Kingdom of Bohemia

A country in Central Europe
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synonym Kingdom of Bohemia (The Kingdom of Bohemia) generally refers to the Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Bohemia (Czech: Č esk é kr á lovstv í, that is Czech Republic kingdom; German: K ö nigreich B ö hmen; Latin: Regnum Bohemiae) was formerly located in Central Europe A country whose scope is roughly equivalent to Czech Republic Moravia Outside the region. Bohemian yes Latin Germanic languages yes Czech Republic The title of.
In history Holy Roman Empire One member of the Inner Independent Committee, the Seventh National Congress elector one of, Charles IV And many kings Holy Roman Emperor , Capital Bragg It was the center of the Holy Roman Empire at the end of the 14th century Pushermes Luxembourg Dynasty , 1620 Baishan Campaign Later, Austria Habsburg Dynasty Annexation.
1648《 Treaty of Westphalia 》Confirm Bohemia Incorporated into the capital at Vienna Of Habsburg Empire The Kingdom of Bohemia actually lost its independent status.
Thirty Year War later, Bohemian The king has always been Habsburg Dynasty The Holy Roman Emperor served concurrently, but remained an autonomous country with his own government. In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved, Bohemian The king was Emperor of Austria part-time. [1]
Chinese name
Kingdom of Bohemia
Foreign name
Kingdom of Bohemia
official language
Czech German
Political system
National leaders
Otakar II Wenceslaus II etc.
Major ethnic groups
Czech germanic people Bohemian gypsy
Major religions
Establishment time
Time of extinction

Basic Introduction

national emblem
The kingdom was founded by King Otuka I in 1198, and the emperor in 1212 Frederick II of Denmark Sicily Golden Bull 》The matter was clearly confirmed and officially Czech Principality Became the Kingdom of Bohemia.
Holy Roman Empire emperor Friedrich II Published on sicily , Acknowledging Bohemian The throne was elected by the nobility, and the empire did not interfere; The Kingdom of Bohemia can enjoy an independent status outside the empire. It mints its own coins and has the right to appoint bishops. Bohemia occupies the top position among more than 300 kingdoms in the empire.

Main History

(1) Origin
The name of Bohemia originated from "Boii". In 500 BC, Bohemia region Imperium Romanum It was a group of people called Boshi Celts The settlement of. In the first century BC, germanic people They moved in and occupied the place, but the name remained. In the 6th century, it moved from the east Slavic Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Bohemia, it has had a long and bumpy history, and has multiplied splendid cultures.
The earliest country formed in Bohemia was in the 7th century Frank Samo Empire established by merchants.
From 623 to 658 AD, led by the Frankish leader Salmon Czech The rise of the empire, once built a defense here Awar people Of Slav Tribal Alliance. After the death of Salmon in 658 AD Moravia People rule.
In 833, the Czech people and Slovak Established Great Moravian Empire In its heyday, it once occupied quite a vast land. Due to the separatist regime of internal forces and the intrusion of external powers, Great Moravian Empire It died in 907.
(2) Pushermes
Kingdom of Bohemia
The 9th century was a glorious period in Czech history, Pushermes yes Czech Republic The first dynasty in Bohemia at the end of the 8th century Bragg Was born Pushermes In neighboring countries Moravia Under the influence of Bohemia In the 1980s, the central Czech tribes gradually Pushames The family of Borgwoi was united around to form a unified country. In 874, he was baptized by the Bishop of Grand Moravia, Medudius.
Pushermes ——Is called“ Czech ”One of Bohemia As a member of the tribe, the word "Czech" came from this. In 995, it unified the surrounding Czech tribes and established centralized rule. Pushermes He ruled Bohemia and its surrounding areas for more than 500 years from 800 to 1306 AD.
ninth century Pushermes bring into Great Moravian Empire
Since the 10th century, Moravia The decline of the empire germanic people and Polack In the crack of, Pushermes mastermind with painstaking effort.
Vlafislav II officially became king in 1085, and in 1086, Holy Roman Empire emperor Henry IV grant Czech Republic Wang Gong Vladislav II As the king of Bohemia Czech Principality Submit to Holy Roman Empire
In the second half of the 12th century, the Czech Principality was renamed the Kingdom of Bohemia.
In 1182, Moravia became the territory of the Kingdom of Bohemia.
After 1285, the Kingdom of Bohemia has grown to include Austria even to the extent that Hungary Pushermes Final and subsequent Luxembourg Dynasty During its reign, the Kingdom of Bohemia was the most powerful kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire. It became one of the most powerful kingdoms in Central Europe at that time.
Charlemagne It was crowned by the Bishop of Rome and gave birth to the nominal empire. It was used in 1254 Holy Roman Empire title. The historical entanglement between the Kingdom of Bohemia and this holy empire that tried to centralize power and was loose in essence began for hundreds of years Germanic and Slav The fate of struggle and swing in the middle.
(3) Luxembourg Dynasty
1306, Pushermes Ceased, in a series Dynasty War After, Luxembourg John of the family was elected Bohemia King, Bohemia Luxembourg Dynasty Rule. John's son, second Luxembourg Dynasty monarch Charles IV Growing up in the French court Universalism Attitude.
In 1346, the successor of the Kingdom of Bohemia, Luxembourg Dynasty Of Charles IV Elected as the king of the Romans, he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 1355. Charles IV also made Bragg Become the capital of the empire. He has implemented a large number of building plans, including the establishment of a new city in the southeast of the old city. The royal castle was also rebuilt.
As a result, the prosperity of Bohemia in history has also followed (in recent public opinion surveys, Charles IV Still voted the greatest Czech 。)
because germanic people Dominant Holy Roman Empire Of Bohemia Germanic The descendant nobles established an independent kingdom, and the monarch was created by the election system. But then Luxembourg Dynasty The royal family is the queen.
(4) Yagelon Dynasty
1440 King of Poland Wadislaw III In the Pope Eugenius IV With the support of Habsburg Dynasty Germany and King of Hungary Albrecht II Elizabeth, the widow of Albrecht, fought for the Hungarian throne for three years in the civil war, and finally won the Hungarian crown from Albrecht's young sons and served as the king of Bohemia. [2]
On November 10, 1444, Wadislaw III In the fight against the Ottoman Empire Battle of Varna Was killed in battle. Hungary The nobles decided to let Ladislaus the Posthumous In succession to the throne, they sent envoys to Vienna to demand Frederick V release Elizabeth Mother and child and return crown , was rejected by the latter. The nobility elected Xiongyati Yanosh as Hungary Regent, meanwhile, in Bohemia, Izh of Bojblad gained the same status.
In 1458, Laszlo V died and became the regent of Bohemia Izh in BJB Became king of Bohemia. On May 3, 1469, the King of Hungary Matthias Corvinus stay Friedrich III With the support of the emperor, he established himself as the king of Bohemia, and Iraq and Japan refused to abdicate, so the war was frequent, and in 1471, Iraq and Japan died of illness, and the war ended.
1471 Vladislas II He was elected King of Bohemia. In the early days of his reign, he kept working with the King of Hungary Matthias Corvinus A conflict has occurred. [2]
1516 Lajosh II He succeeded to the throne of the king of Hungary and Bohemia, ruled in December 1521, and married Princess Maria of Austria in January the following year. Both of them are addicted to the life of money and money. Because he was too young to govern, in 1526, when he was 20 years old Suleiman I The first time that the Ottoman army led by Battle of Mohachi Died in battle. It is said that he was an ambitious king, but he never realized his ambition in his life. [3]
(5) Austrian Habsburg Dynasty
In 1526, the Congress of Bohemia elected the Holy Roman Emperor charles v 's brother, Grand Duke Ferdinand He succeeded the king of Bohemia, Habsburg Family He inherited the throne of Bohemia as a kinsman.
From 1526, as Holy Roman Empire Imperial Habsburg Family It has been nearly 400 years since he entered the kingdom of Bohemia directly.
Austrian Habsburg Dynasty The rule brought about two centuries of conflict between the Bohemian Parliament and it. In the struggle, Czech Lost a large part of the local nobility, special religious forms, and even Czech The wide spread of is also hindered.
Austrian Habsburg Dynasty From the first ruler Ferdinand I The king (1526-1564) began. His efforts to eliminate the influence of the Bohemian Parliament met with stubborn resistance. However, the Bohemian Parliament itself is also divided, and the primary reason is the religious division. After several flexible political activities, Ferdinand established the hereditary inheritance right of Habsburg in Bohemia. Parliament has no right to establish electoral principles, or even to confirm the king, which greatly reduces their status.
Although the Kingdom of Bohemia and Moravia The Border Region is composed of Habsburg Family Ruling, they are on different development paths. Moravian admit Austria The hereditary rule of the Habsburg family, so there is no local parliament and Habsburg A fierce conflict between monarchs. The Parliament of the Kingdom of Bohemia, which has a long history, has always been ready to defend the rights and freedoms they consider their own. The Habsburg family pursued a centralized policy, which triggered conflicts, and ethnic and religious issues further complicated them.
In the 15th century, Bohemia converted to Protestantism, but the Habsburg family believed in Catholicism. (Religious contradiction) Therefore, the Habsburg family's right to inherit the throne was challenged. In 1555, the Habsburg monarch signed Religious Peace of Augsburg , granting religious freedom to Bohemians. These policies of religious tolerance made the Habsburg monarch always elected as the king of Bohemia.
But in 1617, fanatical Catholics Ferdinand II , inherit his cousin, become Holy Rome The emperor, once changing the style of the previous kings protestantism take Zero tolerance The policy led him to lose the election to the King of Bohemia, Bohemian Czech Republic )Get rid of it temporarily Austrian Habsburg Dynasty The rule of.
1620 Baishan Campaign From then on to the end of the 18th century, Czech Republic Has entered the Habsburg Dynasty The "dark age" of rule. In the past hundred years, the Czech Republic has suffered Austria The army was overrun and German, and the economy and politics were also very weak. Bohemia Parliament on Habsburg The struggle for autocratic power led to the Bohemian Parliament being totally subordinate to the interests of Habsburg. Baishan Campaign After that, the Czech Republic lost its own local aristocratic class, and the reform doctrine and vibrant Czech Protestant culture were mainly German With the influx of German, the status of German in the government and social occasions is increasing. The Kingdom of Bohemia is nothing but Habsburg Empire It's just a province.
For from Frederick V And retake the throne of Bohemia, Ferdinand II Decided to conquer Bohemia, resulting in Thirty Year War The explosion of. This war later evolved into a subversive war that swept across Europe. Almost all European countries participated in the Thirty Year War. Signed in 1648 Treaty of Westphalia The Thirty Year War ended. Sweden has won Western Poland Latin America, while Eastern Poland Latin America has won Brandenburg elector France got it Alsace And some land around it. This treaty once again confirmed that the Netherlands and Switzerland The independent status of the German princes gave them the right to form free alliances, which further weakened the emperor. In religious affairs, the Westphalia peace treaty was in 1555 Regensburg On the basis of the treaty Calvinism Rights. Westphalia The treaty makes Habsburg Dynasty Complete under administration Unification of Germany The hope of Germany was completely destroyed, and Germany was even more divided than before Geopolitics It has had an extremely far-reaching impact, which still exists.
The war between France and the Hapsburgs did not end until 1659, Pyrenean Treaty So that France can gain Spanish Netherlands And some territories in northern Spain. In order to show sincerity, Philip IV Married his daughter Maria to the King of France Louis XIV Since then, France has become the most powerful country on the European continent.
The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia confirmed Bohemia Incorporated into the capital at Vienna Of Habsburg Empire The Kingdom of Bohemia actually lost its independent status.
Thirty Year War Since then, Bohemia has been Habsburg Dynasty Ruled, but still remained an independent kingdom with its own government. Until 1743, Bohemia became Austria Habsburg Lorraine German became the official language.
After the Thirty Year War, the Westphalia system was established, which laid a solid foundation for the later establishment of the European single nation state. Since then, European countries have formed the idea that all countries are equal, which has changed the situation in which various royal families, because of their marriage relationship, arbitrarily asked each other to cede territory.
On August 6, 1806, after the famous Battle of Oastris (the war between the Austrian Empire and the Russian Union and Napoleon), Habsburg Dynasty Franz II gives up Holy Roman Empire Emperors, the Kingdom of Bohemia will automatically become Austrian Empire Jurisdiction. In 1867, the Austrian Empire and Kingdom of Hungary The Kingdom and Territory represented by the Imperial Parliament and the the Crown ”Alliance is what we call Austro Hungarian Empire The Kingdom of Bohemia became a province of the Austro Hungarian Empire.
The first half of the 19th century was an era of national awakening in Central Europe. German nationalism - ignited by the confrontation with the French Revolutionary Army - and Napoleon's expansion have both inspired Slavic National rejuvenation. The concept of "nation" defined by a common language and culture has aroused people's awareness of the concept and laid the foundation for the struggle for political autonomy in the future.


Most of the aristocrats German Or German Bohemia Czech Republic The leaders of the national rejuvenation movement were new intellectuals, and most of them came from peasant families. Only a small number of nobles provided support for the revival movement.
At the turn of the century, some Czech and Slovakia Leaders began to use the concept of "Czechoslovakia".
After the First World War Austro Hungarian Empire After disintegration, the world-famous unsolvable equation surfaced, "Whether a country is a piece of land or a group of people of the same origin. If it is a people of the same origin, which common factor should take priority, race, religion or language?" Regardless of whether there is an answer, Bohemia and Moravia Reviewing the old dream of Slovakia. In 1918, Austro Hungarian Empire Collapse, the Czech Republic and Slovakia seek to establish independent and unified countries, Czechoslovakia On October 28 of the same year, Bohemia became independent and established the Czechoslovak Republic. Bohemia became a province of Czechoslovakia, a new country in Eastern Europe. Fore6 § Garrigue. Masarvk became the first bourgeois republic president in history. In the decades since the establishment of the bourgeois republic, Czechoslovakia has ranked among the seven largest industrial countries in the world.