Polynesian cultural center

National Culture Museum in Hawaii
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Polynesian Cultural Center, located near Ley on the north bank of Oahu Island, Hawaii, USA, is about 65km away from Honolulu. It is a large-scale national culture museum. Founded by the Mormon Brigham Young University in 1963, it aims to preserve the history and cultural traditions of Polynesians.
Chinese name
Polynesian cultural center
Foreign name
Polynesian Cultural Center
Near Ley on the north coast of Oahu Island, Hawaii, USA
Date of establishment
Mormon Brigham Young University
Preservation of Polynesian history and culture
Best Travel Season
Suitable all year round.
Recommended travel time
Half a day
Opening Hours
11:00-21:00 Monday to Saturday
Ticket Price
$49.95/adult, $35.95/child

brief introduction

The Polynesian Cultural Center was founded by U.S.A mormon church The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was founded to avoid the complete disappearance of Polynesian culture under the erosion of local culture, and also to promote the teaching and provide work study opportunities for students of Brigham Young University Hawaii.
Polynesian cultural center
At present, Polynesian Cultural Center comes from Hawaii Polynesians from seven Pacific islands, namely Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand and Marksas, form seven villages respectively, reflecting the cultural traditions and customs of the seven islands where they originally lived through their daily lives.
Covering an area of 42 hectares, the Cultural Center is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Various tropical plants are luxuriant. Tall palm trees and pine trees stand on both sides of the neat ring road and around various building facilities. There are flower beds and green grass everywhere. The winding artificial lake ingeniously divides the cultural center into seven natural areas, representing seven villages of Polynesian culture respectively. The architectural facilities of each village maintain the traditional style of the nation hundreds of years ago. The villages are separated by rockeries. Pines and cypresses stand erect on the mountain, waterfalls sound, ivy coils, and small wooden bridges span the lake, connecting the villages as a whole. Everything on display in the center reflects the characteristics of Polynesian culture from different aspects. Even various modern service facilities have the national color of local people.

Architectural features

The houses in each village in the center are of different shapes, round and square. The roofs and walls are made of straw. The villages are connected by manually excavated rivers. Tourists can take canoes to travel between the villages with flowers and birds, or take electric cars to visit and play at the campus of Brigham Young University, the fishing resort of Kukira and the magnificent Mormon Cathedral.

ethnic flavor

Polynesian cultural center
In the cultural center, there are various activities with national characteristics to attract tourists. In Tonga Village, graceful girls with beautiful hair and shawls perform the whole process of mulberry clothing production; In the Hawaiian village, women with Hawaiian wreaths on their necks sew clothes, weave fabrics, and sell handicrafts made by themselves; In the Samoan village, young men with strong physique and agile manners perform the superb skills of climbing coconut trees and picking coconuts. Some Polynesians played the traditional music of the islands and introduced their national instruments; Some girls hold garlands in their hands and dance. They take boats to parade along the river, while the boys in the same boat wear swords and armour, playing the heroic demeanor of the island leaders. Daytime visitors can gather under the shade of trees, taste local traditional food and enjoy the new and sweet music played by local artists a hawaiian guitar Let the Polynesian girl sing a moving love song. Visitors can also wear straw skirts, learn from Tahitians' passionate Tamlet dance, dance lyrical and lingering Hula dance, or make a Tonga style sun hat under the guidance of experts. At night, bonfires were lit around the Cultural Center, and a grand Polynesian song and dance party was held. The song and dance had strong national characteristics in both content and form. Many programs reflected the industrious and brave quality of the people of all nationalities in the Pacific Islands, with a strong flavor of life. The program uses modern stage facilities and techniques such as laser, three-dimensional scenery, etc., sometimes waterfalls fly down, sometimes volcanoes erupt, and the lighting effect changes thousands of times, greatly enriching the performance effect of singing and dancing.
Polynesian cultural center

Tourism related

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 12:00am-9:30pm, not in the morning and Sunday.
Main program: Gardening: seven different cultural villages are connected together. You can walk or take a canoe. Canoes run about every 15 minutes.
Large screen movie: there are two movies to choose from: "Journey to Polynesia" and "Shining Ocean"
Canoe open-air historical play performance: each cultural village dedicates a group of historical plays.
Buffet dinner: 5:00pm-8:00pm, divided into many levels, including state guest buffet, VIP buffet, Hawaiian aboriginal official dinner, etc
Evening large-scale song and dance performance: 7:30pm-9:30pm, half a break for snacks.
Time required for visit: tourists usually leave Honolulu at noon and can return to the hotel at about 10 pm.
Cost: $30-180
Tip: You can take photos with the staff when you visit the garden in the daytime, and you are not allowed to record or use flash lights when performing at night.