Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets

Financial terms
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Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets refer to Shanghai , Shenzhen mainly engaged in stock trading stock exchange There are three stock exchange markets in mainland China, namely, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. Shenzhen Stock Exchange is a small and medium-sized board and a venture capital market. Shanghai Stock Market is the leading market in mainland China. The number of listed companies, the number of listed shares, the total market value, the market value in circulation, the total amount of securities transactions, the amount of stock transactions and the amount of treasury bonds transactions all rank first.
Chinese name
Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets
Stock market securities
Date of establishment
November 26, 1990
Shanghai Stock Exchange It was established on November 26, 1990 and opened on December 19 of the same year, under the direct management of the CSRC. Adhering to the eight word policy of "legal system, supervision, self-discipline and standardization", Shanghai Stock Exchange is committed to creating a transparent, open, safe and efficient market environment and effectively protecting the rights and interests of investors. Its main functions include: providing places and facilities for securities trading; formulate stock exchange Business rules; Accept the listing application and arrange the listing of securities; Organize and supervise securities trading; Supervise members and listed companies; Manage and publish market information.
The trading in the SSE market adopts the electronic auction trading mode. All the trading of listed securities must be publicly declared through the computer host, which will automatically match the transactions according to the principle of price priority and time priority. The daily processing capacity of the transaction host is 29 million consignments, 60 million transactions, and 16000 transactions per second.
After years of continuous development, the Shanghai securities market has become the leading market in mainland China, with the number of listed companies, the number of listed shares, the total market value, the market value in circulation, the total amount of securities transactions, the amount of stock transactions, the amount of treasury bonds transactions and other indicators ranking first. A large number of pillar enterprises, key enterprises, basic industry enterprises and high-tech enterprises in the national economy have raised development funds and transformed the operating mechanism through listing.
Shenzhen stock exchange
Shenzhen Stock Exchange , referred to as "Shenzhen Stock Exchange" and "Shenzhen Stock Exchange", was established on December 1, 1990 as Centralized securities trading Legal persons who provide places and facilities, organize and supervise securities trading, and implement self-discipline management shall be directly supervised and managed by the CSRC. Shenzhen Stock Exchange is committed to the construction of multi-level securities market and strives to create an open, fair and just market environment. Its main functions include: to provide places and facilities for securities trading; To formulate the business rules of the Exchange; Accepting listing applications and arranging securities listing; Organize and supervise securities trading; Supervise members and listed companies; Manage and publish market information; Other functions permitted by the CSRC.
As one of the two major stock exchanges in mainland China, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and China's securities market Grow together. In the past 16 years, with the help of modern technology, Shenzhen Stock Exchange has successfully built a national securities market in a new city. Over the past 15 years, Shenzhen Stock Exchange has raised more than 400 billion yuan for the national economy modern enterprise system Promote economic restructuring Optimize resource allocation The dissemination of market economy knowledge has played a very important role in promoting.
With the consent of the State Council and the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shenzhen Stock Exchange has set up the SME sector in the main board market since May 2004. The establishment of the SME sector is an important step in promoting the construction of the GEM market step by step. To be launched in the second half of 2009 Venture Capital Board