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Equestrian Movement in Japan during the Middle Ages
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Yabusame originated from the art of war. At that time, Japanese senior military officers or commanders Appendix A (Including wearing a hard mask on the face that only exposes the eyes and a small area of mouth and nose). Only the throat in the neck belongs to the area with large exposure area. In the war Equestrian and Archery A skillful warrior quickly approaches the enemy's senior general or commander on horseback and kills the enemy with a bow and arrow aimed at his throat. Because the user is required to be very skillful in both equestrian and archery, few people can learn this skill. Later, Japan ended the warlords' scuffle, but this skill was handed down to become the Liudi horse in the later sacrificial activities.
Chinese name
Shooting sports
Originated from

historical origin

The so-called Liudi horse refers to the movement of riding on a galloping horse to shoot arrows at the target. It is said that this divine event began from the aristocratic era to the warrior era Kamakura period , as a symbol of power at that time Yuan Lai Chao At the time of the ceremony, Liu Dy horses were sacrificed to pray for the peace of the country. From the second half of the twelfth century to the first half of the fourteenth century, Liudysprosium horses spread widely among the warriors and were quite popular.
Before the Middle Ages, it was required that the samurai should be able to pull the bow and shoot arrows while crossing the horse at full speed, that is, a training method combining equestrian and archery to enhance physical strength, which is the origin of Liudy horse. establish Kamakura Bakufu Yuan Laichao devoted himself to the research and popularization of this kind of Liudi horse, and in 1187, he created the "Liudi Horse God Event". This ceremony continues today. It is said that, Yuan Lai Chao The Liudysprosium horse was held as a sacrificial ceremony of the shrine in order to further improve the morale and belief of the samurai.

Performance process

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu The horse farm in the shrine is about 260 meters long from east to west, and there are three bamboo framed targets (square cedar boards) set every 70 meters on both sides of it. After seeing the red and white fan signal, the archer in hunting costume rode into the racecourse, and kept firing arrows, aiming at the target while riding away from the racecourse. This process takes about ten seconds. The archer releases an arrow. When passing a target, the arrow just shot must fall on the target, and the next arrow must hit the next target. There is no hesitation in this process. The three strikers came out one after another. Since the sport of Liudy Horse is based on people's wish to pray for peace in the world, the shot arrows and targets will be treasured as amulets.

Sacrificial ceremony

It is needless to say that the giant Buddha, which has become a symbol of Japanese culture, has appeared frequently in newspapers, magazines and television networks. The Liudi horse worship ceremony in the center of the Okaoka Bafan Palace has won endless attention.
The Liudi Horse Sacrifice Ceremony in the Eight Fan Palace in Hegang is held on the third Sunday of April every year by Takeda Liu On September 16, it was held by people from Ogasawara. During the ceremony, tea party, martial arts conference Japanese dance , concerts, and other various programs have been performed, and the last day is the climax of the show.
The Liudysprosium horse worship ceremony started with the ceremony of drinking divine wine. Sacrifice ceremony was held in the hall of worship for the Holy Palace, Fengxing and Fengshi of the Eight Fan Palace in Hegang. After drinking the wine, the archers answered the instructions of the Eight Flagstaff God and prayed that they would do their best in daily training. Then, the Holy Palace will clean the road from Dongniaoju in front of the Social Affairs Office to Xiniaoju, that is, Liudi Horse Farm. The archers rode their horses and marched into the racecourse from the central government.
The sound of horses' hooves came from far to near. The men dressed in the hunting costumes of the military officers about 800 years ago were brave and brave, and galloped on their horses. Instead of the former generals, it was the successor of the skilled horse bowing who wrapped himself in the hunting clothes of the Kamakura era. As they galloped across the country, they fired arrows at three places in succession. The archer on horseback starting from Dongniaoju must shoot at the target in three places during the fast gallop, and predict the harvest of early rice, middle rice and late rice according to whether the archer shoots at the target. The hit rate and the sense of presence made the audience applaud and cheer.
Throughout the year, tourists from home and abroad poured into Kamakura. In the season of the Liudi Horse Sacrificial Ceremony, it seems to reappear Kamakura period The prosperity wind seems to have become extremely lively! Extend to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu There are a lot of restaurants and traditional handicraft shops on the roads around us. It's also good to find local products or gifts after the festival. In addition, the scattered Buddhist temples standing quietly around the Eight Flags Palace in Hegang also have a special charm as a stroll Sickle barn The popular scenic spots are also very amiable.