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Tonga (English: Tongan /Tongan: Faka-Tonga ), belonging to the Malay Polynesian language family of the South Island language family, mainly used for Kingdom of Tonga , also used in American Samoa, Australia, Canada Fiji New Zealand Niue , the United States and Vanuatu, are spelled in Latin letters, and the basic word order is VSO (that is, the word order is subject object). The population is about 100000.
Chinese name
Foreign name
lea fakatonga
Country of use
Kingdom of Tonga
Word order
Predicate subject object
a [a]
e [e]/[ə]
i [i]
o [o]
u [u]
è [ɛ]
ò [ɔ]
b [b]
d [d]
dy [dʲ]~[dʑ]/[ɟʝ]
f [f]
g [ɡ]
h [h]
k [k]
l [l]
m [m]
n [n]/[m]/[ŋ]
ng [ŋ]
ny [ɲ]
p [p]
r [r]
s [s]
sy [sʲ]~[ɕ]
t [t]
ty [tʲ]~[tɕ]/[cç]
w [w]
z [z]
Jaw Phonization:
ty [tʲ]→[tɕ]/[cç]
dy [dʲ]→[dʑ]/[ɟʝ]
sy [sʲ]→[ɕ]
ny [ɲ]
be careful:
Ty, dy, sy, ny Read [tf], [d ʑ], [f], [ɲ] Use the Philippines Of Tagalog
In Japanese Roman characters, ty, dy, sy, ny are used from [t ʲ], [d ʲ], [s ʲ], [ɲ] to [t f], [d ʑ], [f], [ɲ] the Philippines Tagalog of
Tongan Daily Language
Talitali fiefia
Hello (General greeting)
Mālō e lelei (inf)
Mālō ‘etau lava (frm)
Fēfē hake? (sg)
Mo fēfē hake? (dl)
Mou fēfē hake? (tr)
Reply to 'How are you?'
Sai pē, mālō, fēfē koe?
Fuoloa 'e fepulingaki
Ko hai ho hingoa?
My name is ...
Ko hoku hingoa ko...
Where are you from?
Ko ho'o ha'u mei fe?
I'm from ...
Ko 'eku ha'u mei ...
Fiefia ke toe feiloaki mo koe
(Morning greeting)
Mālō tau ma‘u e pongipongi ni
Good day
Mālō e lelei
Mālō e laumalie ( to a chief )
Mālō e lakoifua ( to a monarch )
(Afternoon greeting)
Mālō tau ma‘u e ho‘ata ni
(Evening greeting)
Mālō tau ma‘u e efiafi ni
Po‘uli a
Mohe a
(Parting phrases)
‘Alu a ( to sb going )
Faka’au ā ( to sb going - vfrm)
Nofo ā ( to sb staying )
Toki sio (see you later - inf)
Good luck!
Cheers! Good Health!
( Toasts used when drinking )
Ofa atu!
Ma'u ha aho lelei
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
‘Oku mahino kiate ‘au
‘ikai mahino
Please speak more slowly
Fakamolemole duku ho lea vave
Please say that again
Fakamolemole toe tala mai
Please write it down
Kataki ‘o tohi‘i mai
Do you speak English?
‘Oku ke lava ‘o lea faka-pālangi?
Do you speak Tongan?
‘Oku ke lava ‘o lea faka-Tonga?
Yes, a little
( reply to 'Do you speak ...?' )
‘Oku ou lea faka-Tonga si’isi’i pē
How do you say ... in Tongan?
Ko e hā ‘a e le‘a faka-Tonga ki he ...?
How much is this?
‘Oku fiha e?
Fija hono totongi?
Mālō ‘aupito
Reply to thank you
‘Io mālō
Where's the toilet?
Ko fē ‘a e falemālōlō?
This gentleman will pay for everything
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe tamasi'i.
( >children & young people )
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe tangata.
( >married & middle aged people )
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe tangata'eiki.
( >the elderly )
This lady will pay for everything
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe tahine.
( >children & young people )
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe fefine.
( >married & middle aged people )
'E totongi kātoa 'ehe fine'eiki.
( >the elderly )
Would you like to dance with me?
Teke lava tauolunga mo au?
‘Oku ou ‘ofa ‘ia koe
Leave me alone!
Tokoni mai!
Koe afi!
Tuku ia!
Call the police!
Teu ta ki he polise!
Christmas and New Year greetings
Kilisimasi fiefia mo ha ta'u fo'ou monū'ia
Easter greetings
Ma'u ha 'aho Pekia fiefia.
Birthday greetings
Ma'u ha 'aho fiefie
Ma'u ha 'aho fa'ele'i fiefia
One language is never enough
He'ikai fe'unga ke 'ilo ha lea 'e taha.
My hovercraft is full of eels
Why this phrase?
Hoku vakapuna tētē 'i 'olunga fono 'i he toke