoing tense. For example, some verbs that express state and feeling are usually expressed in the present tense instead of the continuous tense. For example:
◇I hear someone singing.
I'm hearing someone singing.
◇Do you see anyone over there?
Do you see anyone there?
◇What does he think of it?
What does he think of this?
If these words use the ongoing tense, the sentence has some Emotional colour For example:
◇Are you seeing someone off?
Are you seeing someone off?
◇They are hearing an English talk.
They are listening to an English report.
2. There is another meaning of the present continuous tenses, that is, they can express what is about to happen, which is equivalent to future indefinite Verbs that can be used to express future situations include: arrive, come, do, get, go, leave, meet, play, return, see, spend, start, stay, wear, work, etc.
◇We are leaving on Friday。
We leave on Friday.
◇Are you going anywhere tomorrow?
Where are you going tomorrow?
◇A foreign guest is giving a lecture this afternoon。
A foreign guest will give us a report this afternoon.
◇Are you staying here till next week?
Are you going to stay here until next week?
In the case of future, especially be going to The structure of "do sth" has little meaning of "go". It is almost used to express what "will, will" do. For example:
◇It is going to be rather cold tomorrow。
It's likely to be very cold tomorrow.
◇She is not going to speak at the meeting。 She is not going to speak at that meeting.
3. When it is used with adverbs such as always, forever, continuously, consistently, etc., it means repeated actions, with great emotional color, expressing dissatisfaction or satisfaction.
Ⅰ、 She is perpetually interfering in my affairs.
She is always interfering in my affairs. (dissatisfied)
Ⅱ、 The students are making progress constantly.
The students are making continuous progress. (Satisfied)
Sign of present continuous tense There are many, such as: listen, look, now, these days, Be quiet!/Don't talk, etc.

Basic Usage

The present progressive tense indicates the action in progress or the state of existence.
The present continuous tense is composed of Subject+be verb (am/is/are)+verb ing form (now participle
one affirmative sentence : subject+be verb (am/is/are)+verb ing+others.
two Negative sentence : subject+be verb (am/is/are)+not+verb ing+others.
3. General questions: be verb+subject+verb ing+others.
Positive answer: Yes, subject+be
Negative answer: No, subject+be not
4. Special questions: Special question words +General question
Answer according to the actual situation.
Note: is not can be abbreviated as isn't, are not can be abbreviated as aren't, but am not Modern English Cannot be abbreviated in. In the present continuous tense, all be verbs are am, is, and are. The verb after the be verb must be in the ing form.

Special Usage

The present continuous tense can be used with the temporary verb to express the future tense. For example:
◇The bus is coming.
The bus is coming.
◇Lily is leaving tonight, we would better send her off.
Lily is leaving tonight. We'd better see her off.

exceptional case

1. Some verbs are in the present continuous tense from the structural point of view, but they mean what will happen, not that the action is now in progress. These verbs are often some verbs that indicate the change of position, such as go, come,leave,fly, move , start, begin, arrow, stay, return, etc.
◇Next month my family is moving to Beijing.
Next month, my family will move to Beijing. (The move does not happen now, but will happen next month.)
◇My aunt is leaving for Shanghai at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.
My aunt will leave for Shanghai at eleven tomorrow morning.
2. Not all verbs have continuous tenses. Some verbs cannot use the present continuous tense in sentences, but Present tense. These verbs are often equivalent Emotional state A verb of perception, desire, or transience. For example: see, know; Understand), want (need; Want, like, hear, think; Think), hope, hate, etc.
3. At time adverbial clause of condition Sometimes the present continuous tense can be used instead of the general future tense.
◇When you are passing my way,please drop in.
When you pass my house, please come in and sit down.
4. Famous scholar Zhou Haizhong Professor once pointed out: as Predicative English prepositions can express the action of "going on". For example:
He is at Work.. (He is working.)
The house is on fire! (The house is on fire!)
The road is under Construction


The present continuous tense is composed of active change passive Pay attention to the following issues:
1. Like other tenses, which can be changed from active voice to passive voice, we should first find out which of the sentences using the present continuous tense can be changed from active voice to passive voice. We know that Simple sentence Three of the five basic sentence patterns (S V O, S V o O, S V O C) can change from the active voice to the passive voice; There are two basic sentence patterns (SV, SVP) that cannot be changed from the active voice to the passive voice. Therefore, it is possible to change the active voice into the passive voice when the predicate verbs of the three basic sentence patterns (SVO, SVINO DO, SVOOC) use the present continuous tense. For example:
It should also be noted that some verbs are rarely used in the passive voice, so they often have no passive voice when the sentence predicate uses the present continuous tense. For example, We are having supplier now. Generally, it cannot be changed to Super is being had now.
2、 transitive verb There are three sentence patterns when the present continuous changes from the active voice to the passive voice: ① subject( first person Singular I) am being past participle Other ingredients; ② Subject (second person singular and plural you, first person plural we and third person Plural they, etc.) are being past participle other components; ③ Subject( Third person singular He, she, it, etc.) is being past participle other components. Therefore, when the sentence predicate verb uses the present progressive tense to change from the active voice to the passive voice, the predicate verb should be determined by the number of nouns (pronouns) when the original object is changed into the subject, and choose an appropriate sentence pattern from the above three sentence patterns. For example:
They are collecting money for the broadband project.→
3. When the original object (noun/pronoun) that becomes the subject has a long infinitive phrase (compound structure) Prepositional phrase a clause When modifying or having complement, verb Infinitive phrase Prepositional phrases, clauses and complements are generally still in their original positions. For example:
They are revising the laws to protect the rights of women and children.→
4. If the predicate verb used in the sentence of the present continuous tense is Verb phrase Or idiom, then this verb phrase or idiom only changes the verb into the passive voice, and the other parts remain unchanged. For example:
The parents are taking good care of their test-tube baby.→
5. When the sentence structure of the present continuous tense is "S V In O DO", you can put Indirect object It can also be used as the subject of a passive sentence Direct object Becomes Passive sentence But if it is the latter, the indirect object can be rewritten into a prepositional phrase caused by to or for according to the idiom of the verb.
6. The noun/pronoun (especially Personal pronoun )In general, it can be omitted. If it is necessary to emphasize it, it can be expressed by, and it is often placed at the end of the sentence. For example:
They are adding new functions to the phones.
7. When a sentence using the present continuous tense changes from the active voice to the passive voice, its negative form is mainly composed of not in the first predicate verb auxiliary verb (am, are or is), while the interrogative form is formed by moving the first auxiliary verb (am, are or is) of the sentence predicate verb to the front of the sentence (the first letter should be capitalized), and then adding a question mark after the sentence. For example:
New nature parks are being started in China.
New nature parks are not being started in China
Are milu deer being sent to China from Britain? (interrogative)
If it is wh-question And here auxiliary word Preface with appropriate Interrogative words For example:
Why is money being collected?
Different from the present tense
The difference between the present continuous tense and the ordinary present tense
(1) The present progressive tense indicates the temporality of the action, while Present tense Action oriented habituation And Recurrence
I am watching TV now
I watch TV every day
(2) Some present progressive sentences are synonymous with the ordinary present tense. Use the present continuous tense to express the concern of the questioner.
How are you feeling today? How do you feel today?
(3) The present continuous tense can represent a temporary action, while the present tense generally represents a permanent action.
Lucy is living in Beijing
Lucy lives in Beijing
(4) The action represented by the present progressive tense can be Emotional colour The actions expressed in the present tense are usually facts.
You're always blaming the most important things
He is always helping others
He often helps others
(5) Some verbs cannot be used in continuous tense, know,understand,love,like,hate,wish,want,think,hope,believe, agree hear,see,notice, wait. These verbs usually use the simple present tense to express the action that occurs when speaking.
I have a lot of friends here.
be careful:
He is falling and downstairs。 (He is falling down from upstairs) If someone says that falling down is a moment, it is wrong not to use the present tense, because we describe that he is falling down, rather than having already fallen down.
Basic Usage
(1) The present continuous tense mainly refers to the ongoing actions, repeated actions or ongoing actions at the current stage (not necessarily the speaking time) of the speaker:
We're having a meeting. (Action in progress when speaking)
Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
He is teaching in a middle school. (Action in progress at the current stage)
(2) It can also represent activities in a period of time or actions in progress at the current stage.
(3) The positive, negative, interrogative and brief answers in the present continuous tense.
1) Affirmative: be+v-ing She is singing in the next room
2) Negative: be+not+v-ing The students are not cleaning the room
3) General questions: Be verb advance.
Yes, subject+be, no, subject+be not.
4) Special question: What+be+subject+doing+others?
Questioning other elements, question words+ General question
Other uses
(1) When there is now It often indicates that the action is conduct , use Now? In progress For example:
They are playing basketball now.
2) Sentences beginning with look and listen remind us that the action is in progress. At this time, we should use the present continuous tense. For example:
Listen! She is singing an English song.
(3) Represent current Action in progress for a period of time or at this stage , and this week, these days, etc adverbial of time , the present continuous tense is commonly used. For example:
We are making model plans these days model plane
(4) Describe the actions of the characters in the picture to make it more vivid. Now continuous tense is also commonly used
For example, Look at the picture The children are flying kites in the park.
Look at the picture. Those children are flying kites in the park.
Now? In progress The future of the table mainly refers to the actions to be taken according to the plan or arrangement:
I'm leaving tomorrow.
They're getting married next month.
The present continuous tense and the ordinary present tense can both express the future. The difference is that the present continuous tense is used to express the future, which is highly planned and often implies an intention; While the present tense indicates the future objectivity Stronger, that is, generally regarded as objective facts Multifingering What will happen according to the schedule or regulations:
I'm not going out this evening.
What time does the train leave? When does the train leave?
(6) The present continuous tense expresses emotion
The present continuous tense can sometimes express feelings of satisfaction, praise, surprise, disgust, etc. It is usually used with adverbs such as always, forever, consistently, continuously, etc. Compare:
She's always helping people. (Praise)
She always helps others. (state a fact)
The boy is constantly lying. (showing disgust)
The boy often lies. (Point out shortcomings)
(7) The present continuous tense of the verb be is taken from English Grammar Net
It is mainly used to indicate temporary performance or temporary existence. Compare:
He is foolish.
He is stupid. (by nature)
He is being foolish.
He looks silly. (referring to temporary performance, which is not always the case)
He is friendly.
He is very friendly. (Long term)
He is being friendly.
He seems very friendly. (refers to temporary performance, but not necessarily sincere)
[Note] "be+adjective" is used in the present continuous tense, and the adjective can only be angry , careful , careless, clever, foolish , stupid , kind, friendly, brave, rude, polite And dynamic adjectives, while big , tall Static adjectives such as beautiful cannot be used like this.
(8) In spoken English, it means the action the subject plans to take.
They are leaving for New York Tomorrow they will leave for New York.
Is your brother departing soon? Is your brother leaving soon?
This kind of situation is often associated with come Come, go, leave, depart Leave, arrive Arrive, stay and start. The verb used must be an action, not a state, and the subject must be a person.
(10) Some verbs are used in the present continuous tense to mean "gradually". This kind of usage is not used with others except occasionally with now Adverbs of Time Used continuously.
Our study is becoming more interesting.
The leaves are turning red.
The verbs suitable for this usage are: become/grow/come/turn/run/go, begin At first, forget about forget, remember Remember, die Death, finish, find, rise Enhancement, etc
(11) The present continuous tense of the be verb. The be verb is used in the present continuous tense to indicate that the speaker thinks it is temporary, peaceful and often different, or even disguised.
He is being silly.
He is being honest.
Suitable for this usage are: foolish stupid, nice good, kind kind, careful, patient Patient, lazy, silly Stupid, rude, polite, impolite, etc. are adjectives that indicate human characteristics and personality. (The be verb can not be used in the present continuous tense when it is used to express a person's behavior and purely express a psychological or physiological state without an action tense or when the subject is not a person.)
What words cannot be used in the present continuous tense
2. It means to have have