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French West Africa

A large French colony in West Africa
French West Africa (French: Afrique Occidentale Française , referred to as AOF) West Africa A large colony of 4689000 square kilometers. include Mauritania Senegal Niger French Sudan (Today Mali ), French Guinea (today Guinea )、 Cote d'Ivoire Upper Volta (Today burkina faso )And dahomey (Today Benin )。 It was founded in 1895. It disintegrated in 1958.
Chinese name
France West Africa
Foreign name
French West Africa
French West Africa
Saint Louis (later Dakar)
major city
dahomey Bamako, etc
National Day
July 14 (same as France)
National anthem
Country code
official language
French franc, French West African franc
Time zone
Political system
Major ethnic groups
French, Bambara
Major religions
Christian Catholicism Indigenous religion Islamism
land area
4689000 km²
Road access
Drive on the right
Time of existence

brief introduction

French West African Administrative Division
French West African governor Since 1895 Saint Louis (French: Saint-Louis ), moved to Dakar (French: Dakar )。 The Governor is directly accountable to the Government of Paris. Each colony in French West Africa, such as Senegal and Dahomey, has a deputy governor who governs the region. The Deputy Governor is directly accountable to the Governor. The Governor and the Government of Paris“ Colonial Department ”They are jointly responsible for determining the candidates for deputy governors and reporting to the Economic Commission French Parliament After approval, he can take office.
Dakar, the ruling center of French West Africa
Since 1946, the colonial government has established the "French West Africa Grand Commission" in Dakar as an advisory body to the Governor. Each subordinate colony elected two representatives as members of the General Committee, usually the deputy governor of the colony and an African. In addition to the four early communes in Senegal (Saint Louis, Dakar, Gore Lufisk Four towns. These four towns are located in the estuary of Senegal, which is the earliest colony of France in West Africa. There are many French residents, and local African residents can enjoy the same rights as French nationals. 1848 Second French Republic Give the residents of four towns full French citizenship. A decree in 1916 stipulated that the four cities and towns were part of the suzerainty and implemented French municipal laws. All residents and their descendants were French citizens. Each town could send a representative to France House of Commons )The African residents of the whole French West Africa are not the same as the French residents The right to vote Etc. [1]
In terms of the management of French colonies in West Africa, the most important thing is to set up an administrative structure called "Circle". The governance circle is headed by a Frenchman, who governs a number of smaller administrative regions. Such small administrative regions only govern a number of villages, and the French appoint African chiefs to manage them. The governor of the governance circle is directly responsible to the deputy governors of the individual colonies, and the African chief of the small administrative region is responsible to the French governor of the governance circle.

Ruling style

French colonial empire
The governance of France over West Africa is generally direct, and the French are the highest executive , has absolute power. Local chiefs are just tools of French colonial rule, without any real power.
In the process of conquering West Africa, France encountered the heroic resistance of the West African people organized and led by traditional leaders (kings, chiefs, etc.). Even after the suppression of these resistances, France Colonist Still have lingering fears. For this reason, the French decided to eliminate those who might become anti French leaders Africa The state and tribal organizations should re divide administrative regions, abolish the power of traditional leaders, appoint officials at all levels, and promote suzerain Decree Indigenous peoples Even those local chiefs who served as colonial pawns were often not the original traditional chiefs, but African "loyalists" re appointed by the French (many of them were not from the top of the tribe, but "meritorious men" who had served in the French colonial army).
The French finally hope to integrate this land into France culturally and politically. In this system, the French seldom make use of the real power stratum in Africa, but mainly rely on their own new system to maintain their rule. To promote in West Africa“ the policy of national assimilation ”In 1912, the French authorities formulated the "naturalization law", stipulating that anyone born in French West Africa "can serve France or hold public office for more than 10 years, read or write French , Own Means of subsistence Those with good quality can get France Citizenship Obviously, only a few intellectuals and indigenous elites among African residents meet these conditions and can become "French citizens", while the vast majority of Africans become "French subjects" without citizenship. France can't pay the huge cost of fully assimilating Africans, and can only find a way direct control African residents.
The British did the opposite: they did not create a new ruling system as France did, but made the best use of the local power system in Africa to achieve colonial rule Compared with the British rule, the French are more violent and often use Forced labour And imprisonment to maintain the rule and seek profits. France does not use some of its colonial gains to feed Africans and cultivate local middle class (The British colonial authority determines the annual direct payment Tax amount , collected by aboriginal officials. The aboriginal regime retained most of the tax to pay the salaries of aboriginal officials and public construction costs, and the rest was handed over to the British colonial authorities.) The French took all the proceeds as their own.

Ruling significance


Positive significance

French West African Franc
Under the rule of the French colonial authorities, West Africa is increasingly showing another new social environment Social order to become better, Regime organization More powerful than before, the tribes have established friendly relations; Slavery After the ban, freedom market economy It began to appear that people could move freely; Traffic and communication conditions have been greatly improved, and railways and telegraph lines have appeared in West Africa.
The development of the colonial economy Transportation network The construction of mining area Trade Centre , the rise and development of railways and highways as well as coastal ports.
All these have further promoted the free flow , which is conducive to improving the productivity of West Africa and promoting the internal Resource flows And cultural exchanges, opening the door for West African society Traditional economy The situation of transformation to colonial economy.


Used by French colonial authorities economic means And mandatory administrative means , gradually established Unequal exchange Based on the commercial plundering system economic structure Change to suit Europe Monopoly capital Plunder the colonial economic structure needed to make West Africa gradually become Europe capitalism Agricultural raw material vassals and Commodity dumping Market.
By the beginning of the 20th century, various parts of West Africa had initially formed a single economic crop characterized by production and export Processing industry extremely underdeveloped The embryonic form of the deformed colonial economic structure. European monopoly capitalists purchase locally produced products in West Africa at a low price cash crop , selling food, cloth and other daily necessities needed by West Africa at high prices, and buying cheap and selling expensive“ Scissors difference ”Grab Excess profit [2]

Historical evolution

French colonists entered West Africa After, with other Colonial countries A large amount of territory has been gained in the struggle. At the beginning, these areas became Senegal A part of a colony or a separate independent entity, which is ruled by the military, is called "Military Territories".
French West Africa
On the West African land invaded by French colonialism, there are Tukulaer, Vasuru dahomey Such a unified and powerful kingdom; In other areas, there are many primitive clan tribes Tribal alliance , and small emirate , Small Kingdom. For the former, the French colonists absolute advantage By force; For the latter, we often use deception such as alliance and contracting to classify them as our own Sphere of influence And then occupy it. In the late 1890s, French government They began to directly rule these newly acquired territories, and transferred the territory west of Gabon to the jurisdiction of a single governor in Senegal, who was directly responsible for the French Ministry of Overseas Affairs. The first Senegalese Governor Jean Baptiste Chaudi é was appointed on June 16, 1895, and this territory was officially named "French West Africa" (AOF) in 1904. France took the occupied Senegal French Sudan , French Guinea Ivory Coast Merged into the French West African Federation. Dahomey Niger Upper Volta In 1904, 1908 and 1910, it was incorporated into the French West African colony, and in 1912 it became French colony Of Mauritania It was also incorporated into French West Africa in 1920. Gabon And other places will become french equatorial africa (AEF).
The Government of the Fourth Republic of France World War II After gradually opening up its colonies political rights In 1946, the "loi Lamine Gu è ye" granted limited citizenship to indigenous people in African colonies. The "Loi Cadre" in 1956 established a universal parliament with only the right of consultation. French colonial empire Converted to“ French Union ”(English: French Union )The Fifth Republic Constitution in 1958 once again transformed it into“ French Community ”(English; French Community French: Communauté française )Every colony has been transformed into Protector (Protectorate), which owns the National Assembly with consultative power; The governor appointed by France was renamed "High Commissioner", and was the head of state of the protectorate. national council Then have the right to name an African as having Right of suggestion The head of government of.
The 1958 referendum approved the French Union, but Guinea's referendum Guinea's independence was decided by an overwhelming proportion. In 1960, because France French Vietnam War And Algeria The tension, French Constitution The amendments to the Constitution agreed that the colonies unilaterally changed their constitutions, and many new countries in West Africa were born. [3]