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Academic Journal of Physics
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Physics is an academic journal of physics sponsored by the Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was first published in 1972. [1]
According to the official website of the editorial department of Physics in December 2018, the 10th editorial board of Physics has 4 consultants, 66 editorial board members and 6 overseas editorial board members. [2]
According to CNKI on December 24, 2018, Physics published a total of 13184 articles, which were downloaded 1609131 times and cited 38777 times; The composite impact factor (2018 version) is 0.588, and the comprehensive impact factor (2018 version) is 0.204. According to Wanfang data knowledge service platform on December 24, 2018, Physics has 4255 papers, 20714 citations, 106597 downloads, 1224 funded papers and 0.25 impact factor. [3-4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Competent unit
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Edit Unit
Editorial Department of Physics
Start date
June 1972
Publication cycle
Domestic serial number
International serial number
Current Editor in Chief
Zhu Xing
Address of editorial department
8 South 3rd Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing

Journal running history

At the beginning of 1971, the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued a document on the restoration of natural science journals. Guo Peishan, the secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shi Ruwei, the director of the Institute, decided to establish a journal called Physics, which combined the tasks of the Journal of Physics and the Bulletin of Physics, which were closed during the "Cultural Revolution", and published creative research papers with journal characteristics, It also published a review article with bulletin characteristics, reflecting the application of physics in the national economy; In May, Mr. Guo Moruo, then President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, personally inscribed the title of Physics, which has been used ever since.
In June 1972, Physics was officially published as a quarterly journal with its first issue number.
In early 1974, the first editorial board of Physics was established with the approval of the Chinese Physical Society; In the first issue of the same year, Physics was changed into a bimonthly journal with 16 titles and 64 pages each.
Since the first issue in 1975, the distribution scope of Physics has been expanded to public issuance at home and abroad.
On October 9, 1979, Gloria B Lubkin, senior editor of the editorial department of Physics Today in the United States, visited China and took the opportunity to have a discussion with the relevant heads of the editorial board and editorial staff of the journal to exchange experience and experience in running the journal.
In 1979, the page number of Physics was increased to 96.
Since 1981, Physics has been changed into a monthly magazine with 16 titles and 64 pages each.
In 1988, the Science Press compiled the "Modern Physics Lectures" and relevant articles in the column of "Knowledge and Progress" published in Physics into a book, Modern Physics Lectures, and published it.
In 1997, Physics officially launched its advertising business.
Since 2000, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics has officially become the co organizer of Physics; At the beginning of the first issue, Physics has been changed to an internationally popular 16 format edition, with a color cover of 157g coated paper and 70g imported offset paper on the inside.
In April 2002, the 30th anniversary conference was held.
In 2003, Physics established the online edition of the journal.
In 2006, "Physics" was supported by the China Association for Science and Technology's high-quality scientific journals project; The cover of the journal is slightly modified and covered with film.
In September 2008, the editorial board of Physics was changed and the 9th editorial board was established.
In 2011, Physics was funded by the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics; It was also funded by the China Association for Science and Technology for high-quality scientific and technological journals.
In January 2012, the editorial board of Physics was changed and the 10th editorial board was established. [5]
In December 2014, the journal became the first batch of academic journals recognized by the former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

Conditions for publication


Column direction

In 1974, Physics mainly published popular articles on physics research achievements and their applications, which is a comprehensive publication combining popularization and improvement. There are "research results report", "philosophy and physics", "physics and national economy", "physics progress", "new knowledge of physics", "experimental technology and methods", "lectures on physics teaching knowledge", "teaching experiments", "history of physics", "questions and discussions", "book review", "answering readers' questions", "academic activity newsletter" 15 columns including "Data", "Reader, Author, Editor", etc.
In 1977, the column was partially adjusted, and the "report on research achievements" was changed to "report on research work", "new knowledge of physics" and "new progress in physics" were combined into "knowledge and progress", and "physics and national economy" was renamed as "application of physics".
From 1978 to 1979, the columns were adjusted to "Knowledge and Progress", "Research Report" (changed to "Research Briefing" from the first issue in 1981), "Experimental Techniques and Methods", "Lectures", "History of Physics", "Problem Discussion", "Dynamics" and other columns.
Since 1982, the "Frontier" column has been officially opened to report important new developments and news in various fields of physics at home and abroad.
Since September 1983, the column of "Physics and Economic Construction" has been opened.
From the first issue in 1984, the "Physics Encyclopedia" column was officially opened.
In 1991, the columns of Physics were adjusted to "Knowledge and Progress", "Physics and Economic Construction", "Experimental Technology", "History of Physics and Physicists", and "Frontiers and Dynamics".
In 1997, the columns of "Research News", "Science Fund" and "Century Talk Physics" were set up, and the column of "Research News" reported the major innovative achievements of Chinese physics workers in a timely manner.
In 2000, Physics opened columns: "review", "physics education", "review article scanning", "information service".
In 2001, Physics opened columns: "special articles", "physics news", "research and education institutions"; In the 11th issue, the column of "people" was opened, and editors of the editorial department interviewed and wrote articles.
In 2002, Physics opened a column: "Student Garden".
In the 7th issue of 2007, the column of "Physics Says Words" was opened, written by Cao Zexian, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
In June 2010, Physics signed an agreement with Physics Today to open a column of "Physics Today Grasping the UK", and each issue excerpted one or two of its articles for publication. [5]

staff establishing

According to the official website of the editorial department of Physics in December 2018, the 10th editorial board of Physics has 4 consultants, 66 editorial board members and 6 overseas editorial board members. [2]
Member of the 10th Editorial Committee of Physics
full name
Work unit
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Academician of CAS
China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences
Yan Shousheng
School of Physics, Peking University
Editorial Board
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chen Hong
School of Physical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
Chen Xianhui
Academician of CAS
Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Chen Xiaolong
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chen Xiaosong
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Physics, Nanjing University
Cheng Jianchun
Institute of Natural Science History, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ding Dajun
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jilin University
Du Jiangfeng
School of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Fang Haiping
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fang Qianfeng
Hefei Institute of Material Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Feng Donglai
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Gong Qihuang
School of Physics, Peking University
Millet wintersweet
senior engineer
Chinese Physical Society
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Han Zhanwen
Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ji Xiangdong
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Ji Yang
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jin Guojun
College of Physics, Nanjing University
Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Li Ruxin
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
School of Physics, Shandong University
Lin Haiqing
Beijing Computing Science Research Center
Liu Jixing
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liu Jie
Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
Tsinghua University
Feng Bo
Department of Physics, Zhejiang University
Lv Li
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ma Jianping
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Meng Jie
School of Physics, Peking University
Ouyang Qi
School of Physics, Peking University
Division II of Physics, Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
School of Physics, Wuhan University
Song Feijun
Daheng New Era Technology Co., Ltd
Sun Xiudong
Beijing Computing Science Research Center
Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University
Wang Chen
National Nanoscience Center
Wang Junmin
Institute of Optoelectronics, Shanxi University
Wang Mu
Department of Physics, Nanjing University
Wang Qing
Wang Wenhao
senior engineer
Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University
Wen Haihu
College of Physics, Nanjing University
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wu Ling'an
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wu Xiangping
National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration
Thank you
School of Physics, Peking University
Xu Jingjun
School of Physics, Nankai University
School of Physics, Peking University
Xue Qikun
Academician of CAS
Tsinghua University
Yang Xueming
Academician of CAS
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
School of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Tsinghua University
Division I of Physics, Department of Mathematics and Physics, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Zhang Shuangnan
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China
Zhao Hongwei
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zheng Hang
Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Zhu Shaoping
Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
Zhu Chongyuan
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zou Zhenlong
National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Overseas editorial board
Dai Pengcheng
Department of Physics, University of Tennessee
Lin Lei
Department of Physics, San Jose State University, California
Lin Zhizhong
Institute of Physics and Department of Electronic Physics, Taiwan Jiaotong University
Shen Ping
Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xiao Xudong
Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zhang Xicheng
Department of Physics, Rensselaer Institute of Technology

Publication achievements



According to CNKI on December 24, 2018, Physics published 13184 articles in total. [3]
According to the Wanfang data knowledge service platform on December 24, 2018, Physics has 4255 papers. [4]

Influencing factors

According to CNKI on December 24, 2018, Physics has been downloaded 1609131 times and cited 38777 times in total; The composite impact factor (2018 version) is 0.588, and the comprehensive impact factor (2018 version) is 0.204. [3]
According to the Wanfang data knowledge service platform on December 24, 2018, Physics was cited 20714 times, downloaded 106597 times, funded papers 1224 times, and the impact factor was 0.25. [4]
Note: The journal was not included in the citation report of Chinese journals (extended edition).


Physics was CA Chemical Abstracts (USA) (2014), SA Scientific Abstracts (UK) (2011), JST Japan Science and Technology Revitalization Agency Database (Japan) (2013), and P ∨ (AJ) Abstracts Journal (Russia) (2014), which are the source journals of Peking University's Chinese Core Periodicals Compendium (1992 (first edition), 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017). [3]

Honor recognition

In 1992, Physics won the third prize of excellent journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences; At the same time, in the selection of excellent journals in Beijing, Physics won the editorial quality award, journal efficiency award, and journal running condition award.
In May 1996, "Physics" won the "Third Prize for Excellent Journals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences";
In October 2000, Physics won the first prize of "Excellent Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences".
In 2001, Physics was selected into the "China Periodical Matrix" of the General Administration of Press and Publication, and was rated as a "double effect" journal.
In 2002, Physics was awarded the third prize of the third excellent scientific and technological journal of China Association for Science and Technology.
In 2008, Physics was awarded the title of "2008 Chinese Excellent Scientific and Technological Journals" by the Chinese Institute of Science and Information Technology; The article recommended in 2008 won the 6th Excellent Paper Award of China Association for Science and Technology. [5]

Cultural tradition


Leader inscription

Inscribed by Guo Moruo
In 1992, the 20th anniversary of the founding of Physics was marked by the inscription of senior physicists. Yan Keats Mr. Zhou Guangzhao's inscription is "a good teacher and helpful friend of the physicists and a powerful assistant of the four modernizations", Mr. Zhou Guangzhao's inscription is "a garden for disseminating physical knowledge and information", and Mr. Wang Ganchang's inscription is "broadening vision, insight into the true meaning, and constantly showing the mysteries of the physical world to readers", Mr. Wang Daheng's inscription is "to spread physical science to scientific and technical workers engaged in different disciplines, serving as a bridge for the development and application of high and new science and technology", and Mr. Xie Xide's inscription is "to emphasize knowledge, give consideration to interest; emphasize theory, closely connect applications; emphasize the front, and never forget the contributions of history and predecessors", The inscription of Mr. Feng Duan is "new knowledge and enlightenment, information exchange; useful to open the book, but meaningful to stay behind; browsing when busy, and being patient to study when idle; a teacher without title, and a good friend on the desk". [5]

Publication purpose

It is committed to disseminating the latest cutting-edge progress of contemporary physics and its cross disciplines, promoting the cross cutting and penetration of physics and related disciplines, communicating scientific research and industry, and promoting the development of physics in China. [1]

Current leaders

Leaders of the 10th Editorial Committee of Physics
full name
Work unit
Editor in Chief
School of Physics, Peking University
Associate Editor
Academician of CAS
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academician of CAS
Tsinghua University
Academician of CAS
Beijing Institute of Computational Mathematics
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Reference source [2]