Laishui County

County under the jurisdiction of Baoding City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Laishui County, Hebei Province Baoding City , on Hebei Province Central by west, Taihang Mountain At the north end of the east foot Juma River The alluvial plain is located in the northeast of Taihang Mountains in the northwest, which inclines from northwest to southeast. The terrain is in a long slanted strip shape, known as "one line" of Laishui County. Eastern boundary Zhuozhou Gaobeidian City , South and Dingxing County Yixian County Neighboring, west and west Laiyuan County Zhuolu County Yuxian County Junction, north and Beijing Mentougou District Fangshan District Connect. The total area is 1661.61 square kilometers. [1] As of October 2022, Laishui County has jurisdiction over 1 urban office, 12 towns and 3 townships; [2] The county government is located in Laishui Town. [3] By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Laishui County is 308030. [25] [34]
Sui Dynasty It was renamed as Gu'an County and Yongyang County. In 598, the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang of Sui Dynasty, it was called Laishui County. In 1994, after the merger of Baoding prefecture and city, Laishui belonged to Baoding city. Laishui County is a semi-arid area in the eastern monsoon warm temperate zone, with four distinct seasons. It is dry and windy in spring, hot and rainy in summer, high and cool in autumn, and cold and snow less in winter. [4] Laishui County has G5 Beijing Kunming Expressway, Capital Ring Expressway Laizhou Laizhou Expressway Beijing Kunming Line of National Highway G108, Beijing Ring Line of National Highway G112, Xingyang Line of National Highway G234, etc. The main cultural relics and historic sites are Flower Pagoda of Qinghua Temple Xigang Tower Huangfu Temple Tower Tomb of Prince Yixian Etc. [5-7] The main tourist attractions are Yesanpo Scenic Area In 2019, Laishui County was listed as the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [37]
In 2023, Laishui County will achieve a regional GDP of 10.8 billion yuan, up 3.0% year on year. [34] On June 30, 2022, it was selected into the first batch of clean cities (districts) in 2022. [29]
Chinese name
Laishui County
Foreign name
Laishui County
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand six hundred and twenty-three [8]
Administrative Region Category
Baoding City, Hebei Province
geographical position
Middle by west of Hebei Province
1661.61 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 urban office, 12 towns and 3 townships [2]
Government residence
Laishui Town
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
population size
308030 persons [33-34] [40] (2023)
License plate code
Ji F
10.8 billion yuan [33-34] (2022)

Construction history

Laishui County
Western Zhou Dynasty At the beginning, Laishui County principality
In spring and autumn, it belongs to swallow.
Qin , belonging to Guangyang County.
Emperor Gaodi of Han Dynasty Six years ago (201 years ago), it was located in Zhuo County (now Laishui), which belongs to Zhuo County.
Jin Dynasty, a Fan Yang Country.
Southern and Northern Dynasties During the Northern Wei Dynasty, Qiu County was changed into Fanyang County Northern Zhou Dynasty In the second year of the elephant (580), Qiu County was incorporated Zhuoxian
Yesanpo Scenic Spot
Sui Dynasty It was renamed as Gu'an County and Yongyang County. In 598, the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty, it was called Laishui County; In the third year of Daye (607), Laishui was changed into a subordinate Shanggu County
In the Tang Dynasty, it belonged to Shanggu County, Yizhou, etc.
Yesanpo Scenic Spot
During the Five Dynasties, between Zhuo and Yi, Khitan and central plains A place of contention.
Northern Song Dynasty It belonged to Suiwu County, Yanshan Prefecture, and belonged to the Jin Dynasty in the seventh year of Xuanhe (1125).
In the sixth year of Jindading (1166), Dingxing County was set in the south of Laishui, the east of Yixian County and the west of Rongcheng.
element , which belongs to the state of Louie Baoding Louis. Ming Genus Baoding Prefecture Yizhou.
clear At the beginning, it belonged to Baoding Prefecture. Laishui belonged to Yizhou in the 11th year of Yongzheng's reign (1733).
Republic of China During the period of the Qing Dynasty, Laishui was originally made in the Qing Dynasty Yizhou
In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), it belonged to Zhili Province Fan Yangdao Baoding Road
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Zhili Province was changed into Hebei Province, and Laishui was directly under Hebei Province.
In the spring of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Region The anti Japanese democratic government was established, and the district was divided according to the topography of Laishui. The mountainous area is called Laizhu County.
In September of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), the original Sanpo District under the jurisdiction of Zhuoxian County was assigned to Laishui County, and Laizhuo County was renamed as Laishui County.
In the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), Chengguan of Laishui County and Dongwenshan, Yongyang, Luoping, Shuibei, Lou Village and other townships were assigned to Longhua County. In August of the same year, after the liberation of Laishui County, the original jurisdiction was restored.
In August of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), the organizational system of Laishui County was restored, with 9 districts and 302 villages under the jurisdiction of Baoding District, Hebei Province.
In 1958, the organizational system was revoked, and the jurisdiction was assigned to Zhuoxian and Yixian respectively.
In January 1962, the organizational system of Laishui County was restored, and the zoning was adjusted. Chengguan, Shiting, Yongyang, and Greater Henan districts were abolished, and two districts, Baijian and Zhenchang, were retained. The original management area was transferred to 26 communes.
In August 1968, Baoding District was renamed Baoding District, Laishui Baoding Region.
In 1994, after the merger of Baoding prefecture and city, Laishui belonged to Baoding city. [4] [9]

administrative division


Division evolution

In January 1962, the regionalization of Laishui County was adjusted, and Chengguan, Shiting, Yongyang and Greater Henan districts were abolished, and two districts, Baijian and Zhenchang, were retained. The original management area was transferred to 26 communes.
In 1984, Laishui County was transformed from a community to a township, with 2 districts, 1 town, 25 townships, and 284 administrative villages. The village based production brigade was changed into a villagers' committee. [4]
In 1993, Laishui County adjusted its administrative division to include 7 towns, 8 townships and 284 administrative villages. [9]
In 2021, Laishui County will cancel Dongwenshan Township and establish Dongwenshan Town. [26]

Zoning Details

As of October 2022, Laishui County has jurisdiction over 1 urban office, 12 towns and 3 townships: urban community management office Laishui Town Yongyang Town Yi'an Town Shiting Town Zhaogezhuang Town Jiulong Town Sanpo Town Yidu Town Mingyi Town Wangcun Town Loucun Town Dongwenshan Town Zhongkou Township Longmen Township Hujiazhuang Township [2] The county government is located in Laishui Town. [3]

geographical environment


Location context

Laishui County is located in the west of central Hebei Province, Taihang Mountain The north end of the east foot is between 114 ° 49 ′~115 ° 48 ′ E and 39 ° 17 ′~39 ° 57 ′ N, with a longitudinal distance of 137.9 kilometers and a transverse distance of 74 kilometers. The total area is 1661.61 square kilometers. In the southeast of Laishui County Juma River Alluvial plain, northwest is the northeast section of Taihang Mountains, east boundary Zhuozhou Gaobeidian City , South and Dingxing County Yixian County Neighboring, west and west Laiyuan County Zhuolu County Yuxian County It borders Beijing in the north Mentougou District Fangshan District It is 110 kilometers from Beijing, 90 kilometers from the center of Beijing, 170 kilometers from the center of Tianjin, and 75 kilometers from the center of Baoding. [1]
People's Government of Laishui County

topographic features

Laishui County is a long and narrow area, with the surface sloping from northwest to southeast. The terrain is a long and oblique strip, known as "one line" of Laishui County. [4] The landform is very different, and it is distributed in three types, namely, mountain, hill and plain. The highest altitude in the mountain area is 1983 meters, the altitude in the hills is about 100 meters, and the altitude in the plains is about 30 meters. It belongs to the Taihang Mountains, with a length of about 50 kilometers, running from southwest to northeast. The altitude is 1122.6~1983 meters, and the relative altitude is 500~1100 meters. The highest is Baicaoban, 1983 meters, and the lowest is Longtanding, 1122.6 meters. [1]
Topographic map of Laishui County


Laishui County is a semi-arid area in the eastern monsoon warm temperate zone. In winter, because it is located in the southeast of Mongolia High Pressure, the dry and cold winter wind blowing from the mainland to the sea prevails. In summer, due to the northward movement of the subtropical high, the warm summer monsoon blowing from the ocean to the mainland prevails. Spring and autumn are the transition seasons from cold to hot and from hot to cold. The four seasons are distinct, forming the monsoon climate characteristics of dry and windy spring, hot and rainy summer, high and cool weather in autumn, and cold and little snow in winter. [4] In 2014, the average temperature was 13.1 ℃, the frost free period was 213 days, the annual rainfall was 483mm, the relative humidity was 60%, the wind was southerly, and the average wind speed was 0.9m/s. [1]


The soil in Laishui County is divided into five categories. Cinnamon soil It is mainly distributed in the mountains, hills and piedmont plains of Laishui County, with an area of 121253.33 hectares; brown earth It is mainly distributed in the mountains above 1050 meters above sea level in the northwest, with an area of 12853.33 hectares; Fluvo aquic soil It is mainly distributed in the upper end of the alluvial fan of the rivers in Laishui County, connecting the depression and the old channel of the Shahe River, with an area of 30 hectares; Swamp soil Class A is distributed in the east of Shizhuang Village, Shiting Town, Laishui County. The terrain is backwater depression, with an area of 253.33 hectares; Meadow soil Class A is mainly distributed in some seasonal flowing trench valley areas of Longmen Township, Zhaogezhuang Town, Jiulong Town and Sanpo Town, with an area of 2406.67 hectares. [4]


Rivers in Laishui County belong to Haihe River Watershed, Daqing River Water system, the main rivers are Juma River It originates from Laiyuan County and flows through the territory for 110 kilometers. The domestic process is divided into two sections: one section enters from Longmen Township, and the other section leaves from Sanpo Town, passing through three towns and townships, totaling 74 kilometers; Another paragraph from Yidu Town From Tiesuoya, it is divided into south and north Juma River. The south Juma River flows through 5 towns and villages, a total of 36 kilometers, and flows into Dingxing County via Yi'an Town; The Ma River flows into Zhuozhou City in the north. [1]
Yesanpo Juma River

natural resources


land resource

In 2017, the cultivated land area of Laishui County was 23374.29 hectares, and the per capita cultivated land area was 0.07 hectares. [4]

mineral resources

30 kinds of minerals have been found in Laishui County, including ferrous metal 3 kinds, Non ferrous metals 5 kinds, valuable and Rare metals 3 kinds, 1 kind of energy, 18 kinds of building materials and other nonmetals. There are 18 kinds of minerals that have been developed and utilized, and 16 kinds of minerals with reserves. The main advantageous mineral resources are gold molybdenum Limestone for cement, facing stone, building sandstone, rutile, coal, etc. Other important minerals are iron, lead, zinc talc Etc. [4]

plant resources

Vegetation in Laishui County belongs to the warm temperate mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest zone, with 101 families, 356 genera and 696 species. Natural secondary forest toothed oak Carpinus Mainly accompanied by Aspen birch linden Etc. shrub With Lespedeza Spiraea , wattle, wild jujube, etc. herb With white grass Huangbeicao , Artemisia, etc, Coverage 30~80%, artificially cultivated tree species include pinus tabulaeformis larch Poplar, black locust, apricot, persimmon, Chinese prickly ash, walnut, chestnut, apple, pear, peach, etc. [4] There are 776 kinds of wild medicinal materials, including Schisandra chinensis Acanthopanax senticosus , Coptis chinensis Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bupleurum chinense high aspiration Aristolochia manshurica Chinese atractylodes Etc.

Animal resources

There are Terrestrial vertebrates 149 species. among Amphibian 4 kinds, Reptiles 11 species, 102 species of birds, 32 species of mammals, and 5 species of national first-class protected wild animals (leopard Brown Eared Pheasant Black Stork Golden Eagle White shoulder carving ), 16 species of wild animals under secondary protection; There are 12 kinds of birds and beasts in the List of Key Protected Terrestrial Wildlife in Hebei Province; In addition, there are 85 species in the List of Terrestrial Vertebrate Wildlife Protected in Hebei Province that are beneficial or of economic and scientific value. Birds include: eagle, owl, woodpecker turtledove Pheasant , cuckoo, mountain crane, crow, sparrow, magpie quail , Yellow Sparrow Stone pheasant , orioles, swallows Hanhao Bird Etc. Beasts include foxes, hares, goats, squirrels, hedgehogs, wild civets Roe deer , wild boar, wolf badger , house mice, voles, bats, etc. [4]

water resource

The plain of Laishui County is rich in groundwater Juma River There is a groundwater reservoir in the east of the downstream county town, with water storage of 1.5 billion cubic meters.


By the end of 2023, Laishui County has 142797 households with a total registered population of 361279, including 157845 urban residents and 203434 rural residents. According to gender, there are 182442 males and 178837 females. At the end of the year, there were 308030 permanent residents in the county, including 165012 urban residents and 143018 rural residents. The urbanization rate of permanent residents was 53.57%, 1.15 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. [40]
According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Laishui County was 315753. [25]


Wu Lei The head of Laishui County People's Government. [36] [38]
Chen Long: Deputy County Chief of Laishui County People's Government. [28]
Jingdongju: Deputy County Chief of Laishui County People's Government. [32]
Du Nan: Deputy County Chief of Laishui County People's Government. [35]
Wu Yongli : Deputy County Chief of Laishui County People's Government, Director of the Public Security Bureau. [41]
Su Tao: member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Laishui County Committee, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, director of the Supervisory Commission, senior supervisor at the fourth level. [38]




In 2022, the investment in fixed assets (project investment and real estate investment) in Laishui County will increase by 10.3% year on year. Among them, investment in construction projects increased by 34.4% year on year, and investment in real estate decreased by 33.9% year on year. In the construction project investment, the industrial investment increased by 2.3% year on year, and the technical transformation investment decreased by 11.8% year on year. By industry, the investment in the primary industry increased by 44.4% year on year; Investment in the secondary industry increased by 2.3% year on year; Investment in the tertiary industry increased 12.6% year on year. [34]
In 2022, Laishui County will achieve a total financial revenue of 996 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.9%, including 683 million yuan of public financial budget revenue, a year-on-year decrease of 16.1%; Tax revenue reached 655 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 26.8%, including 343 million yuan of public financial budget revenue, a year-on-year decrease of 29.0%. The public budget expenditure was 2.488 billion yuan, up 2.8% year on year. [34]
In 2023, Laishui County will achieve a regional GDP of 10.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.0% (calculated at constant prices in 2020), including 1.814 billion yuan of added value of the primary industry, a year-on-year decrease of 7.9%; The added value of the secondary industry was 1.835 billion yuan, up 7.7% year on year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 7.151 billion yuan, up 5.5% year on year. The ratio of three industries is 16.8:17.0:66.2. [40]
In 2023, the total consumer price index of Laishui County will be 100.6%, the producer price index of industrial products will be 94.7%, the producer price index of agricultural products will be 95.5%, the consumer price index will be 100.2%, the catering price index will be 101.5%, the service price index will be 101.3%, the transportation price index will be 103.8%, and the communication service price index will be 100.0%. [40]
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Laishui County will reach 15949 yuan, an increase of 8.4% year on year; The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 34873 yuan, up 5.6% year on year. [34]

primary industry

In 2023, Laishui County will achieve a total output value of 2.974 billion yuan of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, a year-on-year decrease of 7.6% (calculated at comparable prices), including 1.941 billion yuan of agricultural output value, a year-on-year decrease of 4.0%; The forestry output value was 214 million yuan, up 15.9% year on year; The output value of animal husbandry was 681 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 22.6%; The fishery output value was 0.4 billion yuan, up 0.3% year on year; The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 134 million yuan, up 2.3% year on year. It is estimated that the added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery is 1.88 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.6%. [40]
In 2023, the total planting area of crops in Laishui County will be 30247.02 hectares. The sown area of grain crops is 23600 hectares, with a total output of 92698.71 tons, including 6219.8 hectares of summer grain, 38229.46 tons of output, 410 kilograms per mu (5961.75 hectares of wheat, 37008.25 tons of output, 414 kilograms per mu), 17380.2 hectares of autumn grain, 54469.25 tons of output, The yield per mu is 209 kg (the corn sown area is 15106.42 hectares, the yield is 49525.97 tons, and the yield per mu is 219 kg). The sown area of economic crops is 6647.02 hectares, including 2746.75 hectares of oil crops, 11468.82 tons of oil crops and 278kg per mu (2671.76 hectares of peanuts, 11289.52 tons of oil crops and 282kg per mu); The sown area of vegetables and edible fungi is 3223.42 hectares, with a total output of 206706.46 tons, including 3223.42 hectares of vegetables, with a output of 199289.84 tons, 4122 kilograms per mu, and 7416.62 tons of edible fungi; The sown area of melons and fruits is 510.16 hectares, with an output of 16327.5 tons and 2134 kilograms per mu [40]
In 2023, Laishui County will have an area of 4000 hectares for afforestation, 6667 hectares for forest tending and 258 hectares for breeding and seedling raising. At the end of the year, the orchard area was 1260.07 hectares, including 1143.33 hectares of practical nuts. The total output of dry and fresh fruits is 57985.84 tons, including 28199.58 tons of dry fruits and 29786.26 tons of fruits. The forest coverage rate is 39.33%. At the end of the year, the county had 51.79 hundred large livestock, 286.94 hundred pigs, 1059.82 hundred sheep and 8670 hundred poultry. The total output of meat is 17672.87 tons; The total output of milk is 4621.98 tons, including 4609.39 tons of milk; The total output of eggs is 2688.85 tons, including 2654.06 tons of main eggs. The area of freshwater aquaculture is 11 hectares, and the output of aquatic products is 198 tons. The amount of agricultural chemical fertilizer (in kind) used in the county is 18341 tons (7039 tons in pure terms), the amount of pesticide used is 146 tons, the amount of agricultural film used is 352 tons, the amount of agricultural diesel used is 8272 tons, and the number of electromechanical wells is 2933. [40]

the secondary industry

By the end of 2023, according to the preliminary calculation, the total industrial added value of the whole year was 1.225 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 4.6% (calculated at comparable prices). Among them, 26 industrial enterprises above designated size [4] achieved an output value of 2.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.8%, and an estimated added value of 640 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.4%; The main business income was 2.396 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.24%; Profits and taxes reached 107 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 63.9%, including taxes of 90 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 18.93%, and total profits of 17 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 90.82%; The production and marketing rate was 99.2%, up 0.4 percentage points year on year.
There are 5 industrial high-tech enterprises above designated size, with an annual output value of 282 million yuan and an estimated added value of 64 million yuan, up 6.64% year on year (calculated at comparable prices).
There are 19 construction enterprises (general contractors) above the qualification level [5], with an annual output value of 386 million yuan, up 42.8% year on year.

the service sector; the tertiary industry

  • Domestic trade
In 2023, the county's consumer goods market will operate steadily and the sales of goods will grow steadily. The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 3.162 billion yuan, up 9.6% year on year. According to the statistics of the place where the business unit is located, the retail sales of urban consumer goods reached 2.546 billion yuan, up 10.0% year on year; Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 616 million yuan, up 8.1% year on year. According to the type of consumption, the retail sales of goods reached 2.874 billion yuan, up 8.6% year on year; Catering revenue was 288 million yuan, up 20.2% year on year.
The retail sales of consumer goods [7] of the 23 enterprises (units) entering the unified trading limit reached 235 million yuan, up 17.7% year on year. Among them, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 48.3%, the retail sales of Chinese and western medicine increased by 35.8%, the retail sales of tobacco and alcohol increased by 24.3%, the retail sales of petroleum and products increased by 11.4%, the retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 6.8%, the retail sales of beverages increased by 2.1%, the retail sales of cosmetics decreased by 22.2%, and the retail sales of construction and decoration materials decreased by 23.7%, Retail sales of daily necessities decreased by 47.7%, clothing, shoes and hats by 22.4%, and automobiles by 6.8%.
Units above designated size realized retail sales of 56 million yuan through public networks, up 53% year on year.
  • Foreign economy
In 2023, the actually utilized foreign capital will be 1.23 million US dollars, up 66.2% year on year.. [34]
  • Financial communication
In 2023, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Laishui County will reach 28.728 billion yuan, up 12.1% year on year; The loan balance was 19.706 billion yuan, up 15.7% year on year, and the deposit loan ratio reached 68.6%. Financial institutions continued to increase their support for economic and social development.
In 2023, the amount of various (property) insurance in Laishui County will reach 76.5 billion yuan, and the premium income will reach 80.3748 million yuan; 8376 compensation cases were handled, and the compensation amount was 126.8874 million yuan.
By the end of 2023, the number of telephones has reached 365000, including 349000 mobile phones and 16000 program-controlled fixed telephones. The transmission signals of China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, and Radio and Television networks covered the whole county. By the end of the year, the number of Internet fixed broadband users had reached 122000, and the number of Internet mobile broadband (wireless) users had reached 349000. The communication industry provides a strong driving force for the national economy and social development of the county.
In 2022, Yesanpo Scenic Spot in Laishui County will receive 3 million tourists throughout the year, with a year-on-year growth of 66.7%. The comprehensive social and economic benefits will reach 2 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 122.2%. The ticket income of the main scenic spots in the scenic spot will be 50 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 11.1%. [34]
In 2023, the total social power consumption of Laishui County [9] will be 1.354 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 4.34%, including 903 million kilowatt hours for the whole industry, a year-on-year increase of 2.74% (513 million kilowatt hours for industry, a year-on-year decrease of 1.18%), and 451 million kilowatt hours for urban and rural residents, a year-on-year increase of 7.71%.


The transportation is stable and orderly. By the end of 2023, the county will have 1439.7 kilometers of roads, including 1266.5 kilometers of standard roads and 168.2 kilometers of high-grade roads. At the end of the year, there were 103 shuttle buses, 70 buses, 217 taxis and 3510 freight cars. [39]

social undertakings



By the end of 2022, Laishui County has 78 primary and secondary schools, including 16 ordinary middle schools, 1 vocational middle school and 65 primary schools; There are 3562 full-time teachers in primary and secondary schools, including 1523 in ordinary middle schools, 201 in vocational middle schools and 1838 in primary schools; There are 45759 students in primary and secondary schools, including 19980 in ordinary middle schools, 2045 in vocational middle schools, and 23734 in primary schools. [34]

medical and health work

By the end of 2022, there are 25 health institutions, 469 private clinics and village clinics in Laishui County; 1960 health technicians (including private clinics and village clinics), including 992 licensed (including assistant) doctors; There are totally 1373 standard beds. The mortality rate of children under 5 years old is 3.0 ‰, the infant mortality rate is 1.8 ‰, and the proportion of hospital delivery of mothers is 100%. [34]

social security

Laishui County
By the end of 2022, the pension insurance for employees in Laishui County has been fully socialized, and a total of 463.3237 million yuan has been paid to retirees throughout the year; The coverage of medical, pension and unemployment insurance continued to expand. At the end of the year, 29406 employees in the county participated in endowment insurance, 199440 in rural social endowment insurance, and 2900 in urban social endowment insurance; 27550 employees participated in urban medical insurance and 263751 employees participated in urban and rural residents' medical insurance; The scope of unemployment insurance collection has gradually expanded. At the end of the year, 18385 employees participated in unemployment insurance, and 590300 yuan of unemployment insurance compensation was paid, with a payment rate of 100%; There were 1230 registered unemployed people in cities and towns, the registered unemployment rate was 3.16%, and 2431 new urban jobs were created. [34]
In 2022, there will be 164 social welfare adoptive units in Laishui County, including 1 public nursing home, 1 glorious home, 9 private nursing homes, 153 village run happiness homes, and 2963 beds of social welfare adoptive units. Service facilities will be further improved. In the whole year, 3481 people were entitled to preferential treatment from the state (including regular subsidies and pensions), with the amount of 23.4647 million yuan; 11418 people received minimum living security relief, with relief amount of 36.0125 million yuan; The number of rural five guarantees is 1987. [34]

Historical culture


cultural relics and historic sites

Laishui County has such cultural relics and historic sites as the Flower Tower of Qinghua Temple, Xigang Tower, Huangfu Temple Tower, and the Tomb of Prince Yixian.
  • Flower Pagoda of Qinghua Temple
Flower Pagoda of Qinghua Temple , located at the southern foot of Longgong Mountain 2.5 kilometers north of Beiluoping Village, Laishui County, on the cliff platform about 100 meters south of the original Qinghua Temple gate. Now Qinghua Temple has been destroyed, and only this pagoda remains. The flower tower of Qinghua Temple is of brick structure, with a total height of 13 meters, a girth of 19.2 meters, an octagonal base, and a total of eight floors.
On June 25, 2001, the Flower Pagoda of Qinghua Temple was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the fifth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [5]
  • Xigang Tower
Xigang Tower It is located on Xigang, about 1 km west of Laishui County. Its original name is unknown. Later generations called it Xigang Tower because of its place name. Xigang Pagoda is an octagonal brick pagoda with 13 storeys and dense eaves. It is 36 meters high, and the upper part of the pagoda is embossed with cloud heads hanging from the tent.
On May 25, 2006, Xigang Tower was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [6]
  • Tomb of Prince Yixian
Tomb of Prince Yixian , the 13th son of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty Aixin Jueluo Yinxiang The local people also call it Shisanye Tomb. The tomb was built in the eighth year of Yongzheng's reign (1730). Yin Xiang was a powerful assistant before and after Yongzheng's reign. He was appointed Prince Yi by Yongzheng and took over the household department. He dredged the canals in the capital and explored thousands of miles of wasteland. Due to his meritorious efforts in governing the capital, he was given a list of "loyalty, respect, honesty, honesty, diligence, prudence and honesty". In 1730, the eighth year of Emperor Yongzheng's reign in the Qing Dynasty, he died of illness and built a garden bed. The whole garden dormitory was destroyed by local warlords and local officials during the 23-25 years (1934-1936) of the Republic of China. [10]
On May 25, 2006, Prince Yixian's Tomb was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [6]
  • Huangfu Temple Tower
Huangfu Temple Tower Sihuangfu Village, 7.5km east by north of Laishui County, is a relic tower of Pilu Temple, which was destroyed later, leaving only the tower and two ancient monuments. The tower was called "Huangfu Temple Tower" after the village name. According to Laishui County Annals, the tower was built during Dading period of the Jin Dynasty. The tower is an octagonal solid tower with 13 floors and dense eaves structure, with a total height of 22 meters.
On May 3, 2013, Huangfu Temple Pagoda was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [7]

Intangible cultural heritage

The intangible culture of Laishui County includes Xiyi'an Village South Music Club, cloth art (ear pillow making technique), South Gaoluo Ancient Music Club, Sihuangfu Dry Boat Club. Among them, Xiyi'an Village South Music Club and cloth art (ear pillow making skills) were included in the fifth batch of representative projects of municipal intangible cultural heritage in Baoding. [11]
  • Xiyi'an Village South Music Club
The Xiyi'an South Music Festival has no clear history of its origin. Its predecessor was a concert. More than 300 years ago, the monks of Beijing Zhihua Temple brought it to Xiyi'an Village. On the basis of the original concert, musical instruments were added, the small tube was changed to the big tube, and instruments such as erhu, small suona, haicone, and dumb tune were added.
  • Ear pillow manufacturing technique
The craftsmanship of Laishui hand-made ear pillow originated from the late Qing Dynasty. The ear pillow, also known as the "imperial pillow", is also known as the crutch pillow, which can protect the ears. It is named after a piece dug out from the middle of the pillow, which can protect the ear from head pressure. It is a folk handicraft that is on the verge of being lost. [11]
  • South Gaoluo Ancient Music
Gaoluo Ancient Music in Yi'an Town, Laishui County uses six musical instruments, namely sheng, pipe, flute, gong, drum and board. It is played in several ways, such as blowing, reciting, playing, opposing blowing and playing. The altar is opened on the 13th of the first lunar month every year, and the banquet is held on the 17th. In December 2003, Yi'an Town was named the "Hometown of Folk Custom and Ancient Music" by the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Provincial People's Association and the Provincial Music Association, and Laishui County was awarded the "Research Base of Chinese Ancient Music". [12]
Dry Boat Festival
Sihuangfu Village Boat Festival originated in the tenth year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1805). It was adapted from the original folk performance form of running a boat on the road, combined with the "Legend of White Snake" created by Mr. Tian Han and the local folk story "Jinshan Temple" and many other plots. The libretto of the plenary session has 25 paragraphs, about 400 sentences. The local original Zhongsi Tune, supplemented by local bouncing board tune and Hebei Bangzi, is a unique singing tune with three tunes as a whole. Its performance forms include: literary singing, martial arts playing, and joking. [13]

famous scenery

  • Yesanpo Scenic Area
Yesanpo is located in the northwest of Laishui County, at the intersection of Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains, and the place of ancient Zhuolu. It once belonged to Youzhou Yuyang County and Zhuo County. It is the "Panpo sunset" of the eight ancient scenic spots of Zhuozhou, and the "Panpo snow" of the eight scenic spots of Zhuozhou in the Ming and Qing dynasties. With the regional adjustment, Yesanpo and Laishui County gradually separated from Zhuozhou. Yesanpo Scenic Area covers a total area of 498.5 square kilometers and is divided into six major scenic spots: Zhanggu Wonderland—— Baili Gorge Beautiful customs—— Juma River , Cultural Corridor—— Longmen Tianguan Green Pearl - White Grass Bank, Underground Gallery—— Yugu Cave , Gathering of customs—— Jinhua Mountain There are 199 scenic spots in total.
Yesanpo developed its tourism industry in 1986. With its "magnificent, dangerous, strange and secluded" natural landscape and ancient history and culture, Yesanpo Scenic Area has successively won the World Geopark, National AAAAA Tourist Area, National Forest Park, National Scenic Area Comprehensive Renovation Excellent Unit, China Environmental Protection Ecological Demonstration Area National Advanced Unit in Creating Civilized Scenic Spots, National Popular Science Education Base, Land and Resources Popular Science Education Base, National Civilized Unit, National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base, Top Ten Most Beautiful Tourist Attractions and other honorary titles. [14] It is the venue of the first Hebei Tourism Industry Development Conference.
  • Baili Gorge
Baili Gorge covers an area of 110 square kilometers. The three gorges of Haitang Valley, Shixuan Gorge and Xiezigou are like antlers, with a total length of 52.5 kilometers (105 kilometers, hence the name Baili Gorge). [14] The main scenic spots include Han Castle, Huarong Road, Luofeng Slope, Block Stone, Niujiao Peak, Wooden Fish Stone, Hell's Nose, Tiger Mouth, Heartless Waterfall, One Line of Sky, Gold Thread Hanging Needle, First Worship to Guanyin, Algae Stromatolite, Tiansheng Bridge, Wuzi Dengke, Plank Road, Sky Pavilion, Sky Jade Pillar, Strange Peak, Dolomite Rock, Water Curtain Cave, Yanniu Lake, etc.
 Baili Gorge Scenery Baili Gorge Scenery Baili Gorge Scenery Baili Gorge Scenery Baili Gorge Scenery
Baili Gorge
  • Juma River
The Juma River runs 35 kilometers through Yesanpo Scenic Area and connects with the Shidu in the west of Beijing, forming a 100 mile scenic corridor. [14]
  • Baicaopan Scenic Spot
Baicaopan Scenic Area, with an area of 90 square kilometers and a main peak elevation of 1983 meters, is a "sister peak" with Baihua Mountain in western Beijing, known as "the green pearl in Taihang Mountain". There are more than 200 species of seed plants in Baicaopan Scenic Area. There are 4 vegetation types and 15 plant formations vertically distributed on the mountain. There are 159 kinds of wild vertebrates living with plants, including 146 kinds of birds and animals, and 15 kinds of national key protected animals, which can be called "Natural Botanical Garden" and "Wildlife Kingdom". [14] In 1983, a complete "Homo sapiens" (newly intelligent primitive man) fossil more than 28000 years ago was unearthed in Baicaoban Scenic Area. Archaeologists named it "Homo sapiens Laishui" according to the location of the excavation in Laishui County, Hebei Province. [15]
  • Longmen Tianguan Scenic Spot
Longmen Tianguan Scenic Spot is one of the six major scenic spots in Yesanpo, 130 kilometers west of Beijing. It is an important pass from Kyoto to the outside of the Great Wall. It is a place of great importance for military strategists in all dynasties. There were heavy troops in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, leaving behind a large number of cultural buildings, including the Dalongmen Castle, the Inner Great Wall, the Second Holy Temple, the Dalongmen Ancient Village, cliff carvings, and natural scenic spots such as Shangtiangou, Longmen Canyon Xinghua Valley and other nine landscapes complement each other, forming a scenic spot integrating history and culture, national culture and natural scenery, known as the historical and cultural corridor of North China. [14]
The main peak of Longmen Tianguan, Tianzhu Peak, is 1099 meters above sea level. There is a fault gorge composed of granite formed 118 million to 91.8 million years ago. There are cliff carvings on it, which is the largest group of carvings in North China.
  • Yugu Cave Natural Scenic Spot
Yugu Cave Natural Scenic Spot is a natural scenic spot with strange springs and grotesque caves as the main body. Yugu Cave has a total length of about 1800 meters and is divided into five layers. Each layer has its own unique scenery. There are holes in the cave and the caves are connected. A large amount of soil deposited at the bottom of the cave adds a major feature to the Yugu Cave. The geology inside the cave is unique. The landscapes such as stone flowers, cloud basins, and geological relics include various cave sediments in different periods. [14]

Local specialty

The local specialties of Yesanpo in Laishui County are walnuts, apricot squash, and Fu pepper, commonly known as Yesanpo's "three treasures". [16]

Famous people

Zu Chongzhi
Zu Chongzhi , (429~500 years). Fan Yangqiu (now Laishui County). During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, scientists in the Southern Dynasties had high attainments in astronomy and mathematics. For the first time in the history of world mathematics, he calculated the value of pi to seven decimal places, that is, between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927, and proposed the approximate ratio of pi 22/7 and the density ratio 355/113. This density value was first proposed in the world, more than 1000 years earlier than that in Europe. He combined them into a book called "Conjugation", which was once regarded as a mathematics textbook by the Tang Dynasty's national studies. In astronomy, the Daming Calendar compiled by him introduced "precession" into the calendar for the first time, proposing to set 144 leap months in 391 years. The length of a regression year is calculated to be 365.2428148 days, with an error of only about 50 seconds. He is also a mechanical expert, who has rebuilt the lost guide car, water hammer mill, thousand mile boat, etc. In addition, he also studied music and literature. His works include "Interpretation of Analects of Confucius", "Interpretation of the Book of Filial Piety", "Yi Yi", "Lao Zi Yi" and the novel "Narration of Differences", which have all been lost. [17]
Zu Ti
Zu Ti , (266-321), a famous general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a native of Fan Yangqiu County (today's Zugezhuang Village of Laishui County), and a governor of Yuzhou. When he was the chief secretary in Sizhou, he shared the bed with the general Liu Kun and slept together. When he heard the crowing of chickens in the middle of the night, Zu Ti kicked Liu Kun awake with his feet, and the two went outside to dance swords. This is an idiom“ rise up upon hearing the crow of a rooster and practise with the sword ”The origin of. Hou Zuti and Liu Kun encouraged each other to recover the lost land in the north occupied by foreign nationalities. Liu Kun said, "I am ready for war, and the determined owl rebelled against the enemy. I often fear that our ancestors will be born before me." The whip first became an aphorism to encourage morale. Later, Zu Ti led the clan tribe to cross the river from the south to the north. When the boat reached the middle of the river, Zu Ti slapped the side of the boat with his oars and swore, "Zu Ti can't clear the Central Plains and restore the economy, just like a big river." This is what Zu Ti said“ make efforts ”Allusion to. [18]

Honorary title

On December 13, 2017, Laishui County was named the first civilized county in Hebei Province. [19]
In 2019, Laishui County was listed as the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [20]
In April 2020, Laishui County was listed as one of the top 100 summer leisure counties and cities in China. [21]
On December 22, 2020, it was selected into the list of the fifth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that took the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of the whole process of main crop production. [22]
On January 18, 2021, it was named "2018-2020 National Advanced Unit of Family Planning Quality Service" by the National Health Commission. [23]
In 2021, it will be included in the list of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [24]
On December 2, 2021, it was selected into the list of the 13th Double Support Model Cities (Counties) in Hebei Province to be named. [27]
On June 30, 2022, it was selected into the first batch of clean cities (districts) in 2022. [29]
In July 2022, it was identified as the third batch of provincial tourism signs by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hebei Province Fan District. [30-31]