Faroe Islands

[fǎ luó qún dǎo]
An overseas self-governing territory of Denmark
zero Useful+1
Faroe Islands (Faroe: F ø royar, Danish: F ∨ r ø erne, English: Faroe) is Northern Europe country Denmark An overseas self-governing territory. be located Norwegian Weihai and North Atlantic In the middle Norway reach Iceland Position between. The Faroe Islands, with a land area of 1399 square kilometers, consists of 17 inhabited islands and several uninhabited islands, with a total population of 48497 (2018) [1] official language by Faroese and Danish
Chinese name
Faroe Islands
Foreign name
Føroyar (Faroese)
Færøerne (Danish)
Faroe Islands (English)
area number
Administrative Region Category
geographical position
between Norwegian Weihai and North Atlantic middle
1399 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Port Toles
Government residence
Port Toles
Area Code
two hundred and ninety-eight
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Temperate marine climate
population size
48400 [1] (2018)
Weiger Airport
Faroese Danish
Monetary unit
Faroese króna
Time zone
UTC [9]
Domain name
Human Development Index
zero point nine five zero (high)
Water area rate
Population density
35.2 people/km2
State power
Faroese Parliament
legal system
civil law
Head of State
Margrethe II
Head of Government
Axel V. Johnson
gross domestic product
US $1.642 billion
GDP per capita
US $33700
Port Toles

Brief information

Faroe Islands emblem
Faroe Islands, located in Norwegian Weihai and North Atlantic In the middle, between Norway and Iceland. With a total area of 1399 square kilometers, it is composed of 17 inhabited islands and one uninhabited island. Population 53090 (2022) [1] , most of the residents are Scandinavia Descendants, minority Celts Or others. The language is mainly Faroese , Danish is widely used. Most people believe in Christianity and are members of the Lutheran Church. The capital is Port Toles , population 13093 (2019) [2] Now overseas of Denmark Dominion

Historical evolution

The Faroe Islands were originally called Feleiar Ram As a symbol of the nation may come from this.

Historical overview

Irish monks first moved here between about 600 and 700 AD.
About 800 years ago, the Vikings occupied the Faroe Islands. The Faroe Islands became a Viking colony.
In 970, the Republic was once established, but it was actually owned by the Earl of Orkney in Scotland Vassal state
Around 1000 years ago, King of Norway The islanders believe in Christianity.
In 1035, the Faroe Islands became a province and dependency of Norway.
In 1280, along with Orkney Islands Becoming a Norwegian territory.
In 1380, it was transferred to Denmark together with other places in Norway.
In 1397, as Kalmar Union Part, subject to Danish jurisdiction.
In 1650, he became a member of the Danish Von Garbo family Feudal territory
In 1709, administrative separation Norway , under the diocese of Xilan. Trade by Danish Royal Family Monopoly has hindered the economic development of the Faroe Islands.
In 1720, it was classified as Dan Iceland Jurisdiction.
In 1776, it was under the jurisdiction of Xilan County.
In 1816, it was set as an overseas county. The Faroese Parliament was abolished.
In 1852, the ancient Faroe Islands Parliament was restored under the nationalist movement.
In 1856, the Danish royal Monopoly trade end.
the Second World War In the early days, Denmark was defeated. British troops marched into the Faroe Islands.
In 1977, it was announced that fishing zone Expand from 20 nautical miles to 200 nautical miles.
In 1984, it was declared as Denuclearized region

History of autonomy

In the 19th century Oral literature Based on the modern Faroe Islands nationalism appear.
In 1854, Folklorist V. U. Hammershaimb created written Farsi, with an independent spelling system. [3]
In 1906, the local self-government party was established.
In 1912, Faroese was to some extent recognized by schools and churches.
In 1938, teachers could only teach in Roman according to their own wishes.
World War II During this period, the Faroe Islands britain Control. This situation aroused local self-government Requirements.
In 1946, parliamentary elections overturned an earlier one referendum The majority of the people demanded an independent vote, and the negotiations were resumed Copenhagen Start.
On March 30, 1948, the Faroe Islands was awarded by Denmark highly autonomous Right, become an autonomous prefecture of Denmark, and obtain the status of overseas autonomous territory. The Faroese have the same status as the Danes. Is allowed to be autonomous under Danish rule, has its own flag and Monetary unit : Faroese króna
In 1965, the school launched the University of the Faroe Islands
In 1985, it was announced that the islands hidden resources Own sovereignty.
In 1992, the Danish government agreed to transfer the sovereignty of underground minerals to the autonomous government.
In 1998, the Danish government signed a new economic relations The agreement agreed that the autonomous government should handle economic and financial affairs on its own.
There are NATO Radar facilities and Denmark naval base The Faroes have their own flags, stamps Special passport And currency. DKK It can also be circulated.
Faroe Islands


Faroe Islands
The Faroe Islands are located in Norway Iceland , Scotland and Shetland Islands Between North Atlantic The sea area, about between Iceland and Norway, near Iceland, and Scotland Eilean Siar It is the midway point of the route from inland Europe to Iceland. Between 61 ° 25 '- 62 ° 25' north latitude and 6 ° 19 '- 7 ° 40' west longitude, there are 18 islands and reefs, 17 of which have residents. The total area is 1399 square kilometre The main islands are Streymoy, Eysturoy, V á gar, Su ð uroy, Sandoy and Boroi Island (Bor ð oy), whose only important uninhabited island is Little Dimon Island (Lítla Dímun)。
The Faroe Islands is mountainous, roughly rugged and stony Low mountain The terrain is high and rugged, with steep cliffs and flat peaks separated by deep and narrow valleys. Each island has typical Glaciation Erosive landform Cirque U-shaped valley It is well developed, with fully developed fjords and huge pyramidal mountains. Its highest point is the Sleetara Mountain, with an altitude of 882 meters (2894 feet) and an average altitude of 300 meters. The coastlines of the islands are very zigzag, and the turbulent tide surges the narrow waterway between the islands. The coastline is 1117 kilometers long. There are no important lakes or rivers in the region. The island consists of volcanic rock covered with glacial rockfill or peat soil—— Tholeiite and lava This is the main geology of the island. The Faroe Islands are part of the Thulaan Plateau in Paleogene times.


The Faroe Islands belong to Temperate marine climate North Atlantic Warm Current Passing through this place. The winter climate is not very cold, and the average temperature is about 3-4 centigrade The climate is cool in summer, and the average temperature is about 9.5~10.5 ℃. Because is Low atmospheric pressure As for the path to the northeast, the Faroe Islands has strong wind and heavy rain all the year round, and sunny weather is rare. The average annual rainfall is 260 days, and the rest are common overcast


Sheep in the Faroe Islands
None on the island Toad and Reptiles And there is no native land mammal Hares, mice and mice All are brought by ships. There are many sea birds, which are important economic resources —— Puffin Edible, Eider duck Is available. At the same time, the Faroe Islands area is rich in fish And sheep, Sheep farming Yisheng. Natural plants include moss and lichen , weeds and mountain swamp plants. The west wind is strong here. There are no natural trees on the island due to frequent gales; But it is already being protected Plantation Some wind resistant trees are planted here.


Faroe Islands
Faroes come from Scandinavia , a descendant of the Vikings who colonized the Faroe Islands in about 800 years. Faroese live in small settlements and almost all live on the coast. official language Faroese, and Icelandic , West norwegian and Denmark Language is closely related. Most islanders are believers of the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church. The population tripled between 1801 and 1901, and more than tripled in the next hundred years. About persons under 14 years old Total population 1/4。

Regional flag

Faroe Islands Regional Flag
With Norway and Icelandic flag Similarly, the Faroe Islands regional flag is white, blue and red. White, a symbol of the waves lapping the islands; Blue and red are from local people Traditional clothing


The Faroese government exercises executive power Head of Government It is called "L ø gma ð ur (Lawman)" (originally, L ø gma ð ur meant "legal person" and played the role of "legal spokesman"; After the Faroe Islands gained regional autonomy in 1948, the meaning of L ø gma ð ur changed and began to represent the "Prime Minister" and "Head of Government" in the modern sense. Other members of the cabinet were called "Landsst ý risma ð ur (National committee man)" (male) and "Landsst ý riskvinna (National committee woman)" (female). The Faroese Parliament is called "L ø gting", or "Legislative Assembly", and its earliest history can be traced back to Viking Age It is generally considered to be the oldest parliamentary organization in the world. The Parliament is composed of 33 members. [4]
Faroe Islands elections are conducted at three levels, from low to high, according to local level - "L ø gting (Law assembly)" (Legislative Assembly) - national level "Folketing" (Danish Parliament). Residents vote to elect members of Parliament, which in turn elects the Prime Minister. The Danish government will send high commissioner Monitor the operation of the self-government, represent the Queen, and assist in handling the external affairs of the islands.
As of 2007, the Faroe Islands region has been divided into seven constituencies, which correspond to the S ý sla (equivalent to "Police District", i.e. jurisdiction). Except that Streymoy S ý sla is divided into two constituencies, one for each other. However, since October 25, 2007, the original seven constituencies of the Faroe Islands have been merged into one vote Are given the same weight. [5]
Although the Faroe Islands are autonomous by Denmark territory But its parliament did not approve its entry into the EU legal document Therefore, the Faroe Islands has not joined the European Union.

Relations with Denmark

The Faroe Islands have been under the control of Norway and Denmark since 1388. In 1814, Norway signed a contract with Denmark Treaty of Kiel , ended the union between the two countries, and Norway joined Sweden Kingdom, comprising Norway and the United Kingdom of Sweden. But the treaty stipulates that the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland It did not leave Denmark with Norway. The Faroe Islands had its own Parliament (L ø gting) since ancient times, but it was abolished in 1816. Since then, the Faroe Islands has been regarded as a municipality of Denmark. L ø gting was restored in 1852, but until 1948, it was only an advisory body without real power.
In recent decades, the Faroe Islands independence movement has become more and more popular there. After World War II, some residents supported the independence of the islands and launched the Faroe Islands on September 14, 1946 independence referendum The results of the referendum are only recommendations, and the Parliament has no obligation to respect the results of the referendum. This is the first time for the Faroe Islands to decide whether to continue with Denmark Initiated by the Kingdom to keep in touch social movement
Faroe Islands
The result of the referendum was a narrow majority victory for the independents. However, there are differences within the parliament on how to interpret the referendum results. Later, because the differences could not be resolved, parliamentary elections had to be held again a few months later. The political parties inclined to stay in the Kingdom of Denmark won the election to form a coalition party, so finally the Faroese Parliament decided to refuse independence. However, a compromise was reached between the independents and the unionists - a new decree was passed in 1948, which stipulated that the Faroe Islands would no longer be a county directly under the jurisdiction of Denmark, but would enjoy High degree of autonomy The Danish territory of.
At present, the forces of the independents and unifiers in the islands are roughly divided equally between five and five. There are also different voices within the two camps. For example, the independents hope to declare independence unilaterally at once, and some also hope to cooperate with Denmark gradually central government Consultation to obtain its recognition of the independent status of the islands. There is also a voice within the Unitarians who hope to gradually strengthen autonomy At the same time, we continue to maintain close ties with Denmark.
In 2011, the Faroe Islands drafted a new constitution. But then Prime Minister of Denmark Lars Loekke Rasmussen He said that the new constitution conflicts with the Danish constitution. Therefore, there are only two options left for the Faroe Islands: to abandon the new constitution, or to resolutely withdraw from the Kingdom of Denmark at the same time through the new constitution.


The current autonomous government was formed after the general election in September 2015, with a total of 9 members:
prime minister
Aksel V. Johannesen
Social Democratic Party
Deputy Prime Minister
Høgni Hoydal
republican party
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kristina Háfoss
republican party
Minister of Health
Sirið Stenberg
republican party
Minister of Education, Research and Culture
Rigmor Dam
Social Democratic Party
secretary of state for home affairs
Henrik Old
Social Democratic Party
Minister of Fisheries
Høgni Hoydal
republican party
Minister of Commerce and Foreign Affairs
Poul Michelsen
Progressive Party
Minister of Social Affairs
Eyðgunn Samuelsen
Social Democratic Party


The Queen of Denmark is also the head of state of the Faroe Islands, and the High Commissioner appointed by the Queen exercises her powers on her behalf.
Head of State: Margrethe II Born on April 16, 1940. She became Queen of the Kingdom of Denmark on January 14, 1972.
High Commissioner: Lene Moyell Johansen. Born in 1968. He became High Commissioner of the Faroe Islands on May 15, 2017. [6]
Prime Minister: Axel V. Johnson. Born on November 8, 1972. He became Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands on September 15, 2015.


brief introduction
Social Democratic Party
The Party was founded in 1925 and entered the Parliament in 1928
People's Party
The party was founded in 1940 and entered the parliament in the same year
United Party
Since the founding of the Party in 1906, it has always held seats in Parliament
republican party
The party was founded in 1948 and entered the parliament in 1950
Autonomous party
The party was founded in 1906 and entered the parliament in the same year
Middle party
The party was founded in 1992 and entered the parliament in 1994
Progressive Party
In 2011, the party was founded independently from the People's Party and entered the parliament in the same year [7]




After 1900, the archipelago agricultural society (Mainly raising sheep) Develop into an economy with fishery and related industries (especially dry farming) Codfish Export). In 1977, the boundary of the fishing area was extended to 370 kilometers. Auxiliary economic projects include bird catching and sheep raising (wool for export or for local small families textile industry )。 South Island coal mining. The cultivated land is only about 2%; The main crops are potatoes, other vegetables and sheep forage. Main imported fuels, necessary industrial products and Transportation equipment The main port is Port Toles. There is an airport on Vigor Island. There is regular maritime traffic between the islands and Denmark and Iceland. Summer time and Shetland Islands There are ships coming and going.
In the early 1990s, the economy experienced difficulties and gradually improved in the 21st century. fishery resources Rich. except Fish products And section mutton Besides self-sufficiency, industrial products are mainly imported. Fishing and fish products processing industry It plays a leading role in the economy and its output value accounts for about gross domestic product 1/4, fish products account for more than 96% of total exports. Tourism has developed rapidly, handicraft industry , construction, trade, services and transportation It also occupies a certain position in the Faroese economy.
Currency name
Faroese króna
Regional GDP (unit: 100 million DKK)
seventy-four point four
Per capita GDP (unit: ten thousand DKK)
eighteen point eight
economic growth rate
(Source: Faroese Statistical Office 2000 data)

Fisheries and whaling

Fisheries: It plays an important role in the economy. It mainly catches cod Haddock herring Mackerel Cobia And shrimp. In 2008, the fishing volume reached 521000 tons. There are 150 fishing boats of more than 20 tons, Gross tonnage About 104000 tons. [8]
Whaling industry: Since ancient times, the island residents have relied on predation in the absence of agricultural food Marine fish To maintain life, thus evolved the hunting behavior of collective whaling. Collective whaling is mostly carried out in summer, with dozens of fishing boats whale An arc is formed behind the group, and then waves and bubbles are aroused to drive the group of whales to the established bay shoal, and then the group is handed over to the shore to hold metal Fish knife The stranded whales will be slaughtered on the spot by 30% of fishermen, and the whale blood will stain the whole bay during the slaughter. When killing whales, fishermen Sperm whale The main blood vessels and nerves are cut off at the spine of the neck, allowing the sperm whale to die within 30 seconds, and then the sperm whale is pulled to the shore to cut the whale meat and Blubber These whale meat and blubber are distributed by local police officers to every household on the island.
According to statistics, 956 pilot whales were slaughtered collectively in the Faroe Islands every year from 1990 to 1999, which can produce about 500 tons of whale meat and blubber, accounting for about 30% of the food sources of the residents on the island. After 2000, the average annual catch was about 800 heads.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

Due to poor geological soil and low temperature in summer, the Faroe Islands can only use potatoes Sweet potato And some vegetables are the main crops. But the Faroe Islands have lush grasslands, Animal Husbandry Relatively developed. It mainly raises sheep, cattle and horses. agricultural population It only accounts for 1% of the total population. In 1998, it raised 80000 sheep and 2149 cattle.


1998 - 2000 Fiscal revenue and expenditure The situation is as follows:
1998 - 2000 fiscal revenue and expenditure
Fiscal revenue and expenditure
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
two thousand
Revenue (in DKK 100 million)
twenty-nine point eight seven
thirty-four point seven
thirty-five point eight
Expenditure (unit: DKK 100 million)
twenty-nine point four two
thirty-three point one
twenty-nine point seven
Difference (in DKK 100 million)
In 1999, the Danish government allocated 973 million Danish kroner to self-government.

foreign trade

Foreign trade in national economy China dominates. It mainly exports fish products, fishing tackle, wool and furs, Imported food , livestock, machinery, transportation vehicles, chemical products, raw materials, fuels, etc. Denmark is its main trading partner. In 2000, imports and exports from Denmark accounted for about 30% of the total imports and exports.
The imports and exports of the main trading partners of the Faroe Islands in 2000 were as follows:
Export volume (unit: 100 million DKK)
Import volume (unit: 100 million DKK)
eleven point eight nine
ten point four four
seven point three
eight point five six
two point one six
two point three five
two point six three
one point nine five
two point five six
one point four eight
(Source: Danish Statistical Yearbook 2001)


Water transportation: there are more than 20 ports, most of which are fishing ports. There are fixed ferries between islands, and there are direct routes outside the islands to Iceland, Britain and Continental Europe , to America The freight of is mainly transported through Denmark, Iceland and Netherlands
Air transportation: Weiger on Weiger Island airport It is the only airport in the Faroe Islands. There are regular flights to Denmark and Iceland throughout the year, and flights to Scotland and Norway in summer. Average year Passenger traffic volume 120000 person times.

People's livelihood

1999 social welfare The expenditure was DKK 1.18 billion. There are 3 hospitals, 296 beds, 82 doctors and 38 dentists, Nursing staff 320. 18200 cars, including 14700 private cars.

cultural education

Implement 9-10 year system compulsory education Danish by Compulsory courses In 1998/1999, there were 68 primary and secondary schools with 7979 students; There are 11 professional schools of teacher training, technology, commerce, navigation, medical care, etc., with 2166 students. The University of Farrow is the only comprehensive institution of higher learning. There are five newspapers, one radio station and one television station.
In 1965 Port Toles Established University of the Faroe Islands Is the only university in the islands and the only one to use it Faroese University of teaching.