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Consumer feeling

Psychological terminology
Consumer perception is the reflection of people on the attributes of things. For example, the reflection of information on color, taste, temperature and other aspects of things in the mind constitutes people's feelings. The process of consumers' understanding of commodities starts from their feelings. Sense is the reflection of the human brain on the individual attributes of the objective things that directly affect the sense organs. Consumer feeling is a subjective phenomenon caused by the individual attributes of the external goods acting on different sensory organs of consumers. [1]
Chinese name
Consumer feeling
Foreign name
Consumers feel
It is the basis of all consumers' knowledge and experience
psychological phenomenon



Consumer feeling
In consumption activities, when consumers come into contact with commodities and other objects, they will feel the physical attributes (such as color, shape, size, hardness, smoothness, roughness, etc.) and chemical attributes (smell, taste, etc.) of commodities with the help of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body skin and other sensory organs, and transmit them to the brain through the nervous system, thus causing various feelings of commodities, Including vision, hearing, smell, taste, skin, etc. For example, for a new type of skin care product, consumers can see the milky white cream with their eyes, smell the pure and refreshing fragrance with their nose, touch the cream with their hands, it is delicate and smooth, and has a sense of moisture when applied on the skin, thus generating feelings about the color, state, fragrance type, texture, etc. of the skin care product.


Feeling is one of the simplest psychological phenomena, which is the direct reflection of the human brain on the external characteristics and external connections of objective things. What consumers gain through feeling is only the superficial, individual and isolated understanding of commodity attributes. Therefore, it is obviously unreliable to make a comprehensive evaluation and judgment on commodities only by feeling. However, feeling is the foundation and starting point of cognitive process and even all psychological activities. Through feeling, consumers can obtain the necessary materials to further understand the goods, and form more complex psychological activities such as perception, memory, thinking, imagination, so as to obtain a comprehensive and correct understanding of the attributes of goods. It is also on the basis of feeling that consumers can produce various emotional changes in the process of recognizing commodities, confirm purchase goals, and make purchase decisions, that is, emotional processes and will processes that trigger and complete psychological activities. On the contrary, without the sense of the consumer, all high-level psychological activities will not be realized, consumers will lose contact with the objective environment, and consumer behavior will not be discussed. Therefore, in a sense, feeling is the basis of all consumer knowledge and experience.
As one of the psychological functions in the process of cognition, sensation has its special manifestation and mode of action, including receptivity and sensory threshold, sensory adaptation, synaesthesia, etc.
1. Sensibility and sensory threshold
Sensibility refers to the subjective receptivity of sensory organs to stimuli. It is an important symbol of whether consumers have a sense of, and feel strong or weak about, consumer stimuli such as commodities, advertisements, prices, etc. Sensibility is usually measured by the size of the sensory threshold. Sensory threshold refers to the amount of stimulus that can cause a certain feeling for a certain time, such as light, color, sound, etc. of a certain intensity and time. The size of consumer perception mainly depends on the level of the sensory threshold limit of consumer stimuli. Generally speaking, the lower the threshold value of sensation, the greater the receptivity; The higher the threshold value of sensation, the smaller the receptivity, and the two are inversely proportional.
Every feeling of consumers has two kinds of sensibility, namely Absolute receptivity And relative receptivity. In consumer activities, not all stimuli can cause consumers' feelings. To produce sensation, the stimulus must reach a certain amount. The minimum stimulus that can just cause sensation is called absolute sensory threshold. The ability to perceive the absolute sensory threshold or the minimum stimulus is absolute receptivity. Absolute receptivity is the lower limit of consumers' perception ability. Any stimulus that does not reach the absolute threshold value of sensation cannot cause sensation. For example, if the duration of TV advertising is less than 3 seconds, it will not cause consumers' visual feelings. Therefore, in order to make consumers feel the goods, it is necessary to understand their absolute sensitivity to various consumption stimuli and the absolute sensory threshold value, and make the stimulus reach enough quantity.
After the stimulus causes feeling, if the number of stimuli changes, but the change is extremely small, it will not be easily perceived by consumers. Only when it is increased to a certain extent can it arouse people's new feelings. For example, when the price of a commodity increases or decreases by 1% to 2%, consumers may not be aware of it. However, if the amplitude modulation reaches more than 10%, it will immediately attract the attention of consumers. The minimum difference of the stimulus that can just be perceived is called Differential sensory threshold The ability of people to feel the minimum difference is called differential sensitivity. The ratio of the differential sensory threshold to the original stimulus amount is constant, and is inversely proportional to the differential receptivity. That is, the larger the original stimulus, the higher the differential threshold value, and the smaller the differential sensitivity, and vice versa. This law clearly explains a universal phenomenon of consumer psychology, that is, various commodities have different threshold values due to different characteristics such as utility and price, and consumers also have different perceptions of them. For example, a price increase of 35 yuan or even more than 10 yuan for a color TV set is often ignored by consumers; The price of a box of matches is raised by 2 cents, but consumers are very sensitive. Understanding consumers' different feelings on the quality, quantity, price and other aspects of different commodities plays an important role in reasonably adjusting consumption stimulus and promoting commodity sales.
2. Sensory adaptation
Consumers' perception will be affected by time factors. With the prolongation of the duration of the stimulus, consumers' sensitivity gradually decreases due to overexposure. This phenomenon is called sensory adaptation. In order to keep consumers more sensitive to consumption stimulus, it is necessary to adjust the action time of consumption stimulus and often change the expression form of stimulus. For example, advertisements that broadcast the same content at intervals; Constantly change the packaging, style and color of goods.
3. Synaesthesia
The receptivity of human sensory organs is not isolated from each other, but interacts with each other. That is, after a sensory organ receives a stimulus to produce sensation, it will also affect the receptivity of other sensory organs. This phenomenon is synaesthesia. When consumers receive multiple consumption stimuli at the same time, synaesthesia caused by the interaction between senses often occurs. For example, people's taste will be enhanced when they enjoy various dishes.
In addition to synaesthesia between different sensory organs, synaesthesia also occurs in different parts of the same sensory organ. Synaesthesia has a direct impact on consumer behavior. The wall pendant of a fast food restaurant in a tropical country was originally light blue, giving people a cool and quiet feeling. Customers took a long time to drink and linger, affecting the table turnover rate. Later, the shopkeeper painted the wall orange, and the customer felt hot and restless after entering the shop, and left immediately after eating. Since then, the table turnover rate has significantly improved. It can be seen that the ingenious use of synaesthesia principle can effectively regulate and guide consumer behavior.