zero Useful+1

Consumption capacity

The use value of the means of living consumed by consumers in unit time
Consumption capacity refers to the use value of the means of life consumed by consumers in a unit time. It is represented by W, that is, W=Qu/T.
Chinese name
Consumption capacity
The use value of the means of living consumed by consumers in unit time
Consumption capacity
consumption Capacity (W) can be expressed by the following formula:
W=Qu/T [1]
-Q represents consumer The amount of means of living consumed per unit time.
-U stands for the use of means of subsistence value
-T represents the unit time
This formula represents the sum of the use value of the means of subsistence consumed by consumers in a specific period of time. In other words, consumption capacity can be understood as the total value of the means of living that consumers can consume within a certain period of time.