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physical experiment

Experiments included in the physics curriculum of middle school
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Physical experiments are related experiments included in physics courses in junior and senior high schools, including electrical experiments, mechanical experiments, thermal experiments, optical experiments, etc., which are often used to verify the laws and theorems of physics.
Chinese name
physical experiment
Foreign name
Phycics Experiment
Research on Physics Experiment
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Applied discipline

Content of college entrance examination


Simple experiment

Will use Vernier caliper and Screw micrometer Master the principle and method of measuring length
Uniform linear motion
114. Research uniforn variable rectinear motion The figure on the right is ticker-tape timer The paper tape that has been knocked down. Select a clear plot, round off the dense plots at the beginning, take a starting point O from the place convenient for measurement, and then take a counting point A, B, C, D... (every five interval points). Measure the distance s1, s2, s3... between adjacent counting points, and use the tape to:
⑴ Calculate the instant speed v corresponding to any counting point: such as
(where T=5 × 0.02s=0.1s)
(2) Utilization“ Successive difference method ”Find a:
⑶ Use any two adjacent sections in the above figure displacement Calculate a: as shown in the figure.
⑷ Use the v-t image to calculate a: calculate the instantaneous velocities of points A, B, C, D, E, F, and draw the v-t diagram line as shown on the right. The slope of the diagram line is the acceleration a.
Precautions 1. Every 5 time interval Take a counting point to facilitate calculation when calculating acceleration.
2. The counting point must be at least two digits Significant figures
115. Explore the relationship between spring force and spring elongation( Hooke's law Inquiry experiment
Use the device shown in the right figure to change the number of hook yards, measure the total length of the spring and the multiple groups of corresponding values of the tension (total weight of hook yards), and fill them in the table. Calculate the elongation of the corresponding spring. stay Coordinate system Middle tracing point: according to the distribution of points, make a picture that the elasticity F changes with the elongation x, so as to determine the functional relationship between F-x. Explain the Physical meaning And its units.
In this experiment, the total length of the spring and the elongation of the spring should be distinguished. For exploratory experiments, try to determine the functional relationship according to the trend of the points traced. (This and Confirmatory experiment Different.)
Experiments to verify the parallelogram rule
116. Proof force Parallelogram rule Objective: To experimentally study the relationship between resultant force and component force, so as to verify the Parallelogram rule
Equipment: square board, white paper thumbtack , rubber strip Spring scale (2) ruler and Triangular plate , thin line
The experiment is to produce the same effect with two forces at an angle with each other and another force Parallelogram rule Whether the resultant force and this force are Experimental error Equal within the allowable range, if Experimental error If it is equal within the allowable range, it is verified Force synthesis Parallelogram rule of.
matters needing attention:
1. Used Spring scale Whether it is in good condition (whether it is at zero scale). When pulling, try not to contact with other parts to generate friction. The direction of pulling force should be consistent with axis Same direction.
2. During the experiment, it should be ensured that level within
3、 node The position and line direction of
Since v1, v1/and v2/are in the horizontal direction and their vertical falling heights are equal, their flight times are equal Time unit , then the horizontal range of the balls is equal to their horizontal velocity. In the right figure, it is represented by OP, OM and O/N. Therefore, it is only necessary to verify: m1  OP=m1  OM+m2  (O/N-2r).
matters needing attention:
(1) The ball with large mass must be used as the incident ball (to ensure that both balls move forward after collision). You know why?
(2) The incident ball shall slide down from the same position on the chute every time from static
(3) The average position of the ball landing point shall be compasses To determine: circle all the falling points as small as possible, and the center of the circle is the average position of the falling points.
(4) The instruments used are: balance a scale Vernier caliper (measuring ball diameter), collision tester Carbon paper , white paper Heavy hammer , two balls with the same diameter and different mass compasses
(5) If the impacted ball is placed at the end of the chute instead of the prop, the two balls will not land at the same time, but both balls will be made from the end of the chute Horizontal throwing motion Then the verification formula becomes: m1  OP=m1  OM+m2  ON, and the diameter of the two small balls does not need to be measured.
Discuss how to improve this experiment:

Complex experiment

118. Study the motion of flat projectile (by tracing method)
Purpose: further clarify that horizontal throwing is a composite movement of horizontal and vertical movements, and can calculate the initial velocity of the object with the trajectory
Of the experiment Experimental principle
Horizontal throwing motion It can be seen as the synthesis of two partial motions:
One is horizontal Uniform linear motion , whose velocity is equal to the initial velocity of the flat projectile;
The other is vertical free falling movement
Use cards with holes to make sure Horizontal throwing motion When the ball is moving, and then draw the motion track,
Measure the coordinates x and y of any point on the curve, and use
The horizontal component velocity of the ball, that is, the initial velocity of the flat projectile, can be obtained.
This experiment Key points : How to get the trajectory of an object (discussion)
Precautions for this test include:
⑴ The tangent line at the end of the chute must be horizontal. ⑵ use Heavy hammer Line inspection Coordinate paper Whether the vertical line on is vertical.
⑶ Take the point at the end of the chute as the coordinate origin. (4) Each time, the ball should slide down from the same position on the chute from standstill
(5) If white paper is used, the point at the end of the chute shall be taken as the coordinate origin and hung at the end of the chute Heavy hammer Line, first determine the y-axis direction according to the weight line direction, and then use a right angle Triangular plate Draw a horizontal line as the x-axis to establish Rectangular coordinate system
verification Free fall In process Conservation of mechanical energy , the left end of the paper tape shown in the figure is Clip One end of the clamp.
(1) More experiments shall be carried out, and paper tapes with clear dots and a distance of 2mm between the first and second points shall be selected for measurement.
(2) Use a scale Measure the distance h1 h2、h3、h4、h5,
Utilization“ uniforn variable rectinear motion The instantaneous speed at the middle time is equal to the average velocity ”,
Calculate the instant speed v2, v3, v4 corresponding to points 2, 3, and 4, and verify the real-time speed v2, v3, and v4 corresponding to points 2, 3, and 4 Gravitational potential energy Whether the reduction mgh is equal to the increase of kinetic energy.
(3) Due to friction and air resistance Of this experiment systematic error Always make
⑷ This experiment does not need to take counting points from the beaten points. There is no need to measure the mass of the weight.
matters needing attention:
1. Power on first, wait ticker-tape timer Put the paper tape after the palm is working. 2. Make sure the first point is clear
3. The falling height must be measured from the starting point. 4. It is slightly less than
5. This experiment does not need to be tested Mass of object (Not required balance
Simple pendulum experiment
120. Use Simple pendulum determination Gravitational acceleration Because g; It can be used in combination with various sports a scale Caliper Stopwatch Reading (pulse of biological meter), 1m long Simple pendulum The second pendulum has a period of 2 seconds
Measurement of pendulum length: let Simple pendulum Free droop, with Meter gauge Measure the cycloid length L/(read 0.1mm) with Vernier caliper Measure the diameter of the swing ball (read 0 1mm), then the pendulum length L=L/+r
Attention shall be paid when starting to swing: the swing angle shall be less than 5 ° (ensure that Simple harmonic motion );
The suspension point shall be fixed when swinging, and the swinging shall not be Conical pendulum
Must pass the lowest point from the swing ball( Balance position )Start timing at (countdown method),
Measure the time it takes for the pendulum to make 30 to 50 full vibrations, and calculate the average value T of the period.
Change the pendulum length and repeat several experiments,
Calculate the Gravitational acceleration , ask for these Gravitational acceleration The average value of.
If there is no scale long enough to measure the pendulum length, can the acceleration be obtained by changing the pendulum length
121. Estimation of molecular size by oil film method
① Each drop shall be calculated in advance before the experiment oleic acid Pure in solution oleic acid Actual volume of oleic acid Concentration of solution, and then Measuring cylinder and Dropper Measure the volume of each drop of solution, and then calculate the volume V of pure oleic acid in each drop of solution.
② Measurement of oil film area: after the oil film shape is stable Glass plate Put it on a platter and draw the shape of the oil film on the Glass plate Upper; take Glass plate Put on Coordinate paper The unit is a square with a side length of 1cm rounding The method of counting oil film surface
122 Draw equipotential lines on the plane in the electric field by tracing method
Purpose: Use Constant current Field( DC power supply Connected to cylindrical electrode plate) simulation electrostatic field (equivalent Heterogeneous Charge) description equipotential line method
Used in the experiment ammeter It's zero scale in the center ammeter Before the experiment, the relationship between the current direction and the pointer deflection direction should be measured:
take ammeter The battery, resistance and lead wire are connected according to Figure 1 or Figure 2, where R is the resistance with high resistance and r is the resistance with low resistance. Test the other end of the ammeter with the end a of the lead wire to determine the relationship between the current direction and the pointer deflection direction.
The experiment was conducted with Constant current Current field simulation of electrostatic field The A electrode connected to the positive pole of the battery is equivalent to the positive pole Point charge , B connected to the negative pole of the battery is equivalent to negative Point charge The white paper should be placed at the bottom and the conductive paper should be placed at the top (the side coated with conductive material must be upward), Carbon paper It is placed in the middle.
Power supply 6v: the two poles are 10cm apart and divided into 6 equal parts Datum point , and find out Datum point potential Equal points. (When the ammeter does not deflect potential Equal)
matters needing attention:
1. The contact between the electrode and the conductive paper shall be good, and the electrode position shall not change during the experiment.
2. The conductive material in the conductive paper shall be uniform and shall not be folded.
3. If used voltmeter To determine potential Of Datum point Select high internal resistance when voltmeter
123. Determination of metal resistivity (Practice using at the same time Screw micrometer
Tested Resistance wire The resistance (usually several Ohms) of is small, so the ammeter is selected
External connection method; Power supply voltage, ammeter voltmeter range Neither should be too large.
This experiment does not require a voltage regulation range, which can be selected Current limiting circuit
Therefore, the circuit shown on the left below is selected. At the beginning Sliding rheostat Sliding of contact It should be at the right end.
The current through this experiment should not be too large and the power on time should not be too long to avoid Resistance wire After fever resistivity Significant changes have taken place.
Experiment steps:
1. Measure with a scale Wire length
2、 Screw micrometer Measure the diameter (or the accumulation method) and calculate cross section Product.
3. Measured by external connection and current limiting Wire resistance
4. Design experimental tables to record data (difficulties) Pay attention to the method of calculating average value by multiple measurements
Equipment: power supply (4-6 v) DC voltage Table DC ammeter Sliding rheostat Small bulb (4v, 0.6A, 3.8V, 0.3A) Lampholder , Order Knife switch , several wires
matters needing attention:
① Because Small electric bead (i.e. small bulb) has low resistance (about 10 Ω), so it should be selected ampere Table external connection method.
② The resistance of small bulb will increase with the increase of voltage and filament temperature, and the temperature will change obviously with the voltage at low voltage. Therefore, in the low voltage area, more groups of voltage and current should be taken, so the U-I curve obtained is not a straight line.
In order to reflect this change process,
③ The voltage at both ends of the bulb should gradually increase from zero to Rated voltage (The voltage varies widely). therefore Sliding rheostat The voltage regulating connection method must be used.
In the above physical picture, the picture on the right should be selected,
④ Slide at start contact Should be at minimum partial pressure end (Make the voltage at both ends of the small bulb zero).
The I-U curve made from the experimental data is shown in the figure,
⑤ It means that the resistance of the filament increases with the temperature, which means that the metal resistivity It increases with temperature.
(If U-I curve is used, the bending direction of the curve is opposite.)
Electrical experiment to verify the volt ampere characteristic curve
⑥ If the small bulb marked with "3.8V 0.3A" is selected, the ammeter shall be 0-0.6A range The voltmeter should be 0-3V at the beginning range When the voltage is adjusted to near 3V, the range of 0-15V shall be used.
125. Convert ammeter to voltmeter
Microammeter Modified into various tables: Key points Lies in the principle
The first thing to know: Microammeter Internal resistance Rg, full bias current Ig, full bias voltage Ug.
(1) The internal resistance Rg of the meter is measured first by the half bias method; Finally, compare the modification table.
(2) Ammeter converted into voltmeter: series resistance Partial pressure principle
(n is the expansion multiple of the range)
(3) Find out the reading of the modified dial
(Ig is the full bias current, I is the scale value of the dial current, U is the maximum range of the modified meter, and is the corresponding scale of the modified meter)
(4) Calibration of modified voltmeter( Circuit diagram ?)
(2) Change to Table A: Shunt principle of series resistance
(n is the expansion multiple of the range)
(3) Change to Ohmmeter Principle of
After the two probes are short circuited, adjust Ro to make watt-hour meter If the pointer is fully biased, Ig=E/(r+Rg+Ro)
Pass after connecting the measured resistance Rx watt-hour meter The current of Ix=E/(r+Rg+Ro+Rx)=E/(R+Rx)
Since Ix corresponds to Rx, the measured resistance can be indicated
126 Determination of power supply emf And internal resistance
External circuit When disconnecting, the voltage U measured by voltmeter is emf E U=E
Principle: according to Ohm's law of closed circuit :E=U+Ir,
(One ammeter, one voltmeter and one slide Varistor )
① Single group data calculation, with large error
② Multiple groups of (u, I) values should be measured and the average value calculated finally
③ The drawing method is used to process data, list (u, I) values, trace points in the u -- I diagram, and finally calculate more accurate E and r from the u -- I diagram line.
The reading of the voltmeter in this experimental circuit is accurate, and the reading of the ammeter is smaller than the actual current passing through the power supply,
So in this experiment systematic error It is caused by shunt of voltmeter. To reduce this systematic error The value of resistance R should be smaller, and the internal resistance of the selected voltmeter should be larger.
To reduce Accidental error , we should do more experiments, take more groups of data, and then use U-I image to process the experimental data:
After tracing the points, use ruler Draw a straight line so that as many points as possible are on the line, and the points on both sides of the line are roughly equal. The error of U-I relation represented by this line is very small.
It is on the U axis intercept namely emf E (corresponding I=0), the absolute value of its slope is the internal resistance r.
(Special attention: sometimes the starting point of ordinate is not 0, and the internal resistance is calculated General formula Should be.
In order to make the battery Terminal voltage The change is obvious, and the internal resistance of the battery should be larger (select the No. 1 battery that has been used for a period of time)
127. Explore using more electricity black box Internal electrical science element
Familiarity with dials and knobs
Understand voltmeter, ammeter Ohmmeter Structure principle of
Relation between the flow direction and size of current in the circuit and the deflection of pointer
Insert "+" in red pen; The black pen is inserted into "-" and connected to the positive pole of the internal power supply
Understanding: semiconductor device diode has Unidirectional conductivity , forward resistance is very small, reverse resistance Infinity
① , using DC voltage Position (and select the appropriate range): contact the two pens with two points of A, B and C respectively, read the measurement results from the second scale line on the dial, measure the voltage between each two points, and design a table for recording.
② Use the ohm scale (and select the appropriate range) to contact the red and black probes with two points of A, B and C respectively Ruler Read the measurement results with the scale line of, measure the positive and negative resistance between any two points, and design a table for recording.
128. Practice Oscilloscope
129. Simple application of sensors
The sensor is responsible for collecting information Auto-Control information processing Technology has very important applications.
For example: Automatic a burglar alarm , TV remote control receiver, infrared detector, etc. are inseparable from sensors
The sensor will feel physical quantity (force, heat, sound and light) into quantities that are easy to measure (generally electrical science Quantity).
Working process: through the physical quantity Sensitive element, which will feel physical quantity It can be converted into a signal that is convenient for use according to a certain rule, and the converted signal can be processed by the corresponding instrument Auto-Control And other purposes.
Thermistor The resistance decreases rapidly when the temperature rises
Photoresistor The resistance value decreases during illumination, resulting in changes in current, voltage, etc. in the circuit Auto-Control
photoelectricity Counter
Integrated circuit take transistor , resistance, capacitor etc. electronic component And corresponding components are fabricated in a small semiconductor wafer Make it a circuit with a certain function, which is Integrated circuit
130. Measuring glass Refractive index
Experimental principle : As shown in the figure, Incident light AO injected by air Glass bricks After OO1, it is shot from the direction of O1B. make normal NN1,
The biggest influence on the experimental results is that the light in the glass Refraction angle Size of
The following measures should be taken to reduce errors:
1. Use the ones with proper width Glass bricks , above.
2、 Angle of incidence Values in the range of 15 to 75.
3. The two straight lines drawn on the paper shall be as accurate as possible and coincide with the two parallel refracting surfaces, so as to better determine the position of the entrance and exit points.
4. Cannot move during the experiment Glass bricks
matters needing attention:
When holding the glass brick, do not touch the smooth optical surface, only the rough surface or edge,
It is forbidden to use glass brick as a ruler to draw the interface of glass brick; During the experiment, the relative position of glass brick and white paper cannot be changed;
Pin It shall be inserted vertically on white paper, and two Pin The distance should be larger to reduce the error caused by determining the direction of the light path;
Angle of incidence It should be larger to reduce the error of measuring angle.
131. Use Double slit interference metering Wavelength of
Equipment: light holder, light source, student power supply, wire filter , single seam, double seam, shading cylinder Ground glass Screen
Measuring head, scale
The distance between two adjacent bright (dark) stripes; Measure a1 and a2 with measuring head (using accumulation method)
Measure the distance a between n bright (dark) stripes, and calculate
Double slit interference : condition f is the same, phase difference What if it is constant (that is, the vibration steps of two lights are exactly the same) when it is in opposition?
Position of bright stripe: Δ S=n λ;
Dark stripe position: (n=0,1,2,3,,,);
Stripe spacing:
(Δ S: distance difference( Optical path difference ); D Distance between two slits; 50: Distance between baffle and screen) Measure the distance a between n bright stripes
Supplementary experiment:
1. Voltammetry Resistance measurement
Voltammetry There are two connection methods for measuring resistance: a and b( ampere External connection method, b is called( ampere Internal connection method.
① Estimate the resistance value of the measured resistance to judge the internal and external connection method:
The system error of the external connection method is caused by the shunt of the voltmeter, and the measured value is always less than the true value. The external connection method should be used for small resistance; The system error of the internal connection method is caused by the voltage division of the ammeter. The measured value is always greater than the true value. The internal connection method should be used for large resistance.
② If the value of the measured resistance cannot be estimated, you can use Touch test method
As shown in the figure, connect the left end of the voltmeter to point a, connect the right end to point b for the first time, and connect the right end to point c for the second time, and observe the changes of the ammeter and voltmeter,
If the reading of the ammeter changes greatly, it means that the measured resistance is large, and the internal connection method should be used for measurement;
If the reading of the voltmeter changes greatly, it means that the measured resistance is small, and the external connection method should be used for measurement.
(The big change here refers to the relative change, namely Δ I/I and U/U).
(1) Sliding Varistor Connection for
Sliding rheostat
slide Varistor In the circuit, there are also two common connection methods, a and b: a is called current limiting connection, and b is called sub crimping connection. Partial voltage connection: the voltage on the measured resistance can be adjusted in a wide range.
When voltage is required Start from zero When adjusting, or the voltage adjustment range is required to be as large as possible, the sub crimping method should be used.
When using the partial crimping method, the sliding rheostat should choose the one with small resistance value; "Control the big with the small"
When using the current limiting connection method, the sliding rheostat should have a value close to the measured resistance.
(2) Connection technology of physical picture
Either the partial crimping connection or the current limiting connection should be connected first Voltammetry Partial connection;
Just use the stroke line as the wire, start from the positive pole of the power supply Key , sliding rheostat volt-ampere The four parts of the method can be connected in series (note watt-hour meter The positive and negative terminals and range of the sliding rheostat should be adjusted to the maximum resistance).
For voltage divider circuit,
The power supply Key And sliding rheostat Resistance wire The three parts are connected by wires, and then select a connector at either end of the resistance wire of the sliding rheostat, and compare the connector with the sliding rheostat contact The potential of two points is high or low,
according to volt-ampere For the positive and negative terminals of some meters in France volt-ampere The French part is connected between the two points.
twelve Roentgen ray Tube
High speed target pair of electrons accelerated by high pressure cathode , from cathode Upstroke emission X-ray Between K and A Cathode ray I.e. high speed Electron flow , what is emitted from A is an extremely high frequency electromagnetic wave, that is X-ray X-ray The highest possible frequency of the particle can be calculated by Ue=h ν.
thirteen Alpha particle scattering experiment (Volume II, page 257)
All devices are placed in vacuum. The screen can rotate along the dotted line in the figure to count the number of particles scattered in different directions. The observation is that most Alpha particle go through Gold foil After that, they basically moved in the same direction, but there were a few Alpha particle A large deflection occurred.
fourteen photoelectric effect Experiments (Volume II, page 244)
Connect a polished zinc plate to Lingmei Electroscope Up, using Arc lamp Zinc plate, Electroscope The pointer of is opened at an angle, indicating that the zinc plate is electrified. Further inspection shows that the zinc plate is electrified. This indicates that Arc lamp Under the irradiation of, part () of the zinc plate flew out from the surface, and there was less () in the zinc plate, so () was electrified

Junior High School Physics Experiment



When "exploring what factors are related to the size of buoyancy", students proposed the following guess
① Maybe with object Immersion liquid Of depth of
② Maybe with object Of gravity of
③ Maybe with object Of volume of
④ Maybe with object Immersion liquid Of volume of
⑤ Maybe with liquid Of density of
In order to verify the above conjecture, Li Ming made an experiment as shown in Figure 28: he hung an iron block under the spring dynamometer and slowly immersed it in different positions in the water in turn. In this experiment:
(1) During the process of iron block moving from position 1 to 2 to 3, the indication of spring dynamometer indicates the buoyancy of iron block; In the process of position 3-4, the indication of the spring dynamometer indicates the buoyancy on the iron block. (Fill in "larger", "smaller" or "unchanged")
(2) This experiment can verify that the above conjecture is correct and the conjecture is incorrect (fill in the number of conjecture above).
(3) Here is a glass of water, a cooked egg and an appropriate amount of salt (as shown in Figure 29). Please design an experiment to verify whether the buoyancy is related to the density of the liquid. Briefly write your experimental verification method

Inclined plane

Figure 30 is Xiaoliang measurement Inclined plane Mechanical efficiency Of device chart During each experiment, the trolley being pulled moves upward at a uniform speed along the same slope. The following table is a table designed by Xiao Liang to record data. (1) When it is "steep", the effective work is _____; The total work is ____; The mechanical efficiency is _____;
(2) What conclusions can you draw by analyzing the experimental data in the table? (Two items are required)
Inclined plane
a._________________;b._________________.33、 A student designed an experiment scheme as shown in Figure 31 in the experiment of exploring "what factors are related to the size of kinetic energy", and carried out the following experiments:
Step l: Let the steel ball slide down from a standstill at point A of the inclined plane. When it reaches the horizontal plane, the speed is v1. Hit the wooden block and make it move. Record the distance S1 of the wooden block;
Step 2: Let the steel ball slide down from a standstill at point B of the inclined plane. When it reaches the horizontal plane, the speed is v2.: Hit the wooden block and make it move. Record the distance S2: that the wooden block moves
Step 3: change the mass of the steel ball so that the steel ball slides from the stationary point A, hit the wood block and move it, and record the distance S3 of the wood block.
(1) Comparing v1 and v2, we can see that vl ______ V2 (">", "<", "=" are optional) is because _______________.
(2) Steps l and 2 are designed to ________________.
(3) Comparing step and step 3 can explore the relationship between kinetic energy and object ______.

Gravitational potential energy

Gravity potential energy experiment
In "Explore Gravitational potential energy With which factor In the experiment of "related", Xiao Hua conjectured that: A. the size of the gravitational potential energy of an object may be related to the height of the object being lifted B. The size of the gravitational potential energy of an object may be related to the size of the object's quality of He chose water-based pen, rubber, paper and transparent glue as experimental equipment to use the destructive power of objects when falling verification His guess

Simple pendulum and rolling pendulum

Simple pendulum stay vertical plane Inside swing left and right, roll swing up and down in the vertical plane
(1) The same physical problem that these two experiments can explain is:
(2) On Simple pendulum In the process of swinging from left to right and rolling up and down, you will see that their rising height gradually decreases.
To compare water and sand heat Xiaoming filled water and sand in two identical beakers. Heat it with two identical alcohol lamps.
(1) Before the experiment, the __________ and __________ of water and sand should be controlled to be the same.
(2) The method to compare the heating speed of water and sand: the heating time is the same and compare their respective rising temperatures.

Work and power

some school Bought a new case Physics equipment Xiaoyun moved it from the first floor to the third floor, and Xiaobin wanted to measure the power of Xiaoyun to do work on the box in the process of moving equipment
[Experiment steps]
(1) The measurement steps designed by Xiao Bin are as follows, among which the redundant ones are:
A. Measure the mass of the box m B. Measure the total length of the stairs L
C. Measure the vertical height from the first floor to the third floor h D. Measure the time t taken for Xiao Yun to go upstairs
E. Calculate the power P of Xiao Yun's box handling
⑵ Please help Xiaobin design a table to record the experimental data in the dotted box.
A current IA B current IB C current IC
First measurement 0.10 0.12 0.22
Second measurement 0.20 0.24 0.44
The third measurement 0.25 0.30 0.55

Measuring electric power

There is one in Xiaoming's family Electric blanket The nameplate is marked with "220V, * * W", of which the rated power value is unclear, between 40W and 60W. The laboratory has the following experimental equipment:
One battery (voltage is 6V), one switch and several wires. In addition, the following equipment are available:
A. Ammeter A (range: 0 ~ 0.6A, 0 ~ 3A). B. Voltmeter V1 (range: 0 ~ 3V, 0 ~ 15V). C. Voltmeter V2 (range: 0 ~ 3V, 0 ~ 15V). D. Fixed value resistance R1 (resistance value: 20 Ω). E. Fixed value resistance R2 (resistance value: 500 Ω). F. Sliding rheostat (resistance value: 0~10 Ω). G. Sliding rheostat (resistance value: 0~1k Ω).
Please help Xiao Ming measure the rated power of the electric blanket.
Simple experiment of measuring electric power
(According to your physical knowledge, as long as you measure a physical quantity of the electric blanket, you can calculate its rated power.