Manchu script

The written form of Manchu
zero Useful+1
Manchu (Manchu: 6190ᠠ ᠨ ᠵ ᡠ ᡥ ᡝ ᡤ ᡝ ᠨ, transliterated: manju hegen; English: Manchu script) is used for spelling Manchu language The text of. Manchu mainly borrowed from the traditional Uighur Mongolian , and then improved on this basis to form a consistent Manchu book national language New Manchu for expressing requirements. [1]
The Manchu not only created their own characters - Manchu, but also popularized and used Manchu as the legal characters of the Qing Dynasty, forming a large number of ancient Manchu literature, including books, archives, inscriptions Genealogy , maps, etc. 55 in China Ethnic Minority Ancient Books and Documents Manchu ancient books are among the largest in terms of quantity and type. It's in History of Chinese Characters Of Minority languages It plays an important role in Chinese nation cultural heritage With an important history Cultural values
Chinese name
Manchu script
Foreign name
ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ ᡥᡝᡵᡤᡝᠨ [1] (Manchu)
Manju Hergen (transcribed from Manchu)
Manchu Script (English)
The written form of Manchu
Spelling Language
Manchu language
Alphabetic text
Usage period
Since 1599

brief introduction

Nixan saman - i bithe
One used by Manchu in China Pinyin characters Emperor Taizu of the Qing Dynasty in 1599 Nurhachi life Erdeni and Gagai Two person reference Mongolian The letters created Manchu, which is called non dotted Manchu (ᡨ ᠣ ᠩ ᡴ ᡳ ᡶ ᡠ ᡴ ᠠ ᡴ ᡡ ᡥ ᡝ ᡤ ᡝ ᠨ), tongki fuka akv hergen), Commonly known as Old Manchu, it has roughly the same number and shape as Mongolian characters, and has been used for more than 30 years. 1632 Emperor Taizong of Qing Dynasty Huangtaiji Order Dahai (1594-1632) to improve this kind of writing. Dahai uses such methods as adding a circle and dot next to the prefix, changing the shape of some prefixes, and adding new prefixes to express the original indistinguishable voice, which standardizes Morphology , improved the spelling method, and created a special prefix for spelling foreign words. The improved Manchu has a relatively complete letter system and Orthography , which is obviously different from Mongolian letters, is commonly known as dotted Manchu. In addition, the 13th year of Qianlong's reign (1748) Chinese The seal script has created Manchu seal characters, with a total of 32 fonts, named according to the characteristics of strokes, such as Yingluo seal script, Longshu, etc., for seal cutting and artistic creation. Manchu was used as a "national letter" in the Qing Dynasty, and it was used together with Chinese. After the Revolution of 1911, Manchu was basically no longer used. The earliest Manchu documents are《 Manchu original file 》Etc.
Manchu is written vertically from left to right. It can be divided into twelve characters according to syllables; There are 6 orders by letter vowel , 19 Consonant letter , 2 vowels for Chinese loanwords, 8 consonants for loanwords. The basic strokes are: Coronet , word teeth, word circles, word points, word endings, two different directions of word prime, word stem, etc. same letter Independent writing, different positions in words( Prefix , middle of the word Suffix )When the letters before and after are different, the shapes are often different (consonants letter Generally not written independently, some consonants letter No suffix form, table Velar nasal The letter of ng [ŋ] ᠊ ᠩ has no headform). Press initial syllable )The writing method can be divided into Independent , prefix type, middle type, suffix type. The symbols that mark sentence and reading (sentence and reading, Manchu: ᠴ ᡳ ᡴ ᠋ ᠌ ᠋, Taiqing transliteration: qik, Mu Lindefu transliteration: cik) are: "᠈" (equivalent to comma), "᠉" (equivalent to full stop).

Manchu language

Manchu script
Manchu language genus Altaic Manchu-Tungusic Branch Manchu branch. Others believe that Manchu is an independent branch of Altaic language family, which is separated from Tungusic language family. At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the scope of use began to gradually narrow Heihe River There are also people in Fuyu County and Fuyu County who can use Manchu for oral communication. It is generally believed that Manchu has North Manchu dialect and South Manchu dialect, the latter is Manchu literary language The basis of dialect. The Manchu native language has 6 vowels and 19 consonants, as well as 2 vowels and 8 consonants of Chinese borrowings. Existing Manchu Agglutinative language And widely used Function word As an expression grammatical meaning Means. Nouns have no possessive form, and verbs have no personal form. principal-subordinate composite sentence Relatively developed. The vocabulary reflects the social characteristics of the Manchu in various historical stages. Due to the large absorption of Manchu Han culture Therefore, there are many words that imitate Chinese patterns in vocabulary.

historical background



Manchu script
Jurchen It was created in the Jin Dynasty. When Jin died, it had gradually lost its power. however statehood Guards To Mingzhi Table text , the main character is still Nuzhen, and the Chinese version is attached, which is limited to official documents. Letters, bookkeeping and other matters that usually come and go Mongolian Although Nurhachi knew Chinese and Mongolian languages, he suffered a lot from translation because his tribe used Mongolian; Even when it comes to the delivery of the text, obstacles will inevitably occur. In February of the 27th year of Wanli, Erdeni and Gagai were ordered to reform National credentials The second minister said in his speech:“ mangol It is said that officials have known it through practice for a long time and have failed to reform the system. " Nurhachi said: "The Han people read Chinese, and everyone who has learned Chinese characters knows that; Mongolian people read Mongolian, although they have not learned Mongolian characters, they also know it. The language of our country today must be translated into mongolian Reading it, those who have not learned Mongolian cannot know it. How can we make it difficult to use our own language to make Chinese characters, instead of making it easy to learn other countries' language? "The two officials said to each other," The Chinese language is the best, but the officials did not know how to use it, so it is hard to hear. "Nurhachi said," It is not difficult! But if the Mongolian character is combined with the Chinese voice, and it is combined into a sentence, then the meaning can be seen from the text. For example, the A-word (the first prefix of the first Mongolian character) is combined with the Yima word (the sixty first prefix within the first prefix), not the A-word( Manchu language Father's voice sounds like ama)? Is the word "evil" (the first and sixth initials) under the word "unity" (the first and sixty second initials) not "evil" (the Manchu mother sounds like eme)? I have learned this, why not! " Sui used Mongolian characters to make the twelve letter beginning Manchu The Manchu language was created and issued to the junior high school, and the spread of Manchu language began from then on.
Manchu The ancestors of Sushen people have their own Languages , because there is no clear written record, it is now impossible to verify. But there is evidence that, Jurchen As the ancestors of the Manchu people, they had their own language. At first, they did not have their own characters, but borrowed them Khitan Nvzhen Leader A bone attack establish Jin State Later, out of the need of governing the country, Jin Taizu Perfect face A Gu Da life Wanyan Xiyin Creation Jurchen Wanyan Xiyin was ordered to "imitate the regular script of Han people, because Khitan The system, in accordance with the native language, makes the Nuzhen character ", which is known as the" Nuzhen big character "in history. After more than ten years of using the "Jurchen big character", Jin Xizong Wanyan also created a Nuzhen character, known as "Nuzhen Small Characters" in history. Since then, the two Nuzhen characters have been used in parallel. After the demise of Jin, the Nuzhen people who entered the Central Plains suffered Chinese culture Under the influence of the Chinese culture, people gradually changed to Chinese, and no one knew their own language, while Nvzhen people in the northeast still used their own language. By the late Ming Dynasty, Ben national language It is still in use, but the characters have been abandoned and gradually become unknown, so Nuzhen Ren changed to use it Mongolian
Manchu script
From the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the seventeenth century, Jianzhou Jurchens The leader Nurhachi basically unified the various departments of Jurchen, and the political, economic, military, cultural and other aspects of Jurchen society have developed rapidly. The contact with the Ming Dynasty and Mongolian departments has become increasingly frequent. They still use Mongolian characters to record events and communicate not suited to Jurchen society Comprehensive development Needs. 1599( Ming Wanli In the 27th year of the 20th century, Nurhachi decided to create his own national characters and ordered Erdeni and Gagai to create them. The specific creation process is《 Manchurian Record 》There are relatively detailed records. In February of that year, Nurhachi wanted to create his own national characters by imitating the Mongolian alphabet, and told the ministers Erdeni and Gagai their ideas and ideas, so that they could implement them. So Erdeni and Gagai said to Nurhachi, "We learned Mongolian characters before we knew it mongolian If we compile and translate books in Chinese, we cannot. " Nurhachi said: "The Han people read Chinese characters, and they know it with or without scholars. The Mongolian people read Mongolian characters, and they know it with or without scholars Words If you don't learn Mongolian, you can't know it. Why do you find it difficult to edit words in your own language and easy to use other countries' words? " Erdeni and Gagai replied, "It is best to make words in Chinese. But we can't translate them into sentences, so it's hard to hear, As an outstanding leader of Nvzhen, Nurhachi played a decision-making and guiding role. Shortly after Erdeni and Gagai were ordered to create Manchu, Gagai "tried to trap people by doing things", and Erdeni alone completed the creation task. The creation and promulgation of Manchu fully adapted to Jurchen social development At the same time, it helps to promote the further development of Jurchen society and the establishment of political power.
The Manchu language created by Erdeni and others is based on Mongolian letters. Its letters are basically modeled on Mongolian letters, without dots. It is called "Manchu without dots" (62486179ᠩ ᡴ ᡳ ᡶ ᡠ ᡴ ᠠ ᡡ ᡥ ᡝ ᡤ ᡝ ᡝ ᢌ, tongki fuka akv hergen) or“ Old Manchu ”。 This kind of Manchu, because it is new, has certain shortcomings and shortcomings. As《 Old Manchu Files 》It was pointed out that "twelve character initials, originally without a circle point, have no distinction from top to bottom, so that tower, da, te, de, za, zhe, ya, ye, etc. are all indistinguishable as one. If ordinary languages are spoken according to their phonology, they can be easily understood. If people's names and place names are used, they may be wrong." To sum up, the problems existing in the old Manchu script mainly include the following three points: first, the writing form of the initials is not standardized, There are several writing forms of the same prefix, which are often confused and inconvenient to use; Second, one word with many tones, that is, consonant and consonant Phoneme Confusion, leading to the mutual borrowing of prefixes, which is difficult to identify; Third, transliterating Chinese loan , such as people's names, official names, place names, and object names. It is obvious that the existing prefixes are not enough. Therefore, with the further development of the Jurchen society, the problems existing in the "old Manchu" have become increasingly prominent. It is inconvenient to learn or use it, and it is inevitable to improve and perfect it.
be careful: Manchu language use Manchu script Manchu Originates from Tradition Mongolian , while traditional Mongolian can be traced back to ancient times Uighur Ancestors of Manchu juc Use Khitan Jurchen The Khitan language is derived from the Chinese language. There is no connection between Jurchen and Manchu.
See the main entry of Jurchen for details: Jurchen


In 1632, 33 years after the "Old Manchu" was used( Later Gold At the beginning of the sixth year of Tiancong (the sixth year of Tiancong's reign), Huang Taiji, the successor of Nurhachi, issued an order by Dahai Undertake the task of improving the "old Manchu". According to the records in the Biography of Dahai, a senior official of the State Dynasty, Huang Taiji "said to Dahai, 'The twelve characters in the book of the State have no punctuation, and the upper and lower characters are the same. When children learn it, they can easily understand the common language in the book, depending on its meaning. If a person's name or place name is wrong, you can add punctuation to analyze it, and then the meaning is clear Learning characters It is more beneficial. ' To reach the sea to comply with the order, to seek translation, and to add punctuation. With Chinese characters and Chinese characters transcription In case of incompleteness, additional words shall be added to the twelve character orthography. If there are still some people who can't do everything together, they will be cut into two characters, which are more accurate than Chinese characters. " Dahai's reform of "old Manchu" mainly includes the following four aspects: first, adding punctuation next to some "old Manchu" letters, so that the original identical letters can be distinguished to achieve one letter and one sound; Second, create specific letters to facilitate accurate spelling Loanwords loan; The third is to create the form of concatenation and syncopation of Manchu letters, which solves the problem of errors in transliterating people's names, official names, place names and object names; The fourth is to standardize the font and unify the writing form, eliminating the confusion of one character with many characters in the past. The Manchu improved by Dahai is called "dotted Manchu" or "new Manchu". People usually refer to "new Manchu" as the Manchu language.
It took more than 30 years from the beginning to the improvement of Manchu, and finally made Manchu a convenient and perfect language. Whether it is old Manchu or new Manchu, its promotion and use have gone through a process. The creation and improvement of Manchu were both completed under the decision and guidance of the supreme ruler of Jurchen, so the promotion and use of both will inevitably adopt administrative decree This method is very effective. After the Manchu language was founded, it was popularized and used in a relatively short time due to its vigorous promotion. From the existing original files written in old Manchu, the earliest one is 1607 (the 35th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty)《 Old Manchu Files 》。 This shows that the old Manchu script was created in 1599 (the 27th year of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty), and was at least widely used in official document writing in 1607 (the 35th year of the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty), that is, within eight years after its creation. As for when the improved new Manchu was popularized, there was no clear record in the historical records, but some basic information was also seen from the existing original files. In 1632 (the sixth year of Later Jin Tiancong), after completing the improvement of the old Manchu, it will be promoted and used immediately. However, in 1636 (Qing Dynasty Chongde New and old Manchu appeared at the same time in "Manchu Old Archives" (the first year), and there are still some problems in the old Manchu, which is difficult to identify. By the end of Chongde, there was no use of both old and new Manchu in the official documents, and they were written in new Manchu, with proficient and standard fonts. It can be seen that the implementation of the new Manchu script was basically completed in the late years of Chongde in the Qing Dynasty, which took more than ten years. After the Qing Dynasty entered the Shanhaiguan Pass and established a national political power, the use of Manchu became more extensive, except for the Manchu people who originally lived Northeast China Central state organs In addition to being widely used by various departments of the imperial court, Manchu is also used in major cities and important places throughout the country where Manchu soldiers stationed in the Eight Banners are stationed. With the passage of time, the national strength of the Qing Dynasty gradually weakened. At the same time, the Manchu accepted the Chinese culture more and more deeply, and the application of Manchu language also deteriorated. The outbreak of the 1911 Revolution and the collapse of the Qing Dynasty accelerated the pace of Manchu's withdrawal from the historical stage.
Huangqing Precious literature : The Manchu long scroll of the Qing Dynasty was composed of the Manchu album of the Qing Dynasty, with a total length of 14 meters and a width of 33 centimeters. The content is Manchu history Cultural origin The development covers the history of poetry and lyrics in Qing and Manchu dynasties, and the calligraphy is exquisite, which is proved to be a royal aristocrat in Qing and Manchu dynasties Nalanxingde Writing, like the imperial edict of the Qing Dynasty, is an important historical material for studying the documents of the emperor and the Qing Dynasty, and has high collection and research value.

Dahai correction

If the false Mongolian prefix in Manchu is the prefix, then the Mongolian pronunciation, and Manchuria The difference of pronunciation cannot be strictly distinguished. When Emperor Taizong was in Taiji, he reached the sea, and when he was in Nurhachi Initial production After sorting out the Manchu characters, we can finish the Manchu characters today. Dahai refers to Manchu Mongolian pronunciation, which is difficult to distinguish (such as the initials of kha and gha in Mongolian, and Manchu is commonly used for ka, ha and ga Trisyllabic However, aga's "word of rain" is confused with aha's "slave". The household character of boigon household registration is confused with that of boihon clay. haga“ fishbone ”It is the same as haha "man"), but it is the twelve letter prefix with a circle to make the difference between the same form and different words (for example, "rain" should not be mixed with "slave", "household" should not be mixed with "soil of soil", and "fish bone" should not be mixed with "man"). The sound of Chinese characters is hard to be heard Calligraphy The other is to add more words, which are written in two characters and cut into one character. Therefore, the Manchu script of the Taizu Dynasty is called the file without dots; The Manchu script in Taizong Dynasty is called the dotted file cloud. The Dahai surname is Juercha. He is nine years old and has the full meaning of Chinese; Weak crown, Cao Nurhachi edict. Tai Zong regarded the translation of the Da Ming Huidian, Su Shu, and San Lue as good. Tiancong died of illness after six years. It was 38 years old. The posthumous title was Wencheng.
"Da Hai Zhuan" of the Qing History Museum: "The early Taizu instructed Erdeni, the minister of literature, and Gagai to establish the national credentials, which has a certain shape, sound, scale, and body. Da Hai followed it and added it to the twelve character prefix. It was finally said by Da Hai: 'The twelve character prefix of the national book has no punctuation, and the upper and lower characters are the same. When children learn it, they can easily understand the meaning of the common language in the book. If people, names and places are bound to make mistakes, you can add punctuation to analyze it, and then the sound and meaning will be clear, which is more beneficial to graphology.' Da Hai follows the order to search, and adds dots. In addition, foreign characters are added to the twelve character orthography for those whose Chinese characters are not completely matched with Chinese characters. If there is still something that can not be perfectly coordinated, it will be cut into two characters, and its pronunciation is more accurate than that of Chinese characters. Therefore, it is the use of national credentials. " The Biography of Virtuous and Good People: "Emperor Taizong ordered Confucian officials to translate Chinese books, and Dahai translated Su Shu, San Lue, Ming Huidian, and Statutes. He also translated historical books of all dynasties, so that people can fully understand them and understand ancient and modern allusions. All edicts and decrees should also be in Chinese, leading the delegation to convey them to Hai.". According to the Korean "Shen Zhong Yi Tu Lu", "Wai is a native of Shangguo (referring to the Ming Dynasty). He came from the Nu Chieftain (referring to Nurhachi), and he was in charge of the paperwork, but he had no sense of writing. Besides this person, there was no one who understood the text, and there was no learner." It can be seen that the Emperor Taizu did not have a deep understanding of the Chinese language, and he began to make slight progress when he reached the sea.

A brief introduction

Manchu Initial (manju hergen - i uju uju)
The false Mongolian character in Manchu has twelve characters. It is doubtful whether its words still have the value of existence today. The imperial edict of the Qing Dynasty was written in both Han and Manchu, but few people learned Manchu. Namely, the imperial clan Jueluo Eight Banner Children He also takes proficiency in Chinese as his main task. In Shunzhi, although once prohibited school established for members of the royal household Students learn Chinese (see Chapter 20, Section 84 for details). However, the assimilation of Han and Manchu did not stop them. Recently, there are few differences between Han people and Manchu people, and the Qing Dynasty literature is almost the same as the specialized industry. It is unknown that it will disappear gradually after decades. With the power of Chinese characters, there are revolutionaries in recent times. What about the numerous initials of Qingwen, unprepared organization, and inconvenient handwriting? But its value left over in history cannot be unknown. I would like to give a brief explanation of the twelve character prefix, With Kan-on , Western languages, and phonetic prefixes.
The first prefix, which is 131 characters in total, is the initial and final of the last eleven characters, which is the most important. The list is as follows:
The Chinese characters in the above table are all from the full sound, and when they are read by ordinary people, they will not be mistaken for the famous sound. to Roman characters Pinyin, and the initials of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, are summarized from the National Phonetic Dictionary; The full word reference is taken from dance patterns《 Enlightenment in Qing Dynasty 》。 If there are errors in the books, they should be corrected according to their knowledge. Those who read them will forgive me!
The first word is light lip and tongue contraction. Pronunciation: just add a word of clothing under each word such as the first word, read it closely, cut it into a rhyme, and get its sound. For example, "He Wei" should be read like love; That is, the cutting sound of Yi. Another example:
Together, read like Noyiqie. The rest are similar.
The third character begins with rolling tongue and purring sound. Pronunciation: just add a purr under each word and read it closely, that is. For example: should read such as Al. Its sound and German The eighteen character prefix () is very similar. All others are like this.
The fourth or even the twelfth prefix is under each word of the first prefix, and another word is added to form a sound. Same as the second and third. For the convenience of readers, Simple table These are as follows:
The first, the second, the fourth, the fifth, and the tenth are the beginning of the case Monophony , which can be co accessed. The rest are double tone repetition, and none of them rhyme. However, at the beginning of the creation, the Mongolian prefix was used to make a different style, which should be mainly phonetically cut, in order to match with the language and Chinese Six books are different. so Left row Pinyin, Wuning, means that it is similar to the characters of the West Asian countries. (The source of Manchu and Mongolian characters is polar similar to Korean and Japanese characters East Asia Speech science can also be in the same line.)

Writing rules


Basic rules

The new Manchu script commonly used in the Qing Dynasty has a total of twelve characters, and each group has about one hundred characters. The fonts are mainly divided into regular script, running script, cursive script and seal script. Taipei National Palace Museum Collection of Qing Dynasty history Guan Zhuan revised Guoyu Annals manuscript At the head of the volume is an article titled "The Source of Manchu Literature" written by Kui Shan. The original text points out that "the characters are used to tie ropes. No matter what country's characters are, their entanglement and inflection all contain the meaning of tying ropes. However, the systems are different, depending on the terrain. There are many rivers in Europe, and the ancient English and French characters run wild, like wind waves, like water lines. The hometown of Manchuria is full of mountains and forests, so the characters stand tall, like ancient trees, like isolated peaks. It is not accidental that words are created to appeal to people's hearts. The spirit of people's hearts is rooted in the natural principles of heaven and earth.] Manchu is a kind of Pinyin characters , inheriting the characteristics of the old Manchu, from top to bottom, from left to right, straight line writing, beautiful and beautiful shape, the creation of Manchu has its own culture geographical environment It's really no accident.
Manchu letters have different shapes at different positions in the vocabulary. They are divided into Unidimensional , initial form, middle form and final form. Although Manchu is borrowed from traditional Mongolian, the writing method and rules of many letters are different from Mongolian. Some words in Mongolian have segmentation at the end, but Manchu does not. This is the simplest judgment to distinguish Mongolian from Manchu. Modern traditional Mongolian rewrites foreign loan words with double consonants, while Manchu does not.
punctuation. The punctuation marks in modern Manchu are roughly the same as those in Chinese characters, but they should be rotated 90 degrees because Manchu is Vertical Written. In addition, the comma in Manchu is a small downward arrow, and the period is two small downward arrows.

Manchu taboo

The taboo on the names of emperors and saints in Chinese has existed since ancient times. Since entering the GATT, the Qing Dynasty has inherited the Ming system, especially after the patriarchal clan has set the generation, when writing Chinese, there are taboos. In order to protect the Qing Dynasty feudal society ranking system The taboo of Manchu also experienced a process from scratch, but because taboo is not a Manchu custom, its situation is very complicated, and its taboo rules can refer to "Learning Manchu to Mentor Song for Beginners".
Manchu was originally a kind of Phonograph Manchu has sound but no meaning, but in writing, sometimes in order to distinguish between pronunciation and word meaning, in addition to avoiding the names of emperors and saints, some words end in n, add a dot on the left side of the suffix to distinguish pronunciation, such as a and en. If no dot is added, the font is not very distinguishable, so en is somewhat. The other is to distinguish the meaning of words. The syllables that represent the n-ending sound of the transliteration of Chinese loanwords need to be dotted. If there is no dot, it means that the word is the original word. For example, han, the word without dot means "han", which means "han king" and "emperor"; The word "Han" means Han of Han nationality; an, Wudian means the original words "ordinary", "mediocre" and so on, and adding a dot translates an in Chinese syllables.
The other is to slightly rewrite the Manchu words into similar sounds, while the Chinese characters are Lack of pen

Manchu calligraphy

Manchu has four types of characters, namely, regular script, running script, cursive script and seal script. Regular script has a wide range of uses, and is used for printing, engraving and refining various books Copybook And imperial edicts, decrees Memorial Titlebook And other official documents. The use of semi cursive script is more extensive. Semi cursive script is used in the copying of ordinary books, drafting of various manuscripts, writing of correspondence between central and local state organs and officials at all levels, and collecting and archiving of various official documents. Cursive script has a narrow scope of use, mainly used for drafting some manuscripts, writing personal letters and notes, and Calligraphy works And so on. In 1748 (the 13th year of Qianlong's reign), Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty ordered Fu Heng and others to recreate the Chinese seal characters Manchu seal characters , a total of 32 characters, and determined the name of the combination of Manchu and Chinese characters of each character, namely Jade tendon seal , Zhiying Seal Script, Upper Big Seal Script Xiaozhuan , Zhong Ding Zhuan Hanging Open Seal Script Liu Ye Zhuan Shuzhuan Hanging Needle Seal Script , Dragon Seal Script, Sui Script, Bird Trace Seal Script, Chuiyun Seal Script, Phoenix Seal Script Imperial duel book Tortoise script Inverted alligator seal Bird book , grave script, large seal script, lin script, Zhuansu seal script Carved insect seal , carved seal Gold fault Seal, Hu Tou Seal Flying White Book Dragon Claw Seal Script characters not included in the traditional six categories Tassel vein Seal, Scissor Seal, Blue Falling Seal. Since then, the types of Manchu seal characters have increased, with standardized fonts and unified names. In order to promote the newly created Manchu seal characters, they were printed in 32 fonts《 Imperial Shengjing Fu 》。 However, the use of Manchu seal characters was narrow, and they were mainly used to carve seals and official seals in the Qing Dynasty.

Manchu Digitization

Manchu script Unicode The font and input method have come out and can be realized Computer input And correct display. However, because most web pages can not support vertical typesetting, the current network still uses Taiqing Manchu transcription or Mulinda Transcribe for communication.

historical significance


historical value

Treaties concluded by the Qing government with foreign countries and important domestic proclamations and documents must be in Manchu Frontier sealed officials And courtiers to report to the emperor military aircraft For the sake of confidentiality, the Manchu script is often used to write off important events and official and public conditions. In the Qing Dynasty, a large number of official documents were written in Manchu, and a large number of Chinese classics were translated in Manchu. In addition, many inscriptions and genealogies preserved in the Qing Dynasty are also written in Manchu History of the Qing Dynasty The witness of is an extremely precious historical heritage.
Preserved Manchu literature Most of them are written in improved characters (i.e. new Manchu), such as《 Foreign record 》, Nishan Shaman and a series of Qingwen Jian Named dictionaries, etc. In addition, there is a Manchu seal character, which was created in the 13th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1748) with reference to Chinese seal characters. There are 32 kinds of fonts, named according to the characteristics of strokes, such as Yingluo Zhuan, Longshu, etc. It has been printed by the Emperor Qianlong with this seal character《 Imperial Shengjing Fu 》, but it is mainly used for jade seals and imperial seals.
Manchu as a "national letter" in the Qing Dynasty Clerical papers Chinese and Chinese are used together, and he has written works on history, literature, language and characters, and translated《 Mencius 》、《 Compendium of Zizhi Tongjian 》, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Strange Stories from a Liaozhai, etc. After the Revolution of 1911, Manchu was basically no longer used. Millions of Manchu language archives have been preserved to study the social nature of the early Qing Dynasty, the history of the Qing Dynasty, and China external relations As well as precious information about the evolution of Manchu and Manchu.
Manuscript of Manchu Difficult Meridians Code
Manchu archives in the Qing Dynasty can be said to be all inclusive, covering a wide range of areas, and most of the content reflected is not seen in Chinese archives and other documents, which has important use and research value. Manchu archives are used to study the general history of the Qing Dynasty and various Special history It is also an inexhaustible treasure house for studying Manchu and Manchu.


Existing Manchu Language in China administrative archives It is as vast as a sea, but few people can understand Manchu. In this way, a connection is formed, that is, as the Manchu language is on the verge of extinction, precious historical materials such as Manchu archives will also become "passwords" that cannot be deciphered. As the memory of a region, historical materials, especially archives, bear the burden here Social history Comprehensive information on development. Manchu archives, as valuable first-hand materials for studying the history of the Qing Dynasty and Manchu, are the historical basis for making the past serve the present.
However, although the preserved Manchu historical materials are very rich, with the change of history, the Manchu language has been in an endangered predicament. If it dies, the rise of the Qing Dynasty, its domination of the Central Plains Kangxi Qianlong heyday Such content will soon become a kind of historical fossil that cannot be deciphered. This pair Chinese nation traditional culture Our inheritance is an irreparable loss.
The emergence of any kind of writing is the product of social development to a certain historical stage. From the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century, Nuerhachi, the leader of Jurchen in Jianzhou, led his tribe to gallop, and devoted himself to unifying the various departments of Jurchen. With intense Military struggle Jianzhou Jurchen's social economy and culture developed rapidly, and its contacts with various ministries of the Ming Dynasty, Korea and Mongolia increased day by day. Conforming to the needs of social development, Nurhachi ordered Erdeni and Gagai to create Manchu in the 27th year of Wanli (1599) of the Ming Dynasty. Later generations called it "Manchu without dots" or "Old Manchu". Huang Taiji, the son of Nurhachi, ordered Dahai to reform the old Manchu script. Later generations called the reformed Manchu script "dotted Manchu" or "new Manchu". After the Qing Dynasty settled the Central Plains, Manchu was identified as the "national language", and Manchu was regarded as the "national letter".
The world has gone through many vicissitudes. Today, more than 10 million Manchu people are mainly distributed in northeast China( Heilongjiang Jilin Liaoning And the eastern part of Inner Mongolia), Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places, but only those in Heilongjiang Province speak Manchu as their mother tongue Fuyu County Sanjiazi Heihe City Of Aihui Few old people in other places can write Manchu. There are more than 5 million Manchu compatriots living in Liaoning, accounting for more than half of the whole Manchu population. Liaoning also has eight Manchu autonomous counties (including two county-level city )And several Manchu villages and towns are the main areas where Manchu people gather and activities, but the situation is also not optimistic. with Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County For example, the only primary school in the county that can teach Manchu is in a state of suspension due to the lack of teachers, lack of funds, and students' inability to find a way out after graduation.
New China was founded Later, the study and research of Manchu language was highly valued Central University for Nationalities Heilongjiang University And other colleges and universities have set up Manchu language classes to train Manchu language professionals. However, with the passage of time, quite a number of Manchu language professionals have retired, while the middle-aged and young Manchu language professionals are extremely scarce, forming a serious gap in Manchu language professionals, and those who are proficient in Manchu language are rare.
in recent years, Liaoning Provincial Archives application scientific method Manchu files were protected and stored, and a series of measures were taken to prevent fire, theft, dust, insects, moisture and corrosion. From the perspective of technology and security, Manchu files stored in modern warehouses seem to have entered“ Safe Deposit Box ”。 However, due to the small number of staff who are proficient in Manchu, whether it is collation and cataloging, or translation and publishing Task Are extremely arduous. It can be said that how to make“ Dead file ”As soon as possible, the lack of Manchu language professionals has become the "bottleneck" of saving and protecting Manchu archives. In the long run, a large number of precious historical materials in Manchu may become words that no one can decipher.