Miluo River

[mì luó jiāng]
Rivers in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province
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Miluo River mainly flows through Pingjiang County of Hunan Province and the eastern part of Xiangyin (now Miluo City at the county level), and originates from the pear tree pot in Huanglongshan, Xiushui, Jiangxi South Dongting Lake The largest river in the lakeside area, of which 192.9 km flows through Pingjiang County Miluo City 61.5km within the territory. The larger towns along the Miluo River are Hanchang Town (Pingjiang County), Guiyi Town (Miluo City) Changshou Town Etc. Pingjiang County is named for the quiet running of Miluo River, and Miluo City is also named for the self running Miluo River. Miluo River takes Xiushui Laiyuan to Changshou Town of Pingjiang as its upstream, Changshou Town to Huangqi Tuan of Pingjiang as its midstream, and Huangqi Tuan as its downstream. The famous poet Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC Afterglow He once came to the Miluo River to worship Qu Yuan. The poem said: "The upstream of blue ink is the Miluo River." He used "blue ink" to refer to contemporary Chinese culture, and "Miluo River" to refer to Qu Yuan.
Chinese name
Miluo River
Foreign name
Miluo River
Mile water
Water system
Dongting Lake
geographical position
Hunan Province Pingjiang County Miluo City
Flow area
Pingjiang County, Hunan Province Miluo City , Jiangxi Xiushui County
Jiangxi Xiushui
Main tributaries
Changjiang River Zhima River Car across the river Zhongdong River Papaya River Golden Cave
River length
253 km
Average flow
595 square kilometers
670 km²
Related celebrities
Qu Yuan King Xiang of Chu White rise
Hunan Pingjiang County
Recommended travel time
Half a day
Opening Hours
Open all day
Suitable travel season
The Dragon Boat Festival period

Main stream overview


brief introduction

Panshizhou, Miluo River, Pingjiang
Miluo River belongs to Dongting Lake water system [1] Originated from Hunan Province Pingjiang County Hubei province Tongcheng County Jiangxi Province Huanglong Mountain Pear Tree Pot (within Xiushui County) at the junction of Xiushui 3 Counties flows through Xiushui County Baishi Bridge; From Longmen Bridge to Pingjiang County, it flows southwest through Changshou, Chiayi, Xianchong and three cities to the bridge, turns northwest, flows through Zhongxianping, Hengcha and Jinwo, then turns southwest, flows through Pingjiang County Chengguan, Wukou, Qingchong and Huangqi; To Xinshi Miluo City , flowing through Changle Street, Xinshi, Miluo, and Yuleishi Mountain South Dongting Lake The total length is 254.4 kilometers, including 192.9 kilometers in Pingjiang County and 61.5 kilometers in Miluo City. The Miluo River basin is bordered by Dongting Lake in the west, bounded by Mufu Mountain, Huanglong Mountain and Xinqiang River basin in the east and north, and bounded by Lianyun Mountain and Laodao River basin in the south. It is about 120 kilometers long from east to west and 37 kilometers wide from north to south on average. The total area of the basin is 5543 square kilometers, including 4053 square kilometers in Pingjiang County and 965 square kilometers in Miluo City. The terrain of the drainage basin is high in the east, south and north, and low in the west. The average slope is 0.46% from mountains to hills and Dongting Lake Plain, with a fall of 249.8m. The upper reaches are above Changshou Street, the middle reaches are above Huangqicalcin, and the lower reaches are downstream. There are 86 tributaries with a length of more than 5 kilometers, including 16 tributaries with a drainage area of more than 100 square kilometers.


The annual average rainfall of Miluo River basin is about 1400 mm, and the rainfall from April to June accounts for about 50% of the total rainfall of the year, with the maximum daily rainfall generally being 200~250 mm. As the upper and middle reaches of the river and most of its tributaries pass through mountainous areas, they are characterized by mountains and streams. Floods often rise and fall abruptly, lasting for 2 to 3 days, with a variation of about 6 meters. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, the highest water level reached 48.47 meters (Huangqicalcin Station), and the corresponding peak flow was 6700 cubic meters per second. After the rainy season, drought in summer, autumn or continuous drought in summer and autumn often occurs. The annual evaporation is about 1200~1400mm.
Miluo River Valley has beautiful scenery, mild climate, fertile land, rich products and developed water transportation. Counter-Japanese War During this period, due to the important geographical location, China and Japan repeatedly fought in a "tug of war" here. The Japanese army used to burn, kill, rob and plunder here on a large scale. Large areas of forests were destroyed, resulting in serious water and soil loss. The riverbed was silted up year by year, and water transport decreased sharply.
The Miluo River, from Xinshi down, belonged to the branch of Dongting Lake before the Ming Dynasty, and later silted up into a large land. The people along the river gradually reclaimed it. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Miluo River End 33 embankments and small embankments have been enclosed. The original lake was divided by small embankments. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, 436 reservoirs have been built on the two major and minor tributaries. In the winter of 1958, the riverway in the tail end area was renovated, and the winding tail end of Miluo River in the past was smooth. [2]

Main tributaries

The main tributaries of Miluo River are Changjiang River , Zhima River, Cheduihe, Zhongdong River, Papaya River, Golden Cave, etc.

Changjiang River

Changjiang River, the largest tributary, also known as Plum Fairy Water, originates from Pingjiang Fujiadong, at the west foot of Mufu Mountain in the northwest of the county, enters the Miluo River at the Yangmei Port of Jiangjun Mountain, with a length of 84 kilometers and a drainage area of 670 square kilometers.


The secondary tributary Luoshui originates from Yueyang County Aobeili, Bajiao Township, flows to the southwest Miluo City Daqiu Bay flows into Miluo River, with a length of 88 kilometers and a drainage area of 595 square kilometers.

Miluo River Culture

Miluo River is famous mainly because Qu Yuan Relationship. At the end of the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, a famous politician and poet of the State of Chu, was exiled Community mountains I have lived on. In 278 BC, Ying, the capital of Chu (now Hubei jingzhou )After being attacked by the Qin army, Qu Yuan felt hopeless and threw himself into the Miluo River to die. [3]
Miluo River is on the east side of Dongting Lake, belonging to the Dongting Lake water system. About 1.5 kilometers above the mouth of the Miluo River, the pool is very deep Sanlu Doctor The place where Qu Yuan lost his life in the river is called Hepotan, and there are stone tablets recording his story. Hebotan is a part of Miluo River. Because it is not too deep and it is also the bend of Miluo River, it is called Hebotan. It is said that Qu Yuan, a doctor of Sanlu, threw himself into the river here The fifth day of May , people along the river put it here traditional Chinese rice-pudding In addition, a large folk dragon boat race was held. The original stele erected by the river has been washed down by the flood, but not yet Repair
According to the local legend, Qu Yuan did not sink until his clothes and trousers were filled with sand. Therefore, this place is also called a sand harbor today. After being exiled to Dongting Lake by King Xiang of Chu, Qu Yuan worried about the fate of his motherland every day. He was even more distressed when he thought of the tragic situation of his compatriots in the war. In 278 BC, General Qin White rise Break through the Chu capital Ying (now Jiangling, Hubei) King Xiang of Chu Escape from Chen. Qu Yuan was shocked to learn that, with great sadness Hanshui Farewell to hometown forever on the north bank Zigui And the capital Ying And then travel south to Changsha. However, he was always attached to his motherland, so he returned to Dongting. The cruel reality finally made him feel desperate. He had no way out of his own life. His ideals and ambitions had all gone to waste and he finished writing in Miluo《 LiSao 》After the last chapter of Huaisha Self sinking. People along the Miluo River rowed their boats to Qu Yuan At the place where the river was thrown, he wanted to save the patriotic poet. People worried that the fish and shrimp in the river would bite Qu Yuan. When they rowed to the rescue, they threw their dumplings into the river to feed the fish and shrimp Dragon Boat Race on Dragon Boat Festival The custom of eating rice dumplings. However, a generation of patriotic poets still could not survive. Qu Yuan was rescued by fishermen only a few days after he threw himself into the river. A part of his head had been eaten by fish and shrimp. His daughter and son-in-law gave him half a golden head to bury. Fearing that someone would dig the tomb and steal the golden head, the son-in-law built a suspicious tomb with a skirt and earth. When encountering God's help, 12 suspicious graves were built overnight.
Mile water tenderness
At the end of the Warring States Period King Huai of Chu and King Qingxiang of Chu He was exiled to Yusi Mountain by the Miluo River, where he wrote some of the most important works in his life (such as《 LiSao 》、《 Heaven asks 》And carry forward the genre of Chuci to an unprecedented height. In 278 BC, Ying, the capital of Chu (now in Jiangling County, Hubei Province), was the Qin state After the capture, Qu Yuan felt that there was no hope to save the country, and he wrote the book on the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month《 Huaisha 》And I threw myself into Miluo River. Miluo River (Miluo River refers to left water and right sun) originates from Jiangxi Province Xiushui County Huanglong Mountain Pear Tree Pot, via Xiushui County Baishi Bridge , flowing into Hunan Province at Longmen Pingjiang County Within the territory, it flows westward through the urban area of Pingjiang. The length of the main stream from Milu is 253 kilometers, and the drainage area is 5543 square kilometers Dongdong The largest river in Tinghu lakeside area.


The pink walled cottages on both sides of Miluo River are pink and willows are green, the people are simple, and the water and grass are plump, which is typical south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Style and features. [1] Remained today Quzi Temple Sao altar Qu Yuan's Tomb And other historic sites and relics. Qu Yuan's tomb is located on Miluo Mountain. Twelve hill style mounds of earth are scattered on the 1500 square meter hillside. In front of these mounds, there is a stele of "Tomb of Former Chu Sanlu Officials" or "Tomb of Chu Sanlu Officials", which is Qu Yuan's 12 suspected tombs. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people along the Miluo River always hold a grand Dragon Boat The competition was held in memory of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Dragon Boat Race

Dragon Boat Race
According to legend, Miluo River fishermen rowed dragon boats to rescue Qu Yuan In vain, the glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves was thrown into the river to worship Qu Yuan. Therefore, Miluo River becomes Dragon Boat and traditional Chinese rice-pudding The birthplace of two important Chinese folk customs. Dragon-boat Racing , or Dragon Boat Race , dragon boat race, dragon boat race, dragon boat climbing (commonly known in Fujian and Guangdong) Vietnam? Japan and Ryukyu The Dragon Boat Festival One of the customs of "dragon boat race" is also a local folk activity in East Asia. At present, dragon boat race has developed into a water sports, and it is also held regularly in China and some coastal and riverside areas around the world. Except for China National Games In addition to being one of the projects of Asian Games For the first time in the Asian Games. [4]
The most popular origin of the dragon boat race is that the Chu State used the dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river in order to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. The implication of this dragon boat race is affirmed by the Records of the Historian. Among them《 Continuous Homology and Harmony 》It is recorded: "Qu Yuan, a doctor of Chu, was slandered and not used. It was Ritu that killed the Miluo River. The people of Chu mourned it and saved it by boat. It is also a custom to cross the Dragon Boat Festival again."《 Sui Shu · Geography 》It is recorded that "Qu Yuan went to Miluo to look at the sun in May, but the natives chased him to Dongting and did not see him, but sang," How could he cross the lake? So the drums and oars fought for the return, and the race pavilion was the scene of the race. The boats ran fast together, the oars shook the water and land, and watched the clouds. "But the origin of the dragon boat race, Southern Dynasties Liang Zongxun《 Jing Chu's Chronicle 》Then he said, "On the fifth day of May, it is the day to race and collect miscellaneous medicines."
Archaeological discoveries have confirmed that many Dragon Boat Festival customs have spread as early as before the Chu State. For example, one of them comes from Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Temporal Bronze tomahawk And carved with the dragon boat race pattern. Some scholars point out that the dragon boat evolved from the Baiyue canoe, which uses the dragon as its totem. The origin of dragon boat and dragon boat race is still being studied.
In different places, the dragon boat race has different meanings. For example, the Miao people in Guizhou celebrate rice planting, wish grain harvest and commemorate modern democratic revolutionaries Qiu Jin Or the memory of the ancient hero Yan Hongwo and Vietnamese Chen Dynasty Senior general Chen Qingyu fought against the Yuan Dynasty. One of the most popular is Qu Yuan, who committed suicide by throwing himself into the river in memory of Chu people.
Qing Dynasty Qianlong In the 29th year (1736 AD), Taiwan began to hold dragon boat races. However, dragon boat racing is still only one of the traditional festival activities, not a formal sports. Until 1976, Hong Kong held the first International Dragon Boat Invitational Competition in Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter, which opened the prelude to the modernization, internationalization and standardization of dragon boat activities. In addition to the nine fishermen's teams in Hong Kong, a team from Nagasaki, Japan, has participated in this competition. Then the dragon boat race was introduced to western countries and actively participated. In 1985, the first international women's championship was held in Hong Kong to promote this water sport to women athletes. In addition to different competitions, China also held the Dragon Boat Festival in Hunan in 1991 Yueyang City (Qu Yuan's second hometown) Dragon Boat Festival , further promoting dragon boat activities. Nagasaki International Dragon Boat Championships were also held in Nagasaki, Japan.
through State Administration of Sports Approved, the 2006 National Dragon Boat Month Launching Ceremony and China Miluo River Dragon Boat Festival will be held at the Miluo River International Dragon Boat Race Center in Miluo City, Hunan Province from May 29 to June 1.
Miluo is the birthplace of the world dragon boat race and dragon boat culture. As early as the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet, was exiled to Miluo. Huaisha sank into the Miluo River and made clear his ambition to die. Since then, the Miluo River has attracted worldwide attention. In order to express their respect and memory for Qu Yuan, local people competed rowing On the Miluo River, this custom has been handed down from generation to generation and has evolved into Dragon Boat Race. [5]

present situation

In people's imagination, Miluo River is a holy land for poets. Afterglow The poem "The upstream of blue ink is Miluo River" was once again recited by thousands of people. What does Miluo River look like in real life? The law enforcement inspection team walked along the river and saw the collapsed bank, the continuous sand piles, the repeatedly forbidden gold panning, sand digging boats, and the wanton dumping of garbage into the river... The Miluo River is no longer full of poetry.
Pingjiang Chiayi Town Xianchong Village, surrounded by the Miluo River, has brought inspiration to the quiet village. Unfortunately, these are only fragments left in the villagers' memory. Today's Miluo River brings Xianchong Village not only sand, but also lingering fear. Phantom like gold panning and sand digging boats leave a large amount of mineral sand and tail piles on this section of the river, which occupy the river and block water in half. At the riverside of Xianchong Village Group I, the rapid river was blocked and changed direction, washing the river bank to pieces. It is estimated that in the past few years, a group of 3 households that had been far away from the river bank almost stood near the river, listening to the river flowing every day, worrying about the collapse of the river bank at night. There were 11 people in 3 households, and everyone was in danger.
Qu Yuan's Former Residence
It is reported that such a situation as Xianchong is not uncommon in Pingjiang or Miluo, but shows different characteristics. Pingjiang is located in the upper section of Miluo River. Sewage and tailings discharged from mining and gold panning pollute water quality and block water flow. Entering Miluo City, the river flow slowed down, but the disorderly excavation of sand dredgers destroyed the natural form of the river and greatly affected the safety of the flood season. Yuan Ronghua, a member of the law enforcement inspection team and the chairman of the Agriculture Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, who has participated in the Miluo River remediation action for many times, said that the key to the governance of the Miluo River is to conserve water and soil, and the pollution problem cannot be ignored. The key point of governance is to fight against illegal gold mining and sand digging. Although driven by interests, illegal mining is hard to stop for a while, after years of efforts, everyone's understanding has been unified. As long as we work together and work hard, we believe that it will not be long before the Miluo River is cleared.

Traffic information

Yueyang Railway Station and Yueyang East Railway Station have 18 trains or bullet trains to Miluo every day, which take 20-50 minutes. There are buses to Miluo at Yueyang Bus Station, about 25 yuan/person.
Miluo East Station Beijing Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line The station is under the jurisdiction of Changsha Station of Guangzhou Railway (Group) Corporation. It is located about 10 kilometers southeast of Miluo City, 5 kilometers southwest of Xinshi Town, close to National Highway 107, 70 kilometers north of Yueyang East Station, and 67.7 kilometers south of Changsha South Station.
Miluo Railway Station is located at Chezhan Road, Miluo City, and was built in 1918. 1509 km away from Beijing West Railway Station Guangzhou Railway Station 785 km, under the jurisdiction of Changsha Train Depot of Guangzhou Railway (Group) Corporation. It is now a third class station. [1]