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Horizontal movement

Crustal movement along the tangent direction of the earth's sphere
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(horizontal movement) sphere Tangential crustal movement Horizontal movement The large-scale geological performance of is that the geological body has large-scale horizontal displacement, and the crustal material suffers strong The orogenic belts of linear folds and thrust faults are widely developed due to the compression of; Or horizontal extension of the lithosphere caused by extension Graben Or rift system; Or regional shear structure network formed due to torsion. Continental drift theory and Plate tectonics Both emphasized that the horizontal movement played a leading role in the evolution history of the earth, and all vertical movements were induced by it; The collision and fragmentation of plates on a global scale are the products of horizontal movement.
Chinese name
Horizontal movement
Foreign name
horizontal movement
Along the Earth sphere Tangent direction occurs motion
Geological performance
Large scale horizontal displacement
Fitness industry
Movement parallel to the ground
Swimming crawl

Life application

Bodybuilding industry Medium, Horizontal movement It refers to most parts of human trunk parallel to ground For example, swimming, crawling and other sports are different from traditional upright sports such as running. The advantage of horizontal sports is that it can spread the effect of gravity to the limbs, which can make the body more relaxed during the movement. Horizontal sports can relieve the pressure of the spine, effectively relax the spine, and level the head and heart, which can relieve cardiovascular pressure. Horizontal exercise has better function improvement effect on human viscera. The main advantage of horizontal movement is that it can reduce and eliminate the side effects of gravity on the human body, and even use gravity to produce various beneficial effects on the body.

Fitness crawling

for example Creeping motion Crawling is a sport that has attracted people's attention in recent years mode It can reduce and eliminate the side effects of gravity on the human body. In a CCTV program, several crawls were reported the elderly Through crawling, the elderly become more and more healthy. More and more people realize the importance of crawling and start crawling. Some people also buy indoor Spider (Fitchloe crawler).