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Zhangweinan Canal

Reach of Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal
Zhangweinan Canal is Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal Is an important part of Haihe River Basin One of the five major river systems Zhanghe River Weihe River Wei Canal , Zhangweixin River and South Canal, flowing through Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong and Tianjin into the Bohai Sea, with a drainage area of 37700 square kilometers. [1] Zhangweinan Canal embodies the crystallization of the hard work, wisdom and strength of the ancient Chinese working people.
Chinese name
Zhangweinan Canal
Foreign name
Zhangweinan Canal
geographical position
Shandong Province Dezhou City
climatic conditions
Subtropical climate wind
area covered
37700 km²
Famous scenic spot
Zhangweinan Canal
River length
Li Group [2]

geographical position

Zhangweinan Canal
Zhangweinan River System is located in Taiyue Mountain to the east of, Fuyang River Ziya River to the south of, Yellow River Majia River To the north, the drainage area ranges from 112 to 118 ° E and 35 to 39 ° N. The overall terrain of the drainage basin is high in the southwest and low in the northeast, roughly divided into two landforms: mountain and plain. The west (upstream) is located at the eastern foot of Taiyue Mountain and Taihang Mountain, with the ground elevation generally above 1000 meters above sea level. It is a soil hilly area and a stone mountainous area; The east and northeast (middle and lower reaches) are vast piedmont proluvial, deluvial Alluvial plain The mountainous and hilly areas cover an area of 25466 square kilometers, accounting for 68% of the total drainage area; The plain covers an area of 12234 square kilometers, accounting for 32% of the total drainage area. The western mountainous area is directly connected with the eastern plain, and the transition area of the piedmont hills is very short. [1]

hydrographic features


Runoff change

The basin is located in temperate semi-arid and semi humid areas monsoon climate Zone. The multi-year average temperature is about 14 ℃ precipitation 608.4 mm. Winter is the season with the least precipitation, accounting for only about 2% of the whole year. Annual precipitation main Concentrated in summer, the precipitation in July and August accounts for more than half of the whole year. Spring precipitation is 8%~16% of the whole year, plus Precipitation variability Large, spring drought often occurs. The precipitation in autumn is second to that in summer, accounting for 13% - 23% of the whole year. [1]


The drainage basin covers a population of about 30 million people and a cultivated area of more than 44 million mu. After leaving the mountain area and entering the plain, Zhanghe River Yuecheng Reservoir Below, below Weihe Qimen Flood protection area It covers an area of 29440 square kilometers. By the end of 1997, the cultivated land was about 26.3 million mu, the population was about 15.71 million, the industrial and agricultural output value was about 96426 million yuan, and the fixed assets were 11896 million yuan, gross domestic product 5870594 million yuan. [1]

Traffic role

Within the basin communications and transportation industry Developed, Beijing Guangzhou, Beijing Kowloon, Tianjin Pudong and other important railways, Beijing Shenzhen, Beijing Fuzhou Beijing Kaifeng Expressway ,107、106、 National Highway 105 And other important transportation lines cross the north and south, interweave with local roads and railways, and extend in all directions. Newly built Beijing Shanghai High speed Railway It also passes here. [1]


Zhangweinan Canal is world famous Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal In a long historical period, it has played an important role in promoting the economic and cultural exchanges and development between North and South China; At the same time, it is also a river channel with serious flood damage, which is almost "determined every year" and suffers for a long time. New China was founded Since then, the Party and the government have attached great importance to the governance of the Zhangweinan Canal. Since 1957, relevant departments have formulated Watershed planning And control measures, successively built reservoirs and control hydroprojects in the river system Zhanghe River Weihe River Wei Canal Zhangweixin River And other backbone flood discharge channels. Zhangweinan Canal Authority After its establishment, the unified management of Zhangweinan Canal was realized. After more than 40 years of efforts, the Zhangweinan Canal has initially formed a flood control engineering system of both storage and discharge, "separately into the sea" [1]