Swimming Pool

[yóu yǒng chí]
A place for swimming
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Swimming The pool is a special place for people to swim. People can play or compete in it. Most swimming pools are built on the ground and can be divided into general swimming pools and warm water swimming pools according to the water temperature. It is divided into indoor and outdoor. The formal swimming pool is 50 meters long, 21 meters wide at least, and 1.8 meters deep; For swimming, diving and Water Polo Comprehensive pool, with water depth of 1.3~3.5m; set up 10m platform And the water depth should be 5 meters. The water temperature of the swimming pool should be kept at 27~28 ° C. There should be filtration and disinfection equipment to keep the water in the pool clean.
Chinese name
Swimming Pool
Foreign name
swimming pool
General swimming pool and warm water swimming pool
Generally 50 meters
Water depth
More than 1.8m
p    H
Generally 21 meters
A place for swimming


Swimming Pool
The standard swimming pool is 50 meters long and 21 meters wide, Olympic Games World Championships The swimming pool with a width of 25 meters and a length of only half of 25 meters is called Short cistern , the water depth is more than 1.8m; There are 8 Lane , every Track width 2.5 meters, plus 0.5 meters for side roads; Starting Platforms It should be centered on the center line of each swimming lane, and the table top should be 50 cm × 50 cm. The front edge of the table facing the water surface should be 50 to 70 cm higher than the water surface, and the table top should not incline to the water surface more than 10 degrees. The bank width of the swimming pool is generally not less than 5m at the end of the starting platform, and not less than 3m at the rest of the pool banks. For the official competition pool, the starting platform pool shore width is not less than 10 meters, and the other shore width is not less than 5 meters. There are also 25 meter swimming pool competitions in the world.
Length: 20 * 50m=1000m2 or width: 20 * 25=500m2
(1) The pool is generally 50m long, Allowable error +0.03m。 The electric shock plate timing device can be installed at the pool end (the specification of the electric shock plate is 2.4m × 0.9m × 0.01m, and at both ends Pool wall 30 above water cm The board is placed at, and immersed in water for 60cm. The board surface is brightly colored and marked with the same marking line as the pool wall marking line.) The total length of the pool is 50m, the length of the short pool is 25m, the total length of the short pool is 25m, and the allowable error is+0.02m. The pool walls at both ends must meet this requirement from 30cm above the water surface to 80cm below the water surface. (2) The pool is 21m wide and 25m for the Olympic World Championships. (3) The water depth is required to be ≥ 1.8m, which can be set on the pool wall within 1.2m from the water surface Rest platform The table top is 10-15cm wide. (4) Each lane is 2.5m wide, and the side lane is 0.5m wide Lane Rope The lane separation line shall be hung on both ends of the pool wall with buoy lines. The wall shall be equipped with line hooks, and the pool bottom and end wall shall be equipped with swimming lanes Centerline , is a dark marker line. (5) The starting platform shall be centered on the center line of each swimming lane, and the table top shall be 50cm × 50cm. The front edge of the platform facing the water surface shall be 50~70cm higher than the water surface, and the table top shall not incline to the water surface more than 10cm. It shall ensure that athletes can grasp the table top in front and on both sides when starting. The starting platform shall be equipped with a backstroke handshaker that does not protrude from the outside of the pool wall, 30~60cm higher than the water surface, and there are two kinds of horizontal and vertical handshakes. There should be numbers indicating the number of swimming lanes around the departure platform, and the numbers should be arranged from right to left in the direction of departure. (6) The swimming pool needs to install overflow tanks on both sides of the wall to maintain the requirements of the pool water and drain the floating dirt on the surface. The climbing ladder of the swimming pool shall be embedded in the pool, generally 4-6, and its position shall not affect the referee's work. (7) The wall of the pool must be vertical and flat, and the bottom of the pool must be anti-skid Surface course Flat, smooth and easy to clean. Generally, the wall of the pool is pasted with white mosaic, the bottom of the pool is pasted with white glazed tiles, and the sign line of the swimming lane is black glazed tile (8) The bank width of the swimming pool is generally ≥ 5m at the end of the starting platform, and ≥ 3m at the rest. For the formal competition pool, the bank width of the departure pool is ≥ 10m, and the other bank width is ≥ 5m.

Normal level

The level of conventional swimming pool is generally:
The swimming pool for international competition is 50m * 25m * 2m in size;
Swimming Pool
National competition swimming pool 50m * 21m * 2m, swimming pool
There is no limit on the width of 25m long swimming pool in general clubs
Swimming pool water treatment branch physical process and chemical process Two parts, these two processes in the swimming pool water Processing None of them is dispensable.
The physical process is that the water in the swimming pool passes through Circulating water treatment equipment The water in the pool is purified by the filtration function of.
Chemical process refers to the addition of Chemicals Disinfection, flocculation, algae removal and other treatments are carried out to make the pool water clean and sanitary through the role of physical processes.
These two processes can be carried out at the same time to ensure that the water quality of the pool reaches national standard To make your swimming pool pass smoothly Hygiene and epidemic prevention Department inspection. The most important thing is that people who exercise in the swimming pool can really achieve the goal of fitness without being infected with diseases.
Pool water cycle It is mainly divided into the following three situations:
Downstream: water is pumped from the bottom of the pool through the water system and then sent into the pool from the pool wall.
Countercurrent: water is pumped from the overflow ditch on the pool surface to the pool from the bottom through the water system.
Mixed flow : Both of the above situations exist.
Among them, the downstream construction is the most commonly used, because the construction is relatively simple, while the upstream construction is complex, but the water treatment is clean and the water quality is good.

Pool water disinfection

Swimming Pool
Swimming pool water disinfection is a very important problem. If it is not solved well, the swimming pool may become a place to spread diseases. The water temperature in the swimming pool is appropriate, yes Typhoid fever Paratyphoid fever dysentery , hepatitis, acute conjunctivitis Pustulosis etc. pathogenic bacteria Suitable growth environment, hepatitis virus encephalitis Viruses often spread diseases through water Swimming pool Disinfection of water Generally, the following requirements should be met: 1. The disinfection method adopted must have a strong sterilization effect, which can quickly and massively kill bacteria, that is, 99.9% of microorganisms can be eliminated within 30 seconds;
2. The sterilization effect should have a reasonable duration to effectively control the new pollution brought into the pool by swimmers;
3. For the mucosa of swimmers, the skin must be non irritating and will not cause bad smell in the air; Swimming Pool;
4. The dosage must be easy to control and be able to quickly determine the presence and effect of agents in water with simple methods;
5. While considering all relevant factors Transportation expenses Aspects must have reasonable Economy
The most commonly used method is chlorine disinfection. Chlorine can be produced in water Hypochloric acid , hypochlorite will diffuse to the surface of bacteria cell membrane It enters the cell interior, which is due to the chlorine atom oxidation It breaks the system of certain enzymes in bacteria, which eventually leads to the death of bacteria.
An important feature of chlorine disinfection is that in the disinfected pool water, appropriate residual chlorine can be maintained as required, so that the pool water that is constantly polluted by human body can be continuously disinfected during the use of the pool water. Generally, the residual chlorine content of swimming pool water is required to be 0.4-0.6mg/1. In addition, in order to ensure the efficiency of disinfectant and not cause corrosion of equipment and swimming pool surface, it is required to PH I.e PH value Keep it between 7.4 and 7.6.
Swimming pool water
Liquid chlorine Hypochlorite The advantage of liquid chlorine lies in its simplicity and low cost, which can kill many bacteria Pathogen , virus and parasite Eggs, to prevent cholera And typhoid fever played a key role, but it is very easy to leak out Toxic Substances Pay attention to safety during storage and use, Sodium hypochlorite solution It is a commonly used powerful bactericide, high-efficiency oxidant and excellent bleaching agents , widely used in all walks of life in China. Compared with other disinfectants, sodium hypochlorite has a broad spectrum, efficient and rapid disinfection effect, and is safe, non-toxic, non-toxic and has no side effects on human body. It has a wide range of uses. It is an ideal, convenient, safe and convenient efficient chlorine disinfectants in China Disinfection products his Available chlorine content It is 12.5% - 13.5%, and is very unstable, easy to decompose, and cannot be stored for a long time.
The evaluation of disinfectants should comprehensively consider their killing ability and stability in water. The four commonly used disinfectants for water treatment are liquid chlorine chlorine dioxide , sodium hypochlorite chloramines In terms of ozone, from the perspective of sterilization ability, ozone>chlorine dioxide>sodium hypochlorite>liquid chlorine>chloramine; In terms of stability, chloramine>sodium hypochlorite>chlorine dioxide>liquid chlorine>ozone. It can be seen from this that sodium hypochlorite is a disinfectant with excellent disinfection effect and stability. It can be used not only for disinfection of various water bodies, but also for other sanitary disinfection. Sodium hypochlorite generator Comparison with several disinfectants:
1、 sodium hypochlorite Underwater solubility High, little volatilization from water during disinfection, almost no smell. When liquid chlorine is used for disinfection, the improper operation chlorine It escapes from the water and has a strong smell. It needs to stop the tank for exhaust ventilation for a certain time, Sodium hypochlorite disinfection There is no need to stop the pool, which extends the opening time of the pool. It can be disinfected while swimming. It is flexible, Randomness Good, few constraints.
2. It is difficult to transport and store liquid chlorine, and liquid chlorine is a highly toxic substance, which is very harmful to people and animals, especially for long-term operators Tracheitis and bronchitis
3. Sodium hypochlorite oxidation Decolorization The effect of deodorization and deodorization is significant, which can significantly change the chroma , odor, not mixed with ammonia, nitrogen and nitrogen organic compound Reaction. Sodium hypochlorite is Strong oxidant It will not react with organic substances in water to produce chloramine Chlorophenol Trichloromethane Isoorganic chloride Aquatic Carcinogen Organic poisons have strong oxidation Degradation
4. Sodium hypochlorite is broad-spectrum and efficient in killing viruses Spore It has a strong killing ability and a small dosage, contact time Short, good effect. Practical proof Sodium hypochlorite is very suitable for disinfection of swimming pool water, killing various viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, etc. transmitted by water supply.
Swimming Pool
5. Effect of sodium hypochlorite on algae The growth has the ability of killing and inhibiting. After adding sodium hypochlorite, the algae can be killed in a very short time.
6. The sodium hypochlorite generator produces liquid, so it has good stability, safety, no hidden dangers, convenient dosing, and easy to achieve constant ratio dosing. and Chlorine dioxide generator Due to the gas produced, the stability is poor, and the dosage is difficult to control; In case of failure during dosing, there is a danger of explosion.
7. Items of sodium hypochlorite generator Technical indicators There are national standards, but chlorine dioxide generator belongs to Non standard products , the user cannot check the quality of the purchased equipment.
8. Chlorine dioxide generator is electrolytic saturated Salt water The comprehensive disinfection gas is generated, and the experiment shows that chlorine dioxide Gas content Low, only 8-10%. In addition, the chlorine dioxide generator uses diaphragm electrolysis. The filter diaphragm is a kind of permeable membrane, which is easy to be blocked and needs to be replaced frequently. During the electrolysis process, the alkali and Desalinate electrolyte Sodium hypochlorite generator is Diaphragm free electrolysis There is no need to change the membrane, discharge alkali and dilute electrolyte labour intensity not big.
Swimming Pool
9. Chlorine dioxide is added to the water body to be disinfected as a transport carrier, which is undoubtedly a great waste of water resources. Sodium hypochlorite can be added directly without water as a carrier.
10. The cost of sodium hypochlorite treatment per ton of water is about 0.02 yuan, while the cost of chlorine dioxide treatment per ton of water is about 0.05 yuan.
In a word, for the disinfection of swimming pool water, the sodium hypochlorite disinfection method is efficient, low consumption, safe and reliable, and is an ideal choice for disinfectant products.

Coagulation treatment of pool water

Swimming pool water
"Swimming pool water Water quality standards ”Required swimming pool water Turbidity Do not exceed 5 degrees. The swimming pool water is turbid due to sediment, clay, algae, microorganisms and some organic substances. In order to reduce the turbidity of the pool water, the pool water must be coagulated, that is, added to the water coagulant , adsorb the turbid matter of small particles in the water to agglomerate it into large particles, and finally produce precipitation, precipitate Drain out of the pool through the filter.

Algae removal treatment of pool water

The water temperature of the swimming pool is generally between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, which is very suitable for the propagation and growth of algae, such as irregular algae removal. The water in the pool will turn dark green, and in serious cases, the turbidity of the water in the pool will increase, and the bottom of the pool will turn black and smell. In this case, the following steps should be taken: first, add disinfectant, second, add algaecide, and third flocculant Fourth, strengthen the cycle.

Water quality standards

As Aquatic Sports It is inseparable from the control, monitoring and treatment of the water quality of the swimming pool. It is required that the sensory properties of the pool water are good, and the water does not contain Pathogenic Microbes , chemistry in water material No harm human health To ensure the safety and reliability of the swimming pool water quality. The implementation of the Water Quality Standards for Swimming Pools (CJ 244-2007) will play an important role in the sanitary management of swimming places in China, preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring the health and safety of swimmers. At the same time, it will provide technical guarantee for the water quality standards of various international swimming competitions held in China in the future, making the water quality standards for swimming pools in China developed country The integration will play a very positive role in the smooth holding of the Beijing Olympic Games.
Swimming pool water
In this standard, the following main principles are followed, especially for water quality Water quality index The determination of the project should be sufficient basic data , with feasible detection method, water quality Limits It is necessary to ensure good sense of water quality to prevent the outbreak of water-borne infectious diseases and other health risks. It is also necessary to consider other treatment technologies and laboratory testing costs, which are in line with China's national conditions and operable. Swimming pool water is relatively easy to treat. The water treatment of swimming pool is divided into two parts, namely, the circulating water treatment and overflow reuse water treatment of swimming pool.
Generally, the following technological process For the original swimming pool circulating water The disinfectant is added after direct filtration, and the disinfectant is Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant , provided by on-site preparation of sodium hypochlorite generator. The overflow water in the swimming pool, as long as there is no defect in the design of the circulating pipe, avoids the waste of water caused by system defects, so there is only overflow water within the normal range. For normal overflow water of swimming pool, if it needs to be treated, coagulation treatment should be carried out first, Premenstrual Filtration, swimming pool water circulating pump , and then add medicine for disinfection, and finally enter the swimming pool. Main cycle Filter tank The filter material of Quartz sand It has long service life and good algae filtering effect.
Turbidity is an index reflecting the physical properties of swimming pool. In view of disinfection and safety, the turbidity of swimming pool water should be higher than or equal to Hygienic standard for drinking water According to the national standard for drinking water (GB5749-2006), the turbidity limit is 1 for tap water NTU Considering the conventional water treatment sedimentation of domestic swimming pools- Sand filtration -Chlorination at normal and reasonable Operating conditions The turbidity removal can only reach ≤ 2 NTU. Reference world health organization The "Guidelines for Swimming Pool Environment" pointed out that the turbidity of swimming pool water should be 0.5 NTU, and the German swimming pool water quality standard is 0.2, the lower limit value after filtration~the upper limit value of 0.5 NTU pool water Spain The water quality standard of swimming pool is 0.5~1 NTU. Considering China's national conditions, the turbidity limit is set as 1 NTU in this standard.
PH value
Because most disinfectants Bactericidal action It depends on the pH, so the pH must be kept within the optimal effective range of a disinfectant, so in swimming pool water treatment, Regulating tank The pH of water is very important Drinking Water The allowable pH range of 6.5~8.5 has more stringent requirements for people's drinking and health.
total Soluble solids TDS
Total dissolved solids refer to the total amount of all inorganic metals, salts and organic substances dissolved in water, excluding substances suspended in water. Its monitoring significance is to control the renewal of pool water. In the regulations of foreign swimming pool water quality TDS, the control of TDS is relative to the raw water TDS. For example, the American ANSI/NSPI-1 standard stipulates that the total dissolved solids (TDS) of swimming pool water is 1000-3000 mg/L higher than the raw water; There are also rules absolute value Controlled, such as Australia The total dissolved solids (TDS) of swimming pool water is required to be ≤ 1000 mg/L, and the ideal value is 400 ~ 500 mg/L.
Disinfectant margin limit and Redox potential
In order to achieve disinfection effect in the process of swimming pool water treatment, various disinfectants are used for disinfection, so the consideration of disinfectant allowance is relatively complex, with many control values. These limit values are obtained on the premise of water quality microbial safety, to better maintain human health and meet human sensory requirements. Main disinfectant limits,

Water quality characteristics

raw water Water Quality [1-2]
1. Initial water filling, water replacement and daily use of the swimming pool Make up water Water from urban water supply network shall be used.
2. When groundwater (including Geothermal water ), spring water or river water, reservoir water
The initial water supply, water replacement and make-up water during normal use of the swimming pool can not meet the requirements of the current national standard Drinking Water Quality Standard GB5749. Purification treatment should be carried out to meet the requirements of this standard.
Pool water quality
1. The water quality of swimming pool shall conform to the current national standard Industry standards Standard for Water Quality of Swimming Pool (CJ244).
2. The water quality of swimming pools with important international competitions and special requirements shall meet Swimming Federation (FINA).
Pool water temperature
1. The water temperature of indoor swimming pool shall be selected according to the use and type of pool and Table 3.3.1.
2. The water temperature of outdoor swimming pool should meet the requirements of Table 3.3.2. The water temperature of outdoor swimming pool should meet the requirements of Table 3.3.2 Design temperature
Swimming pool constant temperature series
3. Swimming pool water heating
Heating efficiency diagram of heat pump water heater
Water filling and replenishment
1. The time required for the swimming pool to be filled with water for the first time shall meet the following requirements:
a、 Competition and special swimming pool should not exceed 48 hours;
b、 The leisure swimming pool should not exceed 72h.
2. The amount of water that needs to be replenished every day during the operation of the swimming pool should be based on the
Surface evaporation, pool sewage, swimmers taking out of the pool and filtering equipment Backwash (For example, the amount of water consumed during flushing with pool water can be determined; when the data is incomplete, it can be determined as per the following table.
Swimming pool type
Swimming pool environment
Make up water volume (percentage of total water volume of swimming pool)%
Competitive swimming pool
Leisure swimming pool
Children's swimming pool
Not less than 15
Not less than 20
Private swimming pool
Relaxation pool
3. The initial water filling of the swimming pool and the water supplement during use can be used to indirectly fill or supplement water to the pool through the balance pool, the balance pool and the water supplement tank.
4. When the swimming pool is directly filled with water through the orifice of the pool wall, the water filling pipeline shall be protected against backflow pollution measures.
5. Independent water meter shall be set on the water filling pipe and make-up pipe of the swimming pool

management system


security management

1. Swimming pool Opening Hours It is managed by the clubhouse and is not allowed to enter the swimming pool during non opening hours.
2. Strengthen safety education safety consciousness Establish the idea of "safety first", and promote swimming safety and health knowledge to every swimmer.
3. If the club finds hepatitis heart disease skin disease , venereal disease, serious trachoma Acute conjunctivitis , otitis media Intestinal infectious disease The association has the right to prohibit the swimming activities of this member.
Swimming Pool
4. Settings Safety signs and Lifesaving equipment The following regulations shall be observed when entering the swimming pool:
1) Follow the instructions of the coach and lifeguard.
2) Safety first, diving, chasing and fighting in the pool and on the shore are strictly prohibited.
3) Beginners are not allowed to enter the water without the supervision of management personnel.
4) Do a good job before swimming Preparatory activities It is forbidden to do actions that may cause injury accidents in the pool.
5) Take care of all facilities in the swimming pool.

Health management

1. Swimming pool Health management
Management of swimming places. Regular comprehensive cleaning is combined with regular drug treatment to ensure the cleanliness of swimming places. Relevant management personnel should always clean the surroundings of the swimming pool to prevent gravel, glass and other sundries from damaging the human body or affecting the water quality. Sanitation management of water quality. Ensure that the pool is free of sundries and Floater The pool shall be disinfected as required.
2. Personal hygiene management
1) Before swimming health examination , anyone with heart disease tinea Rashes (including Tinea pedis ), severe trachoma, acute conjunctivitis Suppurative otitis media Intestinal infectious disease fever You can't swim until the disease is cured. Women should not swim during menstruation. Please stop swimming if you feel unwell during swimming
2) Swimming class should be prepared for activities Locker Room Rinse all over the body before entering the pool.
3) Water ingress The whole body should be well prepared before Preparatory activities And then enter the pool.
4) It is not suitable to swim half an hour before meals or after a sharp exercise after meals. Before entering the water, you should make preparations. Before entering the water, you should wipe your face, chest, back and thighs with water to avoid Cramp
5) Observe public health, and do not spit in the pool; Avoid uncivilized and unsanitary behaviors.

Site equipment management

Protect various facilities in the swimming place, extend the service life of the swimming pool, and improve the Usage
Relevant management personnel and Rescue personnel must Frequent inspection The use and loss of equipment shall be reported to the management department in time for corresponding treatment.
data management
After the swimming pool is opened, the management log of the swimming pool shall be filled in day by day to record the use time, temperature, water temperature, water quality changes, number of swimmers, emergencies filter Operation and other maintenance and management conditions.

Equipment maintenance

Swimming pool water valve
1、 Operation plan
1. Ready to open the first supply valve of the swimming pool? Until the overflow ditch is full of water? Close the valve? Open the valve to balance water tank? 2. Start the circulating water pump? Conduct purification cycle?
3. Turn on the disinfection system?
4. Dosing, chlorination and acid Metering pump Is the power on operation normal and put into use? Adjust the water quality monitor data to the normal value? Make the whole system work normally? Ensure that the water quality standard is within the normal value.
2、 Operation content - Filtering system Operation of?
1. Before opening, check whether all valves are opened and closed correctly? Fur filter Is it full of water?
2. Open Y-type filter ? Keep the seal intact?
3. Check the noise and temperature rise Is it normal?
4. Clean the swimming pool before the first operation? Filter primary Runtime ? Run for 10 minutes under recoil state first? Remove the fine medium and impurities in the filter. Stop the pump and place the valve at the washing position. Start the water pump and run it for 1 minute. Stop the pump.? 5. Normal operation? Filter?? Place the valve in the filtering position? Start the water pump? Pay attention to the flow and pressure of the filter? Regulating filter Outlet pipe valve Opening ? Control filter flow? The operating pressure shall not exceed Maximum working pressure ? That is, 0.25MPa?
6. Observe and filter: In one of the following cases - need to backflush? a? Filter pressure is higher than initial pressure Pressure rise 0.07MPa or 10PSI? b? Continuous operation 3. 5 days. Stop first when recoiling Circulating pump And closing Heat medium Water valve? take Multichannel Is the valve in the backwash position? Restart the pump? Adjust filter? The valve opening of the backwash outlet pipe controls the backwash flow? The recoil time is about 3 or 5 minutes? Recoil completed? Stop the pump? Place the valve in the washing position? Start circulating pump Washing Stop the pump after 1 minute? Place the valve in the filtering position? Then open the pump and heat medium water valve. Disinfection PH Operation of balance system - disinfection, PH balance system is composed of fully automatic water quality monitor Automatic determination of pH value and ORP Value? Start the metering and dosing device as required? Adjust the disinfectant content and PH value in the pool water. 1. Confirm that all valves in the water quality sampling pipeline are open? The pipeline is unblocked? 2. Turn on the power switch? 3. According to the change of PH value of pool water? Select the "acid adding" and "alkali adding" control modes of the water quality monitor? 4. Set the dosing mode of disinfectant and PH balance agent at the "AUTO" automatic position? 5. Flocculant shall be prepared by Manual control Dosing Ph value 7.5? 8.2 Residual chlorine 0.3? 0.5 mg/L 6. What is the residual chlorine in the foot bath? 5? 10 mg/L every 4 hours.

Equipment requirements

Requirements for swimming pool equipment:
1. A certain number of Sunshade
2. Low pressure is set at the bottom of the pool Explosion proof lamp the base Fully paved with tiles, with overflow prevention around Drainage channel
3. Various facilities in the swimming pool area Equipment matching , beautiful and comfortable, intact, and its integrity rate is not less than 98%.
4. Automatic pool water disinfection circulatory system And heating facilities
5. The pool side is covered with green carpet that is not soaked in water deck chair , Seating table, large Potted plant bonsai Intersperse them.
6. It is divided into deep water area and children's play area. The depth of deep water area is not less than 1.8m, and the depth of children's play area is not more than 0.48m.
7. The swimming pool is beautiful in design, spacious in building area, tall in floor top, and large in ceiling and wall glass.
8. There is a special access to the swimming pool, with feet at the entrance Disinfection tank

Cleaning and maintenance

Swimming pool cleaning can be summarized in three ways:
Swimming Pool
First, the required water quality is obtained by removing part or all of the impurities in the swimming pool water: generally, the visible water in the swimming pool is removed by physical means Suspended solids Generally, there are circulating filtration and dirt absorption. Swimming pool sewage absorption is a very important work for swimming pool cleaning. Swimming pool cleaning is achieved through circulating filtration of water, but circulating filtration cannot filter out small particles. At this time, we need to first suspended particles Sink into the bottom of the pool, and then use Sewage suction machine Absorb the dirt. Swimming pool suction machine There are two main types: manual suction machine and automatic suction machine
Second, the required water quality can be obtained by adding new ingredients to the pool water: Residual chlorine The content requirements are determined by Swimming pool disinfectant Trichloroisocyanuric acid )Reach, PH value The level of Flaky alkali or sodium carbonate To achieve. And launch Algaecide Eliminate algae in water. These works are mainly achieved by chemical means - adding chemicals.
Thirdly, it was mentioned that the dirt suction machine needs to do precipitation when it absorbs dirt: add water treatment reagents first, and then obtain the required water quality through physical means. When the swimming pool water can not reach the target effect through circulation or sewage absorption, it should be put in first Clarificant , appears Alum flower After sedimentation, use a dirt suction machine to absorb dirt; Or add clear water clarifying agent (it is a clarifying agent that does not need to precipitate and absorb dirt), and only open the cycle after adding Filter equipment Filter. [3]

Hidden danger

In summer, the swimming pool has become a "summer resort", and many people gather here every day to relax and play. Swimming pool is a good place for fitness and entertainment for most people, but some people are not suitable for swimming pool.
Water quality problems in swimming pools can cause many diseases
The swimming pool is very popular in summer. Many people come and go every day, including those with infectious diseases and those who do not pay much attention to hygiene, which makes the water in the swimming pool turbid and contains a lot of harmful bacteria or Viruses To this end, the management personnel of the natatorium will choose disinfection to reduce the spread of disease, and the specific method is to put it into the water bleaching powder etc. thimerosal However, this disinfectant sodium hypochlorite Is the main component, belonging to Allergic disease One of the inducing factors of, will stimulate the oral cavity, nasal cavity and throat, make the affected part allergic, infected Halitosis rhinitis asthma measles And other diseases.
Bacteria in water is the main cause of disease
In big cities, swimming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment and recreation. However, many people think that the water quality of some swimming pools is not good and may not meet the requirements of the national health department. If the water in the swimming pool is not replaced and disinfected on schedule, a large number of bacteria will remain human organ , including oral cavity, nasal cavity, throat and ear, which enter the body and cause various inflammatory diseases. [4]
The disinfectant in water is halitosis tympanitis Important pathogenesis of
When swimming in the swimming pool, first pay attention to the water quality and try to avoid fastigium It is easy to be infected by bacteria and cause allergy to disinfectant in water. The disinfectant put in the swimming pool is mainly composed of sodium hypochlorite, which is one of the inducing factors of allergic diseases and will stimulate the mouth, nose, throat, Eardrum It can make the affected part allergic and infected, and lead to halitosis, rhinitis, asthma, measles, otitis media and other diseases.
Brush your teeth in time after swimming to prevent bad breath
The main cause of halitosis is oral bacteria. Swimming makes a large number of bacteria in the water enter the mouth. If you do not brush and rinse your teeth in time, it is easy to harbor bacteria. In addition, chlorine preparations (disinfectants) in the water will damage the oral mucosa, dry the oral cavity, promote bacterial reproduction, and thus aggravate bad breath. After swimming, rinse your mouth carefully with clean water (or salt water) to prevent bad breath.
Pay attention to water entering the ear to avoid ear infection
When swimming, you should pay attention to protecting your ears from water. If the ear protector accidentally enters a small amount of water, it is necessary to drain the water in time. The specific method is: stand in place, tilt the head a little, jump a few times with one leg, and then gently wipe with a cotton swab Auditory meatus Here, we should pay attention to solve the problem of ear canal water accumulation in a timely manner, but we should not blindly dig it out, otherwise, not only can not drain water, but it will stimulate the ear canal, causing infection, suppuration, and finally lead to ear diseases such as otitis media.
In addition, many diseases can be spread in the swimming pool, such as hepatitis STD Red eye disease Acute conjunctivitis Echo virus Gastrointestinal urethritis Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis Viral upper respiratory tract infection wait.

Judge the water quality of the swimming pool

Identify the sanitary qualification of swimming pool
Swimming places usually publicize the sanitary permit, quantitative grading sign, water quality inspection report, etc. at the front desk or other conspicuous places. The sanitary qualification of swimming pool can be verified by checking the following elements: first, the permitted items on the sanitary license should include the swimming place and the validity period of the certificate; Secondly, there are three grades of quantitative grading signs: A, B and C. Grade A indicates excellent sanitary condition, while Grade B and C indicate good and qualified; Finally, the water quality inspection report should indicate that the water quality items inspected meet the national health standards.
  Observe the supporting facilities of the swimming pool
After entering the swimming place, you can judge the sanitary management of the place by observing the supporting facilities of the swimming pool.
If the passageway of the locker room should be spacious and ventilated, the adjacent area of the shower room should be equipped with a public toilet; The foot dipping disinfection pool shall be forced to pass, and the pool length shall not be less than 2m, and the depth shall not be less than 20cm; A warning sign of "No swimming for patients with viral hepatitis A, viral hepatitis E, venereal disease, infectious skin disease, severe trachoma, acute conjunctivitis, otitis media, intestinal infectious disease, heart disease, mental disease, alcoholics and other people not suitable for people" shall be set up at the striking place.
   Judge the water quality of the swimming pool
On the one hand, the water quality can be preliminarily judged through "one observation, two observations, three smells and four senses". After checking the color, when the water quality is good, the water in the swimming pool appears bright light blue in white tiles, and dark blue in light blue tiles; If the water is white and slightly turbid, it may be that the bacteria exceed the standard. Second, observe the turbidity. When the water quality is good, the pool water is clear to the bottom, there is no sediment at the bottom, and the foam in the pool water can dissipate within 15 seconds. Third, smell the smell. When the water quality is good, swimmers can smell the faint smell of chlorine when they are close to the water surface; If the medicine taste is too strong or even chokes people, the available chlorine may exceed the standard. Four senses are soft and hard. When the water quality is good, the human body will feel the water in the swimming pool is soft; If the water is hard, astringent, or even itchy, the water quality may be poor.
On the other hand, you can check the water quality bulletin board to determine whether the water quality meets the sanitary standards. The swimming pool will conduct self inspection on the water temperature, pH value, swimming residual chlorine in the swimming pool and foot dip pool every day, and publicize the results in a conspicuous position. Except that the water temperature is not mandatory, the pH value should be 7.0-7.8, and the swimming residual chlorine in the swimming pool water and foot dip pool should be 0.3-1.0 mg/l and 5-10 mg/l respectively. [5]