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Hot spring

[rè quán]
Geoscience terminology
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Hot spring means that the spring temperature is higher than 45 ℃ but lower than the local temperature surface water Of boiling point Of underground Water outcrop. There are generally two types of hot springs: submarine hot springs and terrestrial hot springs. [1]
Chinese name
Hot spring
Foreign name
hot spring
rè quán
Submarine hot spring And terrestrial hot springs

Related information

The submarine hot spring refers to the fountain The hot water sprayed from iJI1 is like a jiongchong, and the submarine hot springs found include white chimney, black chimney and yellow chimney.
In 1977, scientists found the first submarine hot springs in the Galapagos Fracture. They also found that hot springs were distributed near the Atlantic and Pacific ridges, with an average depth of 2100 meters below sea level.
The reason for the formation of submarine hot springs is that the huge plates of the earth's crust are constantly moving, and their separation creates the submarine fissures. The sea water seeps into the crust through these cracks and is burned by the hot magma. The heated sea water flows back and gushes out from the cracks, forming the submarine hot spring II
The hot spring at the bottom of the sea is a very strange phenomenon. We can see that it is steaming, smoky, and has many chimneys. Moreover, the materials ejected from the "chimney" contain a lot of pyrite, sphalerite, copper and iron sulfides and other materials.
At the bottom of the ocean with a depth of several thousand meters, the strong seawater pressure is hundreds of times that of the sea surface. Sometimes, when the deep-sea exploration submersible is about to reach the bottom, it seems that there is a force that makes the submersible rise and difficult to reach the bottom. This is a hot spring under the sea. Turn on the deep-sea searchlight and look at the water temperature display. The detection team was shocked. The sea water temperature reached 300 ℃. Due to the high pressure, the sea water did not boil.
The submersible overcame the upwelling current and reached the deep-sea rift valley. The searchlight sweeps towards Gu Bi and sees jagged rocks, some like mushrooms, some like crouching beasts. These abrupt and abnormal rocks are formed by the condensation of magma spewing out from the sea floor and hot spring materials containing metal elements. The upwelling that makes it difficult for the submersible to fall is the hot water from the hot springs at the bottom of the sea.
Where is there a hot spring at the bottom of the sea? Seafloor hot spring is a phenomenon reflected by crustal activity on the seafloor. It is distributed in places with crustal tension or weakness, such as the rift valley of the mid ocean ridge Submarine fault zone And submarine volcanoes.
There are mid ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, which are about 3000 meters higher than the ocean floor and are formed by the continuous eruption of magma under the crust. There are great rift valleys in the ocean ridges, from which magma emerges and forms new ocean crust. Two pieces of oceanic crust are stretched from here and move slowly in opposite directions. The Great Rift Valley in the mid ocean ridge often has many hot springs whose water temperature is about 300 ℃. The temperature of hot spring water at the bottom of the mid ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean can reach 400 ℃.
There are also hot springs in the submarine fault zone. For example, there are dozens of hot springs in the western submarine fault zone of the United States, and the temperature of the hot water gushing out is more than 300 ℃. Another example is the large fault zone near the Galapagos Islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean. There is a hot spring at the bottom of the sea with a water depth of 3000 meters, and the temperature of the hot water gushing out reaches 298 ℃.
At the bottom of the ocean with volcanic activity, there are also hot springs. In addition to the volcanic activity in the mid ocean ridge, at the continental margin, while the mountains are formed by the subduction and compression of the oceanic crust plate, there are often volcanic eruptions, and hot springs are also distributed on the sea floor near it. For example, there may be hot springs at the bottom of the Western Luzon Trough in the east of the South China Sea. Because its heat flow reaches 121.4 joules per second in an area of 1 square meter, which is equivalent to the heat flow of the Mid Ocean Ridge Rift Valley. Its origin is related to the existence of volcanoes on Luzon Island to its east.


The newly obtained data have confirmed the proposed genetic model of hot springs, that is, the atmospheric water penetrating into the nearly vertical sedimentary layer at a higher terrain circulates from deep to downward through the bedding seepage and fractures in Silurian quartzite and nearby carbonate rocks. Then the medium deep circulation is intersected by the groundwater along the transverse linear fracture zone rising together. All these hot springs are located at the topographic discontinuity along the weak fracture zone associated with the transverse fracture zone.

Current situation in China


Submarine hot spring

No hot spring has been found in the sea area of China. However, robots made in China have been able to dive to the bottom of the ocean at a depth of 6000 meters, which provides favorable conditions for hot spring exploration and research.

Terrestrial hot spring

There are three hot springs in Chifeng City. The outlet water temperature of Keqi hot spring is 87 ℃, the outlet water temperature of Ningcheng hot spring is 96 ℃, and the outlet water temperature of Aohan hot spring is 66 ℃. All of them contain radioactive gases, various chemical elements and trace elements, with high medical value and great development potential. Tourism convalescent facilities of different grades and scales have been built in these three places. The right banner Bitu mineral spring is a cold mineral spring, known as the "Six Taste Divine Spring". It contains 6 kinds of trace elements, such as lithium, strontium, zinc, magnesium, molybdenum and selenium, which are rare in China and even in the world. The "Hanlu" brand mineral water produced by Chifeng is based on this spring. In addition, mineral water with important mining value has also been found in Songshan District, Keqi and other places.