the Democratic Party of the United States

American political parties
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Democratic Party [12] yes U.S.A One of the two major political parties. The predecessor of the Democratic Party was founded in 1791, when it was called the Republican Party. Renamed in 1794 Democratic Republican Party
In 1825, Democratic Republican Party Split to Andrew Jackson In 1828, the leading group was reorganized into the Democratic Party. 1861 Civil War On the eve of the split within the Democratic Party, the party's southern Slave owner Plan a rebellion. After the Civil War, the Democratic Party was in opposition for 24 years. 1885 Grover Cleveland the president elect. Since then, the party has been in opposition for most of the time. Since 1933, Democrats Franklin Roosevelt (March 1933 to April 1945) Harry S. Truman (April 1945 to January 1953) John Kennedy (January 1961 to November 1963) Lyndon Baines Johnson (November 1963 to January 1969) Jimmy Carter (January 1977 to January 1981) William Jefferson Clinton (January 1993 to January 2001) Barack Hussein Obama (January 2009 to January 2017) Joseph Robinet Biden, Jr (January 2021 to present) [1] He was successively elected as President of the United States. [2]
On February 25, 2017, Tom Peres Elected to the United States Democratic National Committee chairman. [3]
On June 13, 2019, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of the United States announced that 20 Democratic presidential candidates would hold a televised debate in late June, and another four were not qualified to participate. [4]
November 2022, USA 2022 Midterm elections As a result, the Republican Party took over from the ruling Democratic Party House of Representatives control power , Democrats hold senate Majority party Status. [11]
Chinese name
the Democratic Party of the United States
Foreign name
Democratic Party
Washington, D.C
chairman of a party
Jimmy Harrison [3] [9]
vice president
Keith Ellison [3]
political stand
Center left
Creation time

Historical evolution

Origin (1792-1828)
The origin of the Democratic Party can be traced back to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison Created in the 1790s Democratic Republican Party (Democratic Republican Party), also referred to as the Republican Party at that time, to highlight its support Republicanism Principle of. Democratic and Republican Party formed the main political force of the first party system in history. Democratic Republicans specifically oppose Alexander Hamilton Leading ruling party - Federalist Party In contrast to its policy, the Federalist Party advocated a strong central government Relax the interpretation of the Constitution and a government ruled by elites. Jeffersonians (before 1801) supported France in the war between Britain and France, and opposed the signing of peace with Britain Jay treaty (Jay Treaty), for fear that it will encourage the monarchical forces in the United States. Democratic Republicans will be independent farmers( Owner farmer )As the mainstay of the Republic, it despises cities, banks and factories. Jefferson and his friend Madison established the state power of local states as the core idea of the party in 1798. Democratic and Republican Party Southern United States And the west have the most support, but the six states in the northeast have little influence.
Democratic Republican Party In the election of 1800, he won both the President and the Congress, and appointed Henry Clay Served as the powerful speaker of the House of Representatives. The Federalist Party War of 1812 Collapse at the end.
In 1825, Democratic Republican Party Split. One of them was the president John Quincy Adams And the Secretary of State Henry Clay Leader, claiming National Republican Party The other faction is composed of Andrew Jackson He led and founded the Democratic Party in 1828.
Jefferson Democracy (1828-1854)
Andrew Jackson, the first Democratic president (1829-1837)
Andrew Jackson was the first president of the Democratic Party (1829-1837).
The so-called Second Party System is the Democratic Party and their main opponents - Whig Party The confrontation between. According to the Democratic Party, the state of New York Pennsylvania Virginia as well as Border areas They established a national alliance, but they New England It still has little influence. Like the Jeffersonians, the Democratic Party strongly opposed "aristocratic" meritocracy and banking, and appealed their public opinion base to the "people". By the 1920s, The right to vote There are no restrictions on property of a certain scale, so white men in almost all regions can participate in voting.
The Democratic Party is a complex Political alliance , supported by farmers from rural areas across the country and labor groups in urban areas. The main topic of the Democratic Party in the 1830s was to establish a stronger party mechanism, oppose the country and central bank And oppose those modernization policies that achieve industrial development at the expense of taxpayers. Unlike the vertical division of labor in industry, the Democratic Party strongly supports New agriculture One example of this is the expansion of land, the expulsion of western Indians and the acquisition of large tracts of land after 1846.
Martin Van Buren He won the presidency in 1836, but the economic depression in 1837 made him lose the re-election. James Knox Polk He won the election in 1844 and led US Mexico War , reduced tariffs, established treasury branches, and Washington State The state of Oregon and the southwestern region were incorporated into the country, after which he retired and was not re elected. In the election of 1848, a faction called Free Soil Party opposed Slavery It expanded moderately and finally broke with the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party passed a mediation in 1850 Slave owning state And Free State The bill only delayed the outbreak of the conflict. As the Whigs Exclusivism There were internal differences on the issue, and the Democratic Party was elected easily in 1852 Franklin Pierce , and 1856 James Buchanan Serve as President.

Civil War and Reconstruction

The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate - from Illinois In 1854, Stephen Douglas, despite strong opposition, implemented the Kansas Nebraska addition( Kansas -Nebraska Act), becoming American Civil War One of the causes of. At that time, the structure of political alliances, politicians and voters was greatly changed, and new political issues and policies emerged in large numbers. This period was known as the Third Party System in history. The Whig Party was then completely dissolved. While the Democratic Party continued to develop, many northern pro slavery Democrats (especially the Liberal Soil Party since 1848) joined the newly established Republican Party. from Kansas The dispute over slavery eventually led to the split of the Democratic Party, and most Democrats in the north finally chose to support it Stephen A. Douglas
In the presidential election of 1860, Douglas failed to obtain two-thirds of the nomination votes in the Democratic nomination convention. After a heated debate, the Democratic Party elected Douglas in the north and John Bracken in the south Richie (John C. Breckinridge) to run for president and vice president. In the civil war, it is not allowed to party politics However, party disputes are still quite common in the north. After the war broke out, Douglas tried to reorganize the Democrats in the north to support the Union, but he died in June 1861, and the Democratic Party immediately lost its prominent national leader. There was a great split within the Democratic Party due to different views on the war. In the 1862 congressional elections, the Democratic Party still maintained a certain performance, but by 1864 presidential election The militant candidate nominated by the Democratic Party George Brinton McClellan (George B. McClellan) The general did not agree with the originally set moderate policy, and most of the militant Democrats voted for him Lincoln In the election of 1866, the Republican Party won a two-thirds majority in the Congress and completely mastered the national policy. Ulysses Grant He led the Republican Party to win big victories in 1868 and 1872.
The economic depression that broke out in the United States in 1873 enabled the Democratic Party to regain the majority position in the Congress in the election in 1874. After the Civil War, white southerners Reconstruction period The Democrats also benefited from their dissatisfaction and resentment towards the Republicans. When the reconstruction period ended, African Americans in the southern states were again deprived in the 1890s Citizenship The South also became the largest Democratic Party in the next century Ticket warehouse In many areas of the South, only the Democratic Party dominates. Winning the Democratic Party's nomination convention is often equal to winning the election.
Gold plating period (1877-1896)
Grover Cleveland
National elections remained balanced in the 1880s. Although the Republican Party firmly controlled the White House before 1884, the Democratic Party still maintained a considerable competitiveness At that time, the Democratic Party was led by factions who supported the business class, and they had solid support in the South Midwest America The rural areas of Reed Descendants and Ireland American American support. They also controlled the House of Representatives during that period. In the 1884 presidential election, the Democratic reformist governor of New York Grover Cleveland Won the presidential election. He lost re-election in 1888, but was re elected in 1892. Cleveland Is the conservative leader of the Democratic Party, representing businessmen, banks, and Railway Company Against Imperialism And overseas expansion, he also supports gold standard System, and fight against corruption Tax And customs duties. Democratic conservatives were William Jennings Bryan Defeated.
Progressive period (1896-1932)
In the presidential election of 1896, the political ecology was greatly changed, and the historic Fourth Party System began. Agricultural Democrats demand the opening of silver coins Free casting , eliminated Grover Cleveland and nominated William Jennings Bryan Run for president. Brian swore at the nomination meeting to promote the gold and silver standard Monetary system , claiming to fight against the eastern currency interest group But he still lost the election to the Republican Party William McKinley
The Republican Party controlled the presidency for 28 years in the next 36 years, and dominated most of the Northeast and Central and western regions , and half of the western region. Brian has solid support in the south and the Great Plains. He was nominated for the presidential election again in 1900, but lost again to McKinley and again in 1908 William Howard Taft The conservative Democrats won the nomination convention in 1904, but still lost to the Republican Party Theodore Roosevelt By 1908, Brian had abandoned the idea of free silver coinage and anti imperialism and supported the mainstream progressive policies at that time, especially“ Antitrust legislation ”And the anti commercial monopoly act.
Taking advantage of the split within the Republican Party, the Democratic Party controlled the Congress in 1910, and nominated reformist intellectuals in 1912 and 1916 woodrow wilson the president elect. Wilson The Congress successfully passed a series of progressive laws, including the systematic anti trust law Clayton Antitrust legislation (Clayton Antitrust Act) income tax New policies for farmers and 8-hour working hours for railway workers. The most important thing is to create Federal Reserve System A national central bank has been established. He also outlawed child labour through the Supreme Court. promulgation prohibition order of alcoholic beverage No. 18 of Constitutional amendment , and the establishment of women Voting rights The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was passed during his term of office, but the two amendments were also the result of the mediation of the two parties. Wilson ended long-standing disputes over tariffs, currencies, and antitrust policies that dominated the next 40 years.
Wilson led the United States to win the First World War , and signed a contract including the establishment of League of Nations Inside Treaty of Versailles But in 1919, Wilson's political fortunes and his health began to decline, and the political situation began to reverse. The Senate refused to join the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations. At the same time, the nationwide strike tide and violence also caused a lot of unrest. The Democratic Party also split into a north-south confrontation due to the prohibition of alcohol. In the end, the Republican Party won the presidential election in 1920, 1924, and 1928 due to the differences within the party overwhelming victory However, during this period, Al Smith consolidated Catholic means of monopolizing tickets support.
New Deal and World War II (1933-1945)
Franklin Roosevelt
The economic panic made Franklin Delano Roosevelt He won an overwhelming victory in the election in 1932. Roosevelt put forward a set of vague political opinions in the election campaign, promised to abolish the prohibition of alcohol, and criticized Herbert Hoover 's ruling failure. Roosevelt launched a series of huge government plans: the New Deal within 100 days of taking office. These plans focus on smoothing, restoring and reforming the American economy, that is, lifting unemployment and agricultural depression, restoring economic development to the level before the Great Panic, and reforming the system to avoid the recurrence of depression in the future.
The election in 1932 made the Democratic Party obtain the majority in both houses and governors of each state. The election in 1934 further consolidated the majority position. A series of plans in 1933 were historian It was called "the first wave of new policies", and the first wave of new policies basically represented the general public opinion at that time; Roosevelt tried to further extend the New Deal to business and labor, farmers and consumers, urban and rural areas. By 1934, however, Roosevelt's policy had become increasingly controversial. Roosevelt tried to shift the Democratic Party's support base from business to farmers and workers. The New Deal is basically a series of responses to economic difficulties Government regulation And system. Also in this period, the meaning of two ancient terms in the United States was completely changed. "Liberal" and "liberalism" began to represent the position of supporting the New Deal, and the classical meaning of these two words was labeled as "conservative" and "conservative". The conservatives in the Democratic Party were angered by the New Deal. Under the leadership of Ai Smith, they formed the American Liberty League in 1934 to try to fight back, but it was too late.
After taking control of the Congress in 1934, Roosevelt continued to launch the legislative plan known as the "Second New Deal". This wave of new policies has greatly enhanced the influence of trade unions social welfare Nationalization and substantial expansion, more regulation of commerce (especially transportation and Communication industry ), and improve the Business profit Tax on. With these policies, he established a new voter structure composed of different groups for the Democratic Party, called“ New Deal Alliance ”, including trade unions and ethnic minorities (most noteworthy: catholic , Jews, and, for the first time, blacks). In addition to the 1952 and 1956 elections, the New Deal Alliance dominated the US political circles for decades, until 1968.
After his overwhelming victory in the 1936 election, Roosevelt announced that he would expand the Supreme Court, which conflicted with his New Deal plan. A fierce conflict broke out in the Democratic Party, Roosevelt's Vice President John Nance Garner He began to oppose him. Finally, the Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress formed an alliance and together blocked almost all legislative proposals in Roosevelt's next term. Because of the threat of conservatives in the party, Roosevelt tried to carry out the party cleansing, but in the end he failed.
From this period, the term "liberalism" began to represent social welfare, trade unions, and the regulation of commerce in the United States. Those who oppose the New Deal - those who attach importance to long-term economic impact and support Enterprise spirit And low taxes Small government Some people began to call themselves "conservatives".
Truman (1945-1953)
Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Harry S. Truman After taking over, the conflict within the Democratic Party covered by Roosevelt began to emerge. Former Vice President Henry Agard Wallace condemn Truman He is a war monger and criticizes his efforts Truman Doctrine marshall plan ,, and NATO. However, Wallace's supporters and the extreme left wing of the party were finally expelled, and Federation of Industrial Trade Unions (CIO) was also used by the young anti communist group in 1946-1948 Hubert Humphrey Waiting for crowd out. The Republican Party also strongly criticized Truman's policy, and recaptured the Congress in the 1946 election, reversing the Minority Status.
Many Democratic leaders were also prepared to overthrow Truman, but they had no replacement. Truman also made a counterattack. He boldly convened the Republican controlled Congress in July and sent out a pile of bill reviews that he expected would cause great trouble to Republican lawmakers. Finally, as expected, the Republican Congress was deadlocked and made no progress. Truman took the opportunity to criticize them as "useless" throughout the country. Then in the 1948 presidential election, there was a big reversal. Truman defeated Thomas E. Dewey And was re elected, while the Democratic Party also recaptured the Congress. However, many of Truman's policies, such as the national health care system, were still blocked by congressional conservatives. In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower Defeated the governor of Illinois Adlai Stevenson And recaptured the White House for the Republicans. Four years later, Eisenhower defeated again Stevenson In Congress, the Democratic Party was shrouded in the shadow of the war hero and often had to compromise with Eisenhower. In 1958, due to the proper organization of labor, the Democratic Party got an unexpected performance in the congressional elections.
senator John Kennedy Won the presidential election in 1960 and defeated the vice president Richard Nixon Although Kennedy was in power for only a thousand days or so, he still Cuba Launched the Bay of Pigs invasion and tried to stop the construction of the Berlin Wall. At the same time, 16000 soldiers were sent to South Vietnam to serve as The Republic of Vietnam A military adviser to the army. He also warmed up the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union Space race Let Americans land on the moon in 1969. stay Cuban Missile Crisis Later, he tried to ease the tense relationship between the two countries. Kennedy also promoted civil rights and racial integration. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy Dalas He was assassinated and killed. The quick Vice President Lyndon Johnson He took office as the 36th President of the United States. Johnson is a firm supporter of the New Deal. He defeated the Democratic conservatives in Congress and passed a series of important progressive bills, known as the "Great Society" bill. Johnson also successfully passed the main Civil Rights Act , the beginning of racial integration in the southern United States. At the same time, Johnson also escalated the Vietnam War, which led to conflicts within the Democratic Party, and finally lost the 1968 election.
Civil Rights Movement (1963-1968)
President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
African Americans who have firmly supported the Republican Party since the Civil War began to gradually support the Democratic Party in the 1930s, mainly because of the Democratic Party's New Deal poverty relief measures, welfare policies, and the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt Support for civil rights. In many metropolises, such as Chicago Often, an entire party headquarters originally affiliated with the Republican Party is transformed into the Democratic Party in an instant. However, in the late 1960s, the New Deal Alliance began to collapse. As more and more Democratic leaders expressed their support for the civil rights movement, the Democratic Party's traditional conservative white vote source in the south and Catholic support in northern cities began to collapse. After Truman expressed his support for civil rights and the abolition of apartheid laws at the 1948 Congress, many southern Democrats voted for it South Carolina Governor of Strom Thurmond (Strom Thurmond)。
The Democratic Party's support for civil rights issues peaked when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 Richard Nixon Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they began to implement their southern strategy, with the goal of resisting the erosion of local state rights by the federal government, and appealed to the support of conservatives and moderate southern whites.
1968 was a difficult year for the Democratic Party and the United States as a whole. Although the New Year offensive launched by the Vietnamese Communist Party in January failed in tactics, it brought a great blow to American public opinion. senator Eugene McCarthy (Eugene McCarthy) won support on the university campus with the appeal of anti war, and won the nomination primary of New Hampshire. Surprisingly, Lyndon Johnson gave up his candidacy on March 31, followed by the younger brother of former President Kennedy Robert Kennedy Declare your candidacy. Just as he made good progress in the primary election Los Angeles He was assassinated suddenly. At that time, there was a fierce student anti war demonstration outside the Democratic Congress. Under the isolation of Chicago police, the Congress finally nominated Vice President Hubert· Humphrey Candidates from Minnesota Humphrey is a staunch New Deal supporter. meanwhile Alabama Democratic governor of George Wallace (George Wallace) decided to stand for election independently, and finally the election became a trilateral competition. Richard Nixon of the Republican Party won by a narrow margin, but the Democratic Party still controlled the Congress.
The 1968 election marked the beginning of political stand The turning point on the, except Texas All the other southern states chose to vote for Nixon, the Republican Party, or Wallace, who left the party. From then on, the Democratic Party vote The foundation began to turn to the north and east metropolitan areas, which is consistent with the traditional history of the party Dramatic The reverse of.
Transformation era (1969-1992)
In the 1972 presidential election, the Democratic Party nominated South Dakota Senator of George McGovern (George McGovern) participated in the election, McGovern took his clear anti war stance as a call, and advocated that immediately Vietnam? Withdraw the army and guarantee the minimum income of all Americans. McGovern tried to fight against Nixon's policy, but was dragged down by his running mate Thomas Eagleton, who proved that Eagleton was suffering from melancholia And has also accepted electroshock therapy After that, the Democratic Party urgently replaced the candidate, but it has damaged the public image of McGovern. The final election became Nixon's overwhelming victory, and McGovern only won Massachusetts However, the Democratic Party still maintains a majority position in the Congress and most state legislatures.
watergate event The scandal was soon destroyed Nixon The Democratic Party has a glimmer of hope because of its presidential term of office. stay Gerald Ford Nixon was pardoned shortly after he took office in 1974, which enabled the Democratic Party to write a great article about this and strongly criticized the "corruption" of the Republican Party, which made them benefit greatly in the elections in the next few years. 1976 presidential election in Jimmy Carter Surprisingly elected as a dark horse.
James Earl Carter
Some of President Carter's policies include the establishment of the national energy policy, the consolidation of government institutions, and the creation of two new government departments - the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Education. Carter tried to deregulate industries such as transportation, aviation, railway, finance, communications, and oil, so he abandoned the New Deal's economic control policy for a long time. He consolidated Social welfare system And appointed a record number of women and people from ethnic minorities to important government departments and judge positions. He also issued many environmental protection Act. stay foreign affairs On the other hand, Carter's achievements include mediation yom kippur war The Camp David peace treaty the Panama Canal Treaty ,, and The People's Republic of China Establish formal diplomatic relations , simultaneously with Soviet Union conduct Strategic arms limitation negotiations In addition, the Carter administration also emphasized human rights as the main axis of foreign policy.
Despite these efforts, Carter finally failed in the reform of the national health insurance plan or the tax system, which he promised during the election. At the same time, domestic inflation It also climbed sharply. beyond seas, Iranian hostage crisis (November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981) took 52 Americans hostage and detained them for 444 days military means They all ended in failure. The Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 also made the American public more aware of Carter's incompetence and vulnerability. In the 1980 election, although Carter was re elected through the Democratic nomination convention, he was finally re elected by the Republican Party in November Ronald Wilson Reagan (Ronald Wilson Reagan) Defeat. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party also lost 12 Senate seats, which was the first time since 1954 that the Republican Party regained the Senate control power However, the House of Representatives still has a Democratic majority.
The reasons that led to the election of Republican President Ronald Reagan also included that many Democrats began to support conservative policies at that time. These voters, known as "Reagan Democrats", were still Democrats before and after Reagan's term. Most of them were white people from the Northeast and Midwest, attracted by Reagan's social conservatism and his hardline foreign policy. In the presidential election in 1984, the former vice president, the candidate recommended by the Democratic Party Walter Mondale He was still a staunch supporter of the New Deal, and Reagan finally won an overwhelming victory in 49 states. In the 1988 election, Michael Dukakis, governor of Massachusetts, abandoned the New Deal color and changed to public Administrative experts The image of George Herbert Walker Bush Defeated with an overwhelming victory.
The Democratic Party still maintains a majority in the Congress, although the Republican Party controlled the Senate from 1980 to 86. The Democratic Party often conflicts with Reagan on many issues, and they oppose Reagan's funding Nicaragua Contras overthrew the leftist government. The Democratic Party failed to prevent Reagan from reducing the income tax rate significantly, and they supported Reagan's Military budget However, he opposed Reagan's drastic reduction of social welfare programs. The Democratic controlled Congress finally passed most of Reagan's proposed tax cuts and defense increases Budget But rejected other budget reduction proposals. As a result, the federal budget deficit And the national debt soared to the unprecedented record.
In order to recover from three consecutive overwhelming failures (1980, 1984, 1988), some conservative Democrats began to try to shift the Democratic Party to the position of the middle. Reserved on Center left At the same time, it also attracted some voters who held moderate or conservative views on various issues. From then on, the Democratic Party began to mix more diverse political views.
Clinton (1993-2001)
In 1992, after 12 years, the Democratic Party was finally elected a president. president Bill Clinton It began to try to balance the federal budget for the first time since Kennedy, and continued to maintain the American economy In 1994, the U.S. economy reached unemployment rate and Inflation rate The lowest level in 25 years. Clinton also signed the Brady Bill of gun control, which stipulates that handgun sales must wait for five days; He also legislated to ban the sale of many forms of semi-automatic firearms (until 2004). His Family and Medical Leave Act covers 40 million U.S. Population , provide labor for 12 weeks Stay without pay Holidays to take care of children or sick people. He helped recover Haiti Of democratic system And actively mediate Israel and Palestine And reached a Northern Ireland The first cease-fire in history also contributed to Darden The signing of the Dayton Agreement ended Yugoslavia Nearly four years of war and massacre. Clinton was re elected in 1996, becoming the first Democratic president to be re elected for two consecutive terms since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1944.
However, the Democratic Party lost its majority in both houses of Congress in 1994. Clinton vetoed two Republican proposals Welfare system The reform proposal was accepted for the third time in 1996. And reform Judicial system 's private Securities litigation The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act veto power I also passed. The trade unions, which have gradually lost their influence since the 1960s, found that their own influence within the Democratic Party was also gradually declining; Despite the strong opposition of the trade union, Clinton still Canada and Mexico Signed NAFTA
When the Democratic Party gradually turned to the centrist position, some Democrats from the centrist or conservative background began to highlight, and also made some achievements in the party Leadership And influence. Some liberals and progressives feel that they are isolated by the Democratic Party, and that the Democratic Party no longer cares about the issues of the general people and the left wing.
The 21st century (presidential election in 2000)
In the 2000 presidential election, the Democratic Party nominated Clinton Vice President of Albert Gore As a candidate. Gore and his Republican opponent - George Walker Bush There are political differences on many issues, but Gore's close relationship with Clinton has also attracted criticism from the left, including the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader And claimed that Gore and Bush There is no difference. Gore general election Won more than 500000 votes from Bush, but because Electoral college system And lost. Many Democrats criticized Al Gore's defeat because of Nader's vote grabbing effect. Despite Al Gore's failure, the Democratic Party regained five seats in the Senate, bringing the gap between the original 45-55 and the Republican Party to 50-50 A draw Status (kept by the Republican Vice President veto power )。 However, the draw did not last long. The Republican Party again won the majority position in the Senate in 2002 and 2004, and the Democratic Party once had only 44 seats left, the lowest since the 1920s.
On September 11 Attacks After that, the political focus of the United States began to turn to the issue of national defense and security. Except for one member who voted against it, all other Democratic and Republican members chose to authorize the 2001 invasion Afghanistan Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives also supported the signing of the USA PATRIOT Act and the invasion in 2003 Iraq In 2003, when the Democratic Party disagreed on whether to invade Iraq, some Democrats gradually expressed their concern about War on Terror They also criticized some domestic laws derived from the American Patriotic Law for eroding civil rights and Civil liberties
Because Enron and other companies financial fraud Under the influence of the scandal, Democrats in Congress pushed forward a bill to reform and supervise business accounting affairs, hoping to avoid further fraud. This led to the joint approval of the two parties in 2002 Sarbanes Oxley Act The Democratic Party also supported some Economic recovery Policy.
2004 general election
Main entry: 2004 US Presidential Election And the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries
A senator from Massachusetts John Kerry It was the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2004.
Preparations for the 2004 presidential election began as early as the end of 2002, and Gore announced that he would no longer seek nominations. Howard Dean Howard Dean )Participated in the Democratic Party's primary election in an anti war stance. Senator John of Massachusetts· Kerry He was also nominated because he was considered more "qualified" to run than Dean.
Due to the outsourcing of many American industries, the unemployment rate of American workers has gradually increased, and some Democrats, such as Howard Dean, have begun to change their attitude towards free trade Position. In 2004, the Bush administration was slow to find Weapons of mass destruction The evidence of, the increase in US military casualties, and the uncertain prospect of the war on terror have all become hot topics in the election. In that year, the Democratic Party emphasized easing the unemployment rate, solving the Iraqi crisis, and fighting terrorism more effectively.
In the election, Kerry won the general election Electoral College They all lost, and the general election lost three million votes. The Republican Party also added three seats in the Senate and four seats in the House of Representatives. It was also the first time since 1952 that the Democratic Party's leader in the Senate had failed in the presidential election. Democrats in Louisiana New Hampshire ,, and Montana won the gubernatorial election but lost Missouri The governor of Georgia Parliamentary elections.
After the election, many analysts believed that Kelly Our campaign strategy is rather poor. Including improper handling of the yacht veterans' quest for truth, taking the initiative to oppose same-sex marriage, and Kelly's Iraq War His contradictory attitude is the cause of his failure. Other reasons include the stable employment market at that time stock market , and prosperous economic environment
After the 2004 election, many Democrats began to think about changing the direction of the party, and many different strategies were proposed. Some Democrats suggested that the party should move towards a more centrist and right-wing line in order to regain its seats in both houses and the 2008 elections; Some people advocate turning the political party to the left to become a firmer opposition party.
These controversies were also reflected in the election of the chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 2005, Howard Dean In the end, Dean claimed to decentralize the central system of the Democratic Party and support the party headquarters in local states, even in Republican controlled states.
When the 109th Congress began, the Democrats chose Harry Reid (Harry Reid) as the leader. Reid tried to rally Democratic lawmakers' positions on some issues, and he also prevented the Republican Party from privatizing the welfare system. In 2005, the Democrats saved their lives in Virginia and New Jersey Governor of. However, the Democratic Party has lost its important town New York Municipal mayor election.
Republican Abramov After the relevant lobbying scandal broke out, the Democratic Party seized the opportunity to hype it as a campaign issue in 2006. President Bush's slow response to Hurricane Katrina has also become one of the issues. The public's views on the Iraq war are also shared with the Republican Party negative effect At the same time, many conservatives also believe that Bush has made government spending out of control, which has led to a continuous decline in Bush's presidential approval.
The Democratic Party won the majority position in the House of Representatives in the 2006 mid-term elections in the United States, and also dominated the Senate. The 110 term Congress began in 2007 (the Senate has 49 non party members who are Democrats, 49 Republicans, and 2 Democrats). This is the first time in 12 years that the Democratic Party has won the majority position in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Party's victory is mainly due to Intermediate voters Vote for the conservative candidate of the Democratic Party [8]. The Democratic Party has also made progress in the governor election, and its seats in the state legislatures have also increased. Not only did the Democratic Party nominate California Lance Pelosi, the first woman United States House of Representatives Speaker. It also used the advantage of the number of people to make the proposal of withdrawing troops from Iraq succeed in the House of Representatives.
The area with the highest support of the Democratic Party was originally the southern part of the United States - that is, the states that had participated in the secession of the Allied countries before, but changed to the northeast (New England), the central and western regions in the north, and The Great Lakes Area, plus Atlantic The coast includes California and Hawaii Within the region. The Democratic Party also has high support in major cities, including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago Philadelphia boston Detroit San Francisco , Dallas, and Washington DC Democrats in some southern states like Virginia and Florida They also performed well.
2008 general election
Hillary Clinton She had long been regarded as a possible Democratic candidate for 2008 and announced her candidacy on January 20, 2007. The candidates also include Delaware senator Joe Biden (Joe Biden)、 Connecticut senator Christopher Dodd (Christopher Dodd), former Alaska senator Mike Gravel (Mike Gravel), and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack (Tom Vilsack), African American Illinois senator Barack Obama (Barack Obama)。 Eventually by African Senators Barack Obama won the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. Joe Biden is his a deputy candidates.
Finally, November 4, 2008 US Eastern Time At 11:00 p.m., the results showed that Obama had been elected the 44th President of the United States. [2]
Joseph Biden
On April 13, 2019, United States House of Representatives Chairman of the Fund raising Committee, Democrat Richard Neal A new deadline was set for the National Taxation Bureau again: April 23 local time Tuesday Before 17:00, provide President Trump's tax payment Declaration Otherwise, it will be regarded as rejecting the request of Congress. Neil's request is the first time in 45 years that the House Ways and Means Committee has asked the IRS for an incumbent president Tax information [5]
December 9, 2022, United States Arizona Senator Kristen Sinama announced that she had withdrawn from the Democratic Party and become an independent.

organizational structure

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is responsible for Organization and coordination Democratic Campaign Although DNC is also responsible for supervising the process of compiling Democratic political opinions, it mainly focuses on the election campaign and Organizational strategy , not the whole public policy In the presidential election, it is responsible for leading the process of the National Congress, including the primary election stage, fundraising civil mediation Test and coordinate campaign strategies. After the election of the nominee, according to the provisions of the Election Fund Raising Law, campaign fund raising activities that exceed a certain amount can only be carried out within the framework of the political party.
The chairman of the National Committee (Howard Dean) is elected by the members of the Committee every four years. When the president is a member of the Democratic Party, the members of the committee usually support the candidate selected by the president as the chairman. Howard Dean was elected Party Chairman after defeating many opponents at the beginning of 2005. He advocated that the Democratic Party should not only focus on those whose support is close to that of the Republican Party“ Swing state ”And put forward the so-called "fifty states strategy". His goal is to enable the Democratic Party to win elections in every state and at every level, and to have a sound party headquarters in every constituency in the country.
According to the Democratic Party's Constitution, the National Congress is actually the highest authority of the Democratic Party, not the National Committee, which is only responsible for organizing ordinary political party activities [17]. The National Committee is composed of representatives of the Democratic Party headquarters in each state. The total number of 200 representatives is divided according to the population of each state. The representatives are usually elected by the primary elections of each state or the local party headquarters. Some elected representatives will also hold other positions, and some are representatives of the Democratic Party in various regions.
the Democratic Party of the United States congress campaign for The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is responsible for assisting local elections for the House of Representatives. It raised more than 10 million yuan in the 2005-2006 elections; The current chairman of the DCCC is the Illinois Representative Rahm Emanuel (Rahm Emanuel)。 In addition, there is the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, which also raises a lot of funds for candidates from all over the country in the Senate election. The chairman is the senator from New York Chuck Schumer (Chuck Schumer)。
Other smaller fundraising organizations include the Democratic Congressional Election Committee, a group responsible for local state parliamentary elections. The Democratic National Committee also has two youth organizations: the Young Democrats of America and the College Democrats.
Each state has an independent party headquarters, which is composed of elected committee members (usually elected officials and representatives of major constituencies), and they elect the chairman of the party headquarters. County, town, city and district committees are usually composed of people elected at the local level, and state and local committees are usually based on their Jurisdiction Coordinate election activities, supervise local grand assembly or primary election and cadre meeting, and sometimes nominate candidates according to local state laws. Although they usually seldom obtain fundraising funds, in 2005, Dean, the party chairman, started a new plan to assist the party headquarters of these local states with funds from the National Committee, and employ full-time party headquarters employees. Dean was quite dissatisfied with the continuous demands of the Senate and House Election Committees to concentrate funds on states with close elections, so he decided to distribute all funds equally to the states, regardless of their elections.


  • Introduction to the Democratic National Congress of the United States
In 1824, the Democratic Party proposed to hold the National Congress. In 1832, the first National Congress of the Democratic Party was held in Maryland Baltimore At the meeting, representatives from all over the country will vote to select candidates for president and vice president.
Democratic National Congress It is held every four years, every presidential election year. It has three main functions: nominating presidential and vice presidential candidates; Discuss and adopt the party's election platform; Make party rules. Over the years, the Democratic National Congress system has undergone tremendous changes. Today, the candidates for president and vice president are usually determined before the meeting. Delegates only complete the voting form at the meeting, and will not change the results of previous presidential primaries. The conference focuses on integrating the power of the Democratic Party, stimulating the enthusiasm of voters to vote, building momentum for presidential candidates and raising funds Campaign funds
  • The 49th session in 2020
August 17-20, 2020, [6] The 49th Democratic National Congress will be held. The theme of the conference is "United States"; The host city is located in the Midwest of the United States Wisconsin Of Milwaukee City. suffer COVID-19 epidemic The main activities will be held online and remotely. The Congress will nominate the former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden And the current Senator of California Ka mala Harris It is the Democratic Party's presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate in the US general election in 2020. [6]

Sign name

Thomas Nast The painting "A live donkey kicks a dead lion".
In the 1790s, Federalist Party The term "Democrat" and "Democrat" were deliberately used to humiliate Jeffersonians. However, by the 1830s, the term had gradually changed from a derogatory word to the name of the party, and the party began to formally call itself the "American Democratic Party". By the end of the 19th century, "Democrats" had also become the abbreviation of the party.
Donkey is the most common symbol of the Democratic Party, although the Democratic Party has never officially adopted it [20]. The origin of this sign is not clear, and there are several theories to explain it. According to the first theory, the symbol of the donkey came from the 1828 presidential election, which was highly competitive and the two sides exposed each other's wounds, Andrew Jackson 's opponent set up a play depicting Jackson as Male donkey (Jackass) teased him and called him "Andrew Donkey", but Jackson readily accepted the nickname.
The second theory claims that on January 15, 1870 Thomas Nast (Thomas Nast)《 Harpers 》A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion marked the Democratic Party as a "donkey" for the first time in a weekly titled "A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion". Since then, the donkey has become the symbol of the Democratic Party, while the elephant has become the symbol of the Republican Party.
Happy Days Are Here Again Party Song This song is in Franklin Roosevelt The song played when he was nominated as the presidential candidate at the Democratic Party Congress in 1932 is still an unofficial representative song of the Democratic Party today.
The Democratic Party also often names all kinds of fundraising celebration days held by the party as Jefferson Jackson Day, in memory of the two early presidents whom the Democratic Party is most proud of - Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson.
Comparison of the old and new party emblems of the Democratic Party
Although the two major parties (as well as other small parties) in the United States are accustomed to Flag of the United States The traditional red, white and blue colors are their propaganda and representative colors. Since 2000, blue has become the representative color of the Democratic Party, while red has become the representative color of the Republican Party. Year 2000 Election Day For the first time in history, all major TV news channels have distinguished the votes of Democrats and Republicans in blue and red on the graph of election results. Since then, the distinction between blue and red has also been mainstream media It is widely used. Blue was also adopted by Democratic supporters and the Democratic Party itself in 2006 Midterm elections Li also named the election plan "Red to Blue Plan".
In the United States, "Democratic" and "Democratic" have also become the pronouns of the Democratic Party and its candidates. Since the 1920s, some Republicans have deliberately emphasized the full name "Democratic Party" to satirize the fact that the Democratic Party is "undemocratic". Therefore, many Democrats tend to avoid this full name. In addition, the Democratic Party of the United States has launched a new party emblem before the mid-term elections on November 2, 2010, replacing the donkey party emblem that has been used for more than 100 years (see the bottom left). The new party emblem (see the top left) is a simple capital English letter "D" represents the Democratic Party, with a circle on the outside. The color is still blue, which has been used for many years. The words "Democrats" are written in blue below, and the slogan "Change That Matters" is written in red.

Major factions

  • New Democratic Party
although centrist Democrats have different positions on various issues, and they usually support mixed political views and positions. Compared with other democratic parties, they usually support the use of military force , including the war in Iraq, and more willing to cut Welfare system , support benefits Institutional reform And tax reductions. The centrists maintain that their position is consistent with that of most Americans. Because they are more willing to support Republican policies and accept financial assistance from commercial companies, Progressivism Twenty five percent of Democrats called these new Democrats "Republican Lite.".
  • Centrist Democratic Leadership Committee
One of the most influential factions of the Democratic Party is the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) Non profit organization This organization supports the centrist position of the Democratic Party. Members of the organization usually call themselves "New Democrats". Since 1984 Walter Mondale After the disastrous defeat in the presidential election against Ronald Reagan, some Democratic leaders set up the Democratic Leadership Committee to reform the Democratic Party's policies, hoping to win back the White House. They strongly supported the President Bill Clinton , think he reflects The third road Feasibility and success. The DLC has no formal control over the Democratic National Committee. Many progressive Democrats believe that the DLC should take responsibility for the Democratic Party's failure in the 1994 and 2002 congressional elections. Howard Dean, the current chairman of the Democratic Party, is the first party chairman who has no formal connection with the DLC since 1992. However, many commentators believe that DLC is still a powerful faction, because they ensure that Democratic candidates and political opinions will not be divorced from the interests of the business community.
Democratic political figures with deep connections include former President Bill Clinton, Connie Dick State Senator Joe Lieberman Joseph Lieberman )、 New York Senator Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Albert Gore (until 2000), former Virginia Governor Mark Warner (Mark Warner)。 The current chairman of DLC is Iowa Governor Tom Wilsack.
  • Liberals (New Deal Liberalism)
Liberals (New Deal Liberalism) belong to the left within the Democratic Party. Although their influence gradually shrank after the rise of centrist forces such as Bill Clinton, they once dominated the Democratic Party for decades before that. And others conservative Liberal Democrats generally support Fair Trade and its non conservative economic policy They are also known for supporting civil liberties. Liberal Democrats also often overlap with progressive Democrats.
The prominent liberal Democrats include Ted Kennedy, a Massachusetts senator, and Lance Pelosi, the current leader of the Democratic House of Representatives.
  • Progressivism
Many progressive Democrats are from the 1960s Anti Vietnam War Movement The emerging new leftists, such as George McGovern, who was running for president at that time; Others include the current chairman of the Democratic Party Vermont Governor Howard Dean and others The Green Party A discontented person. Progressive Democratic candidates in the big Metropolitan area Southern United States (other than) extremely high Support At the same time, it is also widely supported by African Americans. The common propositions of the Progressive Democrats include opposing the Iraq war, the economy and Social conservatism Oppose the influence of commercial companies and consortia on the government, support the health insurance system for the whole people, launch large-scale government public construction, and move the Democratic Party towards a firmer opposition position. Compared with other democratic parties, progressive Democrats are the most hostile to the Republican Party and advocate social and economic equality.
The Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a group of progressive Democrats United States Congress Organization of. It is the largest faction of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives, although it has no members of the Senate. CPC supports the national health insurance system fair trade Agreement, minimum living income bill, all labor unions and strikes Collective bargaining To revoke many provisions of the U.S. Patriotic Law, establish a "Department of Peace" in the federal government, legalize same-sex marriage, implement a strict election fundraising reform bill, withdraw troops from Iraq completely, combat corporate crime and Corporate interests Increase the income tax rate for those who think they are "rich", reduce the tax rate for those who think they are "poor", and increase the spending and scale of the federal government's welfare system.
Democratic for America (DFA) also supports progressive candidates political organization It was founded by Howard Dean, the current chairman of the Democratic Party, when he participated in the presidential nomination campaign before; The chairman of DFA is James H. Dean, the younger brother of Howard Dean. DFA Objection American politics The extreme right wing of the Communist Party of China, and claimed to reform the Democratic Party "from the bottom". Progressive Democrats of America is another faction that holds progressive ideas in the Democratic Party Ohio a member of the House of Representatives Dennis Kucinich Dennis Kucinich )Founded in 2004 when it was seeking the presidential nomination, this organization is considered to be one of the most progressive, but its overall influence on the Democratic Party is not great.
  • Labour Union
Since the 1930s, trade unions have become one of the most important coalitions of the Democratic Party. Trade unions provided a large amount of money, grass-roots political organizations, and workers who voted for the Democratic Party. American trade unions private economy The number of some members has dropped from 35% to 8% in the past 50 years, but it still has some influence in some industrial states. Trade unions that are still important in the 21st century include Government employees Our trade unions include teachers, police, nurses, and prison guards, as well as some service workers, such as hotels and security services.
These traditional industrial unions usually support Trade protectionism , collective bargaining, and health insurance System. Trade union related give prominence to politics Including the Ohio senator Byron Dorgan (Byron Dorgan)、 South Dakota Representative Sherrod· Brown Sherrod Brown, the current party chairman Howard Dean is also involved in the trade union. Most members of this faction are also closely linked to the Progressive faction.
  • conservative
The Democratic Party also has some conservative elements, mostly from southern states and border areas. Since the 1980s, as the Republican Party gradually regained its support in the southern region, the number of these people in the Democratic Party began to decline sharply. In the House of Representatives, they formed a group called“ Blue Dog The organization "Blue Dog Democrats", which combines fiscal and social conservatism, is mostly from the southern region, and they are usually easier to compromise with the Republican Party than other Democrats. They formed a united voting coalition in the past, and had the strength of more than 40 representatives, which enabled them to control the legislative results. 2006 US midterm elections It also added several new members for the Blue Dog Democrats [15]. The prominent conservative Democratic senators include Nebraska Ben Nelson Louisiana Mary Landrieu Colorado Of Ken Salazar (Ken Salazar) et al.
Anti abortion Democratic groups and candidates are on the increase. Some of these candidates come from the public opinion of their local states. Although some of these anti abortion Democrats are more conservative than other Democrats on the whole, most of them still belong to the mainstream centrist position on other issues. The largest anti abortion group of the Democratic Party is Democracy for Life.
  • Libertarianism
Civil libertarians also often support the Democratic Party, because they believe that the Democratic Party's position on some issues, such as civil rights and the separation of church and state, is more ideal than the Republican Party's, or it may be because they believe that the Democratic Party is more in line with their ideas on economic issues than the Liberal Party. They oppose gun control drug control , trade protectionism, consortium subsidies, government borrowing, and foreign policy interventionism. Democratic Freedom Caucus is the organization representing this faction.

Topic position


Economic issues

The Democratic Party supports the minimum wage system and increases business control to help the poor working class. Party leaders such as Nancy Pelosi claimed that increasing the minimum wage was one of the most important agenda of the Democratic Party in the 110th Congress. Many initiatives to increase the minimum wage in local states were also supported by the Democratic Party, and all six state initiatives were passed.
The Democratic Party opposes the government's tax cuts on the oil industry and advocates the development of a domestic regeneration energy policy Many Democratic governors also focus on this issue, such as Montana The governor then supported the wind farm and the "pollution-free coal fuel" plan.
The Democratic Party advocates an "affordable and high-quality health care system", and many Democrats demand more efforts in this field government intervention Many Democrats support a national health care system to solve the high cost of modern health care Cost risk In 1951, the President Harry S. Truman A national health insurance system was proposed, but it ended in nothing. Some Democrats, like senators Ted Kennedy Ted Kennedy called for the establishment of a "caring medical insurance 。”
environmental protection
Democrats usually support Environmentalism , and claim natural resources And strict environmental protection laws to fight against pollution. The Democratic Party supports the preservation of endangered biological and environmental areas, and advocates land management and Pollution source Control of. The most controversial issue supported by the Democratic Party is Global warming Especially before the Democratic Party vice president Albert Gore , strongly advocating greenhouse gases Strict control. On the other hand, Republicans doubt the truth of the global warming theory and worry about the impact of these regulations on the industry.
Most Democrats have long supported a government supported School education system (As Western Europe Most countries), and should be open to all American students of the right age, or at least increase the state subsidies for students, such as scholarships or tuition deductions [10] [11].

Social issues

The Democratic Party advocates that all Americans should have equal opportunities, regardless of their gender, age, race sexual orientation , religion, occupation or national origin. Therefore, most Democrats support the implementation of affirmative action policy to encourage the employment of minority and vulnerable groups, so as to improve equality in employment, but the Democrats oppose the adoption of strict employment quota system The Democratic Party also supports the establishment of a bill prohibiting employers from refusing to hire certain people on the grounds of physical or mental disability.
Democrats are divided on the issue of same-sex marriage. Some Democrats support Same-sex partner Between Civil union Some people prefer legal marriage, while others oppose same-sex marriage for religious reasons. But almost everyone agrees that discrimination based on gender orientation is wrong. Democratic National Committee Chairman of Howard Dean In some support homosexuality Under the proposal of 30% of Democrats, it is informally stipulated that at least 5-10% of the Democrats must be homosexuals in the 2008 Congress.
The Democratic Party believes that all women should achieve Fertility control And support the government to prepare contraceptives for poor women. In the political opinions of 2000 and 2004, the Democratic Party advocated that abortion should be made "safe, legal and rare" - that is, to avoid government interference in the choice of abortion so as to legalize abortion, reduce the number of abortions through awareness of production and contraception, and encourage the adoption of children.
The Democratic Party also opposes revoking the decision of Roe v. Wade, which approved the right of abortion in 1973. be based on rights of privacy and Gender equality Many Democrats believe that women should have the right to choose whether to reproduce or not without government intervention. They claim that every woman has the right to judge whether abortion is moral according to her conscience. Many Democrats believe that the government should prepare funds and channels for abortion for poor women.
However, there are also anti abortion groups in the Democratic Party, such as Democrats for Life, and a considerable number of Democrats also hold this issue neutralizing attitude Some people believe that abortion should be reduced and at least made legal. senator Hillary Clinton At the beginning of 2005, she said that she believed that those who opposed abortion should find a controversial "common ground" to avoid unnecessary pregnancy and abortion.
Stem cell research
Almost all Democrats support stem cell research, John Kelly It also supports the establishment of "the strictest ethical standards" by federal government Financing leads stem cell research. "We will not miss any opportunity that can save lives and reduce human suffering," he explained
May 11, 2022, USA pew research center (Pew Research Center) released a new survey, which shows that 57% of American adults believe that flying and Public transportation Should be required to wear a mask, however American parties However, there are great differences. The Democratic Party and other parties supporting the Democratic Party agree, while the Republican Party opposes wearing masks. [10]

Diplomatic issues

Invasion of Afghanistan
In 2001, senate and House of Representatives Democrats voted almost unanimously to authorize Afghanistan To fight against those "responsible for the recent terrorist attacks on the United States"( NATO )Dominate this aggression.
In 2002, Democratic senators decided whether to authorize the invasion Iraq While most House Democrats chose to vote Negative vote Since then, many Democrats have expressed their regret for supporting the authorized invasion. For example, Senator John Edwards called the invasion a mistake. except people's representative In addition, there are many prominent critics of the Iraq war in the Democratic Party.
Unilateral policy
Democrats usually oppose Unilateralism We believe that even when the United States is threatened by national defense and security, it should not launch a war without the support of other countries. They believe that the United States should take action only when it has a solid alliance and broad international support on the diplomatic stage, as John Kelly did in the 2004 presidential election foreign policy He also condemned the unilateral policy as the cause of the failure of the United States in Iraq.
Generally speaking, the modern Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and Neoliberalism , and Non realism , although Realism Theory also has some influence on the Democratic Party.

Legal issues

Extort confessions
The Democratic Party opposes the US military interrogating the arrested prisoners by extorting confessions, and opposes the classification of military prisoners as "illegal Combatant ”(Unlawfully comfortable), think they should also enjoy Geneva Convention Rights granted. The Democratic Party believes that extorting confessions is against humanity and will reduce America's international morality Justification And will also have other adverse effects.
American Patriotic Act
Except from Wisconsin All Democratic senators voted for the original U.S.A USA PATRIOT Act. But public opinion began to care about the "invasion of privacy" and Civil liberties The Democratic Party disagreed on whether to extend the bill in 2006. Most Democratic senators still chose to continue the bill, but most Democratic representatives voted against it.
rights of privacy
Democrats advocate that individuals should have the right to privacy, and usually support those who limit the surveillance of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies US citizen Act. Some Democrats support it Consumer Protection Law , limiting the consumer personal data that commercial companies can obtain.
Most Democrats believe that the government should not regulate the agreed non-commercial a sexual behavior (between adults), thinking that it is privacy Transaction for.
Crime and firearms control
Democrats often focus on Crime prevention On the issue of prevention of crime, he believes that crime prevention can save taxpayers' taxes and reduce unnecessary costs such as prison, police and medical expenses. They advocate improving community security and increasing more police patrols to achieve this goal. In the policies proposed by the Democratic Party in 2000 and 2004, it was pointed out that the fight against gangs and drug trafficking was a method of crime prevention. The Democratic Party's policy also proposes to avoid Family Violence It advocates strict punishment and protection of criminals victim
In order to reduce crime and murder, the Democratic Party proposed various controls on firearms, especially the 1968 Firearms Control Act, the 1993 Brady Bill Act, and the 1994 Crime control Act. However, many Democrats, especially those from rural areas, the South and the West, opposed the control of firearms and believed that the failure of the Democratic Party in 2000 was due to the loss of support from rural areas on this issue [14]. Therefore, in the 2004 election, the only political opinion put forward by the Democratic Party to support gun control by name was to request the extension of the 1994 assault weapons ban.

Successive presidential elections

Previous US Presidential Elections (Democratic Party)
particular year
election results
vice president
Number of elected posts
term of office
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight
7th term
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six
8th term
one thousand eight hundred and forty
one thousand eight hundred and forty-four
11th term
one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight
William Orlando Butler
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two
William Rufus Dwayne King
14th term
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six
John Cabell Breckinridge
15th term
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
Stephen Arnold Douglas (North)
Herschel Vespasian Johnson
john breckinridge |John C. Breckenrich (South)
Joseph Ryan
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four
George B. McClellan
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five
17th term
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
Horatio Seymour
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two
Benjamin Graz Brown
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six
Samuel Jones Tilton
Thomas Andrew Hendrix
one thousand eight hundred and eighty
William Haydn Ingrid
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four
Thomas Andrew Hendrix
22nd term
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight
Alan Granbury Thurman
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two
Adlai Ewing Stevenson
24th term
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six
Arthur Sewell
one thousand and nine hundred
Adlai Ewing Stevenson
one thousand nine hundred and four
Alton Brooks Parker
Henry Gasavi Davis
one thousand nine hundred and eight
John Worth Kern
one thousand nine hundred and twelve
28th term
one thousand nine hundred and sixteen
one thousand nine hundred and twenty
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four
Charles W. Brian
one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight
Alfred E. Smith
Joseph Taylor Robinson
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
32nd term
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six
one thousand nine hundred and forty
Henry Agard Wallace
one thousand nine hundred and forty-four
one thousand nine hundred and forty-five
33rd term
one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight
Alben W. Buckley
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two
John Sparkman
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six
Estes Kefauver
one thousand nine hundred and sixty
35th term
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three
36th term
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two
Sargent Shriver
one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six
39th term
one thousand nine hundred and eighty
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Michael Dukakis
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
42nd term
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
two thousand
Joe Lieberman
two thousand and four
two thousand and eight
44th term
two thousand and twelve
two thousand and sixteen
two thousand and twenty
success [7]
46th term
two thousand and twenty-four
nomination [13]
[1] . Resignation
[2] Assassinated during his tenure
[3] . died in office
[4] Republican President Abraham Lincoln After being assassinated on April 15, 1865 Andrew Johnson He succeeded the President of the United States on the same day.