Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times

Historical events in Japan
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Wang Zheng reverted to the ancients, referring to Japan Shogunate During the period, the emperor regained power from the shogunate. The main ones are Kamakura Bakufu Later Emperor Daigo Seizing political power. But they were successively Kamakura Bakufu and ashikaga shogunate Of Ashikaga Takauji Frustrated. Since then, the shogunate force has become larger and larger.
Edo Period In the later period, another coup broke out to abolish the Edo shogunate and transfer the power to the imperial court Meiji Restoration A climax of. On January 3, 1868 (December 9, Qingying 3), the imperial court announced that it would hand over power to the Emperor of Japan.
Chinese name
Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times
Foreign name
Hiragana: おせいふっこ
Kyoto, Japan
Accelerate the decline of the shogunate
Related figures
Meiji Emperor, Tokugawa Qingxi, Xixiang Longsheng
Time of occurrence
January 3, 1868


Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times
nineteenth century In the middle of the year, Japan, which had always pursued the "lock-in policy", was invaded by the United States, Britain, France, Russia and other countries, and faced a serious national crisis. The Japanese people hate foreign invaders and even more hate the shogunate who colludes with them. At the same time, farmers and citizens began to revolt and carry out the "curtain fall" movement; The reform forces among the middle and lower class warriors, businessmen, capitalists and emerging landlords also engaged in the "fall back" struggle.
Edo Period At the end of the period, after the arrival of black ships, the imperial court began to restore its traditional authority around concluding trade treaties with foreign countries. There appeared not only the public military group advocating the cooperation between the shogunate and the imperial court, but also the king honoring and ethnic groups group opposing the shogunate and even advocating the overthrow of the shogunate by force.
Based on the proposal of Tuzoufan, Tokugawa Qingxi, the 15th generation general of the Edo shogunate, according to the theory of the public deliberation system of government, announced to the Emperor Meiji on October 14, 1867 (November 9, 1867), and proposed to return the great policy. The next day, he was granted an imperial edict Tokugawa Shogunate Return the political power to the imperial court. Its purpose is considered to lose the reputation of the Debate, and the Tokugawa family will continue to hold real power as the political center.
In order to create a new deliberative regime, the imperial court ordered Tokugawa Keisei and Matsuhiro Keiyong, who belong to the Tokugawa family, Shimadu Kukuo, who belong to the Samo clan, Toyoto Yamauchi, who belong to the Tuzo clan, Ida Zongcheng, who belong to the Yuhe clan, Asano Nagasami, who belong to the Hiroshima clan (An Yifan), Naoto Kuroshima, who belong to the Fatima clan, and Shigeru Ikeda, who belong to the Okayama clan (his brother), to go to Los Angeles (to Kyoto). The public Ishikura Takashi and Samo's Okuboro Ritong and other curtain raisers are ready to prevent the pro Tokugawa regent Jijing and Prince Hayang Miyako from establishing the government of Tokugawa Center through the coup. Okubo Ritong and others decided to ignore the order issued by the two vassals of Samo Prefecture on October 21 to postpone the implementation of the secret edict of the war curtain, and concluded the alliance of Samo, Samo Prefecture and Anyi San Francisco. The date of the restoration of the monarchy was originally scheduled to be December 8 (January 2, 1868), but it was postponed for one day due to the request of the Tuzuo vassal, Goto, like Erlang.


On the night of December 8 (January 2, 1868), Iwakura Gushi called together Samo, Tuzo, Anyi, Weizhang, Yueqian and other important vassal officials at his own house, and declared that the king's administration was resolutely restored to the ancients.
The next day, the last court meeting under the old system was held, and it was decided to restore the official positions of Maori, the leader of the Changzhou vassal state, to respect his relatives and Maori, to appoint his father and son, and allow them to enter Beijing; Relieve the seclusion and seclusion punishment of Yancang Youshou; Pardon Wu Qing who fled to Jiuzhou after the coup on August 18 (former Qi Qing Zhongjin Path Lai De has died, and Ze Xuanjia has fled).
Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times
After the withdrawal of the courtiers, Samo and other five vassal armies, who were waiting, controlled the nine gates of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, and strictly restricted access. The Regent Qijing and the Prince Chaoyan of Heyang Palace were forbidden to enter the palace. The newly pardoned Iwakura Gu saw him enter the palace. See you.
Around nine o'clock, Samo Tail sheet Overtaking and Anyi The vassal soldiers of Sang Mingfan When the soldiers saw that the other side was threatening, they had to leave the palace gate.
In the afternoon, all the ministers, vassals and patriots who received the summons from the emperor gathered behind the palace, Meiji Emperor Read out by Okubo Toshimichi Iwakura Tomomi The document of "Wang Zheng Restores Ancient Times" jointly drafted by others. Abolish regency Customs , the shogunate; There are three positions: president, agreement and participation; And restore everything to the beginning of Shenwu's entrepreneurship as the ideal of the New Deal. [1]


The curtain call was held that night Small Imperial Meeting , overwhelm Toyoto Yamauchi Matsuhiro Keiyong Wait for the members of the public deliberation regime to make Tokugawa Yoshinobu resign Naidaijin Duty and decision to confiscate their territory. They knew that Tokugawa Qingxi would never hand over the position of head, nor would they accept the territory of Tokugawa family to the emperor. Therefore, Tokugawa can celebrate his disobedience to the imperial edict as a reason to launch the war of war against the curtain.
Matsuhiro Keiyong And Tokugawa Qingsheng went to Ertiaocheng to persuade Tokugawa Qingxi to resign and accept the land. Tokugawa was glad to see that he was short of troops in Kyoto, so he had to pretend to agree to the decision of the meeting, but he could reply to the Imperial Court only after consulting with the Chinese elders. On the other hand, in order to avoid armed conflict with the anti curtain faction in Kyoto, Tokugawa Qingxi had to temporarily lead troops to Osaka.
On January 27, 1868 (January 3, 1868), the battle of bird feather and ambush took place. Thanks to the active cooperation of the peasants and the urban poor, the fall army finally defeated the shogunate army, which was three times larger than its own number. Tokugawa Qingxi was forced to surrender, and the fall faction won the victory and established a new Japanese government headed by the Meiji Emperor. After the victory of this campaign, the new regime announced to foreign countries on February 8, 1868 (January 15, 1868) that "the monarchy reverted to the ancients", and gradually improved its construction work. [2]
The Meiji Emperor abolished the vassals and set up counties, divided the country into three prefectures and 72 counties, eliminated the domestic feudal separatist forces, established a unified centralized country, and removed obstacles for the development of capitalism. Since then, under the leadership of the Meiji Emperor, a series of reforms have been carried out, making Japan embark on the path of developing capitalism. This is History of Japan Is called“ Meiji Restoration ”。

Event impact

As one of the two most famous monarchs in modern East Asia, Meiji and Guangxu reign period A different fate has always been the heart knot of Chinese intellectuals. Because, in the same era, Japan turned over and surpassed China to become a world power, while China has been poor and weak for more than 100 years. Compared with China's centennial upheaval, Japan seems to have completed its modernization transformation overnight, and it was completed in seemingly backward political slogans such as "restoring the monarchy" and "respecting the emperor and fighting against the barbarians". Also interesting is that, Sohachi Yamaoka This historical biography novel of《 Meiji Emperor 》The focus of the opening book is on the emperor komei Time, it seems that the author seems to have more ambition of historians - the birth of heroes is always dictated by the times.
Almost at the same time as China's Opium War, American warships visited Japan and asked Japan to open ports for trade. Then there were British, French and Dutch warships. After witnessing the disastrous defeat of China's Opium War, the shogunate realized the power of "strong ships and good guns"“ Wujiatianxia ”The political power of. Like China at that time, most conservative Japanese opposed the opening of ports for trade, and proposed "honoring the emperor and fighting against the barbarians". Later, with the shadow of "black ships coming", the warriors of each clan were divided into "honoring the emperor" and "assisting the screen", and launched a fierce confrontation -“ Ansei Purge ”、“ Sakuradamon-gai no hen ”A series of events, such as "marriage to the palace", "temple house riots", are almost linked and inevitable.
Even when a ruling crisis is coming Japanese Royal Family , is also hard to escape. In the face of the doubts and riots of the warriors of various vassals, and forced war with Western countries, Japan will inevitably be torn apart (China, which has a much stronger territory and population, is an example). How about“ beat someone by playing his games only better ”How to take retreat as progress and exchange time for space is a practical good policy. Therefore, some patriots who only shouted slogans were temporarily imprisoned, and some radicals were transferred from their posts. To some extent, the royal family and the shogunate realized that the internal worries under foreign aggression were also terrible: it was precisely because of his insistence on this idea that elder Jing Yi was killed by patriots, until his envoys sent to the United States returned to Japan to open the first modern shipyard, People began to re-examine his value.
It should be said that both the shogunate and the royal family can rationally view the overall situation of the war, so, emperor komei stay Iwakura Tomomi Under the persuasion of, he agreed to "marry with the palace", and tried to establish a "public military integration" regime, so as to integrate the hearts of Japan's dispersed people and the whole people, so as to avoid national subjugation and extinction. However, the opposition Vassal states And the samurai are not in their position. Without their foresight, they also have their own blood and courage not afraid of sacrifice. More importantly, the samurai do not need to look forward and backward like the government. Naturally, violent assassinations will rise one after another - the elder Jingyi died at his own door, and the samurai who attacked him were also executed successively; In the temple field house, Samo and the Samurai of Changzhou tried to raise an issue, and were successively suppressed by their own masters. After all, in the eyes of the leaders, raising troops to revolt should not be motivated at the moment. What is needed is strength.
History soon verified the judgment of the shogunate and the royal family - the Samurai of Changzhou fought with the western warships and returned after a great defeat, while the Samo Samurai fought with the British army and also suffered a crushing defeat. It is hard to beat the strength of the ship with courage. However, the most important thing is that the spirit of the Japanese nation has been honed in this war. Failure is not terrible. To some extent, victory is built on failure. The defeat of these two campaigns made all Japanese understand that patriotism and diligence require strength: the blood of one generation wakes up the next generation.

Other related

Wang Zheng's order to restore the ancient times
From Qingying December 9, 2003
The Tokugawa Prefecture has been approved to return the previous appointment of the Grand Government and dismiss the post of general. Since Guichou, he has suffered from a national disaster that has never happened in Mongolia. The former emperor suffered from it for many years, and the public knows his anxiety. Therefore, the holy will has been decided to restore the monarchy to the ancients and establish the foundation to save the country from danger. Since then, the shooting and shogunate have been abolished, and the three positions of president, negotiator and participator have been temporarily set up to handle all opportunities. Everything should be done according to the beginning of Shenwu's entrepreneurship. No gentry, warrior, on the hall or underground, all should try their best to make a proper public discussion. The saint desires to share weal and woe with the world. Therefore, we hope that we can encourage each other to sweep away the old habits of arrogance and laziness, and work hard to serve the country with the sincerity!
1、 Amnesty to the number of imperial officials, state official hanging, argumentation Wu Family Biography , guard duty Division All substitutes are abolished;
1、 Three personnel:
President: Youqi Chuangong (Prince Ciren)
Agreed: Renhe Temple Gong (Prince Chunren) Mountain Steps Palace (Prince Huang)
Before Zhongshan Great Nayan (Zhongneng), Santiao Qianda Nayan (Shiai)
Wei Zhang Dayan (Tokugawa Qingsheng), former Prime Minister of Vietnam (Matsuhiro Qingyong)
Major General An Yi (Asano great contribution )、 Tuzuo Former Major General( Toyoto Yamauchi ), Major General Samo (Shimadzu Maojiu)
Participation: Prime Minister Dayuan (Chongde), Prime Minister of Youda Distinction on Wanli Path (Bofang)
Three Nagoya (Shinto), Lieutenant General Yancang (Yushi), Major General Hashimoto (Shiliang)
Three Weifans, three Yuefans
Three art vassals, three local vassals
Three Saifans
1、 The [institutions] below the Supreme Administrator have gradually emerged, and their purpose should be known;
1、 Although the court etiquette should be gradually corrected, the regent should be abolished first Gate valve Tribe;
1、 In order to eliminate the old disadvantages and open up the way of speech, those who have suggestions can offer their opinions regardless of the rank and file, without considering. It is the first urgent matter to register and employ talents. If there is a suitable person, it should be reported as soon as possible;
1、 The price of commodities in the near future is extremely high, and the trend is nothing. The rich are better off, and the poor are worse off. After all, it is because of improper political atmosphere. People are the king's treasure, Yuzi When Pepsi is new, the Holy Spirit is worried about it. If you have foresight Remedy the malpractice The policy maker, no matter who, can declare;
1、 He Gonggui married Guandong in his early years, but then the general died, and he was promised to return to Beijing because of the wish of the former emperor to fight against the barbarians. However, due to the deceit of the treacherous officials, he failed to achieve it all the time. We hope to urge him to return to Beijing as soon as possible high-ranking officials The purpose of greeting should be known.
The above items have been confirmed and are hereby announced.