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Physics Laboratory

Places for physics teaching and research
The physics laboratory is a place for physics teaching and research, including the physical experiment instrument room, the physical experiment preparation room and the student grouping laboratory. Physical experiment instrument room Physical experiment instrument The physical experiment preparation room is equipped with The experimental station , the platform is equipped with various Experimental instrument The student grouping laboratory is mainly equipped with students Experiment table , with Power Supply source of water And air supply. Sufficient light is required indoors, dustproof , Yes ventilation system And have sufficient room for activities. [1]
Chinese name
Physics Laboratory
Main purpose
Conduct physics teaching and research
Physical experiment instrument room, physical experiment preparation room and student grouping laboratory

Experiment content

The experiments conducted in the physics laboratory are in junior high school and senior high school Physics Related experiments included in the course, including electrical science Experiments Mechanics Experiment heat Experiments optics Experiments, etc. The physics laboratory is usually used for verification Physical theorem and Laws

Code of Practice

1. In order to protect experimental instruments and maintain environmental health, students must take off their shoes and enter the laboratory.
2. The laboratory is the place where all teachers and students carry out experimental teaching and scientific research activities. Students should keep quiet and observe discipline after entering the laboratory.
3. Before the experiment, carefully listen to the teacher explain the purpose, steps, performance, operation, methods and precautions of the instrument, carefully check whether the required instruments and equipment are complete, and report to the teacher in time if there is any defect.
4. Observe the operating procedures during the experiment and operate carefully according to the experimental steps.
5. Pay attention to safety during the experiment to prevent accidents.
6. Take good care of laboratory instruments and equipment.
7. After the experiment, remember to carefully clean the instruments and equipment, and turn off the water source and power supply.