
Provide cremation site
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Crematorium, providing Cremation Site, general and funeral home in harness. If a person dies, he will be cremated there. Crematoria are usually located in the suburbs and other remote places.
Mainly Condolence Hall, the place where the body leaves, determines the number of mourning halls according to the size of the city; There is also a rest room for bereaved relatives and friends to rest; There is also the place where the dead bodies are kept; A place where ashes are kept; Then there is the cremator, which is used to burn corpses and has corresponding places to collect ashes. It is generally composed of 12 "holes", representing different zodiac signs.
Chinese name
Foreign name
huǒ zàng chǎng
Cremation premise
Obtain death certificate
Provide cremation site
Number of mourning halls
Determined by the size of the city

Cremation process


Obtain certificate

When a person dies, his or her family or unit must obtain a death certificate. If he dies in a hospital, the hospital shall issue a death certificate; In case of death at home due to illness, the village committee, neighborhood committee or local police station shall issue a death certificate; In case of death due to unconventional reasons, the unit or public security department shall issue a death or cremation certificate. Then go to the health and epidemic prevention department to go through the relevant procedures, and then go to the local police station to cancel the household registration with the death certificate.


After receiving the death certificate, you can call or send someone to contact the funeral home, funeral service station or crematorium to schedule the time of receiving the corpse, and inform the name, address, age, gender, cause of death, time of death, location of the corpse and residence of the deceased; Family member's name, address, telephone number and relationship with the deceased; Whether the dead take off their clothes, whether they need to hold memorial and farewell ceremonies, etc. When picking up the corpse, the bereaved family or unit should prepare the death certificate and necessary clothes before the arrival of the corpse car. If the corpse is dead in the hospital, discharge procedures should be handled.

Cremation procedure

After the corpse is transported to the funeral home, the family members in the car (two or three family members can accompany the corpse car) first go to the business room to check the death certificate, purchase the urn, receive the cremation certificate, and complete the payment and other procedures. It usually takes two to three days to remove the ashes. If special circumstances require that the ashes be taken in advance, the procedures for taking the ashes in advance can be handled. The cremation certificate shall be held at the place where the ashes are taken. If the corpse cannot be cremated immediately after being transported to the funeral home [1] You should go through the formalities for refrigerated corpse in the business room.

Hold a memorial meeting

The funeral home or unit should contact the undertaker of the funeral home business room in advance to determine the rental time, lease the auditorium, farewell room, wreath, flowers, small white flowers, black gauze and other matters.

Deposit ashes

According to the provisions for the deposit of ashes, some can be directly contacted at the cremation place with the cremation certificate, and some can be contacted at the designated ashes hall with the cremation certificate. The deposit time is generally three years, and can be renewed if it exceeds the time limit. If it is not taken or renewed after the expiration of the time limit, it shall be handled by the cinerary hall at its discretion. When going through the formalities for the deposit of ashes, the urn hall shall fill in and issue a certificate for the deposit of ashes, which shall be properly kept by the bereaved family or unit. The certificate holder can visit the urn hall at any time to pay homage to the ashes of relatives. The relevant regulations of the urn hall shall be observed.

Cremation procedure

1. The host announces that the cremation ceremony begins;
2. The host led the attendants to observe a minute of silence;
3. The leader of the deceased's unit or relatives will make a simple speech to express their condolences and wish the deceased rest in peace. The time is only three or five minutes, and should not be too long.
4. Pay homage to the remains. The attendants circled the body and bowed three times to it. If possible, you can record videos and take photos as souvenirs.
5. The host announces the start of cremation of the remains, and the remains shall be sent to the cremation room by the staff or family members to watch the remains enter the furnace;
6. Family members are waiting in the reception room for the ashes to come out.

Equipment technology


operating system

In the 1990s, cremators in China have made use of the latest achievements in scientific development to compile programs and use HMI (Human Machine Interface) to control the whole process of cremation. This machine is easy to operate, greatly reducing the labor intensity of workers, improving the sanitary conditions and working environment as well as the scene atmosphere of the owner's funeral. It is one of the current popular technologies.


The fuel used to incinerate corpses has gone through three stages: first, coal was used, and then oil (diesel) was used. This kind of furnace is seriously polluted. At present, most of our country still uses this kind of furnace, but many places have added smoke suppression and dust removal devices. The most advanced way is to use natural gas and coal gas. Using this fuel can reduce energy consumption and pollution, which is also a direction of cremation furnace.

Strong applicability

Here are two questions. The first is the applicability of operation and the applicability of bereavement. The operators work in this environment, saying goodbye to the previous dark room and big drill rod. The workers can operate the whole process of cremation in the operating room, sitting on the sofa, looking at the monitor, and touching the human-computer interface, greatly changing the working environment of workers; In addition, the bereaved owner can watch in front of the furnace, or press the automatic switch to personally send the remains of relatives into the furnace. Then the bereaved owner can wait for the completion of cremation in the elegantly arranged and well-equipped lounge, and can personally pick up the ashes and pack the urn. The bereavement of the master here eliminated the sense of terror, soothed the deep feeling, and greatly improved the atmosphere of the scene.


1. After the body is sent to the cremation workshop, the cremation signature procedure shall be handled. The name of the urn shall be consistent with the body and the furnace number.
2. The stoker announced the start of cremation after the family members signed.
3. Family members can watch the cremation process in the observation hall in front of the furnace or in the computer monitoring observation room.
4. After cremation, the ashes shall be issued, and the fireman shall hand over the ashes to the cremator or family member of the funeral home for collection.

Basic Requirements

(1) The discharge of pollutants should be less (to meet the national pollutant discharge limit standards). Because the smoke and dust produced during the burning of the corpse Toxic and harmful gases And the emission of odor into the atmosphere directly affects the environmental quality, which is subject to strict national restrictions. The national funeral homes organized and assessed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs also have certain requirements on the emission of pollutants.
(2) combustion efficiency High. One is to cremate a single corpse in a short time, and the other is to cremate a single corpse with less fuel. This is based on China's national conditions.
(3) The cremation process should be highly civilized. The civilization degree of cremation process is reflected in: first, it is strictly prohibited to mix ashes; Second, less pollutants are discharged; Third, do not use other tools (such as furnace hooks) to turn over the corpse during cremation; Fourth, do not spill toxic, harmful and odorous smoke during the operation of the cremator to avoid polluting the environment of the workplace; Fifthly, the corpse was transported and fed into the furnace in a civilized and stable manner.
(4) The appearance shall be beautiful, easy to operate, the overall performance shall be safe and reliable, and easy to repair and maintain.
(5) Simple structure, durable, moderate price, in line with national conditions.

Basic characteristics

(1) The corpse is burned in the furnace of the cremator at a certain temperature. During the incineration process, fuel and oxygen supporting air are continuously supplied to meet the heat required by the corpse in each combustion stage.
(2) During the incineration of the corpse, the fuel and oxygen air supply are constantly adjusted according to the different incineration states of different corpses, so that the corpse is in the best combustion state as far as possible in each combustion stage;
(3) The burning objects of the cremator are corpses and burial objects, which are combustibles themselves, and the weight, weight, sex, composition, etc. of corpses and burial objects are different. Therefore, the burning object of the cremator is combustible and changeable. Therefore, the supply of fuel and oxygen air and the burning time vary with the body.
(4) The furnace of the cremator should work under micro negative pressure, because the body produces toxic and harmful gases such as smoke and dust, odor, etc. during the incineration process. If positive pressure occurs in the furnace during the incineration process, the above toxic and harmful gases are likely to overflow the furnace door, polluting the working environment of the workshop. If the negative pressure is too large, too much heat will be lost, resulting in waste of energy.



Fuel used

It can be divided into three types:
A. Coal burning cremator, which uses coal as fuel, is a kind of backward cremator. It was no longer produced in the 1970s. This cremator is seriously polluted and does not meet the requirements of civilized cremation. It is mainly distributed in the old, young, border and poor areas.
B. Oil burning cremator, using light diesel as fuel, is a widely used cremator, accounting for about 70% of the total number of cremators in China. This kind of cremator is safe and reliable, with good use effect, and is not limited by regional conditions. The common light diesel oil is 0 # - 20 # light diesel oil.
C. Gas fired cremators, mainly in cities coal gas natural gas Liquefied petroleum gas Is fuel. This kind of cremator can only be used in large and medium-sized cities or areas rich in gas fuel, which is seldom used in China. The cremator has good working environment and less environmental pollution. However, pay special attention to gas leakage during use to avoid explosion or other safety accidents.

Furnace structure

There are three types:
A. The overhead furnace type cremator (commonly known as the iron furnace), when this kind of cremator works, the body is burned overhead on the furnace bars in the furnace. Its advantage is that overhead combustion can save fuel and shorten incineration time. The disadvantage is that if the operation is not standardized, it is easy to cause mixed ashes, which does not meet the requirements of civilization and has been stopped. For example, Shenyang 82-B cremator is.
B. Plate furnace type cremator (commonly known as plate furnace), the bottom of the furnace of this kind of cremator is a refractory plate prefabrication with two protruding bars. It has a long service life and is easy to replace and maintain. Compared with the overhead furnace cremator, it is not easy to mix ashes, but its fuel consumption is large. For example, most of Jiangxi YQ series cremators are of this type.
C. Trolley type cremator, the biggest feature of this kind of cremator is that it can realize a car, a furnace and a corpse, without mixing ashes, and it is civilized and high-grade. However, because of its large heat loss, high fuel consumption and high price, it is not suitable for general funeral homes to install it. For example, Japan Tobo cremator and Beijing Babaoshan CH-93 programmable cremator are.

Combustion mode

It can be divided into three types.
A. Primary combustion type cremator, which has only one combustion chamber, namely the main furnace. The smoke and dust and toxic and harmful substances produced in the process of body incineration are directly discharged into the atmosphere through the flue and chimney. Due to insufficient combustion, the discharged flue gas will cause greater pollution to the atmosphere.
B. The reburning type cremator has two combustion chambers, namely the main combustion chamber and the reburning chamber. The main combustion chamber (main furnace) is the place for body incineration, and the role of the reburning chamber is to burn smoke. This method can make the toxic and harmful substances burn more fully, so as to reduce the effect of air pollution. This kind of cremator is commonly used in China.
C. Multi combustion type cremator, which has more than two combustion chambers, namely main combustion chamber, reburning chamber and three combustion chambers.
Compared with the reburning cremator, the multi burning cremator has longer residence time and more sufficient combustion of flue gas in the furnace. If the dedusting and deodorization equipment is equipped, the pollution-free emission can be achieved, which is ideal, but its cost is quite expensive. Japan began to use this cremator.

Smoke exhaust mode

There are two types:
A. The upper exhaust type cremator means that the flue gas is discharged into the atmosphere from the main furnace of the cremator upward through the metal pipe and chimney of the reburning chamber. Such cremators are Tobo cremator in Japan and ALL cremator in the United States. The utility model has the advantages that the flue maintenance is relatively convenient, and provides convenience for the areas where the underground flue is difficult to be built due to the high groundwater level. But this kind of cremator has high cost of metal pipes and large energy consumption.
B. Lower exhaust type cremator, that is, the smoke is discharged from the main furnace of the cremator to the atmosphere through the underground flue and chimney of the reburning chamber. Most of the cremators used in China are in this form. It is characterized by low construction cost of underground flue and long residence time of flue gas in the flue.

Grade of cremator

There are three types:
A. Low grade cremator, which usually burns once but does not Flue gas treatment equipment Our cremators all belong to this class. Its structure is simple, maintenance is convenient, cost is low, but civilization is low, environmental pollution is serious, and it is the object of gradual transformation in the future.
B. Medium grade cremators are equipped with a reburning chamber (or two cremators share a reburning chamber). The flue gas discharged from the secondary combustion chamber is discharged into the atmosphere through the flue and the low exhaust chimney. The discharge of pollutants from this cremator meets the national level III or II standards, and there is basically no black smoke at the chimney.
C. High grade cremator, there are two forms of high grade cremator, high grade cremator with multiple combustion and flue gas post-treatment equipment, and high grade cremator without flue gas treatment equipment under HMI control. The former has a main combustion chamber, a reburning chamber (and a third combustion chamber), so that the toxic, harmful, and odorous gases generated during the incineration of the corpse can be fully burned. It is also equipped with flue gas post-treatment equipment such as flue gas heat exchanger, dust remover, and deodorizer, so that the discharge of pollutants can reach the national first-class standard, and the smoke blackness is close to Lingerman Grade 0. Basically achieve pollution-free discharge.
But this kind of cremator is huge and expensive. The latter uses HMI to implement the whole incineration process Automatic control It is also equipped with a reburning chamber to make all stages of combustion as best as possible. The pollutant emission of this cremator can reach the national secondary standard, without obvious black smoke and odor. This cremator is small and beautiful, and has less environmental pollution. However, its HMI control part is expensive, and some electrical control elements are imported, so it is difficult to maintain.