Niu Jinda

A famous general in the early Tang Dynasty
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Niu Xiu (595-651), known as Jinda, Longxi Didao (Today Gansu Province Lintao County )People. A famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, the principal of Puzhou Niuhan Son of. [1]
At the end of the Sui Dynasty Wagang Uprising , defeated at Wang Shichong Wude In the early years, follow Cheng Zhijie Qin Shubao Surrender to the Tang Dynasty and become the King of Qin Li Shimin Dear general, participate in pacification Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande The war of reunification. After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he was awarded Zhonglang General of Youwuwei Weicheng County Male, participating in the attack Tubo Tuyuhun Gaochang Liaodong and Korea , with military achievements, he was awarded the title of Zuowuwei General Langya County Duke. [2]
Yonghui Two years, death, 57 years old, posthumous gift General Zuo Xiaowei , Governor of Youzhou, posthumously titled Zhuang, was buried in Zhaoling [1]
the tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Puyang Leize
date of birth
Date of death
651 years
Key achievements
The war of reunification calms down the rebellion
True name
Niu Xiu
Official position
Senior General Youwuwei, Chief Manager of the Military Branch
Langya County Duke
Sealed gift
Zuo Xiaowei, Grand General, Commander of Youzhou
Posthumous title

Character's Life


Early experience

Follow in early years Li Mi , attend Wagang Uprising After the defeat of the Wagang Army, Qin Shubao Cheng Zhijie When the general was desperate, he was forced to surrender to Wang Shichong Dissatisfied with Wang Shichong's deceit, he waited for an opportunity to leave Wang Shichong.
Wude Two years, Wang Shichong He led his troops to invade Hezhou in the Tang Dynasty (governing Xin'an, now Henan), and fought with the Tang army at Jiuqu (Now in the northwest of Yiyang, Henan). Niu Jinda and Cheng Zhijie , Qin Shubao Wu Heita The capital led troops to the battle, led dozens of trusted people to ride a hundred steps westward, then dismounted and saluted Wang Shichong, saying, "Duke He received him and was eager to repay his kindness Guess Two There are many fans nearby, which is not the place where I was entrusted by my servant. Then he defected to Tang Jun. Wang Shichong was afraid to pursue. After Niu Jinda came down from the Tang Dynasty, he and Cheng Zhijie Qin Shubao They stayed in Lord Qin's Residence together and became generals of Tiance Li Shimin Your confidant. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Biography of Qin Shubao [1]
In the seventh year of Zhenguan period (633 years), Niu Jinda took the post of Hanjiang Mansion Unifying the army , at that time Jiazhou (Present Sichuan Leshan )The Liao people in Lingzhou (now Renshou County, Sichuan Province) raised their troops to revolt, and Niu Jinda led the soldiers of the Yangjiang government stationed here to defeat them and pacify the rebellion. [2]

Breaking Tubo

In the eighth year of Zhenguan period (634 years), Tibetan Zanpu Songzan Ganbu It is said that Turks and Tuyuhun both married Tang Dynasty princesses and sent envoys with Tang Dynasty Feng Deya Entering the court, bringing more gold treasures, presenting a proposal, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin Not allowed. Messenger Reward System Tuyuhun Caused by Wang's estrangement. Zapp is furious and sends troops to defeat Tuyuhun , Dangxiang, Bailan, Zhuqiang. In August of the 12th year of Zhenguan Period (638), the Tubo garrison in the Tang Dynasty Songzhou Ezekies sent envoys to pay tribute to gold and silk, claiming to marry the princess. Dudu Han Wei Lead a few light cavalry to scout and be defeated. Official Department of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Hou Junji In order to be the chief commander of the Midao march, lead the general on the right Loss of thinking He is the commander in chief of the Bai Lan Dao march, and Niu Jinda, the general of Zuowuwei, is the commander in chief of the Kuo Shui Dao march, and the general of the right leader Lew-lan by Taohe River The general manager of Daoxing Army led 50000 cavalry troops to attack. On the sixth day of September, Niu Jinda led the vanguard of the Tang army to the foot of Songzhou City, attacked the Tibetan military camp at night, and brought back more than 1000 heads. Tibetan Zanpu was afraid and led the army to withdraw Tuyuhun Tangut White orchid Qiang sent envoys to apologize. [3]
In the 14th year of Zhenguan Period (640), Tubo Songzan Ganbu Send a minister of state Ludongzan Offer five thousand taels of gold and hundreds of treasures to ask for marriage.
In the first month of the 15th year of Zhenguan period (641), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty agreed to send the daughter of the imperial family Princess Wencheng Marry Songzangambu. Zanpu was very happy and did his son-in-law's best. [3]
In this battle, Niu Jinda showed his excellent military ability. He could judge the situation and attack the Tibetan camp at night to attack the enemy unprepared, and finally won the victory; and Tubo The army was defeated because of its military strength and lax defense. The significance of this war is also that it was the first large-scale confrontation between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo in the nearly three hundred years of war. The victory of the Tang army made Tubo dare not offend the Tang border again.
In the 15th year of Zhenguan period (641), the Tang Dynasty Princess Wencheng To marry Songzan Ganbu The relationship between Tang and Tibet was very harmonious over the next 30 years, and Niu Jinda contributed a lot. [3]

Attack Gaochang

In the fourth year of Zhenguan period (630 years), Gaochang (Former site of Gaochang, southeast of Turpan, Xinjiang) King Ju Wentai Go to Chang'an for an audience in person Tang Taizong , Contribution Square object Qu Wentai Attachment West Turkic They prevented the western countries from paying tribute to the Tang Dynasty through their territory, and attacked the attached countries such as Yiwu (now Hami, Xinjiang) and Yanqi (now Duyuanqu, southwest of Yanqi, Xinjiang). As Gaochang was located in the traffic artery between the Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions, and its geographical location was important, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was determined to remove this barrier.
In 639 (the 13th year of Zhenguan Period), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty recruited Qu Wentai to enter the imperial court. Qu Wentai said that he was not ill. On the fourth day of December, the imperial edict of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Hou Junji Serve as the general in charge of Jiaohe Road and the general of Zuo Tunwei Xue Wanjun Deputy general manager, Qibi He Li Deputy chief manager of Congshan Road, Niu Jinda (then General Wu Wei )As the general in charge of the march, he rode tens of thousands of horses with the above-mentioned generals and the people of Turks and Qibi Gaochang Wentai thought that the Tang Dynasty was 7000 miles away from Gaochang, the sand moraine was about 2000 miles wide, the land was free of water and grass, and the climate was abnormal, so the Tang Dynasty would not Soldiers Add. And Tang Jun Qibi He Li Led to arrive Moraine mouth When, Qu Wentai When he died of fear, his son Ju Zhisheng ascended the throne.
In August of the 14th year of Zhenguan (640), Tang troops captured Tiandicheng (now Xinjiang Shanshan southwest Lukeqin )More than 7000 men and women were captured and immediately headed to Gaochangcheng. When Qu Zhisheng saw that the situation was over, he was forced to leave the city on the eighth day of the lunar calendar to surrender. In this battle, Tang opened the way to the western countries, promoted the connection with the western countries, and also played a role in containment West Turkic Role of. The New Book of Tang · Biography of Gaochang recorded Niu Jinda's accompanying the army. Although there was no detailed record in the battle, it could not erase his achievements. [4]

From Korea

In the 19th year of Zhenguan period (645), Tang Taizong Lead a large army to conquer Goguryeo Niu Jinda also marched with the army. On June 20, Tang Junjin arrived Anshi City (Today Liaoning Haicheng The southeast camp of the city). Kao Yanshou and Kao Huizhen led 150000 people at Nuosa (equivalent to the governor of the Tang Dynasty) in the north of Koguryo Goguryeo Mohe Soldiers and horses came to rescue.
Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty lured the Koguryo reinforcements to the east and south of Anshi City, 8 miles away from the mountains. Order the Grand General Li Ji Rate: 15000 Cavalry stay Xiling Arranging, Zhangsun Wuji He led 11000 elite soldiers such as Niu Jinda to attack the Koguryo military array from the north of the mountain through the canyon. Tang Taizong personally led 4000 cavalry lower one 's banners and muffle one 's drums , climbed the Beishan Mountain, and ordered all the troops to attack together with the drum horn as the signal. Gao Yanshou and others gathered their troops to prepare for the battle when they saw Li Ji. Who is responsible for raiding Zhangsun Wuji Niu Jinda Department took the lead with Goguryeo The army is fighting, Tang Taizong Seeing the dust and smoke rising suddenly at the height, he ordered to beat drums and raise flags, and all the soldiers and horses of the Tang army marched forward at once. Gao Yanshou panicked and wanted to divide his troops to fight, but the formation of the Koguryo army has been destroyed and the soldiers have fled in all directions, and more than 20000 people have been killed. With a high life extension rate, the rest of the people stayed close to the mountain. The Tang army besieged on all sides. Niu Jinda and Chang Sun Wuji removed all the bridges to cut their way back. Gao Yanshou was desperate, so he led 36800 soldiers to surrender on the 23rd. Goguryeo The whole country was shocked. Since then, as it was nearly late autumn, the early cold in Liaodong, the grass dried up and the water froze, and the military supplies were running out, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ordered his troops to return to court on September 18. [5]
In May of the 20th year of Zhenguan (646), King Koguryo Gaozang and Moli branch Gesu Send envoys to apologize, but they still haven't sincerely submitted and continue to harass Silla On October 14, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty refused to accept the tribute from Koguryo and prepared to reclaim Koguryo again. In view of the long attack last time Anshi City (Today's Haicheng, Liaoning Province, southeast of Yingchengzi), Tang Taizong Accept the advice of the courtiers, send some local teachers into Koguryo, harass its border in turn, make its people exhausted and delay the farming season, and Koguryo will collapse due to food shortage in a few years. [5]
In March of the 21st year of Zhenguan era (647), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty ordered Niu Jinda to be the chief commander of the army on Qingqiu Road, and Li Hai'an, the general of Youwu Marquis, to be the deputy commander. He led more than ten thousand soldiers from Laizhou (Governing Ye County, now Shandong Province) crossed the sea to enter Goguryeo Domestic; At the same time Li Ji He is the general in charge of Liaodong Road, and Sun Erlang, the general of Youwuwei, is the deputy general in charge. He leads 3000 soldiers to join with the governor of Yingzhou and the soldiers from Xincheng Road to enter Koguryo. The Tang army marched on land and water, harassing Koguryo. In May, Li Ji led his department across Liaoshui (i.e Liaohe River ), defeat Goguryeo , burn the city and return to the teacher. In July, Niu Jinda and Li Hai'an led their troops across the sea into Koguryo. Niu Jinda led the Tang army to fight with the Koguryo army. Because of the correct command, they were invincible in more than 100 battles.
In October of the same year, the Tang army captured the Shicheng (now northwest of Zhuanghe, Liaoning) and entered Jili City (now Fuxian County, Liaoning). More than 10000 Koguryo soldiers went out of the city to fight. Niu Jinda sent Li Hai'an, the deputy director, to defeat them and beheaded them by more than 2000 ranks. In December, Koguryo King sent ministers Moli branch Gao Renwu apologized in the Tang Dynasty. It created a typical successful battle against Koguryo in the history of the Sui and Tang dynasties. [5-6]

Post death mourning and glory

Niu Jinda paid homage to the Zuowuwei Grand General and Langya County Duke (according to Tang Huiyao).
Yonghui In the second year, Niu Jinda died and gave a posthumous gift General Zuo Xiaowei , Youzhou Dudu , posthumously titled Zhuang, and was buried in Zhaoling.

Family members

Zeng Zu: Niu Ding, Eastern Wei Dynasty Hanzhou Assassin Upper Pillars , Pingyuan County.
Grandfather: Niu Shuang, Beiqi Zhendong General Huaibei prefect.
Father: Niu Han, Sui Dynasty Zhangxian County, Qing Dynasty Order, Puyang main book.
Madam: He Dong Pei is the daughter of Pei Shen'an, the Duke of Chengcheng County.
The epitaph of Langya Cemetery, the governor of Youzhou, the former general of Zuo Xiaowei in the Tang Dynasty [2]

Artistic image

Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 》、《 Talking about Tang Dynasty 》、《 Biography of Xingtang 》Medium You Junda Niu Jinda, the famous general of the Tang Dynasty, is the prototype of the historical figure of the Tang Dynasty.


The epitaph of the great general of Zuowuwei in Tang Dynasty [2]
You should avoid showing, and the words should be advanced first Longxi People moved because of officials, and now they are Lei Ze people in Puyang. Zhu Xuanyu's calendar can refresh the qi in the golden square; Huang Yu starts his journey, and the wind blows in the fishing pool. Yes, the above place is a Confucian, and cattle lack sound the Seven Powers Generation; Chen Cang Be observant, Niuhan It is praised in three times. Since Zijue, the crown has been more than Shao, the detailed order of Xuan, and the elevator has been edited. Zuding, Wei Hanzhou Assassin Upper Pillars Yuanping County Duke. De was preached, Ronggao Ju soil. Zushuang, Qi Zhendong General Huaibei Prefecture. Jilong resists aggression and becomes a successful politician. Father Han, Qing Zhang Order. When the pheasant tames its young, the night fishing is heavy.
Junfa Xianghe River The place is just like the spirit of the mountain. Weak and Diversity , long and outstanding. If you fail to learn books, you will lose your sword qi Flushing bucket The screen shark is harmful to the sinking current. shoot Fufei Yu Luobin, cast To leave On the river. Gu Mountains and rivers And tired sigh, standing in the wind and clouds forever. It belongs to the East Han Dynasty, and the Central Plains is seething. Four blasphemies Whale running, Five parties Get up. You are asking Lux ,( chief counsellor of Liu Bang )Indignation high-mindedness In the sand; Look at Xiake directly( Jing Ke )And Singing soundly to Yuci Temporary minister Li Mi , know Qing Zi Song Yi )The arrogance of death; Just ask Yang Dong , Cha Qinying( Infants )Of System group
At that time, Emperor Wen( Li Shimin )A little in the east, a little in the west. Han Xin )Staff sword Shaft gate ,( Li Shiqi )Stop washing in case of excellence. Mengzuo Kaifu , enlist Fenjin He is also the head of Ma's army and accompanies Gong Luo. Wu Zhou, Wang Chong show one's determination to succeed or die by loading a coffin on one's carnage Kejian Shilong Reward rank Dou De led Jiyu to the west, and Liu Ta led Zhao Wei to the east. The negative force pulls out the mountain, and the potential moves away from the new. Jun Aid Scramble While sweeping, struggling Goetze with Pin atmosphere Battle soundness The sun's shadow moves. —Time passes. , wheel burial Hemoptysis Guan Yu )A white horse is worth ten thousand rides; Nape feather Wujiang Above, voice crown Five Marquis Emperor Wen Yejian Shaoyang (Prince), Ren Xian guard Jihu Issue a certificate Pi Lie, Consign weight Who and what. Zhenguan In the first year Youwu Guard Zhonglang, Feng Weicheng Male, 300 households in Shiyi. Feng Ang Submersible fan Ou Min, will tilt Ling Qiao Jun's special gift Military law , Ke Jing Traitorous return The holy calculation is repeated, and the west slays the barbarians. Bapu is safe, and Peng Wei uses Yan. Triumph On the day of Rightback Zhonglang. Eight years, relocation Left Guard General On, Tuyuhun Disturb Huangzhong internally. Wang Hesfen, for Shanshan Deputy Director of Dao Xingjun. The soul gallops against the earth, and the strong wind drives it. Telebrush Headwater of river , clear and weak. Merit and group handsomeness, with a wide range of rewards. Imperial edict Zuowuwei general, Gajun We are waiting for you. Back to the West Gaochang , Fuzhirong Jiaohe Dao Xingjun Manager. Xingyan Rightly , pointing directly to the vestibule. Message We are here, Fish and bird Startles. Wings and winds Changhe , sent back on Yanzi Mountain Zhongshan The tripod is not enough to call it cutting; Prestige There is nothing to worry about. imperial decree granting a favor Longwo , Tekong Mao Community , migration and sealing Langya County There are three thousand households in the city of food, and the difference between money and silk is more than one thousand. In 18 years, from discussing Liaoyin to reviewing Youwu Hou General , Governor's Patrol. Qi Zhu Lies at Seven extracts , which is made of leather Six Armies the emperor 's lodging when traveling At that time, take the lead. gale Paid, Giant scale This will be completed. In 21 years sea The general manager of the military. Jade cloud is booming, carved lance or engraved spear Star ceremony. The water is as clear as water. Rock of Marubeni, the more Wei Mo Risk. Extraordinary Lun , Yuanjia Consolatory oracle Still granted General Zuowuwei
Taizong pass away , will worship mausoleum Guard The Xian Committee Ventral center Then, integrity is often violated, and the sigh of separation is not stopped; A brilliant glance and sudden hearing Morning dew Song of. with Yonghui On the 16th day of the first month of the second year, Hong Yu died in Yongzhou Wannian County The private place in Xuanyang is seven in the fifties of the Spring and Autumn Period. alas. 慭 legacy I have heard the sorrow Celestial pole The pain of ignorance is tied up in peaches and plums. Falling down Lungao , Gift General Zuo Xiaowei To hold a knot , Governor Youyigui Tanping, all the military forces of six Yanzhou states Youzhou Governor; Three hundred sections of silk cloth; Still on Zhaoling Give tomb land, and give East Garden secret tools; It is necessary for burial and ordered to be given by the official; Five grades and one person for supervision; The guard of honor was sent to the tomb. The posthumous title was Zhuang Gong, who followed the rites.
However, you have more than the world's capacity to bear the wealth of leisure. It is the purpose of seeking benevolence to play favoritism, and to be known as a relative. Choose a wooden clock and a year lofty ambition The policy is famous in the day and smooth fierce fighters It can. As for Jiazhong, Gao Benrong is brave; Shoot down the mountain, General Wei Its agility. So he got the merit publicity Emperor Zai , King Qiyexing. branch A Di Yu Xuanping, Shu Curved platform On the road. Brother clock If you are in the line, you will drive away the four rivers. Despicable Guard Cheng doesn't know )Whisper, light Spinous hilum Lvbu )It's a joke. Ruyin Marquis Great Xia is the most important person; Guan Changsheng He who is close to you, sits long. Fixed already Scrimpy Koja , Fan Li( Fan Kuai Li Shang). Reading the water, the horse passed away.
Niu Jinda's epitaph was unearthed in 1976 in the tomb group of Zhaoling in Liquan County, Shaanxi Province, and its deeds are recorded in detail. Please refer to pages 20 and 122 of Zhaoling Epitaph published by Sanqin Publishing House.