Miss Conch

In 1969, Mihiko Watanabe directed cartoons
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"Miss Conch" is Mihiko Watanabe, which was released in Japan in 1969 [9] Directed animated films.
On May 11, 2020, according to the Kyodo News Agency of Japan, "Miss Conch" has gradually become a well-known longevity TV cartoon in Japan since it was broadcast in 1969. On May 10, Fuji TV said that due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the new content of the cartoon planned to be broadcast from May 17 would be stopped and the previous episode would be broadcast instead. [1]
Chinese name
Miss Conch
Mountain Shore Museum
Issue Date


The sunny Conch lady, with her lively and playful life every day, the author describes with interest those kitchen centered household chores and hot topics in daily life with the exquisite feelings unique to a woman. Countless smiles are extracted from life, and the work vividly reflects the 30 years of post-war Japanese society and family life history.
Absolutely little Miss Conch, absolutely great Miss Conch, absolutely ordinary, absolutely extraordinary. [2]
After World War II, Japan's domestic economy was in recession and social chaos. The myth worship of the Mikado was also destroyed by the US occupation policy.
Miss Conch
At this time, people are extremely frightened and empty, full of fear of the future and society, and the suicide and crime rates have risen sharply.
The best treatment for melancholy people is simple and upward smiling works.
In 1946, Lotte's Hasegawa choko brought the sunny Conch Miss.
Miss Conch, simple and upwardly interesting, gives humor to the little things in life. Influenced by this, people's life is also conditioned to repeat humor.
People also more or less regain hope from the never old Conch Miss.
Therefore, in recognition of the contribution of Machiko Hasegawa's cartoons to stabilizing post-war Japanese society, the Japanese government awarded National Honor Award [2]

Role Introduction

Puffer puffer snail (フググザエ) Excellent voice: Kato Green
The protagonist of this work is from Fukuoka County, Kyushu. At the beginning of the comic series, women who were single and engaged in journalism changed into professional housewives after they married the puffer trout man in the second episode of the comic.
He is cheerful, cheerful, and sometimes confused (the lyrics of the theme song also mention that he forgot to bring his wallet when he went to the street). He is easy to be confused by flattery, and often fights with his younger brother, Jino Booby. My hobbies at ordinary times are mystery novels, shopping, and good at all kinds of housework and sports. I hate frogs.
Puffer puffer snail
Yoshino (カツオオオオオオ, Chinese characters can also be written as "Shengnan") Voice actor: Great mountain envy generation Kazue Takahashi Miina Tominaga
The younger brother of Conch and the eldest son of Jiye's family, studied in Class 3, Grade 5 of Haiou No.3 Primary School.
The appearance is a boy with a bald head. The character can be said to be the most complicated one among all the characters: on the one hand, he is greedy, lively, likes to play tricks and mischief; But on the other hand, he is especially good at taking care of his sister (Undaria pinnatifida) and nephew (Pollock). If a prank goes too far unintentionally, he will feel embarrassed and even take the initiative to reflect. He seems to be good at anything other than learning. However, it also inherited the problem of Bo Ping's enthusiasm for three minutes. When it comes to something that takes a long time to get familiar with, it will give up halfway.
Baseball is my favorite sport, and school homework is my dislike.
Yoshino Undaria (ワカメメワカメメワカメメワカメメワワ12459 Michiko Nomura Makoto Tsumura
Conch's sister, Sister Head A little girl in the shape of Haiou Sisan Primary School.
Simple and naive, always yearning for a certain career. I take everything seriously, and sometimes I often play pranks with my brother, Jino Boogie.
Yoshino Undaria
Hailuo's father, the eldest parent of the Jiye family, has a twin brother, Haiping, in his hometown of Fukuoka.
The appearance is an office worker with only one hair on the top and bald Mediterranean.
I usually like to play Go and potted plants. He is interested in traditional things (occasionally practicing calligraphy and writing haiku). In terms of interest, he is always enthusiastic for three minutes, and lacks a sense of direction. He yelled at the boobies for their pranks, which seemed indispensable to the neighbors.
Yoshino Boping
Jiye Boat (フ ネ) Excellent voice: Misoko Aso Shunhui in Temple [3]
The old surname of Conch's mother before her husband's surname was "Shitian".
In the early stage, compared with his father Boping, he was more stern in character and had more descriptions of scenes of teaching children lessons. Later in the story, it gradually evolved into a combination of "strict father and loving mother". Bo Ping would loudly scold the children who made mistakes, while Zhou would mostly enlighten the children or preach with peaceful words. In addition, there are occasional cases of sulking due to Boping's late return from drunkenness.
Jiye Boat
Puffer Field Trout Man (マスオ, Chinese characters can also be written as "Yi Xiong") Voice actor: Gensuke Konishi Zenggang Hong Hideki Tanaka [4]
Conch's husband met Conch and became a couple after the second episode of the original cartoon appeared.
After marriage, she lived with Conch in Jiye's home, and was a simple and honest old man.
Puffer Field Trout Man
Fugu Tian Goufu (Ta ラオ, Chinese characters can also be written as "Tailiang") Sound excellent: Guijia Tangzi
The son of Conch and Trout Man made his debut in the second episode of the original cartoon.
He is a curious 3-year-old child. He was naughty in the early days, but became clever and sensible after the 1980s. Like fried shrimp croquette And other fried food.
Fugu Tian Goufu
Seaweed Ono (ノリスケケケノリスケケケ, Chinese characters can also be written as "Zezhu") Voice actor: Tsunyue Yizhilang Arakawa Taro Matsumoto Baodian
The third male of Boping's sister (Boping's nephew).
As an editor in a publishing house, Mr. Itsuzaka, a writer, often visited Yoshino's house because he lived next door to Yoshino's house.
He often worries about money shortage, and sometimes he still eats at Jiye's house. He is often said by boobies to be stingy, but I don't mind.
Sparus undulatus (タイ) son Voice actors: Feng Chuan Liang Zi → Hui Bishou Zhen Sha Zi → Tsukuta Hui Mei Zi → Kobayashi やか [2]
The wife of Haitesuke Ono, who used to have the surname of Jin Jiang, is a lady from a large family and is very compatible with Conch.

Broadcast information

audience ratings
Latest DRAMA ratings
The highest audience rating in history was 39.4% on September 16, 1979, and the average audience rating from 1997 to 2006 was 20.67%. No animation can match it. In 2014, the audience rating of Miss Conch still ranked first with 15.84%, and cherry meatballs ranked second with 10.81%.
Miss Conch
ザエさんんんザエさんん is a Japanese national animation, which was released on October 5, 1969. So far, the total length of the serial has been about 6000 words, which is the longest animation in the world, and is constantly breaking its own records. In Japan, it is an animation that everyone knows.
The animated version was released on October 5, 1969 Fuji TV Station It has continued to be broadcast 40 years since its debut, and has now reached more than 2000 episodes, and set a record of 39.4% ratings on September 16, 1979.
Since the first episode, the animation of "Miss Conch" has been broadcast at 6:30 on Sunday evening without any other changes Toshiba Is the sponsor of the program since its inception.
In the second trailer at the end of the program, since 1991, Conch Club began to play a guessing game with the audience in front of the TV with a sign with "scissors", "stone", and "cloth" pictures after the preview, while the number of times Conch Club punched was "scissors" in 2012. [5]
After 2005, the animation of "Miss Conch" began to adopt the HD production mode, and in January 2009, LetterBox display screen with 16:9 ratio was broadcast.
For final use in Japan Celluloid With the full digitalization of Miss Conch in September 2013, celluloid officially bid farewell to the historical stage of Japanese animation.

Music soundtrack

"My family"
Lyrics: Lin Chunsheng Compose: Tongmei Jingping Song arranger: Tong Mei Jingping Song: Yuye Youzi

Employee List

Supervisor: Kobayashi Lixiong
Planning: Kubota Rongyi (フジよビ), Kono Xiongyi (フジよビ)
Produced by: Matsumoto Meishu (propaganda agency), Kono Hiichi → Matsuzaki Rongzi (フジよビビビジジビビビイビイイわイわエエイイわイわわ124
Supervision: Shan Anbo
Painting supervisor: Yuechuan Xiumao → Kanoko
Art supervisor: Minhong Otsuke
Color design: Takao Onazaki, Fuji Yoshizawa → Takao Onazaki → Bonfu Nakazawa
Snapshot supervisor: Kurosaki Chiwu

Never export rumors

The so-called "Japan decided to never export this film in order to protect its national culture, and its citizens are also very cooperative, and no one has ever let it go on the Internet. Although it is said that it is also the only Japanese anime that will never be exported. Just like windfuture [6] Said: It is totally conspiracy theory and parroting, and we must persist in refuting rumors to the end! [6]
First of all, this cartoon is not without export. Yilin Publishing House introduced its anthology of "Life, Love and Humor" series of world comic books, which is called "A Luo". (Life · Love · Humor Ah Luo)
It is also issued in the United States under the name The Wonderful World of Sazae-San。
China introduced the cartoon Miss Conch as early as 1992, and the animation has been released for more than 2200 times, more than 6900 episodes, but no DVD has been released. The audience rating of "Miss Conch" is very scary, and the pirate Conan can't cover it. It's true that it is a national animation in Japan, but is it suitable for export overseas?
In the early years, Japan mainly exported robot animations such as Astro Boy and Goddard. Later, the theme expanded to all kinds. The main consideration of exporting works is the commercial factor. If you are Japanese, think about the non-commercial "Miss Conch", which has never been released on DVD since 1969. With such a long length (more than 6900 episodes, more than 700 episodes of Conan have made many people vomit blood), can the low quality of the early years still meet the needs of overseas audiences? Besides, the theme must be taken into consideration when exporting. This kind of daily animation that is close to reality will certainly be acclimatized overseas. To take an inappropriate example, is "The Happy Life of Humble Zhang Damin" suitable for export? It is estimated that even if it is broadcast to Hong Kong and Taiwan TV stations for nothing, there is no audience rating.
Colud quotation
The animation version should not be exported. The author, Machiko Hasegawa, once said that she did not want her work to become a commodity, and people respected her wishes. Therefore, this animation has never been released on DVD, and rarely replayed. (Therefore, we were basically not able to see the dramas that were broadcast before the popularity of the recorder.)
First of all, they do not intend to make profits through authorization, so the internal demand for exports is very small.
In addition, to export, we also need to consider the acceptance of audiences in other countries - although Japanese people cherish it very much, it may be boring in the eyes of others, and it is also possible for this consideration.
Moreover, for example, the customs of our hometown have long been accepted by us, and it is very natural to follow the inheritance. Outsiders do not know anything about it, nor do they feel the need to promote it to the outside world - perhaps Miss Conch is similar to the customs of her hometown in the Japanese mind.

Conch phenomenon

1: It appeared in the Japanese history test of Kyoto University.
Qingying Yishu Zhimu University Zhipu University of Technology It also appeared in the entrance examination of Bai Middle School.
2: Because the characters in it will not grow up no matter how long it takes, it is extended to become a synonym for the characters in ACG world who will not grow up.
3: This animation also has quite a number of fans in the entertainment industry. Like the famous actress in Neighbors and Olympics Maki Kubota When asked, "If you can only take one thing to No Man's Island, what is it?", he answered "The DVD of Miss Conch" without hesitation. He also said, "The conch, which is always wavering between weight loss and appetite, and Boping, who is only hot for three minutes to do everything, are all human family members, and I can't bear it.".
4: In Japan, the end of the show of Miss Conch is often used as a metaphor for the end of a good time. [2]


In 2013, the animated version of Miss Conch was Guinness World Records Certified as "TV cartoon with the longest broadcast time span", the previous record holder was American cartoon《 The Simpsons 》。 [7]

Japanese social quotation

holding company Dahe General Research Institute In 2005, he published an original research on judging the prosperity, which showed that when the audience rating of Miss Conch increased during the holiday TSEC share price index Will fall; And vice versa. The judgment basis is that when ordinary people have free money, they will increase opportunities for other entertainment such as going out on holidays. On the contrary, if people have no free money, they can only watch Miss Conch on TV on holidays to kill time. Daiwa General Research Institute calls this way of judging prosperity "Miss Conch Effect" ("Baby Effect").
Because the program "Miss Conch" has been broadcast on Sunday evenings for many years, the Japanese describe the depression caused by the good Sunday holiday and the next day's work and school as "Miss Conch Syndrome" ("Miss Conch Syndrome").
The structure of Miss Conch is a unit play mode in which the age of the characters in the story does not change with the increase of the plot. The Japanese animation industry uses the word "Miss Conch Time and Space" (ザエさんんん Time and Space) to describe the works that are also expressed in this unit play mode.
The Japanese call someone "Mr. Trout Man" (マスオさんんんマススオスんんスんんススオんん), which means that the other party is a man who lives in the wife's family after marriage. [8]