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Consumer groups

Collective with consumption behavior and one or more of the same characteristics
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Consumer group refers to Consumer behavior And has one or more identical A collective of characteristics or relationships. such as Consumer income Similar level, the same shopping interest, or the same age, or Nature of work Same as occupation. In some works, they are called the consumer class, and the main basis for dividing the consumer class is reference social stratum The consumer class is not completely equal to the social class, for example, the consumers of professional goods can form a consumer class (generally still called consumer group), and it is difficult to find the concept of social class equivalence, so the concept of consumer class has greater limitations. [1]
Chinese name
Consumer groups
0-6 years old
0 Consumer groups of infants and young children
6-15 years old
Consumer group of children
15-30 years old
Young consumer groups


Group refers to the combination of more than a certain number of people through certain social relations Joint activities The collective that produces interaction. Consumption is a way for people to satisfy their own desires through consumer goods economic behavior


Consumer groups have different criteria
1 By age
Infant consumer group: the youngest consumer group in the age range of 0-6 years.
Consumer group of children: the age range is from 6 to 15 years old, and consumers at this age stage are gradually showing a second growth peak physiologically.
Young consumer groups: the age range is about 15-30 years old, and the consumer groups at this age can actually be divided into Early youth And the late period.
Middle aged consumer group: consumers in the age range of 30-60 years old are psychologically mature and have strong self-consciousness And self control ability
The elderly consumer group: the age range is over 60 years old, and the consumers at this age stage have undergone obvious changes in physiology and psychology, thus forming a special Consumer groups
2. By gender
Female consumer groups
According to a foreign survey woman 55% of the household consumer goods were purchased, 30% were purchased by men, 11% were purchased jointly by men and women, and 4% were purchased by children. The adult women in China are mostly engaged in their own professions, and their proportion in consumption is slightly lower than that in foreign countries, but the family purchase is still dominated by women.
Male consumer group
3 Classification by occupation
Farmers' consumer groups
Consumer groups of workers
Intellectual consumer groups
Administrative unit Staff consumption group

Formative significance

The formation of consumer groups has an important impact on the market.
1、 The formation of consumer groups can Market supply Clear objectives. The division of different consumer groups can accurately Segments So as to reduce the blindness and business risk Having identified the consumer groups serving them, we can formulate the correct marketing strategy , improve the enterprise's economic performance
2、 The significance of the formation of consumer groups for consumption activities lies in regulating and controlling consumption, so as to make consumption activities develop in a healthy direction. While consumption changes from individual activities to groups, it will greatly improve the socialization of consumption activities, and the socialization of consumption will promote the whole society Consumption level Improvement.