Test report

Document the process and results
zero Useful+1
The test report is to document the test process and results, analyze the problems and defects found, provide the basis for correcting the existing quality problems of software, and Software acceptance And delivery.
Chinese name
Test report
Foreign name
test report
Hard disk
Free space
Defect Summary
Facts described by the defect


Basic Introduction

The test report is the final document output of the test phase. A good test manager or tester should have good Documentation Capability;
A detailed test report contains sufficient information, including product quality And the evaluation of the test process. The test report is based on the data acquisition And the analysis of the final test results.


Content of test report
The contents of the test report can be summarized as follows:
  • home page
  • Introduction (purpose, background, abbreviations, references)
  • Test summary (test method, scope testing environment , tools)
  • Test results and defect analysis (function and performance)
  • Test conclusions and suggestions (project overview, test time, test results, conclusion and performance summary)
  • Appendix (defect statistics)
Format and content of each part
1. Home Page
··Report name (software name+ Version No +Client type (Android, iPhone, background management, etc.)+ Test scope (unit, integration, system, module, etc.)+test report)
··Reporting client Responsible party , report date, etc
··Version change history
··Confidentiality level
2. Introduction
2.1 Compilation purpose
The specific purpose of this test report is to indicate the intended audience.
Example: This test report is the test report of XXX project, which aims to summarize Test phase Testing and Analysis test As a result, describe whether the system meets the requirements (or reaches XXX functional objectives). Expected reference personnel include users, testers, developers, project managers, other quality management personnel and senior managers who need to read this report.
2.2 Project Background
yes Project objectives And purpose. Include a brief history if necessary, this part is not required mental labour , directly from the demand or Bidding Documents Copy in.
2.3 System Introduction
If there is such part in the design specification, copy it. Pay attention to the necessary frame drawings and Network topology It can attract eyeballs.
2.4 Terminology and abbreviation
list Design book Special terms and abbreviations of the system/project. For technical related terms and Polysemy Be sure to indicate clearly so that there is no ambiguity when reading.
2.5 References
1. Demand, design test case , manuals and others Project Documents They are all within the scope of reference.
2. Test national standard , industry indicators, company specifications and Quality Manual wait.
3. Test summary
An overview of the test, including some statements of the test, the scope of the test, the purpose of the test, etc., is mainly an introduction to the test. (Others Test Manager And quality personnel)
three point one test method (and tools)
Briefly introduce the methods (and tools) used in the test.
Tips: mainly Black box test , the test method can be written with the test focus and adopted Test mode In this way, you can clearly know whether important test points and key blocks have been missed. The tool is optional when used test tools And related tools. Note whether it is a manufacturer or a manufacturer, and what the version number is. After the test report is released, avoid copyright Question.
3.2 Test scope( test case design
brief introduction test case Design method. For example: Equivalence class division , boundary value, causality diagram, and using such methods (3-4 sentences).
Tip: If you can specify the design, it will be easy for other developers and test managers to read your Use Case There is an overall concept of design. By the way, it is also beneficial to write some unconventional design methods here. At least you can understand the design technology of the test manager before you see the test conclusion. The key test part must ensure that there are more than two different use case design methods.
three point three testing environment And configuration
Briefly introduce the test environment and its configuration.
Tip: The list is as follows. If the system/project is large, it will be listed in a table
database server to configure
Hard disk: free space
Operating system:
Application software:
Machine network name:
LAN address:
Client Configuration
about network equipment And requirements can also use the corresponding forms for Three tier architecture According to Network topology List related configurations.
4. Test results and defect analysis
This is the most exciting part of the whole test report, which mainly summarizes various data and measures, including Test process Measurement and capability assessment of software product Of Quality measures And product evaluation. For projects that do not need process measurement or are relatively small, such as test reports submitted to users during acceptance and test reports of small projects, the measurement part of the process can be omitted; CMM/ISO or other engineering Standard process Of, need to provide Process improvement Recommended and referenced test report - mainly used by the company Internal test Improvement and Defect prevention Mechanism - then process metrics need to be listed.
4.1 Test execution and record
Describe the test resource consumption and record the actual data. (Test and project manager focus part)
4.1.1 Test organization
A simple test group architecture diagram can be listed, including:
Test group architecture (such as grouping, user participation, etc.)
Test Manager (Leader)
Key testers
4.1.2 Test time
List the test span and workload. It is better to distinguish between test documents and activity time. The data can be used in excessive quantities.
E.g. XXX Subsystem /Subfunction
Actual Start Time - Actual End Time
Total man hours/total working days
Total Task Start Time End Time
For large systems/projects, the total investment of resources should be counted, and the cost column should be added when necessary, so that managers can clearly know how much manpower is spent to complete the test.
Test Type Personnel Cost Tools and Equipment other expenses
When summarizing the data, you can count the average investment time, total time and overall investment of individuals average time And the total time, you can also calculate each Function point Hours/person spent.
Total of time consuming personnel writing use cases and executing tests
The data used for process measurement in this section includes documents productivity And test execution rate.
Productivity Personnel Use Case/Writing Time Use Case/Average Execution Time
4.1.3 Test version
Give the tested version, if yes final report , you may want to report the number of tests regression testing How many times? The list of tables is convenient to know the test frequency of that subsystem/sub module. The developers will pay attention to the subsystems/sub modules that have been regressed for many times.
4.2 Coverage analysis
4.2.1 Demand coverage
demand Coverage It refers to the ratio of the tested requirements/functions to all requirements/functions in the requirements specification, and generally it is required to achieve the goal of 100%.
Remarks on whether the requirement/function (or number) test type passes
According to the test results, give the passing or not conclusion of each test requirement by number. P means Partially passed, N/A means not testable or the case is not applicable. actually, Requirements Tracking Matrix Lists One-to-one correspondence To avoid omission, this table is used to convey test information of requirements for inspection and review.
Demand coverage calculation Y item/total demand × 100%
Requirement/function (or number) Number of use cases Total number of cases Not implemented No/missed test analysis and reasons
actually, test case It has been recorded Expected results Data, the test defect indicates the deviation between the measured result data and the expected result data; Therefore, it is unnecessary to include more detailed description of defect records and deviations here for each number. The purpose of the list is to better view the test results.
Test coverage Calculated number of executions/total number of cases × 100%
4.3 Defect statistics and analysis
Defect statistics mainly involve System under test Therefore, this part has become the focus of developers and quality personnel.
4.3.1 Defect summary
System under test System test regression testing total
By Severity
Severe, general and minor
By defect type
user interface Consistency function algorithm interface document user interface others
Distribution by function
Function One Function Two Function Three Function Four Function Five Function Six Function Seven
It is better to give defective Pie chart and Histogram For visual viewing. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Icons can enable readers to get information quickly. In particular, managers at all levels have no time to read articles item by item.
4.3.2 Defect analysis
This part deals with the above defects and others collecting data Conduct comprehensive analysis
Comprehensive analysis of defects
Defect discovery efficiency=total number of defects/test execution time
It can be obtained from specific personnel average index
Case quality=total number of defects/ test case Total number × 100%
Defect density=total number of defects/total number of function points
The defect density can get the distribution of defects in various functions or requirements of the system. On the basis of this analysis, developers can get the most defects in those functions/requirements, so that in future development attention should be paid to avoid and attention should be paid to during implementation. Test experience shows that the more defects are tested, the more hidden defects are.
Test curve
Describe the tested system every working day/week Number of defects Situation, get the defect trend and trend
Brief description of defect number Analysis results remarks
4.3.3 Residual defects and unresolved problems
Residual defect
No.: BUG No
Defect summary: the fact described by the defect
Cause analysis : How to cause defects and their consequences, and describe the causes of software limitations and other restrictions
Preventive and improvement measures: remedial measures and long-term strategies
Unresolved problems
Function/test type:
Test results: deviation from expected results
Defect: specific description
Evaluation: opinions on these problems, that is, what kind of impact these problems will have if they are sent out
5. Test conclusions and suggestions
5.1 Test conclusion
1. Whether the test execution is sufficient (can increase the safety, reliability Maintainability And functional description)
2. For test risk control measures And effectiveness
3. Test objectives Whether it is completed
4. Whether the test passes
5. Whether it is possible to enter the next phase of project objectives
5.2 Suggestions
1. Description of the system problems, and description of the problems exposed by the test Software defects And deficiencies, as well as possible impact on software implementation and operation
2. Possible potential defects and follow-up work
3. Modification of defects and product design 's recommendations
4. Suggestions on process improvement
6. Appendix
·Defect List
· Defect level Defining standards
·Test pass criteria


XXX Company
XXX (product or software)/XXX (module) test report
1. Overview
Test purpose Briefly describe the purpose of this test, such as: verify whether a module meets the design
Project background Brief description of the background of the project where the test is conducted, such as: what stage has it entered, and Other information
hardware environment It only describes the hardware environment and version information of the test object
software environment It only describes the software environment and version information of the test object
3. Testing personnel
4. Actual progress
Elapsed time describes the whole Test process Time span of, such as: xxxx xx xx to xxxx xx xx
Reason for progress If the test is completed ahead of time or later, please specify the specific reason
5. Test reference documents
XXX Test Plan
XXX Test Case
Document 3
Document 4
Version information V1.0
test data
Total number of test items 0
PASS 0 PASS Rate # DIV/0!
FAIL 0 FAIL Rate # DIV/0!
Severity -- high 0, where: high -- # DIV/0!
Severity -- medium 0 -- # DIV/0!
Severity -- Low 0 Low -- # DIV/0!
Test item Number whether the test item passes or not Problem description Problem severity
Note: Definition of problem severity:
High - causes the system crash Or some subsequent test item functions cannot be realized, affecting subsequent tests;
Medium - affects the integrity of the test function of this part and needs to be solved urgently;
Low - only small in the system bug , or according to Test process The part that needs to be adjusted is not in urgent need of solution.
7. The project summary summarizes the whole test project, such as whether the test is passed or not, and the main reasons for the failure.
8. Comments and suggestions for this time Test work , put forward their own opinions or suggestions. None can be filled in "None".