hunshandake sand land

Scenic spots of Xilingol Grassland in central Inner Mongolia
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Hunshandake Sandy Land is one of the top ten in China Desert sand One of, located at Inner Mongolia central section Xilingol Grassland South end, away from Beijing Linear distance 180 kilometers, the nearest sand source to Beijing. Hunshandake Sandy Land is about 450 kilometers long from east to west and covers an area of about 52000 Square kilometers Average altitude More than 1100 meters, it is one of the four major sandy lands in the middle and east of Inner Mongolia.
Hunshandake Sandy Land is a famous water desert in China, where many small lakes small lake And sand spring, spring water from the sand, into the river. Most of these rivers flow into the Gagosta River, and some only flow into it small lake There are only seasonal rivers.
Chinese name
hunshandake sand land
geographical position
South of Xilingol League and west of Keshiketen Banner, Chifeng City [3]
Opening Hours
Open all day all year round [2]
Famous scenic spot
Solidify the landscape of sandy broad-leaved forest Solidify the sparse forest landscape in sandy land
Inner Mongolia Xilin Gol

Regional overview

 hunshandake sand land  hunshandake sand land  hunshandake sand land
hunshandake sand land
hunshandake sand land
Hunshandake sandy land has abundant water and grass, unique landscape and beautiful scenery. Some people call it "Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall", and some people call it "Garden Desert". Where? Wildlife resources There are many. It is a breeding ground for migratory birds, and there are many rare plants and medicinal materials.
In modern times, due to the continuous drought and reclamation of the climate, the grassland was overloaded, resulting in grassland degradation, shrinking rivers and lakes, and increasingly serious desertification. According to research, the Hunshandake sandy land has become one of the main sources of dust that has plagued Beijing in recent years.

Sandy origin

According to the extensive field survey of eolian sand bearing strata and relevant indoor samples Analysis results The Hunshandake Sandy Land was formed at least in the Late Tertiary. At that time, it was under the control of warm dry subtropical dynamic high pressure and was weak East Asian monsoon Impact, warm arid desert, semi-arid grassland and wood Forest steppe Between environmental change , forming subtropical red monsoon desert deposits. In the Quaternary, affected by the East Asian monsoon and its changes, the environment was in the temperate zone desert steppe A series of activation, desert expansion and dune fixation, and desert contraction are fluctuating between forests and grasslands, forming temperate yellow monsoon desert deposits.

Geographical climate

hunshandake sand land natural condition Unique. The terrain is high in the southwest and low in the northeast, Average altitude 1300 meters. The northern part of the Banner is the middle and eastern part of the famous Hunshandak Sandy Land, which is typical of the intertwined hills and rivers Geomorphic type There are sparse forests Shrubbery And meadow, together with other grasslands, form a unique pastoral scenery. The south is low mountain and hilly landform Yanshan Northerly Low mountain At the intersection of hills and low mountains on the southwest edge of the Great Khingan Mountains, there is a large area of grassland distributed among the mountains. Hunshandake Sandy Land in the north and Jinlianchuan in the south Typical grassland yes ecological environment It is also a favorable barrier for the ecological environment of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The climate of Hunshandake Sandy Land is mild. Middle genus temperate continental climate , year Average temperature 1.5 ℃, the average temperature in January is - 18.3 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 18.7 ℃, Extreme maximum temperature 35.9 ℃, extreme Minimum temperature -36.6 ℃, cool and pleasant in summer, is a good place for summer. The annual rainfall is 365.1 mm, mainly in July, August and September, accounting for 80% - 90% of the annual rainfall. There are 104 frost free days and 180 snow and ice periods in winter.

Migratory bird migration

hunshandake sand land
Inner Mongolia Xilingol Grassland is the only way for migratory birds to migrate, especially in its territory Chaganuoer Lake The Hunshandake sandy land is also a habitat and breeding place for migratory birds.
In March and April every year, when the lake water has just opened, a large number of migratory birds fly back from the south to live in Chagannuoer Lake, laying eggs and breeding in small lakes in Hunshandake sandy land, reeds and cattail grass in Paozi. However, in recent years, the number of migratory birds living there has been greatly reduced. According to Mr. Zheng Boyu, a retired cadre of the former Ministry of Light Industry who lived there for many years and later made a detailed investigation there, this is mainly due to the change of living environment, coupled with the intensification of human disturbance and killing, and migratory birds no longer dare to lay eggs and breed there. They have no choice but to breed in Beijing's parks, lakes and rivers. Hunshandake Sandy Land is located in the central and southern part of Xilingol Grassland, stretching more than 300 kilometers in east-west direction, with a total area of 2140000 square kilometers. The sand dunes in the sandy land are undulating, with low lands and beaches between hills.
There are many magical places in Hunshandake Sandy Land. Dege tried to be on the edge of the sand nest, there was a small lake full of reeds and cattails, and there were several similar small lakes around it. They are formed directly from underground water. The lake water is crystal clear and cold. People dare not go down. Dense reeds grow in the water a few meters away from the lake shore. Due to the protection of water, Dege tried to become migratory bird A good place to lay eggs and raise babies. In April and May every year, a large number of migratory birds come there to lay eggs and breed young. At this time, cranes sing and ducks crow. Mr. Zheng Boyu said that although the capital is beautiful, it is not a paradise for birds after all. The beautiful Chagannor Lake and the magical Hunshandak Desert are the best places for them to live and breed their offspring. We must protect the ecological environment there, reduce human disturbance, and return the birds to a peaceful and happy place.

Historical changes

hunshandake sand land
Hunshandake Sandy Land is entering the new generation of the world in late life Quaternary glaciation and Qinghai Tibet Plateau Formed and evolved in the context of uplift, Glaciation Climate fluctuations and Neotectonic movement Common influence makes sandy land different Geological period There are different genetic mechanisms. Neogene Sandy land is mainly continuously controlled by Subtropical high Under the influence of weak monsoon and changes, red eolian sand and red paleosol deposits are formed.

Geomorphic features

Hunshandake sandy land is mostly fixed or Semi fixed dune Most of the dunes are ridge shaped and chain shaped, and a few are crescent shaped, spreading from northwest to southeast. The dunes are 10 to 30 meters high, and there are many patches between the dunes, mostly composed of light yellow silt.

Landscape Introduction

hunshandake sand land
The landscape is divided into solidified sandy broad-leaved forest landscape, solidified sandy sparse forest landscape, and sandy summer green landscape bushes Landscape, sandy grass landscape, sandy land Subshrub Semi artemisia landscape and mobile dune or bare sand landscape.
Keqidar on the eastern edge of Hunshandak Sandy Land Hanwula Sumu There is a large area of sandy land sparse forest dominated by elm. In the spring when everything recovers, elm trees in the sand dunes show green elm seeds Let the dead sand be full of vitality; In the hot summer, the branches and leaves of Elm pumila with different shapes connect to each other, spreading the green shade for the vast desert; In late autumn after frost, Orange The leaves of The layers of forest are all dyed , the scenery is pleasant; These sand elms have become Windbreak and sand fixation Our brave men stand proudly in the wind. It is more than 20 kilometers away from Darhan to the east Baiyin Aobao National Nature Reserve There are 36000 mu of the world's rare tree species - Picea mongolica, which is evergreen tree , extremely resistant to cold and drought, can adjust the climate Purified air It can also prevent wind, fix sand and protect grassland. The desert spruce not only created the miracle of desert life, but also won people's love for its fearless and lofty appearance. This tree has a long life and strong sand fixation ability, so it is called“ emerald ”"Living Fossils".
In recent years, experts have found a large area of sand dunes around the Hunshandake Sandik Qixiang Hydropower Station Juniper and Chinese pine Mixed forest It covers an area of more than 30000 mu. Juniper and Pinus tabulaeformis belong to sub trees, which are excellent varieties of drought resistance and sand fixation. They can survive on fixed dunes and semi fixed dunes, but it is difficult to see patches of Juniper and Pinus tabulaeformis in northern China Primeval forest It is confirmed that this mixed forest is the largest mixed forest of Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus tabulaeformis in the north of China.

natural resources

There are many rivers and lakes on the sandy land and grassland natural landscape There are 21 rivers and streams in the whole Banner, which are composed of two major water systems. The northern part belongs to the Hurechagannur River System, which is mainly composed of internal rivers such as the Gogostai River and the Mangkeolimu River flowing through Hunshandake Sandy Land; Southern genus Luanhe River system , mainly from Shangdu River , Huiwen River, etc Outflow river form. The total length of rivers in the territory is 283.9 km. In addition, there are 16 water springs, 142 lakes (Noel), and the largest Freshwater lake It's Zags Denor, the biggest salt water lake It's Holle speaking. In spring and summer, many precious birds
There are rich vegetation types. have seed plant 708 species in total. There are poplar and birch secondary forests at the east end of Hunshandake sandy land in the north, and the shady slope of low mountains and hills in the west has island shape shrubwood , the north is sandy Elm There are sparse forests and a large area of grassland in the middle. Summer Zhenglan Banner Grassland, blue sky, white clouds lark And scattered lakes, Meandering The rivers and endless mountains, trees and meadows complement each other, forming a harmonious and beautiful grassland landscape.

Ecological deterioration

Hunshandake Sandy Land with Ecological Deterioration
The Hunshandak sandy area is migratory bird The habitat and breeding place of. In March and April every year, when the lake has just opened, a large number of migratory birds fly back from the south to Chaganuoer Lake Habitat in small lakes and paozi in Hunshandak sandy land reed Cattail grass To lay eggs and breed young. However, in recent years, the number of migratory birds living there has been greatly reduced. According to Yuan, who lived there for many years and later made a detailed investigation there Ministry of Light Industry Mr. Zheng Boyu, a retired cadre, said that this was mainly because the ecological environment was gradually deteriorating, coupled with human disturbance and killing, and migratory birds no longer dared to lay eggs and breed there. They have no choice but to go to Beijing's parks lake Rivers breed offspring. Hunshandake Sand Land Xilingol Grassland In the central and southern part of, it stretches more than 300 kilometers in east-west direction, with a total area of 21400 square kilometers. The sand dunes in the sandy land are undulating, with occasional Low land between hills And beaches. There are many small lakes small lake and Sand spring Spring water emerges from the sand and flows into the river. Most of these rivers flow into the Gagosta River, some only flow into water bubbles, and some only flow into seasonal rivers. hunshandake sand land Wildlife resources There are many. It is a breeding ground for migratory birds. There are also many rare plants and medicinal materials, known as "Garden Desert". At the edge of the Shawozi, Dege tried to find a small lake full of reeds and cattails. There were several similar small lakes around it. They were directly formed by underground water. The lake water was clear and cold, and people dared not go down. Dense reed grass grows in the water several meters away from the lake shore. Due to the protection of water, Dege tries to become a good place for migratory birds to lay eggs and breed. In April and May every year, a large number of migratory birds come here to lay eggs and breed young. At this time, cranes sing and ducks crow. In the water bubble in Hunshandak sandy land, Zhahan Palace It's the most amazing. It is located at the foot of a large sand dune 2 kilometers south of Degertu, and is a small round lake with a diameter of less than 50 meters. The magic of Zhahan Palace is shown in its depth Meter long Is tied with a piece of rope Big stone , failed to reach the bottom. What's more strange is that there are sand huts around Zhahan Palace, and quicksand will flow in In the lake The strong wind on the grassland will also blow sand into the lake, but for many years, Zhahan Palace is still so deep that it has never been silted up. In such a small lake, there are many fish, and all of them are uniform Crucian carp Fish. These crucian carp are darker than ordinary crucian carp. They are not big, but their meat tastes delicious. They used to be a tribute to the emperor. In Hunshandak sandy land, there are many such small lakes, all of which grow this kind of crucian carp. In the hinterland of Hunshandake Sandy Land, sand dunes are continuous, and there are Artemisia argyi , grass and yellow willow, while under the sand dunes are beautiful red willow forests. In the middle of the Red Willow Forest, there are many exotic flowers and plants. In some places, there are even thousands of acres of wild day lily. When the flowers bloom, they are golden and dazzling. Because of climate change in recent years, groundwater level The spring disappears, the river is cut off, the desertification in some places increases, and the trees wither, grassland degradation Is seriously threatening this beautiful garden. People are not only helpless about this change in ecology, but also do not understand the reason. For example, someone suggested that it was the decrease of precipitation, but why did the red willow grow in the water die? People can't help worrying about the future of Hunshandake Sandy Land.

Garden Desert

Xilingol Grassland in Inner Mongolia is the only way for migratory birds to migrate, especially in its territory Chaganuoer Lake The Hunshandake sandy land is also a habitat and breeding place for migratory birds.
This sandy land is a famous water desert in China. There are many small lakes, water bubbles and Sand spring Spring water emerges from the sand and flows into the river. Most of these rivers flow into the Gagosta River, some only flow into water bubbles, and some only flow into seasonal rivers. Hunshandake sandy land has abundant water and grass, unique landscape and beautiful scenery. Some people call it "Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall", and some people call it "Garden Desert". There are many wild animals and plants migratory bird There are also many rare plants and medicinal materials in the spawning and breeding area. How can there be so much water in the sandbox? When people first came into contact with the Hunshandak Sandy Land, they would raise this question. Later, when people learned more about it, they could not help worrying about the future of the Hunshandak Sandy Land. Because of the climate change in recent years, the groundwater level has dropped, the spring has disappeared, and the river has been cut off. In some places, desertification has increased, trees have died and grasslands have degenerated, which is seriously threatening this beautiful garden. People are not only helpless about this change in ecology, but also do not understand the reason. For example, someone suggested that it was the decrease of precipitation, but why did the red willow grow in the water die? Among the water bubbles in Hunshandak Sand, Zhahan Palace is the most magical. It is located at the foot of a large sand dune two kilometers south of Degende. It is a small round lake with a diameter of less than 50 meters. The magic of Zhahan Palace is shown in its depth (in mongolian If you ask the local villagers how deep it is, they will nod their heads and say, "Deep, deep, bottomless!" Someone once tied a big stone with a 15 meter long rope, but it could not reach the bottom. What's more strange is that Zhahan Palace is surrounded by sand huts, quicksand will flow into the lake, and the strong wind on the grassland will blow sand into the lake. But for many years, Zhahan Palace is still so deep that it has never been silted up. It always has so much water, no matter in drought or flood. In such a small lake, there are many fish, and all of them are crucian carp. These crucian carp are darker than ordinary crucian carp. They are not large, but their meat tastes delicious. There are many small lakes like this in Hunshandak Sandy Land. They all have this kind of crucian carp, which used to be a tribute to the emperor. In the hinterland of Hunshandake Sandy Land, sand dunes are continuous, and there are Artemisia argyi , thatch and Yellow willow Below the sand dunes are beautiful red willow forests. In the middle of the Red Willow Forest, there are many exotic flowers and plants. In some places, there are even thousands of acres of wild day lily. When the flowers bloom, they are golden and dazzling.

Biological gene bank

hunshandake sand land
The Hunshandak Sandy Land was formed during the Quaternary Ice Age and Qinghai Tibet Plateau Formed and evolved under the general background of uplift, the climate fluctuation in the ice age and the neotectonic movement jointly affected the sandy land, resulting in different genetic mechanisms in different geological periods. The late Tertiary sandy land was mainly controlled by the subtropical high, and also affected by the weak monsoon and changes, forming a red color Eolian sand and Red paleosol Sedimentation. Most of the Hunshandake sandy land are fixed or semi fixed dunes. Most of the dunes are ridge shaped, chain shaped, and a few are crescent shaped, spreading from northwest to southeast. The dunes are 10 to 30 meters high. There are many patches between the dunes, most of which are light yellow Silty sand form. The landscape is divided into solidified sand broad-leaved forest Landscape, solidified sandy sparse forest landscape, sandy summer green shrub landscape, sandy grass landscape, sandy semi shrub semi artemisia landscape and Mobile dune Or bare sand landscape. On a clear and bright autumn day, the golden sandy land is decorated with colorful shrubs. There are many kinds of shrubs on the sandy land Red willow , small shrubwood , Excellent forage grass and medicinal plant Depend on each other. Especially in the northeast edge of Hunshandake Sandy Land Picea mongolica It is a rare tree species that has not been found in similar regions in the world and is called "biological" gene ”And“ living fossil ”, wild animal There are many categories, including wolves Sand Fox Badgers Hare There are more than 50 kinds of waiting. There are short continental river , small lakes and Marshland , Yes Dalinuoer Lake major water conservation Land. Among the sand dunes in Hunshandake Sandy Land, there are many sand elms Arbor and shrub And multiple herb , is the main vegetation to maintain the sandy land ecology, so this area is also called "sparse forest sandy land" or“ Savanna ”Landscape. In the eastern edge of Hunshandak Sandy Land, there is a large area of desert sparse forest dominated by sand elm in Keqi Dahhanwula Sumu. In the spring when everything recovers, the trees of sand elm among the sand dunes reveal green elm, making the dead sand land full of vitality; In the hot summer, the branches and leaves of Elm pumila with different shapes connect to each other, spreading the green shade for the vast desert; In the late autumn after frost, the orange leaves make the sand floor and forest full of color, and the scenery is pleasant; In the snowy winter, these sand elms have become warriors to defend the wind and fix the sand, standing proudly against the wind. The Baiyin Obo National Nature Reserve, which is more than 20 kilometers away from Darhan to the east, is home to 36000 mu of the world's rare tree species - Picea mongolica. This tree is an evergreen tree, which is extremely resistant to cold and drought. It can not only regulate the climate, purify the air, but also prevent wind and sand, and protect the grassland. The desert spruce not only created the miracle of desert life, but also won people's love for its fearless and lofty appearance. This tree is called "emerald" and "living fossil" in the desert because of its long life and strong sand fixation ability. In recent years, experts have found a large area of mixed forest of juniper and pinus tabulaeformis on the sand dunes around the Keqixiang Hydropower Station in Hunshandake Sandy Land, covering an area of more than 30000 mu. Juniper and Pinus tabulaeformis belong to sub trees, which are excellent varieties of drought resistance and sand fixation. They can survive on fixed dunes and semi fixed dunes, but it is difficult to see the original forests of Juniper and Pinus tabulaeformis in northern China. It is confirmed that this mixed forest is the most northerly and large area in China Juniper and Chinese pine Mixed forest.

Achievements in desertification control

Xilingol League All forest stewards of the Forestry Bureau Abide by responsibilities , organize and mobilize forces from all walks of life, and persistently carry out desertification prevention and control for many years Ecological construction And strive to achieve ecological improvement and farmers and herdsmen The win-win goal of income increase has achieved remarkable results. only Beijing Tianjin sandstorm source control project Since its implementation, the whole league has completed Forestry construction The task is 8.03 million mu, and the forest area has exceeded the total of the previous 50 years, Forest coverage rate It has doubled. Through centralized linking Point plane combination Comprehensive management and grazing prohibition, grazing rest and zoning Rotational grazing Ecological migration With the implementation of a series of supporting measures, the ecological environment of the whole league has improved, the vegetation condition in Hunshandake sandy land has improved significantly, and the trend of ecological deterioration in key regions has been effectively curbed. Especially in Shayuan project area vegetation coverage It is generally increased by more than 30% compared with that before control, and some have been used for grass cutting, seed collection and strip cutting, forming new seed source bases and follow-up Industrial base The mobile and semi mobile area of Hunshandake sandy land has been reduced by 4.6 million mu, 420km long and 3km wide on average, with a total area of 1.83 million mu. The southern edge protection system of sandy land across five banners and counties has basically formed, effectively controlling the expansion of sandy land. At the same time, forestry construction has promoted rural pastoral areas industrial structure Adjustment and income increase of farmers and herdsmen. Grain for Green Project Covers the whole crop growing areas By 2007, the annual per capita policy income of 270000 farmers will increase by 747 yuan. build Ecological economy 2.2 million mu of dual-use forest, 2.48 million mu of closed shrub and grass, 350000 mu of converted farmland and grass among forests, and sandy land construction Yellow willow 300000 mu, with 8 million plants cultivated by cultivation Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica The average height of seedlings is more than 1 meter, and the accumulated output value is more than 200 million yuan. They have played a key role in adjusting the industrial structure and developing a number of follow-up industries. Farmers and herdsmen of the whole league in 2007 per-capita net income 4051 yuan, compared with 2001 Annual increase 2183 yuan, with an average annual increase of 16.8%. Through policy guidance, activation mechanism and Benefit driven The enthusiasm of farmers and herdsmen for independent construction has never been higher, forming a good atmosphere for afforestation and desertification control in the whole society and diversification of construction subjects. More than 30 at home and abroad Social groups stay Ximeng To engage in forestry ecological construction and industrial development, the number of non-public owned sand control, afforestation and economic operators in the league reached more than 70000, afforestation accounted for more than 80% of the total task, and the number of large afforestation households over 100 mu reached 2000. voluntary tree planting of the whole people With the vigorous development of greening in different departments, greening bases take various forms. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, 5.3 million people participated in voluntary tree planting in areas with only 930000 people, and 22.6 million trees were planted.

Travel activities

The inner terrain of Hunshandake Sandy Land is changeable, the road conditions are complex, and there are many sand dunes, mud fields, rivers and lakes, Wildlife It is an ideal place for cross-country travel and competition because of its wide variety, simple folk customs and magnificent scenery. It has successfully held many national level cross country challenges. More and more folk cross-country enthusiasts have organized their own team to travel and practice their cross-country driving skills. [1]