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born of the Earth

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Almost all ethnic groups have ancient ideas about the origin and production of all things in the universe myth In our country Pangu's Pioneer Myth of, feudal society Of Enlightenment Reader Qiong Lin, a kindergarten student 》At the beginning, he said: "When chaos begins, heaven and earth begin to lay their foundation. When the light and clear qi rises, it is heaven; when the heavy and turbid qi condenses, it is earth."
Chinese name
born of the Earth
Foreign name
the very beginning of Earth
Pinyin pronunciation
hùn dùn chū kāi
In fact, it is still in the hypothesis stage
The myth of the origin and production of all things in the universe

Pinyin pronunciation

hùn dùn chū kāi


As mentioned above, human's understanding of the universe has been expanding from the naked eye to Optical telescope , from optical telescope to radio telescope , due to Earth's atmosphere It is impossible for us to receive all-round information on the earth. In the era when aerospace has become a reality, people naturally move telescopes out of the earth. This is the latest telescope in the world—— hubble space telescope This is the most advanced telescope sent to orbit 613 kilometers away from the Earth on April 24, 1990. And then removed Earth's atmosphere This eye mask.
According to observation and theory, it is believed that our universe originated from a big explosion about 15 billion years ago. At that time, it could also be said that chaos had begun. The starting point of this big bang is today's hotspot in literature and physics. Modern scientists believe that in the most primitive state Electromagnetic action Weak interaction The gravity action is unified, starting at the moment of the big bang, field of gravity electromagnetic field Successively independent, and then formed from the original substance proton and neutron With the further evolution of cosmic matter, existing atom Nuclei and atoms. ours Galaxy It was formed about 10 billion years ago. Next, we will introduce the evolution of cosmic matter in more detail.


We already know that our universe is a stepped universe, composed of stars Galaxy , composed of some galaxies Galaxy cluster Galaxy clusters form the universe we observe—— Total galaxy This stepped universe once solved the luminosity of Aubers paradox But now the expanding Big Bang Cosmic Model It better explains why the sky is black. The Obers problem is proposed on the basis of uniform steady state Cosmic model This is inconsistent with the actual observation results.

Before the Big Bang

The question is what form was the universe before the Big Bang. If time was taken as 0 at the moment of the Big Bang, what state would the negative time universe be in? Then there is the place where we are Cosmic expansion There is no end. There are two models. One is infinite expansion, and finally it is completely dispersed; First, it will shrink when it expands to the limit, and may shrink back to the original dense state. All this needs further observation and study by astronomers.

the measure of area

Is the universe finite or infinite? It is infinite. We have observed objects 12 billion light years away with the Hubble Telescope! But this is just the front edge of our understanding, not the limit of the universe. There must be other cosmic systems outside our cosmic system. As the ancient philosophers said, the universe is infinite in size, and there will be a larger system outside the universe. It's just that our understanding is still difficult to reach.

big bang

modern cosmology It is believed that the primitive universe was completely neutron It is composed of a very hot and dense big fireball. Later, the universe began to expand and become cold, when the neutron degenerated into proton And electronics. This primitive substance composed of neutrons, protons and electrons is called“ Taisu ”(Yelm)。
When original Cosmic temperature When the temperature drops to 109-1010K, the original material begins to combine into neon and helium (most of which are hydrogen, of course), which is original Interstellar matter according to B2FH theory Primitive interstellar matter depends on Gravitational contraction Form some lumps—— Primitive star At the same time, the internal temperature gradually increases when Stellar interior When the temperature rises above 7 × 106K nuclear fusion Start, nuclear reaction The radiation expansion of the star resists the gravitational contraction of the star, and the star emits light and enters the relative stable state At this time, the nuclear fusion inside the star Proton proton cycle And carbon- Nitrogen cycle Two. This is stellar hydrogen Combustion stage Generally, it can last for 1 million to 10 billion years. Our sun has been going on for about 4.6 billion years, and it is estimated that it will continue for another 5 billion years. At this stage, helium is generated in the core of the star, and some carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and other elements are also formed.
When all the hydrogen in the core of the star is converted into helium (accounting for about 10%~15% of the total mass of the star), the nuclear reaction stops, and gravitational contraction is dominant. As a result, the core temperature rises, the shell of the star expands Red Giant When the core temperature rises to 108K, the density also increases sharply, starting a new nuclear reaction —— Helium combustion When the star becomes Pulsating variable star (Such stars regularly expand and contract like pulses). Helium combustion is mainly composed of three helium Nucleus Carboniferous Fusion reaction And then regenerate into oxygen.
If the star is large enough, it will continue to shrink and heat up, causing carbon and oxygen combustion( fusion )The process generates silicon, calcium and other elements. Further Silicon combustion (also known as Alpha process ), its nucleus reaction mechanism It is the photolysis of silicon core to generate high energy Alpha particle , alpha particles combine with other nuclei to form Iron group element When Stellar evolution At this stage, the core temperature can be increased to 4 × 109K, which makes the core reach Statistical average Status, generating periodic table of ele ments Various elements near Shangtie. This process is E Process Equilibrium process )The result is a ferrous core. At this time, the stars will enter their twilight years.
According to B2FH theory, elements heavier than nickel cannot Fusion reaction Generated by some Heavy element Continuous capture of nuclei in stars neutron Formed. In massive stars (with a mass of 8~20 Solar mass )At the end of the evolution, the core temperature can be as high as 4 × 109K, and iron will be converted into helium and neutrons, which will absorb a lot of heat, making the core Collapse Status, followed by Supernova Burst. At this time, the intense neutron flow will successively strike the element nucleus to generate uranium, thorium, and even Transuranic element and Superheavy element

Life and death

According to Einstein's proposal in the early 1920s Mass energy conversion Relationship, Bette In the late 1930s, et al proposed that the thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen fusion into helium is the energy source of solar luminescence and heating. By Inside the Sun With the research and analysis of the structure, astronomers have further studied the relationship between the energy of stars and their evolution. So we have a nucleus Astrophysics Such a branch of astronomy. because Star formation The light (energy) emitted varies with the quality of time. The bigger the star, the more intense the light( surface temperature Also high), in Main star order The internal residence stage is also short, but it is a star with small mass, Energy consumption Less, the time of stable luminescence is longer. Generally speaking, high luminosity High quality O and B-type star In the main star sequence, K and M-type star It can steadily emit light for hundreds of billions of years and trillions of years. The sun is G star According to the calculation, it can stay for about 10 billion years in the main star sequence stage. Now it has passed 5 billion years, that is, it has reached middle age, and it is estimated that it can still maintain a life span of 5 billion years or more before entering old age.
When the hydrogen content in the star core is consumed to only 1%~2%, the energy supply is insufficient to resist the gravity, and the star begins to shrink. Shrinkage further increases the core temperature, when the edge layer of the star core begins to transform hydrogen into helium nuclear reaction , making the outer layer of the star warm and expand into Red Giant The temperature of the inner core rises higher, triggering the fusion of helium. At this time, the stars will expand and contract periodically.
What's more, small stars shrink into Red dwarf Massive stars, due to Gravitational contraction So that the thermonuclear reaction can be continuously upgraded until the iron core is formed. Then the core of the star goes further Collapse The outer layer will explode into a "nova" or“ Supernova ”("New" is just that we seem to observe and measure a new star, but it is actually a star about to die of old age), and its core becomes extremely dense White dwarf or neutron star Some erupt and then disperse to Cosmic space Yes.

Historical records

For example, in 1054 Taurus Of Supernova Outbreaks are recorded in detail in China's history books. Today, we can also see that Crab Nebula , and the legacy of a center neutron star nova and supernova The explosion can be said to be the reflection of stars in their later years. But this is by no means an ordinary echo. When a supernova bursts luminosity It can reach the luminosity of 107~1010 suns (equivalent to the luminosity of the whole galaxy), that is, the luminosity suddenly increases ten million times or even hundreds of millions of times, while emitting great energy. This is the most violent explosion known in the stellar world, and the products of the explosion are elements heavier than iron, until Transuranic element

black hole

According to Einstein General relativity It also predicts a special celestial body - black hole. In 1939, Oppenheimer and others calculated that the planet might Collapse To it Gravitational radius In. For late stage high-density When Stellar mass Exceeds the value given by the formula of gravitational radius M value A black hole will form. That is to say, even light cannot escape from the black hole, so it can no longer be observed outside. Black holes are also the ultimate product of stars. Astronomers try their best to find black holes. First, they look for black holes in binary star systems. Astronomers have described such a picture that black hole celestial bodies constantly companion Like a rainbow, the substances of the black hole will be swallowed up, and they may eventually merge into a black hole.
Generally speaking, stars are composed of low density Interstellar matter Condensed, this is the raw material for star formation - primitive nebula, whose mass is about dozens or even more than 10000 suns. At the same time of condensation, not only the density is increasing, but also the core temperature is increasing. After the radiation pressure and gravity compete with each other, they finally shrink smoothly into protostars. In the process, Protostar The core temperature continues to increase to more than 7 million degrees Thermonuclear reaction At first, the stars glow and heat, and the energy generated by the core is enough to withstand Gravitational contraction Pressure and the energy radiated outward, then it becomes a stable star with normal light and enters Main star order Become a Main sequence star This is the prime time of stars.
Stars have gone through the process of birth, aging, disease and death, in which matter is transformed into energy, and hydrogen and helium are transformed into heavier elements until Transuranic element So as to lay a foundation for the evolution of the universe to a deeper level. The dead remains of stars will be mixed with people Interstellar matter And prepare to generate a new generation of stars.


The above outlines the evolution of elements in stars. According to B2FH theory, radioactive element Is on Stellar evolution Formed later. If we choose two half life different radio isotope For example, if uranium-235 and uranium-238 are formed at the same time, the proportion of formation can be calculated theoretically, which can be simply considered as 1 to 1. Then, the earth or other celestial bodies Radioactive material It is not difficult to calculate how many years have passed.
For example, on Earth uranium -The current ratio of 235 pairs of U-238 is 0.00725. Moreover, scientists have determined that the transformation constant of uranium-235 is 97.2 billion years; The transformation constant of uranium-238 is 15.4 billion years, so it is not difficult to calculate Uranium element It has been generated for 6.5 billion years. Of course, this is the lower limit of the age of the element, that is to say, this is the age of the older generation of stars Supernova The age of Primitive star The generation and evolution age of Galaxy Is about 15 billion years old. In other words, this is the age of the original Big Bang.
If the initial state of our galaxy is all hydrogen, then First generation stars It shall consist entirely of hydrogen; After the death of the first generation of stars, various elements generated are dispersed, which changes the composition of the Milky Way Galaxy, so the original composition of the second and third generation of stars condensed again becomes complex. Our sun is now in the stage of hydrogen combustion, but it has heavy elements such as iron, which can be sure that it is not the first generation star. The earth can only be formed from the remains of the first or second generation stars, which is illustrated by the iron core of the earth, various elements and radioactive materials on the earth. This is why there are so many elements on the earth.
The heavy elements formed in the middle and later stages of a star actually store the energy of the star, and Radioactive metamorphosis The form is gradually released, so our earth not only enjoys the energy supplied by this generation of stars - the sun, but also enjoys the "ancestral heritage" left by previous generations of stars. It can be thought that the earth is Galaxy The product of the advanced stage of material evolution.


In fact, the theory of the origin and evolution of elements is still in the stage of hypothesis, and there are still many important links that are not very clear. In this regard, new discoveries in astronomy continue to enrich its content.