Luanhe River

The Bohai Sea flows into the sea alone (northern Hebei Province)
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Luanhe River [25] It is the only river flowing into the sea in the Bohai Sea and generally belongs to the Hailuan River system Luanhe River system The ancient name Tangshui is named after the numerous hot springs in its birthplace. The latter was corrupted by the latter. Ru and Luan sound are similar. Later, the Tang Dynasty evolved into Luan, and the Yuan Dynasty was also called "Yu River" or "Shangdu River". Originated in Hebei Province Fengning Manchu Autonomous County , flowing through Guyuan County Zhenglan Banner Duolun County Longhua County Luanping County Chengde County Xinglong County Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County Qianxi County Qian'an Lulong County Luanzhou City Changli County , on Leting County Nandou net laying injection the bohai sea The total length of the river is 888km according to the website of Hebei Provincial Government, and 877km according to the Annals of Hebei Province. [1-2]
Luanhe River has a long history, and it receives many tributaries along the way, including 9 rivers with a drainage area of more than 1000 square kilometers, namely Xiaoluanhe River , Xingzhou River Ethan River Wu Liehe , Laoniuhe Liuhe River Puhe River , Suihe River and Qinglong River Among the tributaries, Yixun River has the largest drainage area, and Qinglong River has the largest length and water volume.
Influenced by climate, the runoff of Luanhe River varies greatly from year to year; The sediment discharge is large, but smaller than that of Haihe River. The annual average sediment discharge of Luanzhou City Station is 22.7 million tons. The development of the main stream was late, and it began in the late 1970s panjiakou reservoir Daheiting Reservoir And other water conservancy projects.
Luanhe River is also the main water source in the north and east of Hebei Province Luanhe-Tianjin Aqueduct And introduce the river water into the urban area of Tianjin. [3-4]
Chinese name
Luanhe River
Foreign name
Luanhe River [25]
Water Moisten water small stream running through the Forbidden City Shangdu River
Water system
Hailuanhe River System from the Bohai Sea to the Sea
geographical position
Northern Hebei Province
Flow area
Longhua Qianxi Qian'an …… Changli bandstand
River length
888 km [1]
Drainage area
44750 km²
Leting County Nandou Wangpu
Responsible river leader
Dong Zhaowei [12] [14]

Main stream overview


River trend

Trend of Luanhe River
Location and water system composition of Luanhe River
Luanhe River, called Rushui in ancient times, originated in Hebei Province Fengning Manchu Autonomous County Bayantugur foothills Datan Town [16] Dagu Daogou is located at the south foot of Xiaoliang Mountain (2206m above sea level) in the east. Flow northwestward Bashang grassland Guyuan County Turning north, it is called Lightning River, passing through Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Zhenglan Banner Turn southeast via Duolun County It flows southward to Waigoumenzi and then into Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Province. There are Heifeng River Tuligen River (Tuligen River) is called the Great Luan River when it flows into Longhua County After Guojiatun met the Xiaoluanhe River, it was called the Luanhe River.
The river winds between the canyons Luanping County Chengde County Xinglong County Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County It crosses the Great Wall at Panjiakou, enters Jidong Plain through Luojiatun Guikou Canyon, and flows through Qianxi County Qian'an Lulong County Luanzhou City Changli County , to Leting County Nandou net laying injection the bohai sea The total length of the river is 888km [1] (877 km in Hebei Chronicles of Geography), 626 km in Hebei Province [13] The drainage area is 44750 square kilometers, of which the mountainous area is 43940 square kilometers, and the average annual runoff for many years is 4.423 billion cubic meters. The drainage basin is 435km long and 103km wide on average, with an average gradient of 5.17 ‰ for the drainage basin and 2.65 ‰ for the river channel. [2] [5]

Channel characteristics

The Luanhe River system is mainly distributed in Bashang Plateau, Yanshan Mountains and Hebei Plain. The rivers flowing through the Yanshan Mountains are young mountain streams. The river has a strong downward cutting effect, and the river gradient is large, mostly 2/1000-6/1000. Some small and medium-sized tributaries can reach more than 20/1000. River valleys are mostly "V" shaped. The rivers flowing through Bashang Plateau, intermountain basins in Yanshan Mountains and Hebei Plain are wide, shallow and meandering. The riverway conditions of different reaches of the main stream of Luanhe River are different.
Source of Luanhe River in Fengning County [6]
River source section: the river source section is above Waigoumenzi. The riverbed elevation drops from more than 1800 meters at the source to 1145 meters, with a drop of nearly 700 meters and an average gradient of 2.5/1000. The river valley is wide and shallow, mainly flowing through the grassland of Inner Mongolia.
Upstream section: above Zhangbaiwan is the upstream. The riverbed elevation drops from 1145m to 423m, with a drop of 720m and an average gradient of 3.1/1000. Due to the small water volume, the water resources are not rich, the theoretical reserve is 100000 kW, and the unit energy storage is only 424 kW/km. The river in this section passes through the dam edge and the mountain area in the north of Hebei Province. The river has a sharp downward cut, developed meanders, and a bending coefficient of 2. The concave banks are mostly cliffs and steep walls, the convex banks are mostly gravel sand beaches, and the riverbed is mostly composed of pebbles and coarse sand. The flood plain is not developed. The river valley is in a "V" shape, and the water surface width is 35-45m in the flat period. It is a typical young valley landform.
Luanhe River flows through Bashang Grassland Section [7]
Middle reach: The middle reach is from Zhangbaiwan to Luanzhou City. The riverbed elevation is reduced from 423m to 25m, the drop is nearly 400m, and the river gradient is only 1/1000. However, due to the increase of water volume, the theoretical reserve of hydropower is 300000 kW, and the unit energy storage is 758 kW/km. This section crosses Yanshan Mountain, forming a landform of wide valley and canyon. Mountain canyons are formed at the mountain ridges, most of which are "v" shaped. In basin areas, wide valleys are formed. The appearance of wide valleys and canyons is very different, for example, Qian'an Basin and Luanhe River Valley near Sangyuan are completely different. The river valley above Panjiakou is narrow, and the river reach below is wide. The river bed is in the middle and old age, with developed meanders and many branches. There are many islands in the middle of the river and many beaches. It is a braided water system, with wide water surface, fine river bed composition, and sandy pebbles.
Downstream estuary section: The downstream estuary section is below Luanzhou City. This section is basically in the Luanhe River delta area. The river width is 400m in normal water period and 2000m in flood period. The river valley is wide, and the meandering floodplain is developed with many branches. The riverbed is mainly composed of fine sand. The floodplain is mostly composed of sub clay and sub sandy soil. Due to the small gradient (only 0.28/1000) of the river channel, the flow velocity is slow, the sediment carrying capacity of the water flow is reduced, a large amount of sediment is deposited, and the riverbed is gradually raised to develop into an "overland river". And the sediment continuously accumulates in the estuary area, making the delta gradually push outward. [2]
Entrance section of Luanhe River Leting County [8]

Channel formation

In the Middle Pleistocene, 150000 BC ago, the Luanhe River moved from west to south, passed Yanzhou, Xinheshan, Taitou, and Beiguan, and then flowed from Beiguan along the current hometown of Henan. After the abundant water came out of the mountain, the Luanhe River proluvial alluvial fan was formed. Others believe that there are several other rivers besides the above ones. About 150000 BC, after the Luanhe River was captured by the ancient Shahe River, it turned north to the east in Qianxi County, passed through Renzikou, reached Yinziyu, followed the ancient Shahe River from Qian'an to the south, and formed a late Pleistocene (left and right from 150000 BC to 10000 BC) proluvial alluvial fan with Qian'an as the peak.
At the end of the Late Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene, about 20000 to 10000 BC, the west branch of the Qinglong River captured the Luan River, forcing the Luan River to change its course from Qian'an to the east, from Baigezhuang to the southeast, to Lulonghui Qinglong River, and to Luanzhou City. In the middle Holocene between 7500 BC and 3000 BC, the coastline on the north bank of the Bohai Bay has risen to the line of Fengnan, Xiaoji, Datong, Hugezhuang, Leting, Liutaizhuang, Tuanlin and Dapu Rivers. The Luanhe River forms an alluvial plain to the north of Leting, and flows into the sea to the south and forms a triangle basin. At the end of the Middle Holocene (about 3000 BC), the coastline retreated to Xinzhai, Caizhuang and Hujiatuo, and the Luanhe River also went deep into Caizhuang. At that time, Luanhe River was the current upstream. [9]

Channel vicissitude

Between the Qin and Song Dynasties, there were few written records about the Luanhe River. According to the Shuijing, "Rushui (today's Luanhe River) flows from the outside of the Great Wall, through Lingzhi County (about the west of today's Qian'an City) in the southeast to the north, through Haiyang County (about the west of today's Luannan County) in the southeast, and into the sea in the south." This shows that the Luanhe River in the Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasty was located to the west of today's river course, to the east of upstream, and from the south of Leting to the sea. According to Li Daoyuan's Shuijingzhu, "the Ru River (today's Luan River) is divided into two rivers through the south of Mucheng. The north water branches out, which is called the little Ru River in the world. The east passes through Le'anting (today's Le'anting is 1 km northeast) to the north, and the southeast flows into the sea. The Ru River flows southeast, passes through Le'anting to the south, and joins the new river in the east." This shows that the lower reaches of the Luan River in the Northern Wei Dynasty have split in the north and south of Le'anting, However, the mainstream still flows into the sea to the south of Leting.
In addition, according to the Chinese Historical Atlas, from the Qin Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the Luanhe River was located to the south of Leting, and basically extended with the coastline retreating, with a small swing of the river. By the end of the Southern Song Dynasty 700 years ago, the coastline had retreated to the line of Geloutuo, Rungezhuang, Tangjiahe and Dongzhuang, and the Luanhe River also extended southward to Wangtan and Zhaotan.
After the Yuan Dynasty, the Luanhe River changed its course frequently. According to《 History of the Yuan Dynasty · Records of Rivers and Canals 》《 Luan County Annals 》And《 Beneficial Sickness Book of the Counties under Heaven 》According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the mainstream of the Luanhe River passed through Macheng, Shijiakou, Xujiadian, Leting, Maozhuang, and Hujiatuo, and followed the old Luanhe River to the sea near Dongmai Port. Before the first year of Yuantai Dingyuan (1324), Luanhe River once divided a branch called Qinghe River from Wangjiazha on the west bank (about 2.5 kilometers northeast of today's Mazhuang). The Qinghe River is divided into two branches in the east and west. The west branch is from Wangjiazha, through Caijiaying, Xujiafen, Nanzhaotou (today's Nuanquan), Poqiao (today's Chengzi), Nantao, Shagou, Songdaokou, Zetou (today's Zetuo), Taotou, Dayanggezhuang, Gong'an Bridge (today's Gong'an Bridge), Tuoli, Xuegezhuang, Caoling, and enters the sea near Canshakou (today's Liuzanxi). This river is the old route of the grain transport river (Luanhe Annals) "from Lutai to Luanzhou via Heiyang River, Canshakou and Qinghe River", which is also the "old route of water transport since the Qin and Han Dynasties" mentioned in the Book of Beneficial Diseases of the Counties and Countries under Heaven. The river runs from warm spring to Gongan Bridge, and the river still exists, called Qinghe River; From Gongan Bridge to Tuoli, the east-west ancient river remains, which may be the old way of the new river; From Tuoli to Canshakou is the old way of tracing the river. There is no written record of the Qinghe River in the east branch, but according to the Leting County Annals in the year of tomorrow Qi, "the Luanhe River migrated to the west of the city after the flood of Jingtai Renshen (three years, 1452) (the old river was in the east of the city, its old road in the west of the city, and the water can be moved), even to the south of Tingliu River." It can be seen from the above that "the old river was in the east of the city" refers to the mainstream of the Luanhe River since Leting (today's old Luanhe River), and "the old road in the west of the city" It may be the east branch of Qinghe River. After the diversion from Wangjiazha and the west branch of Qinghe River, it goes south through Rengezhuang, Tingliu River, Dulin, and Liuhai Zhuangzi, and enters the sea near the ancient river. The ancient river channel of Liuhai Zhuangzi is still alive today, and to the south is today's Qinghe River channel.
In addition, according to the Chinese Historical Atlas, the ancient river channel in the first year of Zhishun (1330) had only the mainstream of Luanhe River and the west branch of Qinghe River, but no east branch of Qinghe River. [9]
In the early Ming Dynasty (from the fourth year of Yongle to the second year of Jingtai, 1406-1451), the west branch of the Qinghe River has been obliterated, and the east branch has gradually become shallow, but it can still be moved into the lake, called Dianliu River; The main stream is the Luanhe River (today's old Luanhe River), called Hulu River, which flows just east of Leting.
In the third year of Jingtai (1452), when there was a flood, Luan River burst from Shawopu (equivalent to near Shapu today) to Tingliu River in the south, and then passed through the east branch of Qinghe River in the west of Leting City. However, the lower reaches moved to the Daqing River in the south and east of Liuhai Zhuangzi, and entered the sea at Matouying. The old river in the east of the city is called the Qianluan River, which is still called the Hulu River in the Ten Years of Wanli (1582) in the Atlas of Chinese History, and this river regime continues until the first year of the Tianqi (1621).
In the second year of Tianqi (1622), Luan River burst at Tingliu River, passed Shigezhuang, Yanggezhuang, Xiaoshengmiao and Qingtuo in the south, entered the downstream of Qinghe East Branch (today's Daqing River) three years after Xinzhai entered Jingtai, and entered the sea at Matouying. After 129 years, until the 16th year of Qianlong's reign (1751), there was no major change in this river course. There are still remains of ancient river courses in the north of Xinzhai. The crevasse fan in the south of Tingliu River and the large sandy highlands in Shigezhuang, Yanggezhuang, and Bianliu River can be seen on the ground.
In the seventeenth year of Qianlong's reign (1752), the Luanhe River ended up in Dayangzhuang and flowed into the sea from east to west. The west branch enters the sea from Dayangzhuang, through Sanhezhuang, Yangezhuang and Qianlu River near Xinkaikou; The river body is still very obvious, called Xiaohezi. The east branch starts from Dayangzhuang, passes Yuanzhuang and Wangtan, and enters the sea to the south of Wangtan; Now the riverway still exists, called Hulin River. Later, the Luanhe River burst several times, such as in the 13th year of Jiaqing (1808) at Shijiazhuang, and entered Changli eastward, but it was soon blocked.
In the 16th year of Jiaqing's reign (1811), Luanhe River was determined by the Dianliu River, flowing through Xiguan, Caizhuang and Tangjiazhuang in Leting in the southeast, and entering the sea near Haitian Village. Now the ruins of the ancient river channel are still very obvious. Niezhuang above is called Xiaoling River, hereinafter called Changhe. There was still water in this river until the 26th year of Daoguang (1846). In the 18th year of flood, the Luanhe River burst at Shawopu, and Leting's urban and rural areas became the country. The main stream traveled along the old Luanhe River (now the old Luanhe River) in the Yuan Dynasty, and entered the sea through Laomi Valley and Langwo Valley.
In the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1883), the Luanhe River burst at Caijiazhuang (probably equivalent to Caiying in the north of Macheng today), split into several strands southward, and joined the old road of the west branch of the Qinghe River in the south after converging at Changning, which is called Erluan River. Caiying crevasse fan and its old distributary road to the south are still clearly recognizable today. In the 12th year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, the river was silted up, and then the river course in the 18th year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (1813) was started.
In the 4th year of the Republic of China (1915), the Luanhe River burst at Shijiakou (probably today's Xiaoshijiakou in Changli County), roughly following the current river course to the southeast. Before the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Luanhe River entered the sea from the Tianshuigou River, and later from this river into the sea. [9]

hydrographic features



According to the statistics of annual runoff data of the Luanhe River from the 18th year of the Republic of China (AD 1929) to 1984, the annual average total runoff of the Luanhe River was 4.61 billion cubic meters, the maximum annual runoff was 12.9 billion cubic meters, which occurred in 1959, the minimum annual runoff was 1.27 billion cubic meters, which occurred in 1981, the annual runoff with a frequency of 20% was 6.37 billion cubic meters, and the annual runoff with a prediction rate of 50% was 3.99 billion cubic meters, The annual runoff with frequency of 75% is 2.69 billion m3, and the annual runoff with frequency of 95% is 1.58 billion m3.
Luanhe River Basin has a typical temperate, warm temperate semi humid, semi-arid continental monsoon climate. In winter, under the control of Mongolian high pressure, the upper air is affected by the westerly trough, and the climate is cold and dry. There is little precipitation. Controlled by the subtropical high over the North Pacific in summer, it is hot and rainy. The main weather system of rainfall is polar front, but westward trough, shear line, northwest vortex, southwest vortex, typhoon, etc. can form rainfall. If two or more weather systems cooperate with each other and water vapor is abundant, heavy rain with large rainfall, long duration and wide rain area can often be formed. Spring is basically still controlled by winter circulation system, with less precipitation and more sandstorms. In addition, the temperature rises rapidly, often resulting in spring drought. In autumn, the subtropical high over the North Pacific retreats rapidly. In addition to the rainy weather during the retreat, it is generally high and cool in autumn. The precipitation is mainly concentrated in June September. Especially in the 78th month, the annual precipitation is often concentrated on several rainstorms.
The runoff of Luanhe River varies greatly from year to year. The annual runoff flow difference coefficient is mostly 0.5-0.8, and the ratio of the maximum annual runoff to the minimum annual runoff is mostly about 8 times, even more than 10 times at some stations. The tributaries Xingzhou River, Yixun River, Yimatu River, Wulie River, Baohe River, and Laihe River are all more than 10 times larger. Only the river source is located in the tributaries, such as the Great Luan River, the Tuligan River and the Small Luan River, where the interannual variation of runoff is small. The annual runoff flow difference coefficient is 0.3-0.5, and the extreme value ratio is 3-5 times. The Luanhe River not only has a large change in water volume during high and low seasons, but also has continuous high water or continuous low water.
The runoff of Luanhe River mainly comes from rainfall, so the annual distribution of runoff and precipitation has a great consistency. The flood season starts from the end of June to the beginning of September, with the largest flood peak appearing in July and August. The water volume in winter and spring is very small, and the spring flood is often small in March and April due to ice melting and snow melting. 5. In June, because of the early dry season, there is a short duration of dry water. Although the duration is not long, the flow is often lower than the winter dry season, which is the minimum value of the whole year. [3]

Sediment concentration

The mountainous areas in Luanhe River basin account for more than 90%, and most of them are rocky mountains. The vegetation is well preserved (vegetation coverage is 30-60%). The sediment concentration of each river is relatively small among the rivers in Hebei Province. The upstream main and tributaries, including the Lightning River, the Great Luan River and the Small Luan River, have a sediment concentration of 1-2 kg/m3. In the middle reaches of the tributaries below Zhangbaiwan, including the Yixun River, the Wulie River, the Changhe River and other basins, there are more loess distributed. In addition, human unreasonable reclamation has exacerbated the soil erosion and increased the sediment concentration of the river. The sediment concentration of the Weichang Station on the Yixun River, the Bianqiaoshan Station on the Bucheng River, a tributary of the Yixun River, and the Lower Henan Station on the Yimatu River are all above 20 kg/m3, making them one of the main sediment sources of the Luan River. The sediment concentration of other tributaries, such as Laoniu River, Puhe River, and Laihe River, is slightly smaller, generally 3-4 kg/m3, while the sediment concentration of Qinglong River is only 2-3 kg/m3. Taolinkou Station is 2.88kg/m3, which is one of the tributaries of Luanhe River with small sediment concentration. The Luanhe River flows out of Yanshan and reaches the Luanzhou City Station with a sediment concentration of 4.76 kg/m3. The lower reaches of Luanzhou City flow into the plain, where the flow is slow and the sediment settles, and the sediment concentration decreases. However, because the downstream river channel is very short, it soon reaches the estuary, and the sediment accumulates at the estuary, forming the Luanhe River delta.
The sediment discharge of Luanhe River is smaller than that of Haihe River. The annual average sediment discharge of Luanzhou City Station is 22.7 million tons. However, the sediment discharge varies greatly from year to year. The maximum annual sediment discharge of Luanzhou City Station was 87.9 million tons (1959), and the minimum was 2.35 million tons (1951). The maximum value is 37 times the minimum value.
The annual distribution of sediment transport in each river is very uneven, about 90% of which is concentrated in the flood season (June September), especially in July and August. The amount of sediment is very small in months other than flood season, especially in winter and spring dry season. Some river sections are close to zero. [3]

Main tributaries

Luanhe River has a long history and receives many tributaries along the way, including 9 rivers with a drainage area of more than 1000 square kilometers, namely Xiaoluan River, Xingzhou River, Yixun River, Wulie River, Laoniu River, Liuhe River, Baohe River, Laihe River and Qinglong River. Among the tributaries, Yixun River has the largest drainage area, and Qinglong River has the largest length and water volume. [2]
Xiaoluanhe River In Mongolian, it is called "Kuerqile River" because it is a major tributary in the upper reaches of Luanhe River. So it is named Xiaoluanhe River. The Xiaoluanhe River originates from the west foot of Laoling on the Saihanba and flows from north to south to Zhengjiatun (Guojiatun), Longhua County [5] )It flows into Luanhe River, with a width of 30-60 meters. The riverbed is sandy pebble, with water all the year round. [2]
Puhe River , also known as "Wide River", also known as "Leopard River", and "Gaoshishui" in ancient times. According to the Ming History · Geography, Kuanhe guarded thousands of households, "Kuanhe River, a Baohe River, is located in the southeast." According to the Chengde Mansion Annals, the Baohe River, a Baohe River. "The loess beam of Miyun Valley, which originates from the state boundary, winds through the rock crevices and joins all the mountains and streams to form a river. (Note: Pingquanzhou) It is also called Kuan River, which runs to the east of Kuan City in the south.". "The Baohe River is named for its ferocious floods and sounds like tigers and leopards." The Baohe River originates from Pingquan City Wolong [17] The west foot of the Seven Old Figures passes from north to south Pingquan County , enter again Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County To the Puhekou of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County and into the Luanhe River. [2]
Ethan River , a "Yisong River", commonly known as "Yangchang River". Gusuo Toushui. According to the Imperial Annals of Rehe, "Yixun" means "nine" in Mongolian, which means that the river has many bends, namely, "Jiuqu River", "Yangchang River" or "Yixun River". Yixun River is a larger tributary of Luan River. Originated from Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County Hariha Laoling foothills. It flows through Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County, converges with Yimatu River at Shanzui Village, Cunrui Town, Longhua County, flows south into Luanping County, and flows into Luanhe River in Chengde City. The tributary Antmatu River is also called "Goat River". "Ant Ma" means "goat" in Mongolian. Yimatu River originates from Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County Yangebo , Chengzi Town [18-19] and Shizhuo Township The three townships flow through the northwest of Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County and flow into the Yixun River from Shanzui Village. The water volume of the Yimatu River changes greatly, and it almost dries up in dry season, while the flood volume is large in flood season. [2]
Wu Liehe , originated from Longhua County In the valley around Empress Dowager Liang, there are Parrot River, Mao Gou River and Shidongzi River in the upstream. The three branches meet in Xiazhongguan Village, Chengde County, which was originally called the Wulie River. They pass through Chengde City and are brought into the Xinggong Hot Spring, hence the name Rehe. Later, they flow southward to Wangbaogai and flow into Luan River. The river course is only 500 meters wide above Xiazhongguan Village and 500 to 1000 meters wide below Xiazhongguan Village. The riverbed is sandy and cobbled with shoals between. The mountains on both banks are low, the loess is thick, there are many cultivated lands, and the hillsides are also cultivated, causing serious water and soil loss. [2]
Laoniu River Originating from the Chuzi Valley watershed in Chengde, it began to be called Laoniu River after confluence of a tributary above Shanzui. The wild boar river and Baima river flow into the south and flow into Luan River to the north of Xiabancheng, Chengde County. The riverway is about 500 meters wide at the upstream and gradually broadened to about 1000 meters at the downstream. The riverbed is sandy and cobbled. The mountains on both banks above Sangou are high, with many trees. The mountains below Sangou are gradually gentle, with few trees and more arable land. [2]
Shirakawa , also known as Qianbai River and Qianbai River. A tributary of the Luan River. Originated in Chengde County Dongxiaobaiqi Township The Qiancenggou Village of Badaogou Village flows into Luanhe River from west to south via the original Yijianfang, Anjiang, Xinzhangzi, Shangbancheng and other towns, and then flows into the north of Baihe River Village. The main stream has a total length of 72 kilometers, a catchment area of 684.25 square kilometers, and a river slope of 7.31/1000. The vegetation on both banks of the basin is good, and the river channel is long and narrow. [15 ]
Liuhe River , formerly known as Liuhe. According to the Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty, "The Liuhe River is in Funan, which originates from the foot of Wuling Mountain outside Malan Pass, flows eastward to Bangu Ridge, and runs eastward to the mouth of Liuhe River in the south of Jingfu and into Luan River, also known as Liuhe River." The Liuhe River originated in Xinglong County Xinglong Town Luliping piedmont [20] At the west foot of Bapin Yeling. It flows northwest through the north of Xinglong County and then turns northeast. Enter Luanhe River at the mouth of Liuhe River in Xinglong County. There is water all the year round. In dry season, the water flow is gentle, and in flood season, the water flow is large and rapid. The river course moves back to the mountains, with many sharp turns.
Sunhe River , someone wrote it as "sprinkling the river". Originated in Xinglong County Nantianmen Manchu Township [21] Dongbapinye. The source is a clear spring, called "Shijingzi". The spring water is sprayed out all the year round and converges into a river, hence the name "Sahe". The river flows from west to east from its source Nantianmen Manchu Township [21] Banbishan Town [22] Lanqiying Town Sandaohe Town [23] And other towns enter Qianxi County. The source river is located in the rainstorm center of Yanshan Mountains, with large flood peak. As the water and soil loss in the basin is relatively light, the river water is clear at the bottom except in July and August. [2]
Xingzhou River , commonly known as "Mangniu River". According to the Annals of Chengde Prefecture, "it was named after the ancient Yixing Prefecture", so it was called Xingzhou River. Later, "Zhou" evolved into "Zhou". Xingzhou River originates from Xuanjiangying Township, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County [24] On the north and south sides of Binglang Mountain (historically known as Shahhu Mountain), the water potential of the two sources increases after they converge in the south of Huajiying Village, flowing through Fengning Manchu Autonomous County from northwest to southeast, flowing into Luanping County from south to Zhangbaiwan and entering Luanhe River. There is water all the year round. Easily diverted. [2]
Qinglong River It is the largest tributary of Luanhe River. Taitou Mountain on the south side of the branch of Qilaotu Mountain, which originates from the Yanshan Mountains, flows through Lingyuan (Liaoning Province), Pingquan, Kuancheng, Qinglong and other counties, and north of Lulong County Taolinkou Through the Great Wall, through Lulong, Qian'an, Luanzhou City stone ladder into the Luanhe River. There are many tributaries of Qinglong River. To the north of the Great Wall, there are Dabei River, Wudao River, Toudaoliang River, Tangdao River, Duyuan River, Xinggan River, Qihe River and Guangcha Mountain River. To the south of the Great Wall, there are Shahe River, Baiyang River, Ant River, Xuliu River, Liangshui River, Yehe River, Wengjiagou River and Jiaochang River. Qinglong River is located in the deep mountain area of Yanshan Mountains to the north of Taolinkou. The main stream moves back between the deep mountains and canyons. The slope is steep and the flow is rapid. The gradient of the river channel is between 1/430-1/600. The width of the valley is generally 400-1000 meters. It is a sandy pebble bed. The river flows out of Taolinkou and into the hilly area. The average width of the river is 500 meters. The river has a gravel riverbed with an altitude of about 70 meters and a gradient of about 1/1000. Qinglong River is just the center of rainstorm in the Yanshan deep mountain area north of Taolinkou, so the flood of Qinglong River is characterized by "high peak, large volume, fierce force and short duration". The peak flow can reach more than 600 m3/s, most of which occur in July and August. In history, Qinglong River floods have caused serious disasters for many times. The floods in the 29th year of Daoguang's reign (1849), the 20th year of Guangxu's reign (1894), 1930, 1949, 1959 and 1962 washed away some villages along the river. The floods also invaded the city borders of Lulong, Luanzhou and Leting, causing heavy losses. [2]

Basin overview

Luanhe River is the second largest river in Hebei Province. The drainage basin is located at 115 ° 30 ′ - 118 ° 45 ′ E and 39 ° 10 ′ - 42 ° 40 ′ N. The basin is 500 kilometers long from north to south and 90 kilometers wide from east to west on average. The widest part of the upstream is 1175km, the narrowest part of the downstream is 12km, and the drainage area is 44880km2. Including 44070 square kilometers of mountainous areas and 810 square kilometers of plains.
To the southwest of the basin Yanshan Mountain Range And the tide - Ji Canal As the boundary, the north and east are bounded by Suke Xielu Mountain Qilaotu Mountain He Songling and Xilamulun River Laoha River , Daling River and Xiaoling River are adjacent to each other, and to the east of the south is Yanghe River , Yinma River Basin. The west side is Anadromous Watershed. The water boundary is not obvious, and the Bohai Sea is to the south. The whole basin is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. Due to the large latitude of the basin, the natural geographical conditions differ greatly from north to south.
The upstream of Luanhe River originates from Bashang Plateau. The average altitude is 1200-1500m, which is a part of the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The surface microwave undulates, with a relative height of about 200m. The low-lying areas are dished depressions, dominated by wind erosion. After flowing through the Bashang Plateau, the Luanhe River enters the mountainous and hilly areas of northern Hebei. The altitude is 1300-1500m, and the height difference between mountains and valleys is 500-800m. The slope is steep and the flow is rapid. The river cuts down strongly, the surface is broken, and loess is widely distributed. The middle reaches mainly flows through Yanshan Mountain, with an altitude of 800-1200m, and gradually drops to 200-500m to the south, including middle and low mountains, hillocks and basins. The lower reaches mainly flow through plains, including Yanshan piedmont alluvial fan, alluvial plain and Luanhe River delta. Most of them are below 20 meters above sea level. The surface is flat, the valley is wide and shallow, and meanders are developed.
The climate in the Luanhe River Basin varies greatly from north to south. The annual average temperature increases from 1 ℃ to 11 ℃, and the temperature in January increases from - 2 ℃ to - 5 ℃. The monthly temperature increased from 17 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the accumulated temperature in January increased from below 1600 ℃ to above 3800 ℃. The average annual precipitation is 400-800mm. The climate type transits from cold temperate arid and semi-arid climate to warm temperate semi humid climate. The natural vegetation from the dry grassland to the south is forest meadow grassland, coniferous forest or mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest to deciduous broad-leaved forest, and the hilly slope is mostly shrub grassland. Corresponding soils include chestnut soil, black soil, meadow soil, grey forest soil, brown soil, cinnamon soil, marsh soil and saline soil. In some higher mountains, there are different vertical bands. [2]

Development governance


Water storage project

Main stream of Luanhe River in 1979 panjiakou reservoir Daheiting Reservoir The reservoir was put into operation successively, and 78.60% of the catchment area was controlled. Among them, Panjiakou Reservoir has a control area of 33700 square kilometers and a total reservoir capacity of 2.930 × 10 ⁹ cubic meters; Daheiting Reservoir is located at the downstream of Panjiakou Reservoir, which controls the area between Panjiakou and Daheiting of 1600 square kilometers, with a total storage capacity of 3.370 × 10 ⁸ cubic meters. At the end of 1998, Taolinkou Reservoir, located on Qinglong River, a tributary of Luanhe River, was put into operation, with a control area of 5060 square kilometers and a total reservoir capacity of 8.590 × 10 ⁸ cubic meters. So far, 89.90% of the catchment area of the whole Luanhe River basin has been controlled. Located on Qinglong River, the largest tributary of Luanhe River in 1998 Taolinkou Reservoir After it was put into use, 89.9% of the catchment area of the Luanhe River basin was controlled, 63.6% of the runoff in the lower reaches of the Luanhe River (Luanzhou City Station) was regulated, and the sediment volume was reduced by 99.3%.

Diversion works

Mainly Luanhe-Tianjin Aqueduct It is mainly built to solve the problem of urban water use in Tianjin. In September 1981, the State Council decided to build it. It diverted the Luanhe River from more than 300 kilometers away across the river basin. The starting point of the project is the Daheiting Reservoir in Qianxi County, Hebei Province, which crosses the Yanshan Mountains to make the Luanhe River flow westward and enter through the Li River Yuqiao Reservoir , through the Zhouhe River, Jihe Canal and the open diversion channel, it is introduced into the urban area of Tianjin. The whole water diversion project passes through Hebei Province Qianxi County Zunhua City And Tianjin Jizhou District Baodi District Wuqing District Beichen District With a total length of 234km. There are 215 projects along the line, such as tunnels, pump stations, reservoirs, culverts, pipelines, inverted siphons, bridges and gates. The project was started in May 1982, and the water supply was opened on September 11 of the next year, two years ahead of the original plan. The Luanhe Tianjin Water Diversion Project has brought great social and economic benefits. Under normal conditions, it can transport 1 billion cubic meters of water every year, providing Tianjin with a stable and reliable water source, easing the water shortage in Tianjin, ending the history of Tianjin citizens drinking salt water, improving industrial water conditions, and thus promoting the economic development of Tianjin. At the same time, this project has also produced certain environmental benefits, creating conditions for restoring the drainage function of Haihe River, controlling land subsidence and urban greening. [4]

River regulation

The Luanhe River ecological flood control project in Qian'an City was officially started in April 2003. In August 2005, the Huangtai Lake Scenic Area was officially opened. In May 2007, the Luanhe River ecological flood control continuation project was started. In April 2008, the landscape project of the Qian'an Sanli River reconstruction project was started. In May of that year, the project was fully completed with an investment of 2.2 billion yuan and a total of 75 million cubic meters of various projects were implemented, In addition, the Sanlihe River Comprehensive Treatment Project with an investment of 600 million yuan for this extension project has a total investment of 2.8 billion yuan. The nearly 10000 mu Huangtai Lake landscape formed by the completion of this project was rated as the national water conservancy scenic spot, and became the first urban river lake type water conservancy scenic spot in Hebei Province. The economic benefits brought by this project include the newly protected land area of 65000 mu, and the urban flood control standard was raised to once every 50 to 100 years. The contents include: building a 25km long left embankment for flood control in the middle section of Qian'an of Luanhe River, building a 6km long flood evacuation road on the sandbars of the east and west tributaries, building four rubber dams along the left embankment, and digging lakes and islands between the second and third rubber dams at the intersection of the east and west tributaries of Luanhe River Bay. Huangtai Mountain Park and surrounding works will be built on the left side of the embankment. [10]

Ecological governance

In 2007, Hebei Province used Asian development bank The loan will be used to build five sewage treatment plants and about 200 km of supporting pipe network in the Hailuan River basin. The loan amount of the project is 82.36 million US dollars, to increase the sewage treatment capacity of 540000 tons/day and improve the quality of water resources in the project city and downstream areas. Tangshan, Chengde, Zhangjiakou (Xuanhua) and Baoding are involved.

Flood No

Influenced by the heavy rainfall since July 12, 2021, the inflow of Panjiakou Reservoir on the Luanhe River in the Haihe River Basin at 14:00 on July 13 was 2390 cubic meters per second. According to the Regulations on Flood Numbering of Major Rivers in China issued by the Ministry of Water Resources, the number is "Luanhe River 2021 Flood No. 1 ". [11]