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aquatic invertebrate
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Jellyfish is a kind of large warm water jellyfish belonging to the order Rhizophorae Rhizophoraceae, which is engaged in floating life in the sea [1] The surface of the jellyfish outer umbrella is smooth and the glial layer is thick. The inner umbrella has many annular muscles arranged in a concentric circle and tile like arrangement around the stomach cavity; There is a kidney shaped sunken lower genital point on the inner umbrella spoke, and the inside of the point is separated by a membrane, which is not connected with the outside; The inner wing is larger, called the main wing, and the outer wing is smaller, called the aileron; There are many small finger like and spindle like appendages, and many small suction mouths and touch fingers on each wing fold; Adults are generally milky white. Because the developed cricoid muscles have various pigment cells, they often form groups with different colors [2] Jellyfish is female and male, and its sex is not easy to identify from the appearance [3 ]
Jellyfish are widely distributed in China (from the Yalu River estuary in the north to the Beibu Gulf in the south) [10] , also distributed in North Korea, Japan and other waters [2] Jellyfish grow and breed in brackish fresh water, sediment, shallow coastal estuaries; The main food is diatoms, dinoflagellates, ciliates, foraminifera, small planktonic crustaceans and other planktonic larvae, and sometimes small fish and shrimp [4 ] The peak spawning period of jellyfish is from September to October [5 ] Jellyfish is a kind of large jellyfish with short life cycle and fast growth. Its life cycle is about one year [6 ] The jellyfish is sweet, salty and flat in nature. It has the effects of clearing away heat and nourishing yin, softening hard and eliminating phlegm, dispelling accumulation and breaking stagnation, dispelling wind and pain, detoxifying and dissipating knots, treating metrorrhagia and stopping bleeding, tonifying the body, and soothing the intestines and pacifying the fetus [7 ] Jellyfish contains substances similar to acetylcholine, which can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, and is suitable for patients with hypertension [8 ] Jellyfish venom is contained in the gill sac of fresh jellyfish, which is mainly composed of proteins, polypeptides, serotonin, histamine and other bioactive substances. When people touch the tentacles of jellyfish, they will be injured. In serious cases, they will have dyspnea, rash, shock and other symptoms, even endangering health life [9 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
R. esculentum Kishinouye
Stone mirror; jellyfish; Ailanthus altissima; Sea serpent
Foreign name
Distribution area
Southeast coast of China, Japan, Korea, etc
Habitat environment
Semi saline fresh water, sediment as bottom material, shallow water area of coastal estuary

Discovery and naming

China is the first country in the world to develop and utilize jellyfish home [11]
The Natural History of the Jin Dynasty records that "there are things in the East China Sea, which look like blood clots, with no head, no eyes, and no lumen, and many shrimps are attached to them. People can cook and eat them along with their things." The Tang Dynasty's Collection of Materia Medica also mentioned that "the big one is like a bed, the small one is like a bucket, without eyes, stomach, and stomach. With shrimp as the eye, it is fried with ginger and vinegar, and the sea people think it is common."
Because large jellyfish have the common characteristics of "sting people", they are collectively called "jellyfish". There is a kind of specialized cells on the surface of the tentacles of jellyfish, called stinging cells. When the human body is exposed to stinging cells, it will be stung, hence the name of jellyfish.

morphological character

Jellyfish is a large warm water jellyfish belonging to the family Rhizophoraceae, order Rhizophora. The jellyfish type body is bell shaped or inverted bowl shaped, or umbrella shaped. The umbrella surface is smooth, and the glial layer is thick. The inner umbrella has many annular muscles arranged in concentric circles and tiles around the stomach cavity. There are kidney shaped sunken lower genital points on the spokes between the inner umbrellas. The inside of the points is separated by a membrane, which is not connected with the outside world; The inner wing is larger, called the main wing, and the outer wing is smaller, called the aileron; There are many small finger like and spindle like appendages, and many small suction mouths and touch fingers on each wing fold; Adults are generally milky white, because the well-developed cricoid muscle has a variety of pigment cells; They often form groups with different colors. Jellyfish is female and male, and its sex is not easy to identify from the appearance. The protruding side is called exumbrella or upper umbrella face, and the concave side is called subumbrella. In the center of the lower umbrella face is a drooping tube called manubrium. The free end of the drooping lip is the mouth, and the edge of the umbrella has a circle of tentacles. The edge of the lower umbrella of the hookhand jellyfish protrudes a circle of narrow membrane structure inward, called velum, Marginal membrane is the characteristic of Hydra jellyfish. In the bowl jellyfish, jellyfish have no marginal membrane. The structure of the body wall of the medusa type is basically similar to that of the hydra type, which is also composed of two layers of epithelial muscle cells sandwiched with the mesothelium, but the mesothelium of the medusa type is far more developed than that of the hydra type. The gastric circulation cavity surrounding the body wall is also more developed. It is either a simple capsule or a capsule that is divided into four gastric sacs. Four or more radial tubes (Hydromedusae) extend from the gastric sacs to the umbrella edge, and are connected with circular tubes parallel to the umbrella edge. The circular tubes can also extend centrifugal tubules into tentacles, Go straight to the end of the tentacle. Sensory organs, such as eyespot or statocyst, are located at the edge of the umbrella or the base of the tentacle [1-2] [3 ] [12]
morphological character

Habitat environment

Jellyfish is a warm water animal, which grows and breeds in brackish fresh water, sediment as the bottom material, and shallow water in coastal estuaries.
The jellyfish lives in the sea and lives in the coastal waters all its life, especially near the estuary where the bottom material is mud or sediment. The water depth of the distribution area is generally 5~20 m, sometimes up to 40 m. The suitable range for water temperature is generally 16~32 ℃, the optimum temperature is 18~24 ℃, and the suitable range for salinity is 8~35, the optimum temperature is 14~20 ℃. It likes to live in a weak light environment with a light intensity below 2400lx.

Distribution range

Jellyfish are distributed in the coastal waters of northeast China, as well as in North Korea, Japan and other waters. Jellyfish are distributed in the vast coastal waters from the Yalu River estuary in the north to the Beibu Gulf in the south of China's coastal waters, with the Liaodong Bay and Zhejiang coastal waters having the largest number of jellyfish many [2] [13]

Life habits


Muscle and exercise

Jellyfish usually live in a single, floating or swimming life. Very few species live in groups, and some groups can live in a fixed way. The echinococcus rarely can make active movement, and the movement ability is limited, especially the hydra type. Exercise is caused by the contraction of myofibrils in epidermal muscle cells. For example, the body of hydra can stretch and contract. The body length can reach 15-20 mm when stretching and 0.5 mm when contracting. This stretch is explosive, and it bursts every 5-10 minutes or so, mainly caused by the contraction of longitudinal myofibrils of skin muscle cells. The contraction of myofibrils on one side of the body can cause the body to bend. Sometimes, by bending the body and tentacle and alternately attaching to the base plate, you can do a somersault. Mucous cells at the basal disc can secrete a large number of bubbles, which can make hydra float on the water for a short time. The myofibrils of the medusae and corals have separated from the epidermal cells to form an independent layer of muscle fibers. For example, the myofibrils of the medusae form a thin layer of muscle rings on the lower umbrella surface and the umbrella edge. Some of them are separated into sheets by spoke tubes, and their fibers have transverse stripes. They shrink regularly to make the umbrella surface contract rhythmically. When the umbrella edge contracts, the water inside the umbrella edge is ejected, and the jellyfish body moves upward due to the reaction force. When the umbrella and the umbrella edge muscles relax, the elasticity of the compressed glue layer restores the umbrella to its original shape, and the water enters the umbrella edge again, and the body sinks. However, because the contraction is faster than the expansion, the jellyfish can still move vertically upward. The vertical movement of jellyfish can be seen more clearly in jellyfish with marginal membrane. Once the muscles stop contracting, the jellyfish will sink naturally. Its horizontal movement is mostly passive, mostly driven by water flow and wind. For example, in corals, the myofibrils of sea anemones form well-developed contractile muscles on the diaphragm. Its contraction is very powerful, so it is difficult to remove the anemones when they are fixed on the rocks Of [12]
Muscle and exercise

Feeding and digestion

The spinocysts are carnivorous, and their main food is diatoms, dinoflagellates, ciliates, foraminifera, small planktonic crustaceans and other planktonic larvae. Sometimes they also prey on small fish and shrimp. Due to the mechanical and chemical stimulation of food, hydra will stretch their tentacles and release the gill sac to entangle, paralyze and poison the catch, and then send the food into the mouth. The mucus secreted by the gland cells in the oral area is conducive to food swallowing. After the food enters the stomach cavity, the gland cells in the stomach begin to secrete protease, which decomposes and digests the food to form many polypeptides. At the same time, the food can be mixed and pushed in the stomach cavity due to the flagella movement of muscle cells. After this extracellular digestion, the intracellular digestion process begins. The pseudopods that nourish muscle cells engulf food particles, forming a large number of food bubbles in the cells. After the acidic and alkaline chemical processes, nutrients are transported to the whole body by the diffusion of cells. The structure of stomach cavity of medusae and corals is complex. In the stomach cavity of the medusae, there are various radial tubes and circular tubes, and in the stomach sac there are stomach filaments of endoderm origin; The stomach cavity of corals is divided into many chambers by many diaphragms, on which there are diaphragmatic filaments. There are a lot of prickle cells and glandular cells in the stomach silk and diaphragm silk, which are killed and digested after they swallow food into the stomach cavity. Digested nutrients are transported to the whole body through various pipelines, and undigested food residues are still discharged from the mouth. Glycogen and fat are the main storage materials of coelenterates. Many species of echinococcus, especially reef building corals in the sea, have symbiotic algae in their bodies, such as zooxanthophyta, dinoflagellate and so on. Algae can carry out photosynthesis, produce glycerol, fat, sugar, proline, etc., and provide them as supplementary nutrition for echinococcus animals. This will be further described in Corals [4 ] [12]

Respiration and excretion

The echinococcus has no special respiratory and excretory organs. Because the body is composed of two layers of cells surrounding the gastric circulation cavity, and the stomach cavity is connected with the outside world through the mouth, in fact, the two layers of cells in the body wall are in contact with the outside environment, so the respiration and excretion can be carried out directly and independently by the cells in the body wall. The water flow at the inlet, outlet and stomach cavity can carry fresh oxygen and take away metabolites. The main nitrogenous waste of echinococcus animals is ammonia [12]

Reproductive mode

The peak spawning period of jellyfish is 9-10 month [5 ] Jellyfish is a kind of large jellyfish with short life cycle and fast growth. Its life cycle is about 1 year [6 ]
Both asexual and sexual reproduction of jellyfish are common in coelenterates. Jellyfish have strong reproductive capacity, and sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction alternate in the process of its life cycle.
The main form of asexual reproduction is budding, especially in the hydra type. For example, when the hydra sprouts, it protrudes from the base of the body through the body wall and stomach cavity, and then grows tentacles and mouth to form a bud. Later, the bud separates from the mother body to form a new individual. However, if the bud formed in Obelia is not separated from its mother, a colony will be formed. Secondly, asexual reproduction can also be carried out through division, which mainly occurs in the hydra type. For example, sea anemones can divide longitudinally, and the larvae of medusae can reproduce asexually by transverse division. In addition, the Hydra type generally has a strong regenerative ability. For example, the Hydra is cut into several segments, and each segment can generate a new individual when the conditions are appropriate. The polarity of the mouth and the mouth end is unchanged during regeneration, but the regeneration speed of the mouth end is faster than the mouth end. Therefore, the regeneration of hydra is also considered as a way of asexual reproduction. Some reproduction occurs in most hydra types and all medusae types. Except for a few species such as hydra, which are hermaphrodite, most species are hermaphrodite (or diaspora). Germ cells originate from mesenchymal cells and then migrate to a fixed location to form gonads. The gonads of hydrozoa come from the epidermal layer, such as hydra, and the gonads of hydromedusae are located under the radial tube or around the labium pendulum, but they all come from the epidermal layer cells. Germ cells of the medusae originate from the stomach layer and lie in the lower part of the stomach sac. The germ cells of corals are generated from the septum in the stomach cavity, which is also the source of the endoderm. The coelenterates only have gonads, without reproductive ducts and accessory gonads, and the germ cells are discharged from the mouth after maturity, or released by the rupture of the body wall. Fertilization varies according to species, either in vitro seawater, or on the surface of the vertical tube, or in the gonad in the stomach cavity. The cleavage is complete, forming a hollow blastocyst. The gastrula is formed by migration or invagination, resulting in the formation of two layers of cells, namely, two embryonic layers. The cells clustered inside are the endoderm, which will form the stomach layer of the adult in the future, and the outer layer is the ectoderm, which will form the epidermis of the adult in the future. The solid gastrula extended rapidly, and cilia appeared on the body surface, forming a free swimming planula. In the early stage, the floating wave larva has no mouth or stomach cavity. After swimming for a period of time, it is fixed on aquatic plants, rocks or other objects and develops into a hydra type body, or forms a colony through budding reproduction. The freshwater hydra has no larval stage and develops directly from the fertilized egg [12]



Classified status

Jellyfish is a double germ animal, belonging to Cnidaria, Scyphomedusae, Rhizostomeae, Rhizostoidae, and Rhopilema.
Classification and status 1
Classification and status 2

Species and related species

At present, there are four species of jellyfish in the genus Jellyfish of the jellyfish family, namely, Rhopilemaesculenta Kishinouye, Rhopilema hispidum (Vanboffen), Rhopilema rhopalophorum Haeckel, and Mushroom Jellyfish species [14] Only the first three species are found in China's coastal areas. The rod shaped jellyfish is small (40~100 mm), with thin mesothelium layer on the umbrella, small in number, and has no fishing value. As the jellyfish of fishing production, there are only jellyfish and yellow spot jellyfish.
Jellyfish abound in the coastal waters of the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, and are very rich in resources. Jellyfish are the main fishing objects of China's jellyfish fishery, especially in the Liaodong Bay area of China. Jellyfish is the most important kind of fishery resources, and has now developed into a jellyfish fishery industry. The edible jellyfish along the coast of China include, in addition to the jellyfish genus of the jellyfish family, Nemopilema nomurai Kishinouye of the Stomolophidae family, Lobonema smithi Mayer and Lobonemoi degracilis Light of the Lobonematidae family etc. [10]
Classification and status 3

Key values


Medicinal value

The jellyfish is sweet, salty and flat in nature. It has the effects of clearing away heat and nourishing yin, softening hard and eliminating phlegm, dispelling accumulation and breaking stagnation, dispelling wind and pain, detoxifying and dissipating knot, treating metrorrhagia and stopping band, tonifying strong, moistening intestines and pacifying fetus. It is suitable for patients with lung dryness, cough and asthma, dysentery, constipation, children's food accumulation, functional uterine bleeding, erysipelas, burns, etc use [7 ] In a large, complete, gray brown color Be good [15]
Jellyfish has the functions of clearing heat and resolving phlegm, removing blood stasis and accumulation, softening firm and dissipating stagnation, tonifying heart and lung, nourishing yin and calming liver, reducing blood pressure and eliminating dampness, quenching thirst and sobering up, stopping cough and removing annoyance, and moistening intestines. Indications: cough due to lung heat, asthma due to phlegm heat, swelling due to food accumulation, constipation due to intestinal dryness, gall, scrofula, erysipelas, beriberi, goiter, lymph node tuberculosis, hyperemia Pressure [16]

Edible value

Jellyfish is suitable for patients with various fatty liver diseases. Especially for patients with tracheitis, asthma, gastric ulcer, rheumatic arthritis and other diseases, the staff who have more contact with dust often eat jellyfish, which can protect their health healthy [17]
Jellyfish contains substances similar to acetylcholine, which can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It is suitable for patients with hypertension [8 ]
Jellyfish as a drink, for irregular pieces. The surface is shrunk, grayish brown and soft Toughness [15]
Dosage and usage: soak the jellyfish head in clean water for 2-3 days, change the water every day, bleach away the salt alum, remove it, chop it, dry it for use. Internal use: Fried soup, 30~60g, or scalded with 80 ℃ water or mixed with ginger and vinegar. External use: appropriate amount, use more stinging skin, apply. 1-2 times a week. Cook according to personal taste. Put some vinegar properly when eating jellyfish salad [13]
pragmatic value

nutritive value

Jellyfish, rich in protein, fat, riboflavin, thiamine, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus etc. [13]

matters needing attention

The stinging sac of fresh jellyfish contains venom. The toxin is composed of protein like, polypeptide, serotonin, histamine and other biologically active substances. When people touch the jellyfish, they will be touched, and even suffer from dyspnea, shock and other symptoms, even life-threatening [9 ]
Jellyfish, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, allergic people should not eat. It is not edible after decay. Jellyfish should not be salted with white sugar. Fresh jellyfish have more water, thicker skin, and also contain toxins. It is not edible. It needs to be salted three times with edible salt and alum (commonly known as three alums), and the fresh jellyfish is dehydrated three times before the toxins can be discharged with water [17]