Consumption level

Residents' consumption level in national economic statistics
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The consumption level refers to the sum of various expenditures of consumers to meet their daily living expenses within a certain period (such as one year). According to different consumers, there are Personal consumption expenditure Household consumption expenditure and social public consumption expenditure; According to different consumer goods, there are: (1) commodity consumption expenditure, such as food, clothing, use, housing, transportation, etc; (2) Non commodity consumption expenditure, such as health care, culture and education, sports and entertainment. Under the conditions of commodity economy, consumption expenditure is subject to the following conditions: (1) The amount of money paid to purchase consumer goods (including services). It is first determined by the ability of consumers to pay. The higher the income level of consumers, the greater the demand for affordability, and the greater the consumption expenditure. (2) Under the condition of a certain capacity to pay, the more consumer goods purchased, the higher the price, and the greater the consumption expenditure. (3) Time spent buying consumer goods. It is determined by the supply of consumer goods. [1]
Chinese name
Consumption level
In national economic statistics Residents' consumption level
It should include
Content and abundance of spiritual life
Consumer's health status, life span, etc


From a macro perspective, it refers to the average amount of Living consumption The quantity and quality of products (and services), or the degree to which all consumers are satisfied according to the per capita material and cultural needs. From a micro perspective, it refers to the quantity and quality of consumption objects obtained by a consumer and his/her family in a certain period, or the degree to which a consumer and his/her family's life consumption needs in a certain period are met.
For the content of consumption level, many scholars advocate that, from the perspective of the unity of material civilization and spiritual civilization, the content and abundance of spiritual life should be included in addition to the content and abundance of material life; From the perspective of the unity of consumption content and effect, in addition to the content and abundance of material and spiritual life, it should also include material and Spiritual consumption The final result of - the degree of overall development of consumers, such as consumer Health condition, life span, degree of access to culture and education, degree of improvement of scientific and technological quality of labor force, amount of free time, number of recreational tourism activities, etc. However, some scholars argue that the meaning of consumption level should not be overestimated, it only reflects the relationship between consumers and consumer goods in terms of quantity; The measurement of consumption level is mainly based on the quantity, variety and structure of consumption objects, and cannot be regarded as a comprehensive reflection of consumption conditions. They believe that the final result of consumption should be included in Consumption effect Problems shall be investigated.


Refers to national In economic statistics Residents' consumption level
Press Expenditure method The estimated GDP is divided into Final consumption total investment Net exports of goods and services Three major items. Final consumption is divided into resident consumption and Government consumption Two. Residents' consumption is divided into rural residents' consumption and Urban residents Consumption. The amount of resident consumption calculated on the basis of the national average population is called the "national resident consumption level"; The consumption amount of rural residents calculated according to the average rural population is called the "consumption level of rural residents"; The consumption amount of urban residents calculated according to the average urban population is called the "consumption level of urban residents".
It generally refers to other indicators reflecting residents' consumption
For example, the aggregate and per capita indicators of various consumer goods and consumer services. It can be national indicators, regional indicators and family indicators. The consumption level of a country depends on the development level of productivity, the income level of residents, the development level of consumer goods market, the government's Consumption policy , personal Consumption desire And many other factors.


The consumption level can be measured by the physical quantity of consumer goods and the quantity of labor services, or by the monetary expenditure for obtaining consumer goods and services, that is Value To measure. In terms of value, there are generally three standards: ① Calculate per capita Personal consumption fund (Deduction Consumption fund The public part of). ② Calculate the per capita consumption fund (including the public part of the consumption fund). ③ Calculate per capita "consumption fund+unproductive Accumulation fund ”。 In addition, to measure the consumption level, we can also examine: ① consumption structure Change in nature of. Benign changes reflect rising consumption levels, while adverse changes reflect declining consumption levels. ② The amount of free spare time of workers. The increase of free time means that people have more time to study, rest and play, meet the needs of developing intelligence and physical strength, and increase the number of means of living per unit working time.
The reasonable basis for determining consumption level Consumption level has an objective moderate limit under certain historical period and social conditions. Under socialist conditions, in some countries with underdeveloped economies, it is obviously impractical to leave the material basis of production development and blindly pursue excessive consumption levels. But on the basis of economic development, the consumption level must also be improved. The level of consumption that lags behind the development of production and is suppressed cannot play a positive role in promoting production, nor does it conform to the purpose of socialist production. A reasonable level of consumption must be commensurate with the level of material production development in the country; In addition, it must be conducive to the full use of resources, prevent waste and Ecological imbalance It is conducive to the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization; It is conducive to the physical and mental health of consumers; It is conducive to the progress of the whole society.
To determine the quantitative limit of consumption level Under socialist conditions, we must examine the quantitative limit of consumption level and clarify its minimum and maximum limits in order to determine an appropriate and reasonable consumption level. To determine the minimum limit of consumption level, we should consider: ① should not be lower than the natural physiological needs of consumers; ② Not lower than Labor reproduction Needs; ③ It should not be lower than the previous one base period Level reached; ④ Should not be lower than the minimum in the distribution plan Consumption rate Minimum consumption rate C ', which should be equal to Consumption fund C 0 Consumption fund in the base period multiplied by population growth rate in the planning period △ p , then divide by the planning period national income Y The formula is: C ′= C 0(1+△ p )/ Y If the consumption rate in the planning period is less than the above value, it means that the consumption level in the planning period is lower than that in the base period.
To determine the highest limit of consumption level, we should ensure that Accumulation fund It can be divided into the following two parts:
① The minimum need for productive accumulation. That is, the number of employees in the planning period (including base period Number of workers L 0 and the number of new workers in the planning period △ L )Multiply by base period per capita Productive fixed assets f 0 and working capital f 1 Quota. with A 1 represents the minimum demand for productive accumulation in the planning period, and its formula is:
If the productive accumulation is lower than the above value, it will cause labour productivity A decline of or make some workers unable to find employment.
② The minimum need for unproductive accumulation. I.e. within the planning period Population include base period Population p 0 and the number of new population in the planning period △ p Multiply by per capita non productive fixed assets in the base period f 2 and non productive working capital f 3 Quota.
with A 2 represents the minimum demand for non productive accumulation in the planning period, and its formula is:
If the nonproductive accumulation is lower than the above value, it will not be conducive to the improvement of people's consumption level in the planning period or in a certain future period.
Only when the above two minimum needs are met, will it not be reduced labour productivity Or affect employment, but will not reduce and affect the people's consumption level.

Relevant data statistics

(Data lagging behind a lot) Consumption level of major cities in China in 2012:
1. Shanghai: 5350.00 yuan
2. Shenzhen: 5280.00 yuan
3. Guangzhou: 4750.00 yuan
4. Hangzhou: 4980.00 yuan
5. Nanjing: 3780.00 yuan
6. Wuxi: 3200.00 yuan
7. Suzhou: 4300.00 yuan
8. Jinan: 3120.00 yuan
9. Taiyuan: 1980.00 yuan
10. Yinchuan: 1100.00 yuan