The Faun in Ancient Greek Mythology
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synonym pan (The god in Greek mythology) generally refers to Pan (the herding god in ancient Greek mythology)
Pan, Ancient Greek : Π≤ ν), yes MYTHOS The Faun in charge shepherd , nature, mountains and countryside, and nature accompanies Pan Nymph Pan Shi, the god of animal husbandry Hermes 's son, Πάν It means "everything". He has a human head and body, goat Legs, horns and ears. Pan's appearance was later recognized by Europe the medieval times period Catholicism Demonized into the original form of the devil. Pan likes to play the panpipe, which has the power of hypnosis. Pan is very lecherous by nature. He often hides in the bushes, waits for the natural nuns to pass by, and then comes forward to make love. In ancient Greek mythology, Pan, who is half human and half sheep, is a symbol of creativity, music, poetry and sex, as well as a symbol of panic and nightmare. Pan is also Capricornus The patron saint of.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Shepherd, shepherd, mountain forest, hunting, country music
Hermes (Hermes)
(changeable) Perriope or Penelope, etc


The origin of Pan Shen is not clear. In some myths, he is Bacchus Son of. Another said that he was Hermes (Hermes). His mother's situation is more complicated. His nature and name are confusing, especially in Plato His name is sometimes misunderstood as a Greek word pan meaning "everything" in the etymology of( pasture )Same Origin ". Misunderstandings may also originate from Homer Epic , in which it describes Pan as the joy of the gods, and it is said that he got his name.
Pan Shen's family tree is very complex and diverse mythological age China is buried deep. Like others Natural deity Similarly, Pan looks older than the Olympian gods. If this is the case, then he may have given it Artemis (Artemis, Hunting goddess )Of hound , and taught Apollo (Apollo, the god of light) the power of prophecy. [1]


The worship of Pan began in Arcadia, which is also the main location of Pan. Arcadia was a mountainous region scorned by other Greeks. The hunters of Arcadia often whip the gods if they are disappointed in hunting.
Pan Shen is also the initiator of fear in empty places Panic (Panic) That's where it comes from. stay Titans (Titan) Yes Olympus Pan claimed the honor of victory in the rebellion and attack, because he caused panic among the rebels. As a result, the word panic is used to describe the emotion of "panic". In addition Marathon Campaign In Marathon, it is said that Pan Shen stood Athens On the other hand, the Persians, the enemies of the Athenians, also aroused panic. Of course, later Pan Shen was also influenced by music and Sexual capacity It depends on his intention. [1]
During the Marathon War, Pan met Sparta The messenger of. He asked the messenger to tell the Athenians that although they did not like him, he was still willing to treat them kindly and help them in their difficult times. When fighting with the enemy near Marathon, the Athenians were surprised to find that Persia The soldiers were suddenly enveloped by an inexplicable fear, and they fled the battlefield in confusion. It turned out that the great Pan injected a fear into the hearts of Persian soldiers. Since then, this fear has been known as panic. After the war, the Athenians built a temple full of gratitude to Pan, offering sacrifices and prey to him as a sign of respect. [2]


Aegipan and infant Zeus Together Crete (Crete, mediterranean sea Eastern, Greek) was raised. In Zeus and Typhon In the battle of (Typhon), Aegipan and Hermes (Hermes) helped Zeus steal the "sinews" hidden by Tifeng in the cave. Pan in Zeus and Titans In the battle of, use Conch Spread fear among Titans. According to other legends, Aegipan is the son of Pan, not the father. There are also some legends that it is Pan himself who helped Zeus steal back the thunder.
When it comes to the famous legend of Pan Shen, of course, his symbolic flute
Xu Renke (Syrinx) It was Arcadia Chastity The famous water god is said to be the daughter of Landon, the river god. One day when he came back from hunting (so did Xu Renke Hunting goddess Artemis Artemis's entourage), Xu Renkes met Pan Shen. In order to escape his pursuit, Xu Renkes ran around, but he could not get rid of Pan's praise and compliment. Xu Renkes fled from Lycaeum Mountains to his sister (talking about his mother), and her sister immediately turned her into a cluster reed When the wind blows (the sigh of Pan), the reed will send out a sad melody. God Pan reluctantly broke off seven sections of reeds in confusion and became a musical instrument named after Xu Renkes. Since then, Pan Shen has been inseparable from this instrument.
Echo (Echo) This is a fairy with excellent voice and dance. She scorns any man's pursuit. This angered Pan, who was famous for his lechery, and ordered his followers to kill Echo. Echo was torn into pieces and scattered around the world. Earth mother Caia (Gaia) collected her corpse, and Echo has become a repeat of other people's voices since then. In some legends, Echo and Pan once had a son, Iambe.
Pan also loved another fairy, Pitys, who became a tree to avoid him Pine [1]


Pan is famous for his strong sexual desire. He is always accompanied by an erect penis. Diogenes of Sinope (Δο έέέέέ΋όέέέέέ) jokingly said that Pan and his father Hermes (Hermes) learned masturbation and then passed it on to shepherds.
In the eyes of the Greeks, the magic of Pan was mainly exerted on girls and shepherds. Although his pursuit of Syrinx and Pity ended in failure Dionysus (Dionysus) The promiscuous maids have been rewarded. In one game after another Bacchus Day In the carnival, he made friends with every maid. In order to achieve such a scene, Pan Shen sometimes incarnates as the whole Pan Shen tribe (Panes).
Pan's greatest achievement is to conquer the moon goddess Selene (Selene)。 He hid his hairy goat body Sheepskin He lured Selene from the sky into his forest. In another legend, the yoke that Pan sent to Selene's chariot caught the white ox pulling the chariot, so he won the heart of the goddess. [1]

Pan and Music

Once, Pan boldly turned to master Seven string zither Of Apollo (Apollo) Challenge music skills. The mountain god Tmolus was chosen as the arbitrator. Pan plays Xu Renke (Syrinx), the beautiful country tune made him, as well as his loyal followers, King Midas, who happened to be present at that time, very satisfied.
Then Apollo pulled the strings of the lyre. Tmolus immediately awarded the victory to Apollo. Everyone except Midas agreed with the judgment. Midas refused and questioned the fairness of the award. Apollo didn't want to put up with Midas' ears any more and turned them into donkey's ears. In another version, Pan Shen and Apollo began to draw even, and the game was forced to enter the second round. In this round, Apollo asked to play overhead. The handstand had no effect on Apollo's performance of the lyre, but Pan Shen could not play Xu Renx, so Apollo won the game. [1]


Piscine Capricornus The connection with Pan God is as follows:
on one occasion Zeus stay the Nile When the gods were invited to dinner, they were just attacked by the monster Typhon. The gods were shocked and turned into various animals to flee. Pan Shen was too frightened to change when he jumped into the water. As a result, his upper body was a sheep and his lower body was a fish.
Because he has Goat horn Pan Shen also has a nickname Aegocerus. [1]

Death of Pan

If you believe in Greece historian Plutarch (Plutarch, the author of The Abandonment of the Oracle), then Pan is Greek Deity The only one who died. During the reign of Tiberius (14-37 AD), a sailor named Thamus brought the news of the death of Pan. He was on his way Italy When passing an island called Paxi, a voice came from the sea: "Thamus, is that you? When you arrive at Palodes, please announce that the great god Pan is dead." Thamus obeyed. The news caused sighs and wails on the coast.
The Greek Robert Graves thought Thamus had misheard.
It is certain that a century later, when Passanias (Pausanias, Greek historian) When he traveled all over Greece, he found that the shrines and holy places of Pan were still all over the mountains. [1]

Main impacts

Satan Image of [1]
stay the medieval times In later Christian culture, the image of Satan may have many references from Pan, including horns on the head and split hoof toes.


In the 18th century Romantic Movement Pan Shen was widely Western Europe Quoted by poets and artists.
In the 18th century, in a small town called Painswick in England, a group of nobles led by Benjamin Hyett organized the annual Sacrifice And erected a statue of Pan. This tradition was cut off in the 1830s, but in 1885, a new priest mistakenly thought that the tradition had existed since ancient times, so he rekindled it. But this priest's followers don't like him so much Paganism Therefore, the tradition finally returned to silence in the 1850s, and the statue of Pan was also buried.
Pan Shen as a male sexual desire and Fecundity The archetype of the Christian is very influential in non Christian countries. In their worship, horned gods are extremely important, such as Celts Cernunnos, Indian Pashupati and Pan in Greece.

Other related

Pan's Labyrinth 》(Film)
The Chronicles of Narnia 》(Film, including Orcs)