Doctor of Law

Doctoral degree in higher education system
zero Useful+1
Doctor of Law Higher Education The doctoral degree in the system belongs to the final degree.
The objects and categories of the award of Juris Doctor vary from country to country. In the United States and other countries, Doctor of Juris Science (J.S.D for short) or Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D. in Law for short) is a research-oriented degree awarded to personnel who have completed doctoral training.
Chinese name
Doctor of Law
Foreign name
Doctor of Law
Law class

Introduction to Doctor of Law

brief introduction
In China, Doctor of Law is a kind of academic doctoral degree. The scope of award includes not only legal science, but also political science, sociology, ethnology, Marxism, public security science and other social sciences.
Law PhD candidate Mainly divided into jurisprudence , legal history, constitutional law and administrative law criminal jurisprudence Civil and Commercial Law , procedural law, economic law, environmental and resource protection law, international law and other majors, mainly cultivating students for legal teaching, scientific research and judicial practice departments Specialists
List of Disciplines in China (Law)
0301 Law
030101K Law
0302 Political Science
030203 Diplomacy
0303 Sociology
030301 Sociology
0304 Ethnology
030401 Ethnology
0305 Marxist Theory
030502 History of the Communist Party of China
030503 Ideological and Political Education
0306 Public Security
030601K Public Security
030603K Border Control Management

Doctor of Law

First level doctoral program in law
In addition, the 54th Institute has legal science First level discipline Doctoral degree conferring right Ordinary colleges and universities
Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the List of the Ninth Batch of Disciplines and Specialties Authorized for Academic Degrees Degree [2003] No. 57:
Peking University
Renmin University of China
China University of Political Science and Law
Hubei province
WuHan University
Chongqing City
Southwest University of Political Science and Law
Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the Tenth List of Disciplines and Specialties Authorized for Academic Degrees (Degree [2006] No. 3):
Jilin University
East China University of Political Science and Law
Nanjing Normal University
Xiamen University
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the List of First level Disciplines Authorized by the Doctoral and Master's Degrees in 2010 (Degree [2011] No. 8):
Notice on Issuing the List of First level Disciplines Authorized for Doctoral Degree Added after Re review:
through the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council Deliberated and approved for addition at the 29th meeting Ocean University of China The degree of Doctor of Law is authorized as a first-class discipline.
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
ministry of education
First level discipline authorized for doctoral degree
Southeast University
ministry of education
First level discipline authorized for doctoral degree
Notice of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on Issuing the Special Evaluation Results and Handling Opinions of 2014 Academic Degrees Authorization Points (Xue [2016] No. 5):
The evaluation result is "unqualified" Degree authorization point , revocation of degree authorization from the date of the voluntary document:
Tongji University is unqualified in law
South China University of Technology Law unqualified
The second level doctoral program in legal theory of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee was upgraded to the first level doctoral program in law
Notice of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on Issuing the List of Academic Degrees Authorized Points Cancelled and Added by Dynamic Adjustment in 2017 (Xue [2018] No. 3):
Notice of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Issuance of the List of Degree Authorizing Points Cancelled and Added by Dynamic Adjustment in 2018 (XU [2019] No. 8), Notice of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Issuance of the List of Degree Authorizing Points Cancelled and Added by the Existing Independent Degree Authorizing Review Units in 2018 (XU [2019] No. 11):
Notice of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on the Issuance of the List of Degree Authorizing Points to be Cancelled and Added for Dynamic Adjustment in 2019 (Xue [2020] No. 3):
Second level doctoral program in law
The institutions with second level doctoral programs in law have basically been upgraded to first level doctoral programs in the Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the List of First level Disciplines Authorized for Doctor and Master's Degrees in 2010 (Degree [2011] No. 8), the Central Party School (Degree [2018] No. 9 upgraded to first level doctoral programs), and Fuzhou University Xi'an Political College The second level doctoral program in law has not become the first level doctoral program:
ten thousand and thirty-six
University of International Business and Economics
Civil and commercial law (including labor law and social security law)
International Law (including public international law, private international law and international economic law)
ten thousand and forty-one
People's Public Security University of China
Procedural law
ten thousand one hundred and forty
Liaoning University
Economic Law
ten thousand one hundred and fifty-one
Dalian Maritime University
International Law (including public international law, private international law and international economic law)
ten thousand two hundred and twelve
Heilongjiang University
Civil and commercial law (including labor law and social security law)
ten thousand two hundred and forty-six
Fudan University
Civil and commercial law (including labor law and social security law)
International Law (including public international law, private international law and international economic law)
ten thousand two hundred and forty-eight
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
ten thousand two hundred and eighty-four
Nanjing University
Economic Law
ten thousand two hundred and eighty-five
Suzhou University
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
ten thousand three hundred and thirty-five
Zhejiang University
Legal Theory
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
ten thousand three hundred and fifty-seven
Anhui University
Economic Law
ten thousand three hundred and eighty-six
Fuzhou University
Law of Environment and Resource Protection
ten thousand four hundred and twenty-two
Shandong University
Legal Theory
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
Civil and commercial law (including labor law and social security law)
ten thousand four hundred and twenty-three
Ocean University of China
Law of Environment and Resource Protection
ten thousand four hundred and fifty-nine
Zhengzhou University
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
ten thousand five hundred and thirty
Xiangtan University
Legal history
Procedural law
ten thousand five hundred and thirty-two
Hunan University
Economic Law
ten thousand five hundred and forty-two
Hunan Normal University
International Law (including public international law, private international law and international economic law)
ten thousand five hundred and fifty-eight
Sun Yat-sen University
Legal Theory
ten thousand six hundred and ten
Sichuan University
Procedural law
ten thousand six hundred and eleven
Chongqing University
Law of Environment and Resource Protection
eighty thousand
Party School of the CPC Central Committee
Legal Theory
ninety thousand and twenty-two
Xi'an Political College
Military jurisprudence
According to the Report on Serving the national special needs talent training project Notice on Acceptance and Evaluation (Degree [2017] No. 16), Northwest University of Political Science and Law There is a doctoral program to carry out talent training programs for special needs of countries:
Name of University Doctoral Program Name of Degree Awarded Discipline
Service of Northwest University of Political Science and Law Northwest China Stable Development and National Security Law
In addition, whether and Political Theory (0302), sociology (0303), ethnology (0304) and other law (03) doctorates, and several law doctorates in schools are Interdisciplinary Degree point It is not in the first level doctoral program of law (0301) but under other first level doctoral programs, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, the professional doctor of legal governance (1204J1), the doctor of management (1204), and Guangxi University for Nationalities , under the doctoral program of the first level discipline of ethnology Ethnic jurisprudence Secondary discipline Doctor degree, but because the degree code of ethnology is (0304), which belongs to the category of law (03), it is also awarded the degree of Doctor of Law.

Degree certification

The doctor's degree is a sign of the education level and academic level The academic title of the highest level of knowledge of the profession that meets the specified standards. Among the bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctor's degree, the doctor's degree is the highest level.
China's doctoral degree is awarded by the State Council scientific research institution Grant. Postgraduates of institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions, or with Postgraduates with equivalent academic qualifications The doctoral degree can be granted to those who have passed the course examination and thesis defense of the doctoral degree, passed the examination and reached the specified academic level.

Length of schooling

The general period of study for a doctor of law is at least three years, which must include the completion of certain credits of the designated courses, and after passing the qualifying examination, students must write a doctoral thesis and pass the thesis defense. After obtaining the recognition of the college, they can be awarded the degree of a doctor of law of the college system.

American Doctor of Law

US Principal Name
Respond to local conditions system of education Different from the tradition of the college, the name of the degree of Doctor of Law in each college is also different. Generally, there are:
Chinese name
English name
Brief description of general educational system
Doctor of Law
Doctor of Laws
The name of the department is directly applied to the name of the degree.
Doctor of Philosophy of Law
Doctor of Philosophy in Law
Traditional colleges with the name of Doctor of Philosophy as the research doctoral degree are more common in British institutions, including universities in Hong Kong and Australia.
Doctor of Law and Literature
Doctor of Letters in Law
A college under the tradition of naming a non science research doctoral degree as a Doctor of Literature.
Doctor of Legal Science
Doctor of Judicial Science
The naming of the doctoral degree initiated by the American Law School has also been seen in universities in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia and other places, because the law education in many places has learned from the American law education.
Derivative Problems of American Juris Doctor
Because of American Legal education The first one provided Basic degree It is called "Juris Doctor (J.D.)", and the degree is not a doctor's degree, but it does mean "Doctor of Law" when translated into Chinese, because it has caused trouble for many non English speaking areas. However, since "Doctor of Law" in many languages has long been defined as "Doctor of Law" in the society of that language, many places where this problem occurs are also J D. Name. But for J D. Before naming, there were many regions or colleges to clearly distinguish J D. The official name of the degree will be used as a hard translation with the real Doctor of Law degree, for example, the official name of the degree will be used to translate S J. D. Defined as "law Doctor of Science ”(As shown in the above table), although the four names mentioned in the above table are all Doctor of Laws in the sense, they are hard translated in many places All have established by the people through long social practice.
In Chinese, whether mainland China or China Hong Kong , China Taiwan , all of them have experienced J D. In order to avoid confusion, both mainland China and Taiwan have studied solutions. Now, J.D.'s official Chinese translation It is "Professional Law Diploma".