
One of the three Pacific island groups
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the pacific ocean One of the three island groups, located in Oceania , which means "multi island islands". be located the pacific ocean Middle, east of 180 ° meridian, South Latitude 30 ° to 30 ° N between. It is distributed all over the Pacific Ocean in the middle east triangle The top angle of the triangle is hawaiian islands , two Bottom corner Are New Zealand And Easter Island. The population is about 1.42 million, mostly Polynesian Mainly including hawaiian islands Tuvalu Islands Tonga Islands Society Islands Tubuai Islands Tuamotu Islands Marquesas Niue Island Samoa Tokelau Islands Cook Islands Lane Islands Phoenix Islands Johnston Island Wallis Islands Futuna Islands Pitcairn Islands Jarvis Island Disi Island Easter Island Etc.
from island And coral reef, belonging to Tropical monsoon climate The middle is typhoon source one of. Minerals include phosphate , nickel, chromium, etc. Coastal products Pearl Rich and exported Copra cocoa , sugarcane Natural rubber Etc. Tourism has developed rapidly.
The Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, are also Polynesians. Fiji Islands A large proportion of the population is Polynesian and is sometimes included in Polynesia. The total land area is 27000 Square kilometers The population is about 1.42 million, mainly Polynesians, tall, dark brown skin, hair rectilinear figure Or wavy. Most residents believe in Christianity and Polynesian language is widely used. official language Except French in French Polynesia, most of them are English. except Tuvalu , West Samoa and Tonga Independent, Cook Islands In addition to the internal autonomy of Niue Island, the rest belong to the United States, Britain, France and other countries. French Polynesian Chinese are basically of Hakka descent.
Chinese name
Foreign name
major city
National anthem
Marseillaise Ia Ora 'O Tahiti Nui
Country code
official language
Pacific Franc
Time zone
Political system
Democratic Republic
National leaders
Edouard Fritch (Chairman)
population size
1.42 million
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
land area
27000 km²
International telephone area code
six hundred and eighty-nine
Abbreviation of international domain name
primary language
Polynesian French English

Historical evolution

According to archaeological evidence and comparative language identity, experts believe that Melanesia Settled in central Polynesia about 3000-4000 years ago Southeast Asia Migrate. Later, some of them migrated to Polynesia farther away. The Marquesas Islands may be Western Yuan Samoans settled in 300 years ago, and Easter Island may have existed as early as AD 400 Samoa People from Mark Sass The islands settled here. Hawaii There are also some sailors from Marquesas who moved in between 500 and 1000 AD; Explorers from the Society Islands also arrived here centuries later. The Society Islands may eventually settle in Cook Islands The original settlement of Polynesians. One of the two Marquesas and Society Islands is New Zealand The original residence of the islanders, who settled here sometime before 1000 AD. Polynesian languages are widely used in a region of the Pacific Ocean, and they are closely related.
The contact between Polynesia and European culture began in the late 18th century, which completely changed the way of life of Polynesians. Spanish explorers seeking wealth and keen to spread Christianity were the first Europeans to reach Polynesia. Alvaro de Mendana de Neira landed in the Marquesas Islands in 1595, Pedro Fernandez de Giroche (Pedro Fernandez de Quiros) discovered the Tuamotu Islands and the North Cook Islands in 1606. The Portuguese also arrived here soon after. tasman (Abel J. Tasman) discovered New Zealand in 1642 and later Tonga Islands The British and French exploration of Polynesia began in 1767, when Samuel Wallis, a British navigator, discovered Tahiti France The navigator Louis Antoine de Bougainville also arrived in Tahiti, and later discovered the Samoan Islands. British Navy Officers and explorers james cook (James Cook) The captain sailed around the two main islands of New Zealand in 1769 and 1770, drew sea charts, and then arrived in Tahiti. Kirk Landed in 1778 hawaiian islands , and named it Sandwich Islands, to show that The Earl of Sandwich With respect. Almost all Polynesian islands have launched revolts against Europeans, but all of them were short-lived.
In 1898, the United States annexed Hawaii France annexed the Marquesas and Society Islands in 1880; Chile In 1888, it proposed its sovereignty over Resurrection Island; Britain annexed New Zealand in 1840 and the Cook Islands in 1901; Tonga It has always maintained its status as an independent kingdom (but has been protected by Britain since 1900). By the end of the 19th century, all Polynesian islands had fallen into European powers Under the control of the United States, the First World War Later, the Pacific interests of Germany, the defeated country, were divided up by the victorious countries. Western genus Samoa Gained independence in the 20th century (1962); 1929 American Samoa Becoming the territory of the United States; In 1959, Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States; In 1947, New Zealand gained independence and became a member of the Great Britain Association; The Cook Islands is politically dependent on New Zealand; Marquesas Society Islands And the Tuamotu Islands together form French Polynesia overseas possessions )。
Colonist And Christian missionaries (especially the latter) successfully eradicated the traditions and customs of Polynesia while instilling the western belief system and lifestyle into Polynesians. Most traditional living habits are either replaced or mixed with western living habits. Samoa and Tonga are two of the Polynesian islands where traditional culture is more preserved. In other places, the influence of western culture is almost obvious everywhere, especially consumer goods.


Along the coast of Polynesia Island
The island group is composed of island And coral reefs. As in Polynesia hawaiian islands Up to now, the volcano is still active, with high altitude and steep terrain. Mainly Tropical marine climate Due to the vast area, the temperature and precipitation There are differences. Annual average temperature The temperature is above 26 ℃ in the middle and about 24-25 ℃ in other regions. Annual precipitation There are fewer islands on both sides of the equator, Phoenix Islands It is 1000-1500mm, Christmas Island is only 700mm, while other islands are 2000-3000mm. Central Polynesia is one of the sources of hurricanes. The Polynesian islands consist of international sea and air routes and many Submarine cable It is an important place strategic role The economy is dominated by agriculture. Rich and exported Coconut Tropical fruits It also produces cocoa, sugar cane and vanilla. yes phosphate And other minerals. Tourism has developed rapidly. Coastal products Pearl And fish.


A Corner of Polynesia
Kingdom of Tonga Located in the southwest of Polynesia, it is composed of about 170 islands. It covers an area of 697 square kilometers. Independence was declared on 4 June 1970. The economy is dominated by agriculture, mainly producing and exporting Copra and Banana capital Nukualofa
French Polynesia , located in the south central Pacific, mainly including Society Islands Tubuai Islands Tuamotu Islands Marquesas Gambier Islands , Daorotiri Islands( Bass Islands )And Rapa Island Etc. The land area is 4000 km2. capital Papeete
Niue (new) at South Pacific central section. The land area is 258km2. capital Alofi
Samoa Archipelago Fiji Northeast is the hub of sea and air transportation in the South Pacific. Mainly by Upolu Island Savoy Island and Tutuira Island It is composed of 13 islands and coral reefs, with a total land area of 3144 square kilometers. The islands are divided into east and west parts. Western Samoa has become independent, Eastern Samoa It is still occupied by the United States. East Samoa, with a land area of 197 km2, produces and exports copra, bananas, fruits canned fish , Capital Pago Pago
Tokelau Islands (new), also known as union island , located to the north of Samoa. The land area is 12 km2, and the population is 2000. Main products Coconut cocoa , bananas.
Tuvalu , located in the northwest of Samoa. With a total land area of 26 square kilometers, mainly Polynesians, it became independent on October 1, 1978. Residents are mostly engaged in coconut planting and fishing. capital Funafuti
Cook Islands (New), located in the east of Samoa, is divided into two parts: the south and the north. The total land area is 240 km2. Rich and exported citrus , coconut tomato and Pearl oyster It also produces bananas, coffee cassava pineapple Etc. capital Avarua
Wallis and Futuna Islands (France), Fiji and Samoa Between. The total land area is 153 km2. Coconut, potato Taro , bananas. Mataoutu, the capital.
Pitcairn (Pitcairn) Islands Tuamotu Islands southeast. The area is 5.2 km2. It mainly produces fruits and fish, and its capital is Adamstown.



social structure

The kinship model and the family succession system are small villages and villages Organizational principles The common kinship model in Polynesia is based on the extended patriarchy and the husband father family. However, adoption is also common, and Social customs It is also elastic. In some Polynesian societies (e.g Tahiti And Hawaii), in more favorable circumstances, a person can follow the matrilineal system of succession; Although paternal heirs are social customs, heirs can actually be bilateral. In Polynesian society, the "lineage type" is based on relationship Based descent group The most common one of. The inheritance right of this group of heirs is passed from the eldest son to the eldest son, and the ancestors are traced back to the past myths. The chief of an independent region or island is regarded as the most direct direct descendant of the first elder who occupied or conquered the land. "Succession family" is another main type of kinship organization in Polynesian society, which seems to be the result of the collapse of the lower structure of "lineage" organizations. Succession pedigree does not consider the relative position of individuals in the father's inheritance system, nor does it consider the pedigree relationship between one inheritance pedigree and another.

Class attribute

In ancient Polynesian society, the chieftain had the highest social position He is undoubtedly the adherent of the holy power of the whole group, but he is not regarded as unique. Later, this system was used in some Polynesian societies (such as Hawaii, Tahiti and Tonga )Replaced by a new order. The chieftain's family (sometimes depending on prestige and power) established itself as a class different from ordinary people, and their position became hereditary and useless. They traced the genealogy back to some God of Creation And the creation god is the god from which mana (an extraordinary and supernatural force) was born. These societies have a set of strict taboos (those who violate the taboo are often sentenced to death) to protect the chief and prevent those of different blood and status from approaching him. It is also a religious pillar to maintain the chieftaincy. These societies have distinct classes and frequent wars. It is worth noting that in this type of society, if a Christian missionary wants to successfully overthrow the original religious belief First, he should be able to persuade the chief to convert to Christianity. Because the power of the chief is deeply rooted in the traditional religious belief and must be effectively implemented through religious taboos, if the religious belief in society changes, the chief will lose much control over the people.


Polynesian culture
Religion and witchcraft in Polynesia traditional culture Plays an important role in. Polynesians have a variety of gods, including evil gods and good gods. The status and importance of these gods are different. Some belong to the pantheon (these gods once participated in the creation of the universe), and some are very local gods. Each god has a set of exclusive sacrificial rites, with different kinds of priests as the chief priests. religious rites include to sacrifice (Sometimes people are used as offerings), singing, feasting and Harvest festival One of the key beliefs in Polynesian culture is that people believe that everything, whether living or not, has a mana. This kind of horse is dynamic, and people will reduce, weaken and even lose his horse because of improper behavior. Women are especially regarded as powerful (though unclean) creatures. People believe that women can pollute the sanctity of certain areas of land or trees, and they also believe that they can pollute countless inanimate objects they have encountered. The Polynesians built a sophisticated Social rules The system is used to protect Mana and avoid violating taboos. Witchcraft is also popular. Numerous rituals related to courtship, war, revenge, farming and fishing have been performed.

civil life

Before contact with Europeans, the settlement mode of Polynesia Islands can be divided into two types: small villages and villages. In the larger volcanic islands, due to the different sources of food and distribution in different environmental zones, the residents generally adopt the settlement mode of small villages. The houses in these small villages are clustered in groups of four or five, including orchard, taro garden Coconut Trees and breadfruit tree It surrounds the house. The village consists of 30 or more houses, and this type of settlement can be seen in Samoa and New Zealand (especially in coastal areas), they usually have a stone wall or wood cutting for defense. Maori villages in New Zealand have the most sophisticated and impressive defense facilities.

social culture

French Polynesia
Polynesian culture is a culture that depends on the sea for a living. But like other cultures that depend on the sea for their livelihood, Horticulture And tree cultivation are not neglected here. except fish In addition, software and Crustacea Animals are also a major source of food. Fishing is usually a group activity, in which a group of people will gather fish (sometimes even dolphin and whale )Drive to the shore or cast and pull nets together. gulf and lagoon Not the place where Polynesians fish; Fishermen in Polynesia also live in the vast ocean around their islands, looking for grouper and Tuna Group, sometimes caught shark And delicious Skate Other staple food and non-staple food are generally provided by orchards and planted trees. Sweet potato, taro Breadfruit Banana, sugarcane and coconut are all crops with important edible value in Polynesia, but the choice of crops to be planted depends on the needs of specific society and growth conditions. with Piper L Made from the roots of crops Cava (kava) It is non-alcoholic and is a drink that adults like and drink during ceremonies.

Life habits

The edible plants are also Polynesian material culture The raw materials for production are provided. The wood of the bread tree is used to make canoe , its Sap It can be used to fill ship seams. Bread tree (or structure After being soaked, the endothelium of tree plants can be hammered into a kind of clothes called tapa. Of certain plants leaf Available for knitting Mat , clothes Sail And other household items. From the patterns of the products, we can see that Polynesians are skilled craftsmen and artists. Outboard float Our canoes play an essential role in the lives of the islanders. This kind of canoe is not only easy to walk in the shallow lagoon, but also easy to put on the reef and drag back to the shore. When it is installed with another canoe, it becomes a catamaran canoe. Canoes, whether monohull or catamaran, are usually equipped with sails made of mats. The catamaran canoe for inter island exchanges and immigration exploration is very large, Waterline It is 30-45m long. The deck of the canoe is also equipped with a boat house made of straw. It can carry people, livestock and crops of the whole family and travel a very long distance on the sea.

economic activity

The exchange of goods and services in Polynesia is characterized by reciprocity and redistribution. this exchange system It still existed obviously in the late 20th century and was a reflection of land ownership customs in early Polynesian society. Land is common in the traditional Polynesian society, and each family can be allocated a piece of farmland. However, with social organization With the development of, each island has developed its own unique land distribution mode - some of which are Social class It depends on the height.


As time went by, people on different islands developed their own unique Artistic Skills From the ruins of the stone temples on the Society Islands, Resurrection Island and Marquesas Island, we can see that the islanders are skilled in stonework and architectural skills. Functional supplies (canoe, combat club , shields for dancing fish hook )They are beautifully designed and decorated. Polynesians have made amazing feathered cloaks. They first gathered thousands of small and rare feathers into clusters, and then tied the clusters of feathers in rows to form an extremely exquisite mesh fabric.
For many western artists and writers, the Polynesian way of life has a rather romantic appeal, because in their eyes, it is a simple and natural way of life, not subject to "civilization" and bourgeois class The bondage of attitude. French painter Paul Gauguin Years before he died Tahiti Life and painting on the island of Marquesas take Polynesian natives and culture as the theme of creation. Another example is Melville (Herman Melville) the pacific ocean Airline Whaling ship Later, he wrote his life experience in the South Pacific in two books, Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life (1846) and Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas (1847).
Known as the "father of documentary", Flaherty created the world's first documentary《 Nanuk in the north 》After great success Samoa , filmed the documentary Samoa, recording the primitive life of Samoans.


Since 1966, France has been conducting nuclear tests on Mururova and Tuamotu Islands. From 1975 to 1992, France conducted 135 missions on the island Underground nuclear test And 52 atmospheric nuclear tests. In 1995, the newly elected President of France Chirac announced that he would continue to conduct eight nuclear tests on the island within one year. At the beginning of 1996, the Polynesian group of independent scientists published a report on France Nuclear test site yes radioactivity Chemistry material Report of leakage into the sea area of the island. French government This is acknowledged, but denied that these chemicals pose a threat to the environment. At the end of 1997, the World Christian Federation Geneva A report on the nuclear test site on Mururova Island was published, pointing out that from 1963 to 1996, 10% of the 1-15000 people employed in the nuclear test site were under the age of 18, and more than 60% were under the age of 16, which caused a great stir. Therefore, the French government began to dismantle the facilities of the nuclear test site in 1997 and completed the demolition in July 1998. In 1999, the French government was administrative court Judged to pay compensation of 204 million yuan to Polynesia Pacific Franc
In 2000, there were 3100 French troops and 600 gendarmes military budget It is 34.343 billion Pacific francs.